導航:首頁 > 熱門電影 > 外國電影筆試


發布時間:2022-03-09 11:27:35

① 我的英語筆試還行,但口語不好,一見外國人就傻眼了,誰能告訴我怎樣快速提高嗎謝謝大家了


② 有一部電影講一家公司把幾個前來應聘的人召集在一個房間里做筆試,求電影名字




主演:盧克·梅伯利/Luke Mably>>>

③ 有一部外國電影,是幾個面試總裁助理的人,80分鍾筆試,面試的人叫白色

終極面試 Exam (2009)

④ 面試市場部,筆試題目居然有寫懸疑類電影的影評,例如《禁閉島》,這是為什麼,我要怎麼寫


⑤ 藝考了 筆試的電影影評怎麼寫 詳細點


⑥ 英語筆試部分.

sell out是賣光,賣完。
more than 不僅僅 ,多於。。。,超出
come true 實現,成為現實,成真
take off 起飛;脫下;離開
the price of 指。。。。的價格
land at:使登陸,使靠岸。。。
dream abpit 這詞應該是你打錯了,不過沒關系,通過排除法能填出來
go to sleep去睡覺
fly to 飛向。。。。
take photos 照相
1(landed at)2(flew to f)3(dream 。。。。。)4(sold out)5(take photos)6(the price of)7(More than)8(take off)9(go to sleep)10(come true)

⑦ 幾個英語筆試題

1,which/that is
2 prefers to
3 new expected aspects.

⑧ 麻煩各位給我提供一些模擬聯合國筆試的一些問題 越多越好 特別是參加過筆試的同學 謝謝

第一部分他們會有給你一些有關MUN的流程規則的單詞、還有意思,讓你連線。比如說:placard..roll call..bloc..resolution and so on。
如:Agenda Setting
Present and Yield..



⑨ 03級廣院公共事業管理筆試播放的電影名稱為

《當我們同在一起Go Go》

⑩ 美國FBI都有哪些測試,除了筆試外有什麼具體的素質要求


Minimum Qualifications for the Special Agent Position

Special Agent applicants must meet the following MINIMUM qualifications to be considered for the position:

- be a United States citizen or a citizen of the Northern Mariana Islands,
- be completely available for assignment anywhere in the FBI's geographic jurisdiction,
- be at least 23 years of age but not yet 37 at the time of hire (e to the length of time it takes to test, process, and hire new agents, it is advisable not to begin testing if an applicant is over 36 ½ years of age),
- possess a valid driver's license,
- be deemed by the FBI's Chief Medical Officer to be physically able to engage in firearms use, raids, defensive tactics, and other essential functions of the job, and
- possess a bachelor's degree from a four-year resident program at a college or university which is certified by one of the six regional accrediting bodies of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Ecation.

In addition to the above minimum qualifications, Special Agent candidates must qualify under one or more of the following four entrance programs: Law, Accounting, Language, and Diversified.

Law: To qualify under the Law Program, you must have a J.D. degree from an accredited resident law school.

Accounting: To qualify under the Accounting Program, you must have a bachelor's degree with a major in accounting or a related discipline, and be academically eligible to take the CPA examination. Candidates who have not passed the CPA exam will be required to pass the FBI's accounting test.

Language: To qualify under the Language Program, you must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline plus proficiency in a language that meets the needs of the FBI. Candidates will be required to pass a foreign language proficiency test.

Diversified: To qualify under the Diversified Program, you must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline accompanied by three years of full-time work experience, or an advanced degree in any discipline accompanied by two years of full-time work experience.

Special Agent candidates must commit to serving the FBI as a Special Agent for three years.



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