導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 勇敢的心電影英文怎麼說


發布時間:2022-09-27 22:12:28

① 《勇敢的心》英文名叫什麼

Braveheart 一定是對的:)很高興我知道正確答案能告訴你^_^

② 勇敢的心(英文縮寫是什麼)

Braveheart這是一個電影的名字,如果你只是想要勇敢的心的翻譯的話, the heart of a lion個人比較喜歡這個

③ <指環王><巴勒比海盜2><勇敢的心><火影忍者>英文怎麼寫

指環王「The Lord of the Rings」
巴勒比海盜2-亡靈寶藏「Pirates of the Caribbean-Dead Man's Chest」
勇敢的心 "Brave Heart"
火影忍者 "Naruto"(這是日語羅馬音,英文我還真是不知道怎麼翻譯,字典都查不到這幾個詞)

④ 請問誰有《勇敢的心》英文簡介,要短,30個單詞就好,

What kind of man would defy a king?
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.
He who fought, fought for freedom.




Braveheart is a 1995 Academy-award winning historical action-drama film proced and directed by Mel Gibson, who also starred in the title role. The film was written for screen and then novelized by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays a legendary Scot, William Wallace, who gained recognition when he came to the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing Edward I of England (portrayed by Patrick McGoohan) and subsequently abetted by Edward's daughter-in-law Princess Isabelle (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant to the Scottish throne, Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).

The film won five Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director, and had been nominated for an additional five. The film was proced by Icon Proctions for Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

⑤ 《勇敢的心》劇情簡介的英文翻譯

Braveheart is a 1995 American epic/drama film directed by and starring Mel Gibson. The film was written for the screen and then novelized by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who gained recognition when he came to the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing King Edward I of England (also known as "Longshanks", portrayed by Patrick McGoohan), and subsequently abetted by Edward's daughter-in-law, Princess Isabelle of France (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant to the Scottish throne, Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).

⑥ 勇敢的心用英語怎麼說,意思相近也可以

brave heart

⑦ 《勇敢的心》電影里幾句英文的意思

Every man dies, not every man really lives

peace is made in such way .
slave is made in such way!!!
譯文:和平是用這種方式創造的 而奴役也正是由這種方式而來的

Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while.And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!

⑧ 勇敢的心英文怎麼寫

[名] Braveheart ; (電影名稱)
But I have a brave heart!



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