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❶ cos什麼意思網路用語 cos的意思





❷ cos 是什麼 。


❸ cosplay的意思是什麼

cosplay 是什麼意思呀?



COS是英文Costume 的簡略寫法,其動詞為COS,而玩COS的人則一般被稱為COSER。但因為這種譯法與游戲中的Role Playing Game(RPG)同為角色扮演之意,所以為免雷同,更確切的說COS就是服飾裝扮。


Thesedie-hardfansofanime and manga aren',though,butfor thefunofahobbycalledcosplay.


Fuyeor:I'mshocked!Yousaid you wouldn'!








❹ 中國十大最著名coser都有誰


❺ 跪求!!!!cosplay 的全英文介紹,附帶中文介紹....

COSPLAY Costume Play simple English writing, Japanese writing" .". Generally refers to the use of clothing, jewelry, props and makeup to play animation works, the role of the game. Play with COSPLAY are generally referred to as COSPLAYER.

COSPLAY是英文Costume Play的簡略寫法,日文寫作「コスプレ」。一般指利用服裝、飾品、道具以及化妝來扮演動漫作品、游戲中的角色。玩COSPLAY的人則一般被稱為COSPLAYER。

A brief introction of COSPLAY
Cosplay relatively narrow interpretation is modeled, dress up virtual world role, also known as cosplay. Thus, on the network derived a new meaning, is often used to describe a class of people."". For example, a ID in any occasion, said he is A star, but said A
COSPLAY character samples (15) star of the other fans feel hurt A star, then A star fans say " you are cos ( Cosplay for short) A fans". It is suspected this man is not actually A fans. In a sense, the cosplay ( generally said that COS ) on the network's derivative meaning, is a derogatory term. As the name suggests, the cosplay is the English costume play simple style of writing, the verb cos, while playing for Cosplay are generally referred to as Coser [ cosplayer ] also known as. From the general sense of the cosplay the earliest Chinese translation is from Taiwan, means the cosplay. But because this method and game of the role play game ( RPG ) with Cosplay meaning, so as to avoid the same, I prefer a - Costume Dress up. In today's cosplay, its form and content generally refers to the use of clothing, small jewelry, props and costume to play ACG ( anime, comic, game ) in the role or some Japanese visual bands and movies with certain characters, from here we can see that in the positioning of the cosplay contains a broad space to play, and even can be said as long as there is a cosplayer in place, this field will definitely is the mainstream of Youth Popular culture.

cosplay比較狹義的解釋是模仿、裝扮虛擬世界的角色,也被稱為角色扮演。由此,在網路上衍生出了新的含義,往往被用來形容「假扮某類人的人」。 例如,一個ID在任何場合下,表示了自己是A明星的粉絲,但是卻說出了A
COSPLAY人物實拍圖(15張)明星的其他粉絲認為傷害了A明星的話,那麼就會有A明星的粉絲說「你是cos(cosplay的簡稱)A君的粉絲吧」。意思就是懷疑這個人實際上並不是A的粉絲。 從某種意義上說,cosplay(一般都說cos)在網路上的衍生含義,是個貶義詞。 顧名思義,cosplay是英文costume play的簡略寫法,其動詞為cos,而玩cosplay的人則一般被稱為coser[也稱cosplayer]。從一般意義上來說的cosplay最早的中文譯名是出自台灣,意思是指角色扮演。但因為這種譯法與游戲中的role play game(rpg)同為角色扮演之意,所以為免雷同,筆者更傾向於另一種譯法--服飾裝扮。以現今的cosplay而言,其形式及內容一般是指利用服裝、小飾品、道具以及化裝來扮演acg(anime、comic、game)中的角色或是一些日本視覺系樂隊以及電影中的某些人物,從這里可以看出在定位上cosplay包含了相當廣闊的發揮空間,甚至可以說只要是有cosplayer在的地方,這一領域便絕對就是當今青少年流行文化的主流。

COSPLAY vocabulary
Costume (n) = a character costumes, clothing. Costume ( verb ) = garment. Costumer = dressed with a character similar to the one, and cosplayer is almost. Cosplay - origin: a proposed by Nov.Takahashi, the English" CostumePlay". His inspiration comes from the United States of America in San Francisco International masquerade, and because of his in Japan" MyAnime" magazine article (1982) is expressed in the cosplay enthusiasm, triggering a 1982-83years Cosplay Japan movement. Although Cosplay is not originated in Japan, but the United States is now Cosplay is affected by the Japanese Cosplay great influence. Cosplay ( noun ) = wearing about anime costume. Cosplay ( verb ) = put on the anime costume. Cosplayer = wearing Costume. Crossplay ( verb ) = Cosplay part : the cosplay plays opposite sex. Crossplayer = Cosplay plays a heterosexual man. Crossdressing = in heterosexual clothing. One crosdressing, does not mean that he is crossplay ( that is to say, a man as a man, while the latter likes girls clothes, that the former is Crossdressing, but not crossplay ). Crossplay and cosdressing no relationship, only playing sex and gender play object. For example: ( feel shy ah, name translation is not a: P ). Boys cosNuriko, KamatariorMana not crossplaying it is crossdressing. Girls cosNuriko, KamatariorMana crossplaying, but not crossdressing. CosUtenaorSakura crossplaying is also Crossdressing boys. CosKenshinorVash crossplaying is Crossdressing girl. Crossplaying and Crossdressing can not be fully described a person's sexual orientation. You cannot have a Crossplayer is male (female) lesbian, or bisexual. As for the life of Crossdressing, more or less on a person's sexual orientation cue, but please don 't assume, you may be totally wrong. Glomp definition: a congratulations or greeting embrace ( sometimes said the attacks ).
Costume(名詞)=某一角色的裝束,服裝。 Costume(動詞)=制衣。 Costumer=穿著與某人物相似的人,與cosplayer差不多。 cosplay-起源:一個由Nov.Takahashi提出的,英語「CostumePlay」的簡寫。他的這一靈感源於在美國舊金山的國際化妝舞會,並且由於他在日本「MyAnime」雜志上發表的文章(1982年)中表示的對cosplay的熱情,引發了1982-83年日本的cosplay運動。雖然cosplay並非起源於日本,但美國現在的cosplay卻受了日本cosplay很大的影響。 cosplay(名詞)=穿著有關動漫人物的服飾。 cosplay(動詞)=穿上有關動漫人物的服飾。 cosplayer=穿著Costume的人。 Crossplay(動詞)=cosplay的一部分:在cosplay中扮演異性。 Crossplayer=在cosplay中扮演異性的人。 Crossdressing=穿著異性的服裝。一個人crosdressing的時候,並不能說明他是crossplay(也就是說,一個男的扮演一個男的,而後者喜歡女生衣服,那前者是crossdressing,但不是crossplay)。crossplay和cosdressing沒有任何關系,只和扮演者的性別與扮演對象的性別有關。 舉例:(不好意思啊,人名譯不出:P)。 男生cosNuriko,KamatariorMana不是crossplaying卻是crossdressing。 女生cosNuriko,KamatariorMana是crossplaying,卻不是crossdressing。 男生cosUtenaorSakura是crossplaying也是crossdressing。 女生cosKenshinorVash是crossplaying也是crossdressing。 crossplaying和crossdressing並不能完全說明一個人的性別傾向。你不能斷定一個Crossplayer是男(女)同性戀,還是雙性戀。至於生活中的crossdressing,或多或少對一個人的性別傾向有所暗示,但請不要臆斷,你可能會完全錯誤的。Glomp 定義:一種表達祝賀或問候的擁抱(有時候也表示攻擊)。

Development history
In human history, Cosplay is primarily used as a dection of myths and legends, folk anecdote, holiday story, literary works, philosophical doctrine, worship, exciting plot, plot to lateral sounds, heart desire demand fantasy, and to a corresponding COSPLAY
Costumes, props and plot, to interpretation of the role and content vividly show. For example, a Greek priests dress, then there are two great Greek epic" Iliad" and" the Odyssey" of the group active from the eighth Century BC travel poems people playing the role of others. The former leads into the later prophets, seers, interpretation of the apostles successfully in existence, while the latter is the originator of the stage play, reach the acme of perfection to dece a number of heroic deeds. European nomadic Gypsies can also be said to be the first cross-dressing performer. When passing by a ground, in order to survive, they through the performance of myth and legend, folk anecdote, the singing way to get bread and water, which perform a variety of costumes and props for nature is the essential equipment. Whenever and wherever possible the role held masquerade, the Halloween Parade, a parade on New Year's day, National Day parade or ceremony when, many people dressed as holiday stories or various mascot, strong drag culture embodied. East China ancient ancestors also have a long history of costume culture. With thousands of years of traditional dragon dance ritual can be said to be one of representative activities. The Dragon at the time often have two kinds of meanings, one is to pray God dew to farmland, the other is a pray for a bumper grain harvest, Vientiane auspicious meaning. This activity was carried out before, first to select well-built, attitude and several young men, and let them wear yellow, red represents festive clothing ( sometimes for the nobles of the court when performing clothes even rust pattern), in accordance with the advance choreography they will be composed of one or a plurality of dragon dance team performances from a variety of matrix pattern, and a drum as the accompaniment of gongs. Until around seventeenth Century (i.e., the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty ), by the dragon and lion dance, we multiply the Longxiang activity, and these are some of the characters in costumes Cosplay are closely contact. Tibet folk myths and hero of the Chinese Tibetan, super ferry souls to paradise of India Buddhism, Buddhist sacred mountain spirit artifact Shinto temple activities, costumes, props, performing all of these activities is the important composition element.

在人類歷史傳統上,Cosplay主要被用作演繹神話傳說、民間逸聞、節日故事、文藝作品、哲理學說、祭祖情節、振奮助興情節、側繹願望訴求、心靈幻想等,並以相應 COSPLAY
的服飾、道具和情節,把要演繹的角色和內容活靈活現地呈現出來。 比如說有希臘祭祀們的裝扮,繼而有兩部偉大希臘史詩《伊利亞特》和《奧德賽》的那群活躍於公元前8世紀的游吟詩人們扮演著別人的角色。前者引變為後世的先知、先見,成功地演繹出神之使徒的存在,而後者則如同是現今舞台話劇的鼻祖,出神入化地演繹出若干英雄事跡。 歐洲的游牧民族吉普賽人也可以說是最早的一批扮裝表演者。每當路經一地,為了生存,他們就透過演出神話傳說、民間逸聞、吟遊彈唱的方式來獲得麵包與水,這其中各種演出用的服飾與道具自然是必不可少的裝備。 隨時隨地舉行的角色化妝舞會、萬聖節遊行、新年大遊行、國慶日遊行活動或特別盛典時中,不少人裝扮成節日故事的人物或各類吉祥物,濃厚的扮裝文化得以體現。 東方中國古代的先民也有著歷史悠久的扮裝文化。具有千年傳統的舞龍儀式可以說是其中具代表性的活動。舞龍在當時往往有兩種寓意,一種是祈求上蒼降甘露給農田,另一種則有祈求五穀豐登、萬象吉祥之意。此活動進行前,首先要選出體格健壯、姿態威武的男性青年若干位,並讓他們穿上黃、紅色的代表喜慶的服飾(有時為宮廷貴族表演時衣服上甚至銹有花紋),按照事先的編舞他們將組成一支或多支舞龍隊伍表演出各種方陣圖案,並有鼓鑼聲作為伴奏。到17世紀左右(即明末清初),由舞龍中又繁衍出了舞獅、鳳舞龍翔的活動,這些都與以服飾扮裝某些角色都有著緊密的聯系。 西藏民間神話英雄的中國藏戲、超渡亡魂到極樂凈土的印度佛教中的佛事、祭祀山靈神器的日本神道教廟宇活動,服飾、道具、表演都是這些活動的重要組成元素。

Cosplay origin
Talking about cosplay, the initial origin, it is now generally agree is the birthplace of cosplay positioning in Japan, of course, if it is at times Cosplay concept for reference it is so. But if in a broad sense, COSPLAY animation real origin is the United States in the Western Hemisphere, even if you really want to discuss Cosplay the original form of the word, I can not hesitate to tell you Cosplay first appeared in the year before for centuries! Because whether1000 BC is existing Greek priests dress, or subsequently created two great Greek epic" Iliad" and" the Odyssey" of the group active from the eighth Century BC great poems people swim, he ( she ) people are actually in playing the role of others. The former leads into the later prophets, seers, successful Cosplay God apostolic exist, while the latter is the originator of the stage play, reach the acme of perfection Cosplay those capable of evoking praises and tears the heroes. In fact, the cosplay must include the meaning and dress not only means a kind of appearance of the image, it is much more important to Cosplay heart.



【是這樣么= =?尼瑪累的我……】

❻ cos是什麼意思

1、COS(Collection of Style)是 Hennes & MauritzAB(即H&M)集團旗下高端品牌,在歐洲以簡約且不退潮流的美學設計而聞名。目前,中國只有北京和天津有店鋪。

2、COS是英文Costume 的簡略寫法,其動詞為COS,而玩COS的人則一般被稱為COSER。從一般意義上來說的COSPLAY最早的中文譯名是出自台灣,意思是指角色扮演。




COS(Collection of Style), Hennes & MauritzAB(即H&M)集團旗下高端品牌。



❼ COSER是什麼意思

COS是英文Costume 的簡略寫法,其動詞為COS,而玩COS的人則一般被稱為COSER(有時也稱為cosplayer)。從一般意義上來說的COSPLAY最早的中文譯名是出自台灣,意思是指角色扮演。









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