導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 你能告訴我去電影院的路怎麼走嗎翻譯


發布時間:2022-09-27 06:07:26

Ⅰ 用英語翻譯: 對不起打擾你了,但是你能告訴我光明影院怎麼走嗎

I am sorry (for the disturbance, but) could you please show me the way to Guangming Cinema?

Ⅱ 你能告訴我去電影院怎麼走嗎英語翻譯Cou you tell me how to —— the cinema

get to 到某地點去

Ⅲ 你能告訴我去公園的路嗎的翻譯

Could you tell me the way to the park?
Could you tell me how to get to the park?

Ⅳ 『你能告訴我電影院路口在那還行嗎』的英語

'can you tell me where the cinema intersection ok?'

Ⅳ 『你能告訴我電影院路口在那還行嗎』的英語翻譯

Can you tell me where is the cinema intersection?


Ⅵ 你能告訴我電影院路口在那還行嗎的英語怎麼說

Can you tell me where is the cinema intersection?

Can you tell me where is the cinema intersection?

Ⅶ 你能告訴我到公園的路怎麼走嗎用英語同義句

Can you show/tell me the way to the park?
Can you tell me how I can get to the park?
Can you tell me which is the way to the park?

Ⅷ 你不知道去電影院的路怎麼走用英語問

Excuse me, do you know how to get to the cinema?

Ⅸ 告訴我去……的路英文翻譯

"告訴你去 ...... 的路 "漢譯英 :

英語的表達可以分別這么問 :

Can you tell me the way to ... , please ?

Excuse me , how can I get to the way

to ... ?

Could you tell me the way to ... ?

Excuse me , which is the way to ... ?



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