Ⅰ 備考雅思的時候看哪些電影能對考試有所幫助呢
Ⅱ 我給80分!!!我要大學生准備考雅思,想提高我的英文口語應該看些什麼類似生活大爆炸的情景劇
【veronica mars】翻譯為美眉校探,這個是本人最喜歡的美劇,特別推薦給你~
【lie to me】別對我撒謊,讀微表情、看身體動作~
【gossip girl】不用多說了吧
【犯罪心理】同樣破案~個人比較喜歡劇情,語速適中 尤其Reid的口音比較純正
PS:建議就是挑一部自己喜歡的劇反復看 聽久了就真的聽懂了。口語多練習也很重要的,我也可以介紹你一個我們的群,每天晚上都通過skype練口語的。在Hi里聯系我~
Ⅲ 雅思口語part2話題
An exciting sport
-what kind of people like traveling,
-what are the differences between business trip and tourist trip
-How do you think the relationship between business trip and international cooperation?
A speech/talk
打電話和face to face一樣嗎?why?
Family photograph
Which factors are involved in photo?
Is it a work of art?
Is it important in media?
Does it help people be famous?
Is it reliable?
Something good for your health healthy food
a picnic/outdoors meals
A book you want to read again:
A person who won a competition:who, what, when, how you felt.
A historical place
A country/ foreign city you want to go
would u live there for a long time?
Do you think young people would like to live there?
Traffic jam
A group activity
do you prefer to work in a group or work alon
special festival
a happy event
leisure activities
A party
An interesting place in your hometown,
An intelligent person (who when where)
A person who helped you
Activities/music in your childhood
A skill you recently learned
A sport you want to learn.
A course you want to take.
A future plan
A Job You Did Quicklyprogram,
A ideal job
Global language
Ideal job
The perfect climate/weather
shopping/small shop /supermarket
music instrument
Animal protection
special gift you sent to others
Car /vehicle
2、happy event(什麼事情讓你快樂?是金錢還是友情讓你快樂)
3、a meal
8、exciting sports(運動有哪些危險性?應該做些什麼安全措施?)
10、leisure activity
12、childhood memory(年輕人喜歡不喜歡回憶?年輕人會回憶什麼?)
13、an article in a newspaper or magzine.
14、intelligent person
我是10月31日考的 我考的是 traffic jam
Ⅳ 雅思口語基本問題回答 謝謝 在線等!!!!
Film,電影。這是6、7月的口語考試中,經常考到的一個口語話題卡。手裡正好有現成的樣板答案,我稍微編輯了一下,拿出來跟大家分享。答案來自以前強化班的一個學生--- Cindy。Cindy口語不錯,加上准備充分,去年的時候口語考了個7.5,現在正在我最喜歡的大學(沒有之一)St Andrews(聖安德魯斯)念書。在此向她表示感謝。
Describe the type of film you most enjoy watching.
You should say:
what this type is①
what the characteristics of this type are②
when you last watched this type③
and explain why you like this type.④
① Among all types of films, I like war films best.
② The first obvious feature of war films is that it involves at least one hero in the story, who is often brave, smart and unselfish. In addition, the battle scenes which involve large number of soldiers, planes and weapons vividly present a picture of what wars were actually like.
③ Recently, I watched a war film named Assembly directed by the famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. It was a drama about a soldier of a People's Liberation Army unit ring the civil war in the 1940s. The soldier, once a company commander, devotes his life to redeeming the honor of fellow soldiers who are declared missing in action. The film has been called the Chinese version of「Saving Private Ryan」, and indeed, the film looks like seriously brutal stuff.④ I like war films first because I can learn more about history through watching this kind of film. And I am especially interested in historic wars and battles, like the battle of Somme and so on. War films present to us a vivid picture of how brutal a war can be. Besides, I can appreciate the bravery and unselfishness of those heros in war films, like the captain in the Hollywood hit Saving Private Ryan. Part 3: Films in General 1. What types of film are most popular in China? There's no one type of film which is the most popular in China actually. Chinese audiences like all kinds of film: comedy, tragedy, detective film.etc. I guess new year films are most popular. They're kind of domestic-made big budget fims. It has somehow become a cultural phenomenon in China for audiences to cram into the cinema to watch those films specially made for the new year season. 2. Do Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films? ? Yes. The price of the ticket is reasonable in China, more and more people like going to the cinema to experience the real life sound and larger than life size screen. Generally speaking, Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films because you are more involved in the film and the environment helps you focus your attention on the film and enjoy it. When a blockbuster is on in China like Assembly or Lust, Caution, many people go to the cinema to watch them. 3. Compare the films that older people like to watch with those that younger people like. Mostly, older people like slow tempo movies with classic plot, for example: movies about animals and novels...Younger people like anything, from affectional movies to horror movies. Mostly, older people like slow movies with not-so-abstract plots, like movies about novels and historical events. And they always prefer comedies to tragedies. Compared with them, younger people have a broader range of taste. They like almost all kinds of films, especially romance, sci-fi and action movies. 4. How has science and technology affected the way films are made today? Computer is playing a more important role in today's films to make special effect. Special effect makes the films more exciting. With the development of science and technology, film studios are able to create more vivid picture of scenes in the scientific fictions. Such development enables more companies to proce more successful sci-fi movies, like the ET and Star Wars series.
Ⅳ 經典英文電影對白 雅思聽力擴展訓練利器
best line:
If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once.
My affections and wishes have not changed.
But one word from you will silence me for ever.
If, however, your feelings have changed......I would have to tell you,you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love...I love... I love you.I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
best line:
Damn,damn,damn,damn. I've grown accustomed to her face.She almost makes the day begin.
I've grown accustomed to the tune that she whistles night and noon,her smiles,her frowns,her ups,her downs are second nature to me now.
Like breathing out and breathing in.I was serenely independent and content before we met.Surely I could always be the way again.
And yet I've grown accustomed to her looks.
Accustomed to her voice.
Accustomed to her face.
成為簡奧斯汀簡?奧斯汀(安妮·海瑟薇 飾)的一生是否如她的文字那樣充滿曲折的過程和完滿的結局?《成為簡》用傳記方式描述她的一生。安妮·海瑟薇主演,擁有燦爛明媚的笑容和高雅端正的氣質,還帶有一點點的調皮可愛,被譽為「茱莉亞·羅伯茨和奧黛莉·赫本」的綜合體。電影里的台詞無比文藝清新,可以說這是一場英式的嚴肅雅思聽力課。
best line:
But if our love destroys your family, it will destroy itself. In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame.
Truth, made from contradiction. But it must come with a smile.
Or else I shall count it as false and shall have had no love at all.
best line:
The task will be hard.
There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God.
If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God's help, we shall prevail.
維多利亞女王是英國歷史上在位時間比較長的君王,從1837年繼位到1901年駕崩,統治英國長達63年。空前絕後。 這發生在200年前的故事,溫情脈脈地,感動了我。所有的宮廷亂斗,在這你都能看到。當然,少不了那英音的極致形態:女王音。就把這當成是一場雙膝送上的雅思聽力跪舔膜拜課吧。
best line:
only you ,know how to hear me through the silence
best line:
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man;true nobility is being superior to your former self.
best line:
Oh, come on, Em. Be spontaneous. Be reckless. Live for the moment!
best line:
Of course, I've seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous
-- but, you know, million miles from the world I live in. Which is here -- Notting Hill -- my favourite bit of London.
There's the market on weekdays, selling every fruit and vegetable known to man... The tattoo parlour
-- with a guy outside who got drunk and now can't remember why he chose 'I Love Ken'... tattoo
The racial hair-dressers
- where everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster, whether they want to or not...
Then suddenly it's the weekend, and from break of day, hundreds of stalls appears out of nowhere, filling Portobello Road right up to Notting Hill Gate.
And wherever you look thousands of people are buying millions of antiques, some genuine... and some not quite so genuine.
And what's great is that lots of friends have ended up in this part of London -- that's Tony, architect turned chef, who recently invested all the money he ever earned in a new restaurant... ended up
So this is where I spend my days and years -- in this small village in the middle of a city -- in a house with a blue door that my wife and I bought together... before she left me for a man who looked like Harrison Ford, only even handsomer... and where i lead a strange half-life with a lodger called
-- Spike!
成長教育這部電影改編自英國女記者 Lynn Barber 的回憶錄。16歲那年,她人生的唯一目標、她處於下層中產階級的父母多年來的唯一期待,是讓她考上牛津大學,直到她在雨中邂逅了一個瀟灑的男人......
best line:
Action is character. If we never did anything, we wouldn't be anybody.
best line:
I want to tell you a secret. A great secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. You must always remember this. Have courage and be kind.
環球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 經典英文電影對白 雅思聽力擴展訓練利器? ]問題解答,希望能夠幫助到大家!
Ⅵ 有關於雅思口語 電影和書的話題
Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?
Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I』m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.
Why do you like to watch films?
Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .
Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles』 emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.
What kind of films do you like?
I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the procer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!
Who is your favorite movie star?
My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She』s good at martial arts. She』s not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she』s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.
What』s the difference between American films and Chinese films?
I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.
Ⅶ 雅思口語part 2 考試流程以及注意事項
烤鴨小夥伴們, 在備考中的你應當了解我們在備考中常見遇到的問題,然後對症下葯,這樣在考的一分鍾內,能毫無保留,毫無壓力的流利說出故事。今天在雅思口語微課堂當中,環球青藤小編來給大介紹一下雅思口語Part 2 的考試流程以及一些注意事項。
1、Part 2 部分的開始往往伴隨著考官對大所說的“三句話”
“Now I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about this topic for 1 to 2 minutes.” ; “ Before you speak, you’ll have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to say” ; “ You can take some notes to help you, if you wish on this piece of paper.” 然後這個時候考官會對你說,“Do you understand ? “
“ I’d like you to describe….. ”+ 這個時候考官會給你去念一下話題卡的題目部分. 當你拿到話題卡以及草稿紙的時候,1分鍾的准備計時開始了。
之前老師的許多學生都問過老師一個問題是,“當我拿到話題卡的時候,如果我不喜歡, 或者之前沒有準備過可不可以要求換題.”當然不可以了啊,因為出題官方認為每一個話題卡都是足夠去適合每一位參加雅思口語考的考生的。
當然如果你覺得有一些話題卡的問題確實離你的生活比較遠,well Just Tell a LIE ! 你要明確的是,這只是一個口語測。像之前老師在P1 部分曾經說過,如果考官問你是否喜歡看電影,千萬不要糾結! 如果喜歡的角度比較好說,說喜歡好了,因為他並不會因為你說喜歡看 “星戰”和你約一起去看。
3、在整個雅思口語Part 2過程當中,考官不會和你進行任何交流
在Part 2 過程當中,考官為了顯示他在仔細地聽你地作答,他可能會說一些類似 “ Mm, Oh!, or Okay. “ 但是烤鴨們只管繼續去說好了,不用特別在意。
還有一點,大可能在Part 2部分經常遇到地一個問題是時間說不夠,比如你只說了大概1分15秒,其實這個大部分考官都會說, “ Thank you.”但是也有一些考官會通過一些“肢體語言”提醒,暗示你應該再去多說一些。
在Part 2 結束之後,進入到了 part 3。一般考官都是這樣引出Part 3—“You’ve just been speaking about ( the topic ) and now I would like to ask you a few, more general questions on the topic of ( part 2 ) .
Ⅷ 雅思口語題
給你幾個外教給的詞:blockbuster耗巨資拍攝的影片,sci-fi科幻,indie movie獨立電影,film noir黑色電影,special effects特效。
我准備的是蒂姆伯頓的nightmare before christmas,又黑色又科幻,還不俗,老外聽的特高興。
Ⅸ 雅思口語如何更有效的提高表達能力
1. 挑選高質量英美劇
2. 模仿練習
關於看美劇做模仿練習,想強調兩點:a.只模仿一個人的發音;b.不要模仿發音陋習。有的同學可能會有疑問,為什麼只模仿一個人的發音?Native speaker也會有發音陋習嗎?只模仿一個人的發音是為了讓大家練習口音的時候更容易把握發音的精要,選擇這個人發音一定要標准。第二個問題,Native speaker的發音陋習問題。其實很多英美劇中的人物表達都會有一些錯誤或者陋習(可能是導演安排),比如,what』s up?有的人會說what up?有的人還會在they、I後面跟is等等,這類表達錯誤雖然不影響理解,但是對於我們這些學習語言的人來說是一定要避免的。
有的同學學過英語語法規則以後就開始用語法造句,雖然一些句子是符合語法規則的,但卻是非常中式的表達。比如我們經常會說「How to say(怎麼說)」,其實正確的表達是「How do you say that」,還有很多根據中文直譯過來的句子,比如I(我)very(很)like(喜歡)it(它).其實正規的表達應該是I like it very much。所以想要練好雅思口語,一定不要在英語表達中應用中式思維去組句子。學習英式思維不僅要將語法書系統學習一遍,然後要多讀多聽多看,形成英式思維的表達習慣。
三. 口語模考練習怎樣做更有效
Ⅹ 雅思口語考試中有哪些關於歷史話題的重點
雅思口語中說到歷史,我們並不陌生,因為幾乎每個人從小就學習歷史。According to Wikipedia, History is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. 也就是說,歷史是對過去的研究,尤其是和人相關的研究。
歷史在人類社會的發展過程中,起到至關重要的作用。它告訴我們我們是誰,我們來自哪;它讓我們穿越時間和空間去思考過去發生了什麼,我們從中能學到什麼;它使我們更好的了解這個世界。The history plays a vital role in the development of society. It gives us an insight into who we are and where we come from; it helps us stretch our perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and what we can learn from the past; it provides us with a chance to understand the world.
1. Do you like to learn about history?
這是一道喜歡或者不喜歡類的題目,首先我們來學習一下表達『喜歡』的語言,題目中的like可以替換成be interested in; be into; be fond of; 或者用I find something interesting.不喜歡除了用dislike以外,還可以替換成hate; loathe; be fed up with; be sick of.
關於這道題,通常情況下,我們會回答喜歡,或者不喜歡。注意,答案盡量以Yes, I do.的形式出現,而不是單獨的yes。同時也可以替換成Yes, very much so; Yes, definitely; Yes, absolutely等表達。同樣,否定的答案,可以用Not really; Not exactly; 或者是,No, it』s not my kind of thing來代替。
若該題目的答案是喜歡,那麼我們需要在表明傾向後加以解釋,通常是給出原因或例子。除了以上所講到的歷史的作用外,喜歡了解歷史的原因還可以是:The historical events are very interesting(歷史事件非常有趣);It can make us wise(使人明智)等。
若回答不喜歡,則也須講明原因,或者講明不喜歡的地方在哪。這里推薦給考生一個加分的表達:to have a love-hate relationship with something,意思是說對某物或是某件事情既愛又恨。回想我們不喜歡歷史的原因,可能更多的是因為我們不喜歡以背誦為主的歷史考試,而非我們對歷史事件真的不感興趣。(I』m more interested in historical stories rather than in details of names, dates and places.)
範例1: Yes, very much so. I』d say history is my real love. You know, it』s easy for me to get lost while reading historical books or watching some documentaries. I find history very interesting, mainly because it helps me stretch my perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and how our ancestors experienced things.
範例2: Well, to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with history, generally because I』m much into the stories and the insights it gives me into the past, but I』m really struggling in the history exams which are usually centered around dates, names and places.
2. Do you think history is important?
It allows people to understand how culture, politics, economy, society and values developed. (它使得人們了解文化,政治,經濟,社會以及價值是如何發展的)
History not only deals with the past but also with how the past led to the present. (歷史不僅是關於過去,還關於過去如何導致了現在)
It tells us what happened in the past, so that we avoid repeating mistakes. (他告訴我們過去發生了什麼,以幫助我們避免重復錯誤)
範例:Yes, I think so. History not only deals with the past, but also with how the past led to the present. So it allows people to understand how culture, politics, society and values developed. More importantly, since it tells us what happened in the past, we could avoid repeating mistakes.
3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?
了解歷史的方式有很多,比如看電影,讀書,看紀錄片,參觀歷史景點,上歷史課等。(There are many ways to learn about history, such as watching films, reading books, watching documentaries, visiting historical sites, and attending history classes. )。至於哪一種才是了解歷史最好的方式(the best way to learn history),每個人心中的答案各不相同。
這道題目是問,我們是否可以通過看電影或者電視節目這種方式來了解歷史。目前,我們的電影類型有很多,比如comedy(喜劇),action movies(動作片),science fiction films(科幻片),martial arts films(功夫片),romance films(愛情片),war movies(戰爭片)等等,至於電視節目,種類更是繁多,常見的有reality shows(真人秀),talent search(選人才節目),talk shows(談話類節目),variety shows(文藝晚會),sitcoms(情景喜劇)等等。這些影片或者電視節目多多少少的涉及了一些歷史,然而它們的主要目的還是以娛樂和教育為主(entertaining and ecational),以講述歷史為目的還要屬documentaries(紀錄片)。
回到題目,這是一道是非疑問類的題目,我們的答案可以是肯定的,否定的或者不一定的。然而通過上面的分析,這道題目回答No或It depends可能更容易一些。原因可能是有些電影或是電視節目會根據劇情需要對歷史進行改編(Some historical events might be rewritten by editors to satisfy the plot),每部電影或者電視節目會站在各自不同的角度看待歷史,我們容易受電影或節目中人物和劇情的影響(They may show the history from different perspectives, so that we are easy to be influenced by the characters and plots.),因此我們並不總是能夠從電影和電視節目中了解到歷史,然而記錄片除外,因為其涉及的內容主要是歷史或科學(Documentaries mainly deal with history or science)。因此,從紀錄片中,我們比較容易了解真正的歷史。
範例:It depends. It depends on what the movie or program is. I mean, we usually watch some movies and TV programs in which some historical events are rewritten to satisfy the plots. In this case, I don』t think we can learn the real history. However, we may learn some from documentaries, which are particularly deal with historical issues or science.
4. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
同樣,這也是一道是非疑問類的題目,無論我們的答案是肯定的還是否定的,都需要有充分的支持。例如,這道題目你可以回答『是』(Yes, I think so; Yes I guess so; Yes sort of),然後在給出理由,可以是網路資源充分,且免費,查閱方便等等(give a convenient access to information on almost everything)。所以你經常到什麼樣的網站上去瀏覽什麼樣的歷史知識。
除此之外,你還可以給出否定的答案(No, I don』t think so; No, I don』t think it』s necessarily the case.),然後給出原因,可能是因為網路信息並不總是可靠或者客觀(not always reliable or objective),也可能是因為網路當中充斥著大量的誤導或虛假或歪曲的信息(be awash with some misleading or false or distorted information),還有可能是因為網路上信息量過於龐大導致很難找到真正有用可靠的信息(With so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need)。因此我們應當慎重使用網路信息(be careful in using the information on the internet)
範例1:Yes, I guess so. It』s mainly because the Internet gives us a convenient access to information on almost everything we need. So I usually go to some news and ecation websites to read some information about history or other things.
範例2: Well, I don』t think it』s necessarily the case, mainly because the stuff on the Internet is not always reliable or objective. You know, everyone can publish their own ideas on the websites so the Internet might be awash with a huge amount of misleading, false or distorted things. In addition, with so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need. So yeah, that』s basically why I suppose not.