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Ⅰ 越獄 Michael的自我簡介 中英文

Michael Scofield是一頭陷於絕境欲拚死一搏的怒獅,他的兄弟Lincoln Burrows幾個月就將被以謀殺罪處以死刑,但Michael堅信他是被冤枉的。為了拯救了自己的手足,Michael搶劫了一家銀行,因此而被與Lincoln關進同一所監獄——福克斯河州立監獄。作為一名建築工程師,他對監獄的建設藍圖了如指掌,帶著Lincoln逃出生天也成為Michael入獄的唯一目的。

Michael Scofield
邁克·斯科菲爾德的教育背景會讓人奇怪為什麼他要犯下那樣的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表現,他以優異的成績畢業於芝加哥的Loyola大學,取得了土木學士和土木碩士的學位。斯科菲爾德被捕前,他受雇於芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名氣的公司,是一名結構工程師。他企圖搶劫國立儲蓄銀行芝加哥市區分行時被抓捕,金額超過50萬美元。審訊時,Scofield沒有辯護,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一級監獄里服刑。
附加註釋:該犯目前患有I型糖尿病,他的訪客有他的律師,Veronica Donovan,他也有每月一次的行房探監的機會,對象是他的妻子Nika Volek。他屬C級犯人可以參加監獄生產勞動。
再附加註釋:Michael Scofield其實沒有糖尿病,他在第一季中的糖尿病是因為服用了從C-Note那裡搞來的一種叫 PUG-NAC 的一種可以改變血糖的葯物。他改變血糖是為了讓自己進入離圍牆最近的醫務室,來完成越獄計劃,其中陰差陽錯地和 Sara Tancredi相愛,後來就出現了……
Lincoln Burrows
林肯·布魯斯15歲開始就命途多舛,在摩根公園中學混了10年後不得不中途輟學,隨後成了警局的常客。前科包括偷竊入獄2個月,破壞私人財產入獄3個月,斗毆入獄6個月,攜帶毒品入獄6個月,斗毆入獄10個月。這樣看來他謀殺總統Carolyn Reynolds的弟弟華盛頓議員Terrence Steadman一事就順理成章了。雖然他以「無罪」上訴,但被陪審團否決並判以電刑。為此在Fox River 監獄等待。雖然有利的證據越來越多,但定於5月12日的對林肯的處決卻沒有因為新證據的疑點而改變。盡管判決未改,但行刑日期被重新定為5月26日。在那天來臨之前,林肯和他弟弟邁克·斯科菲爾德成功越獄,從此亡命天涯。通緝犯的身份服裝搭配讓他倆舉步維艱,布魯斯還一度被國家邊檢隊抓獲,盡管隨後也成功再次逃脫。由於前美國特工Paul Kellerman出面作證,6月16日,林肯·布魯斯對Steadman謀殺一案的所有指控都被取消。第三季中,他身處巴拿馬城,全力營救弟弟斯科菲爾德,最後2人成功逃脫,第四季他又會面臨怎樣的驚險旅程呢?
附加註釋:他的訪客包括他弟弟Michael Scofield,他的律師Tim Giles,他兒子LJ Burrows兒子的母親Lisa Rix和 Sue Parsons,一個來自報社頭條專欄的記者。他屬於C 等犯人可以參加監獄的生產勞動。監獄里的人都管他叫「Linc the Sink」(意思就是說他快要死了)。
Fernando Sucre
菲爾南多?蘇克雷出生在芝加哥,在街頭長大。蘇克雷遵紀守法直到他用一支沒有子彈的槍搶了一個酒鋪。他這么做是因為要攢足夠的錢給他相處3年的女友Maricruz買訂婚戒指。蘇克雷被送到Fox River監獄,成了那裡的模範犯人。他唯一努力的就是爭取每次的減刑機會,這也是為了Maricruz。命運使斯科菲爾德和蘇克雷成了獄友,也讓蘇克雷成了斯科菲爾德越獄計劃的一分子。
逃出Fox River監獄後,蘇克雷知道了Maricruz要和Hector在拉斯維加斯結婚。他試圖去阻止婚禮。但是早在蘇克雷到達教堂之前,Hector已經通知了內華達警方蘇克雷很有可能會來。蘇克雷的行蹤一直被監視著。
蘇克雷也捲入了在Jeanette Owens居住地事件。據FBI探員稱,蘇克雷最後一次被發現是在他乘飛機飛離國境時。也有目擊者聲稱在墨西哥看到過他。他現在仍未被捕。 附加註釋:
他的女朋友Maricruz Delgado 會來探監.他可以有一月一次的行房探監的機會。他屬於C等犯人,可以參加監獄的生產活動。
Sara Tancredi
SARAH WAYNE CALLIES《越獄》中飾演Sara Tancredi醫生
在麻醉葯品濫用者互助協會團體治療的無數次的幫助下,Sara終於能夠戒掉毒隱。此時的她已不想僅僅成為一名普通的醫生,她決定走一條人道主義的道路。作為監獄里少有的幾名醫生之一,Sara的職責覆蓋了所有事情從身體檢查到到緊急的手術。雖然 Sara對她所處的險境義無反顧,她卻要不斷面對來自於她父親,伊利諾斯州長Frank Tancredi的壓力。他們在政治信仰的觀點極為不同,以致兩人的關系近年來疏遠了很多。

Alexander Mahone
目的:逮捕所有越獄的逃犯,對Michael Scofield的智商有極大的興趣。
注釋:Mahone 從前追捕過一個叫Oscar Shales的罪犯,被他多次逃脫。然而有一次他追到了Oscar,然後就覺得這傢伙太混蛋,就私下處理了,屍體藏在自家院子里。之後他的心情就反復無常,需要每回都吃鎮靜劑,否則會情緒失控。他每次都是從鋼筆狀的管子里倒一顆出來吞進嘴裡。還有一個片段是他從XX混混那裡非法買鎮靜劑,不想留下記錄。

Ⅱ 麻煩給我介紹一下《越獄》的幾個主人公,英文都叫什麼名字~


Ⅲ 請幫我找下關於越獄中住人公的一些資料!

姓 名:文特沃斯·米勒
性 別:男
原 名:Wentworth Earl Miller III
英文名:Wentworth Miller
生 日:1972年6月2日
星 座:雙子座
國 籍:美國
身 高:185cm
《人性污點》The Human Stain
《302房間》Room 302


你必需知道的wentworth miller 52件事情!
1. Wentworth說:這是我演藝生涯里最重要的一年,能與這么棒的演員班底合作。Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Peter Stormare……我算是沾他們的光。以前看Law & Order,崇拜Sam Waterston。我告訴經濟人說,相比演電影,我更珍視電視劇集帶給人的滿足感。能和尊敬的人共事,每周都跟他們學習和自我提升,簡直像中了彩票!

2. Wentworth承認,越獄里的角色需要我裝酷,其實生活中的我並非鐵漢。

3. 「最近一次談戀愛是一年前,雖只持續了短暫數月,卻來得洶涌澎湃。這樣愛最美。」

4. 「曾有一次乘車坐過站,這是我最大一次『違法』了。」

5. 「很久不健身了,幸虧遍體紋身給我增加了肌肉感。」

6. Wentworth的收養所延遲開張,因為他忘帶公寓鑰匙、警察不得不破門而入。他大笑自嘲說將來還需要警察給他開門。

7. Wentworth 開辦了一個流浪貓收養所。

8. Wentworth 參觀監獄找靈感。

9. Wentworth 將他在越獄里那身刺青當眾展示,大家並未因此對他敬畏仰視、多半倒覺得不可置信。

10. 自從越獄在FOX上演第一集,Wentworth在搜索引擎Lycos關鍵字排名上上升了614%。

11. Wentworth 讀書時參加的樂隊叫 Tigertones,出過兩張專輯。

12. 談到監獄他說:「我可在牢里呆不長,至多5分鍾就垮了。」

13. Wentworth 喜愛讀書,他說一本好書能帶我逃離世俗的一切紛擾。作家講故事時運用如花妙筆展開創作與想像,看好書比毒品更過癮。"

14. Wentworth 曾在反毒品廣告中出現。

15. Wentworth 被Insider雜志評為 "電視圈最熱門新面孔" (2005年10月24日-30日這1期)。

16. 談到越獄的拍攝,Wentworth 說,戲外比戲里的情感糾葛更復雜。

17. 談到越獄里Michael這個角色,Wentworth 說,"Michael在入獄前相當成功:事業有成、有朋友有女友,而他願意放棄一切進監牢救他哥哥,這可不是普通人所能做到的。"

18. Wentworth 在《人性污點》中的搭檔Anna Devere Smith贊他是個「很特別且有趣的青年」。

19. Wentworth 欣賞Toni Morrison的小說《寵愛》(Beloved)中的一句話:"所謂詮釋,屬於下定義的人,而非被定義之人與事。"

20. Wentworth 觸電前曾在世界第二大連鎖書店Borders干過兩年。

21. Wentworth 童年時外號"Stinky."

22. Wentworth 擅長唱歌,曾是Princeton男生合唱團的歌手。

23. Wentworth 最鍾愛電視劇集是《法律與秩序》。

24. Wentworth 生於英國,但在紐約長大。

25. Wentworth 說,我越獄里的角色應該是挺性感的。

26. 「但我本人既不性感也不是明星。」

27. 「我這人其實挺悶的,不愛玩樂,酒吧這樣的地方讓我不舒服,我寧可在家玩拼字游戲,和好友聚餐,看電影,或者整個周末看《法律與秩序》或者《辛普森家族》。」

28. Wentworth 稱他目前獨身,「忙得沒工夫談戀愛。」

29. Wentworth 最愛的恐怖電影之一為《閃靈》(Kubrick,1980)

30. Wentworth 童年時曾愛看電影 《時光大盜》(1981)

31. Wentworth 說,我的畢業論文的主題是:《簡愛》與《藻海無邊》中的重復與身份再造。

32. 紋身是真的嗎?Wentworth說: "不是,不過半身刺青挺過癮的。當演員的妙處正是可以嘗試各種新鮮刺激、而這種嘗試僅限於戲內。"

33. 在電影《絕密飛行》里,Wentworth 為EDI (無人駕駛隱形戰斗機)配音。

34. Wentworth最喜歡的電影包括《危險的關系》(Dangerous Liaison)。

35. Wentworth最喜歡的恐怖電影包括《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)。

36. Wentworth 的爸爸叫Wentworth Miller II,他全名叫Wentworth Miller III。

37. 談到從藝初衷,他說:"我一直熱衷表演,我從大學就有演出經驗。"

38. Wentworth評論與他在《人性的污點》里合作的名演員 Anthony Hopkins說: 他是個傳奇人物,我一直追看他的電影。

39. Wentworth 自言是個超級電視迷。

40. Wentworth 說,「我的簡歷上寫有12次的演出經驗,實際上我參加過450多個試鏡,你可以想見我遭到過多少回拒絕。」

41. Wentworth 說,"我上大學時,表演似乎是冒險的行當,我的朋友們都去讀法學院、醫學院或去華爾街了。"

42. 越獄中的紋身,由30張貼紙造就。

43. Wentworth 畢業於名校Princeton, 擁有文學學位。

44. Wentworth 這樣評價他的紋身:「我好像穿著捕蠅紙,天熱的時候它們就像保鮮膜粘著我。」

45. 2003年《娛樂周刊》的it名單(當年最紅明星大盤點)是Wentworth 所做。

46. Wentworth在戲中的紋身,兩個化妝師耗時4小時才給他包裝完畢,貼一次保持兩周。清除這些「紋身」也要花費2小時!

47. Wentworth 於1990年畢業於賓州Quaker Valley 高中。

48. Wentworth 曾為Mariah Carey 的兩支video出演男一號"We Belong Together" and "It's Like That"。

49. 在當演員前,Wentworth 曾為多部影視劇擔任製作助理。

50. Wentworth 有6.1英尺(約合186cm)

51. 越獄的發型師採用剃須刀Oster Turbo 111 Clippers (價值$179.99)為Wentworth 和其他演員理發。


Ⅳ 越獄第一季主要人物

姓名:Michael Scofield
所在位置: 普通犯人A區,40號牢房
邁克·斯科菲爾德的教育背景會讓人奇怪為什麼他要犯下那樣的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表現,他以優異的成績畢業於芝加哥的Loyola大學,取得了土木學士和土木碩士的學位。斯科菲爾德被捕前,他受雇於芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名氣的公司,是一名結構工程師。他企圖搶劫國立儲蓄銀行芝加哥市區分行時被抓捕,金額超過50萬美元。審訊時,Scofield沒有辯護,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一級監獄里服刑。作為一名建築工程師,他對監獄的建設藍圖了如指掌,帶著Lincoln逃出生天也成為Michael入獄的唯一目的。
附加註釋:該犯目前患有I型糖尿病,他的訪客有他的律師,Veronica Donovan,他也有每月一次的行房探監的機會,對象是他的妻子Nika Volek。他屬C級犯人可以參加監獄生產勞動。
姓名:Lincoln Burrows
所在位置: 死刑區,18號牢房
林肯·布魯斯15歲開始就命途多舛,在摩根公園中學混了10年後不得不中途輟學,隨後成了警局的常客。前科包括偷竊入獄2個月,破壞私人財產入獄3個月,斗毆入獄6個月,攜帶毒品入獄6個月,斗毆入獄10個月。這樣看來他謀殺總統Carolyn Reynolds的弟弟華盛頓議員Terrence Steadman一事就順理成章了。雖然他以「無罪」上訴,但被陪審團否決並判以電刑。為此在Fox River 監獄等待。雖然有利的證據越來越多,但定於5月12日的對林肯的處決卻沒有因為新證據的疑點而改變。盡管判決未改,但行刑日期被重新定為5月26日。在那天來臨之前,林肯和他弟弟邁克·斯科菲爾德成功越獄,從此亡命天涯。通緝犯的身份讓他倆舉步維艱,布魯斯還一度被國家邊檢隊抓獲,盡管隨後也成功再次逃脫。由於前美國特工Paul Kellerman出面作證,6月16日,林肯·布魯斯對Steadman謀殺一案的所有指控都被取消。第三季中,他身處巴拿馬城,全力營救弟弟斯科菲爾德,最後2人成功逃脫,第四季他又會面臨怎樣的驚險旅程呢?
附加註釋:他的訪客包括他弟弟Michael Scofield,他得律師Tim Giles,他兒子LJ Burrows兒子的母親Lisa Rix和 Sue Parsons,一個來自報社頭條專欄的記者。他屬於C 等犯人可以參加監獄的生產勞動。監獄里的人都管他叫「Linc the Sink」(意思就是說他快要死了)
姓名:John Abruzzi
所在位置: 普通犯人A區,96號牢房
前任芝加哥暴徒首領John Abruzzi, 是有據可查的當前Fox River監獄中最聲名狼藉的罪犯。這種聲名在高牆內轉變為一種權利。其他犯人,就算是謀殺犯,在涉及監獄內務問題的時候里也得聽Abruzzi的。可以毫不誇張的說,獄警執行法規,而John Abruzzi掌管監獄。
姓名:David Apolskis
綽號: Tweener
所在位置: 普通犯人 A區,13號牢房
Apolskis 有一雙靈巧的手。初中的時候,他靠它們成為了校橄欖球隊的接球員。但在 9年級的時候,他因成績不好被認定沒有資格參加體育活動。從那時起, Apolskis發現了他雙手的更大用處。
Apolskis 變成了一個職業扒手。從 14歲到19歲的幾年裡,他偷了 200多個錢包和150隻手錶。想到他兩次進看守所、總共呆了 8個月的事實,這些數字更加令人印象深刻。但當他想要偷一個離職警官的錢包的時候太大意了,結果立刻被逮捕了。當警察搜查他的寓所時,發現了兩天前報失的貴重的棒球卡收藏,估價超過 30萬美金。他因重大盜竊被判刑5年,地點在 Fox River監獄。
姓名:Theodore Bagwell
所在位置: 普通犯人A區,16號牢房
Theodore Bagwell (t-bag)的一生基本沒有自由可言。他有暴力和虐待動物的傾向,10歲的時候在想要放火燒掉自己四年級老師房子的時候被捕,被送到少年看守所。就是在那Bagwell第一次接觸到了「純凈聯盟」,一個白人至上的組織。Bagwell長大的過程中,他所犯的罪也越來越嚴重。從斗毆,致命武器傷人,意圖謀殺到最後的綁架,強奸和謀殺。由於他犯有多項重罪,亞拉巴馬州州政府把Bagwell送往Donaldson看守最為森嚴的監獄,可在那他卻進入了「純凈聯盟」的領導層。事實上,在Bagwell的領導下,這個聯盟變得十分強大,以至於Donaldson的獄長被迫驅散這個組織,把它的成員送往全國各地。 Bagwell剛來到Fox River的時候,「聯盟」幾乎已經不復存在了。但兩年後,神奇的「T-Bag」又使它變成了監獄里最為強大的組織之一。 t-bag在Fox River的日子雖不長,但在這期間他也"貢獻"不少:煽動監獄暴亂和殺害獄警等。機緣巧合之下撞破了micheal scofield的越獄計劃,並要挾眾人要告密,於是順理成章加入到越獄計劃之中,最後越獄成功。
越獄成功之後,t-bag又故技重施。第一位受害人是獸醫marvin gudat,t-bag強迫marvin為其做一個臨時的手部接駁手術,術後將其殺害。第二位受害人是讓t-bag搭順風車的好心人jerry curtain。他把t-bag從內布拉斯載入到猶他州。但到達目的後,t-bag恩將仇報,對jerry的女兒上下其手,jerry為保護女兒,慘遭毒打。t-bag到達猶他州後,在檔案館管理員的桌面上盜走地圖,並碰上也來尋找地圖micheal和lincoln。利益關系使他們重新組隊,並一起到jeanette owen的房子里找westmorland埋藏的巨額現金。最後他施用奸計,把所有的錢都捲走了。後被fox river前獄警brad belick和roy geary活捉並嚴刑逼供,最終供出westmorland的錢的情報。隨後又在greay的手上奪回,將其殺害並把罪名嫁禍給belick。t-bag隨即逃到巴拿馬,但最後還是再次入獄。現在被關押於sona監獄,等待謀殺巴拿馬女支 女罪的審判。附加註釋:此犯人和純凈聯盟組織有聯系。此外,有記錄他和Jason Buchanan (也叫Maytag) ,Seth Hoffner (也叫 Cherry).也有聯系。自從他被調到Fox River來以後就沒有訪客。C等犯人可以參加監獄生產勞動。
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Benjamin 「C-Note」 Franklin
附加信息:他的訪客是Darius Morgan(朋友),C等犯人可以在監獄廚房工作。
Fernando Sucre
所在位置: 普通犯人A區,40號牢房
菲爾南多•蘇克雷出生在芝加哥,在街頭長大。蘇克雷遵紀守法直到他用一支沒有子彈的槍搶了一個酒鋪。他這么做是因為要攢足夠的錢給他相處3年的女友Maricruz買訂婚戒指。蘇克雷被送到Fox River監獄,成了那裡的模範犯人。他唯一努力的就是爭取每次的減刑機會,這也是為了Maricruz。命運使斯科菲爾德和蘇克雷成了獄友,也讓蘇克雷成了斯科菲爾德越獄計劃的一分子。
逃出Fox River監獄後,蘇克雷知道了Maricruz要和Hector在拉斯維加斯結婚。他試圖去阻止婚禮。但是早在蘇克雷到達教堂之前,Hector已經通知了內華達警方蘇克雷很有可能會來。蘇克雷的行蹤一直被監視著。
蘇克雷也捲入了在Jeanette Owens居住地事件。據FBI探員稱,蘇克雷最後一次被發現是在他乘飛機飛離國境時。也有目擊者聲稱在墨西哥看到過他。他現在仍未被捕。
他的女朋友Maricruz Delgado 會來探監.他可以有一月一次的行房探監的機會。他屬於C等犯人,可以參加監獄的生產活動。
CHARLES PATOSHIK姓名:Charles Patoshik
在進監獄之前,Patoshik是一位在數學方面有突出表現的博士候選人,他致力於研究一種稱為 "不規則碎片形" 幾何模型。就是在這種緊張研究期間,他開始表現出明顯的精神疾病的症狀。不久以後,盡管沒有暴力傾向,Patoshik來到他父母的卧室,揮舞著滑膛槍,殺死了熟睡中的父母。
Potashik聲稱他對自己的罪行沒有印象,也沒有解釋殺人動機。於是他被送進了 Fox River監獄的精神病區,在那他有了個綽號"Haywire" 。在四年大劑量的葯物治療和嚴密監視之後,他的病情有了很大進展,他的醫生認為可以把他送到普通犯人區了。
附加註釋:他曾經受到過神經性損傷,導致他嚴重失眠,並被診斷為"趨向兩極的精神分裂 ",他每天要通過葯物治療來控制這種精神紊亂。
Sara Tancredi
在麻醉葯品濫用者互助協會團體治療的無數次的幫助下,Sara終於能夠戒掉毒隱。此時的她已不想僅僅成為一名普通的醫生,她決定走一條人道主義的道路。作為監獄里少有的幾名醫生之一,Sara的職責覆蓋了所有事情從身體檢查到到緊急的手術。雖然 Sara對她所處的險境義無反顧,她卻要不斷面對來自於她父親,伊利諾斯州長Frank Tancredi的壓力。他們在政治信仰的觀點極為不同,以致兩人的關系近年來疏遠了很多。
演員:SARAH WAYNE CALLIES《越獄》中飾演Sara Tancredi醫生
Brad Bellick
Bellick 隊長在他高中畢業後的秋天就通過了警官考試,從此他一直在 Fox River監獄,緩慢而穩定的沿著C.O. 這條線往上爬。
盡管被指控虐待犯人(均無法證實),三年後Bellick還是被晉升為隊長—— C.O的最高職位。現在,他的責任包括:協助押送死刑罪犯到電椅,監督Fox River 監獄的生產活動,監視所有普通犯人一舉一動。
Bellick被認為是CO的CO,他有兩個信條:沒有 "好犯人";監獄就是用來懲罰犯人,而不是給他們改過自新的。
Veronica Donovan
盡管Donovan 整個高中都和少年犯Lincoln Burrows談戀愛,她從沒染上伊利諾斯州 Cicero的不良生活習氣。由於成績突出,她收到了在Champaign 的伊利諾斯州大學的全額學術獎學金。畢業後她取得了政治科學的學士學位,之後她繼續攻讀Baylor法律學校的博士學位。
從Baylor畢業後, Donovan回到芝加哥,在Glazer and Ross公司中處理房地產法律糾紛。雖然 Donovan很成功,但她沒有忘本。盡管在刑法方面沒有經驗,她最近為兒時的夥伴 Michael Scofield做辯護律師。他被指控持槍搶劫,之前他曾拒絕任何指定律師的協助。
Donovan目前正和 Nick Savrinn合作,試圖為Lincoln Burrows的一級謀殺罪翻案。
Nick Savrinn
這一決定讓Savrinn的一些同學感到驚訝,但他親密的朋友和家庭並不覺得意外。 Savrinn三歲時,他的父親被指控了"莫須有"的罪名。看到一次誣告可以給一個人帶來的災難, Savrinn發誓要竭盡全力避免同樣的事情發生在其他人身上。他在"正義工程 "的11年中成功解救了全國 13名罪犯,他們的刑期加起來有300年,其中 5個還被判死刑。
Warden Henry Pope
傳統觀念認為監獄是建來懲罰犯人的。Warden Pope並不贊同這條學校里的准則。Warden Pope 已經掌管Fox River 監獄18年了,他的目標就是改造罪犯--一旦他的犯人被釋放,就不要再回來。為了達到這個目標,他建立了一套完備的監獄生產制度來幫助他的犯人得到真正的訓練,活動很多樣,比如粉刷,景觀美化和不同的生產活動。
Warden Pope 還建立了獎勵式的教育制度來幫助他的犯人得到更高的學位,有少數人甚至得到學士學位。隨著他臨近退休,他想尋找一位和他有著同樣運作Fox River監獄方式的人作為繼承人。Warden Pope和她的妻子, Judith,已經結婚39年了。
Paul Kallerman
探員姓名:Paul kellerman
化名:Owen Kravecki
kellerman探員十五年前以接近完美的表現畢業於西點軍校,他幾乎馬上被派到科威特,由於在第一次海灣戰爭中表現英勇,他成為了班上第一個上尉。 Kellerman在軍隊中前途一片光明,但聯邦政府發現了他的潛力,並把他挖了過來,給予他特勤處的領導職位。 Paul kellerman最近的工作紀錄並不對外公開,他的個人資料也是機密。我們無法知道他每天的職責是什麼,或者他為誰工作。從官方看,他也不在特勤處的名單上,甚至他根本不是聯邦政府的工作人員。
LJ Burrows
Lisa和繼父 Adrian。他做家務,成績優異,不惹麻煩。
直到他的親生父親,Lincoln Burrows失去了最終上訴的機會並確定了死刑的日期。這使LJ無法承受。

Ⅳ 越獄演員介紹 英文版

溫特沃思·米勒 飾 邁克斯科菲爾德Michael Scofield
簡介 越獄八人組之一
配音 蘇強文

多米尼克·珀塞爾 飾 林肯·巴羅斯Lincoln Burrows
簡介 越獄八人組之一
配音 劉昭文

羅伯特·奈普 飾 西奧多·巴格威爾T-BAG
簡介 越獄八人組之一
配音 馮錦堂

阿馬里·諾拉斯克 飾 費爾南多·蘇克雷Fernando Sucre
簡介 越獄八人組之一
配音 陳卓智

彼得·斯多馬瑞 飾 約翰·阿布魯茲John Abruzzi
簡介 越獄八人組之一

維恩·卡里斯 飾 薩拉·唐克里迪Dr. Sara Tancredi
簡介 獄醫
配音 鄭麗麗

羅賓·托尼 飾 維羅妮卡·多諾萬Veronica Donovan
簡介 女律師
配音 林雅婷

韋德·威廉姆斯 飾 布拉德·貝里克Brad Bellick
簡介 獄警長
配音 潘文柏

保羅·安德斯坦 飾 Paul kellerman
簡介 職業殺手
配音 鄧榮銾

馬歇爾·奧爾曼 飾 Lincoln"L.J." Burrows Jr.
簡介 林肯兒子
配音 黃榮璋

Ⅵ 急求越獄人物英文介紹

Prison Break is a drama from executive procers Brett Ratner, Paul Scheuring, Matt Olmstead, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse and Neal Moritz. After getting himself incarcerated in Fox River State Penitentiary to free his wrongly accused brother, Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield is now on the loose–along with his brother and six other convicts. Set to uncover the $5 million hidden by D.B....

Marshall Allman
Role: LJ Burrows
Most Recent Role: Jonathan Alaniz on CSI
Alias Name(s): Marshall Allman, M Allman
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Austin, Texas, USA
Birthday: 4-5-1984

Born in Austin, Texas, Marshall Allman dove head-long into his passion for soccer and visual art from the age of five. Though always a straight-A student, Marshall was often sent to the principal's office for, shall we say, "irreverent" behavior. This same behavior is what led many of his early teachers to tell him he should consider entertainment as a career. At age fifteen, Marshall discovered the varied live music scene in Austin. His taste in music continues to be quite eclectic, with special interest in blues, jazz, and rock. He proced a play with friends when he was 17 called History of the Devil, which was the premier proction of the Fear Theatre Company in Austin. This was also his acting debut. In his junior and senior year of high school, Marshall received awards in competitions sponsored by the state of Texas for his paintings and drawings. He led his high school soccer team as its captain to win the Texas state championship, and they went on to play throughout the nation. Though originally intending to pursue a career in professional soccer, he began to consider pursuing graphic or performing arts. As he approached high school graation, it was a toss-up between going to New York City to study art and Los Angeles to study acting. Brought to Hollywood by Steven Nash of Arts and Letters Management, he quickly landed acting roles in films such as Sweet Pea, Shallow Ground, and Little Black Book. He has appeared in such television shows as The Practice, Without a Trace, and Malcolm in the Middle.


Sarah Wayne Callies
Role: Dr. Sara Tancredi
Most Recent Role: Dr. Sara Tancredi on Prison Break
Gender: Female
Birthplace: La Grange, Illinois
Birthday: 6-1-1977

Moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, with her family when she was one, after she was born in La Grange, Illinos. Sarah graated from the same exclusive private school as actress Kelly Preston, Director Jim Simpson (husband of Sigourney Weaver) and AOL's Steve Case. Her parents are professors at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.


William Fichtner
Role: Special Agent Alexander Mahone
Most Recent Role: Special Agent Alexander Mahone on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Mitchell Field Air Force Base, East Meadow, Long Island, New York, USA
Birthday: 11-26-1957
Birth Name: William Edward Fichtner

People know Willliam Fichtner. They just don't know they know him. A compelling actor known for his strong supporting performances in film, William Fichtner started out as a soap heartthrob on CBS' "As the World Turns"; his unconventional looks (a strong boned face dominated by sad haunted eyes) contribute to his attractive intensity.

His early film appearances included a role in the little seen "Ramona" (1990) and a bit part as a police officer in "Malcolm X" (1992). "Quiz Show" (1994) offered more exposure in a minor role as the game show's stage manager. In 1995, he was featured in "Virtuosity", "Strange Days" and as a sleazy banker undone by Robert De Niro in "Heat". He gave a more significant, although less seen, performance in Steven Soderburgh's 1995 feature "The Underneath" as Tommy Dundee, an intimidating and unstable club owner who becomes a rival of Peter Gallagher's Michael Chambers. Fichtner's work as the jealous and powerful Dundee caught the attention of casting director David Rubin who recommended him to Kevin Spacey for "Albino Alligator", the actor's 1997 directorial debut.

While undoubtedly already a familiar presence on screen, e to his prolific and strong performances in small parts, it was "Albino Alligator" that proved to be his breakthrough role. Fichtner, riveting as a slurring sociopath who creates a hostage situation in a bar, played up the character's volatility with an intense performance that masterfully stopped short of overacting. Later that year his well-researched turn as Dr Kent Clark, a blind astronomer in "Contact" was also touted, although a good bit of it ended up on the cutting room floor.

While his work in that year's "SwitchBack" was less memorable, 1998's action blockbuster "Armageddon" saw him return with a strong supporting turn as the hard-nosed and disciplined leader of an asteroid destroying mission. Through his own research, Fichtner added a realistic element to his character, making Sharp less combustible than he was initially written. The result was a portrait of an Air Force colonel complete with the steadiness that would be expected from an actual pilot to reach that level.

In 1999, Fichtner gave an enjoyable and scene stealing comedic performance in Doug Liman's high-energy ensemble film "Go". The elder statesman of the cast, he played an undercover narcotics officer with an apparent personal interest in his cohorts (Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf). The actor reached leading man status with a 1999 performance opposite Demi Moore in "Passion of Mind", playing a New York accountant pursuing a book editor (Moore) in this story of a woman who discovers she has a second life in a parallel universe.

In 2001, in "The Perfect Storm" he plays a defiant macho fisherman turned hero with a heart who answers to George Clooney. As in all of his roles, his appearance changes yet again and his speech is even peppered with a New England accent. Also in 2001, in the otherwise forgettable "What's The Worst That Could Happen", Fichtner gave the best performance of all of the other well known comedians in the film, playing Detective Alex Tardio, the swishy, androgynous cop and the owner of three cheese cutting Bichon Frise canines.

Also in 2001, William starred in the film, "Black Hawk Down", where he played Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Sanderson. While it could have been difficult to recognize his character from the rest with all of the war dirt (look for the big white teeth that glow like two headlights), his work in this was outstanding. He trained for weeks in Fort Bragg with other actors in the film to prepare for realistic combat scenes and spent 12 weeks filming in Morocco.
Amaury Nolasco
Role: Fernando Sucre
Most Recent Role: Fernando Sucre on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Puerto Rico
Birthday: 12-24-1970
Birth Name: Amaury Nolasco Garrido

Amaury Nolasco studied Biology at the University or Puerto Rico.

Originally Amaury was going to attend medical school to become a doctor. He was approached by a director and appeared in a commercial.

After several minor appearances, Amaury moved to New York.
He attended the American-British-Dramatic-Arts School.
Later he began to guest-star on a few TV shows such as "CSI" and "ER".
He also had minor roles in a few films around that time. He had a small role in the Box-office hit "2Fast2Furious" as Orange Julius. Though he is probably more known now for his role on FOX TV show "Prison Break" as inmate "Fernando Sucre".

When not working, he lives in Los Angeles and enjoys playing golf and tennis


Rockmond Dunbar
Role: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles Franklin
Most Recent Role: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles Franklin on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Oakland, California
Birthday: 1-11-1973
Birth Name: Rockmond Dunbar

Rockmond Dunbar was born on January 11, 1974, in Oakland, California, and studied at Morehouse College and the University of New Mexico.

Rockmond made his film debut in 1998's "Misery Loves Company" and later had roles in "Punks" and "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang." He also made television guest appearances on "Felicity," "The Pretender" and "North Shore," but he is most famous for his roles as Kenny Chadway in "Soul Food" and as Benjamin Miles 'C-Note' Franklin on Fox's "Prison Break." Rockmond also directed, proced and starred as himself in the film "The Great Commission" in 2003.

Rockmond married Ivy Holmes on the 19th of September 2003 and they are still happily married.

As of January 2007, it's most likely that he is staying in Texas, since the second season of FOX TV show Prison Break is 'currently' being filmed there.


Dominic Purcell
Role: Lincoln Burrows
Most Recent Role: Lincoln Burrows on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Birthday: 2-17-1970
Birth Name: Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell

Dominic was born in England but moved to Australia at the age of two with his Norweigan father and Irish mother.

He left high-school to form a land-scaping business with some friends, and also spent a little time surfing.

When he got tired of his job as a landscaper, Dominic decided to try his hand at acting, with television success in Australia.

At the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, he was a classmate of Hugh Jackman.

In 2000, he won a green card lottery, and moved to the United States, living in Los Angeles for a few years.

After getting the title role in John Doe, he eventually moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with his wife Rebecca, and their two children, son Joseph and daughter Audrey.


Wade Williams
Role: Captain Brad Bellick
Most Recent Role: Captain Brad Bellick on Prison Break
Alias Name(s): Wade Andrew Williams, Wade Andrews Williams, Andrew
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Birth Name: Wade Andrew Williams

Wade and his three siblings were born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a youth, Wade was very interested in drama and music which originated from the Church he went to.

When Wade graated from high school, he started off studying medicine at the University of Tulsa but it wasn't long until he changed his career and earned a Bachelor』s degree in theatrical studies at University of Tulsa and later obtained a Master of Fine Arts in acting from Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts.

Wade currently lives in Dallas, Texas with his wife and daughter and is a big time actor in movies and TV. Wade is currently acting in the TV hit Prison Break


Peter Stormare
Role: John Abruzzi
Most Recent Role: John Abruzzi on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Arbrå, Hälsingland, Sweden
Birthday: 8-27-1953
Birth Name: Peter Rolf Stormare

Peter Stormare was born in Sweden on August 27th 1953.

He started his acting career at the Royal National Theater of Sweden under the direction of Ingmar Bergman. After his apperance in Hamlet in New York, he started getting movie roles in America.

His big screen apperances includes movies such as Fargo, Armageddon, Constantine, and the Lars VonTrier movie Dancer In The Dark. Peter is often cast as the villain in movies, and his characters is often European.

On the small screen he's appeared in proctions like the TV movies Purgatory, No Man's Land and Seppan. He's also appeared in the TV series Swift Justice and Seinfeld.

In 1990, he became the associate artistic director of the Globe Theatre in Tokyo, Japan, where be both directed and appeared in a number of proctions. He is currently living in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.


Wentworth Miller
Role: Michael Scofield
Most Recent Role: Michael Scofield on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxford, England
Birthday: 6-2-1972
Birth Name: Wentworth Miller III

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment instry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.


Paul Adelstein
Role: Special Agent Paul Kellerman
Most Recent Role: Special Agent Paul Kellerman on Prison Break
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birthday: 4-29-1969
Birth Name: Paul Adelstein

Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor who at current(2007) plays agent Paul Kellerman in the hit TV series Prison Break.

Paul Adelstein attended Bowdoin College where he graated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude with a degree in English.

He later came on to acting.

To date, he has made several acting appearances in TV shows such as, starting with the least recent working up to the most recent as of 2007: (starting from 1998 onwards): Cubid, Turks, E.R., Breaking News, Hack, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Lyon's Den, Without a Trace, Las Vegas, Medium, Harvey Birdman - Attorney at Law, Nobodys Watching and Scrubs.

He has also made appearences in a few movies, which include, starting with the least recent working up to the most recent as of 2007: (starting from 1990 onwards): The Griffers, Peoria Babylon, Bedazzled, Intolerable Cruelty, Lawrence Melm, Bandwagon, Collateral, Memoirs of a Geisha and Be Cool.

He is married to actress Liza Weil, who plays Paris Gellar on Gilmore Girls. They married in November 2006.

When not acting, Paul songwrites and fronts for his Los Angeles-based band, Doris.


Robin Tunney
Role: Veronica Donovan
Most Recent Role: Veronica Donovan on Prison Break
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birthday: 6-19-1972

Looking as though she hails from an Irish Spring commercial, green-eyed, dewy-skinned actress Robin Tunney became known in the 1990s for her work in a number of teen and independent films. A native of Chicago's South Side, where she attended Catholic high school, Tunney studied acting at the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. She spent her summers performing in such stage proctions as Bus Stop and Agnes of God. At the age of 18, Tunney moved to Los Angeles, where she began finding work on various television shows.

The actress made her screen debut in the 1992 Brendan Fraser/Pauly Shore comedy Encino Man. She had her first lead role in the teen ensemble film Empire Records (1995), playing a suicidal record store employee who announces her presence in the film by walking into the store and shaving her head. A year later, Tunney starred as a member of a group of high school misfits who use witchcraft to take revenge on their tormenters in The Craft. Sort of a Sixteen Candles meets Carrie, the film proved to be a cult hit, particularly with teenage girls.

Tunney subsequently made her name in independent dramas and mainstream films alike, doing particularly strong work in Niagara Niagara, earning the Venice Film Festival's Volpi Cup for Best Actress, for her portrayal of a young woman with Tourette's Syndrome. In 1999, she entered into the realm of bloated budgets and equally bloated plot premises, starring as Satan's intended bride alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in End of Days. That same year, she played a 22nd century paramedic in Supernova, a sci-fi thriller that had her racing against time to escape from an exploding star.


Robert Knepper
Role: Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell



Ⅶ 越獄第一季里每個人物的介紹

邁克爾·斯科菲爾德 囚犯編號:94941,邁克爾·斯科菲爾德,畢業於芝加哥的Loyola大學,取得了土木學士和土木碩士的學位。斯科菲爾德被捕前,他受雇於芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名氣的公司,是一名結構工程師。他企圖搶劫國立儲蓄銀行芝加哥市區分行時被抓捕,金額超過50萬美元。審訊時,斯科菲爾德沒有辯護,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一級監獄里服刑。


這樣看來他謀殺總統Carolyn Reynolds的弟弟華盛頓議員Terrence Steadman一事就順理成章了。雖然他以「無罪」上訴,但被陪審團否決並判以電刑。為此在Fox River 監獄等待。雖然有利的證據越來越多,但定於5月12日的對林肯的處決卻沒有因為新證據的疑點而改變。盡管判決未改,但行刑日期被重新定為5月26日。在那天來臨之前,林肯和他弟弟邁克·斯科菲爾德成功越獄,從此亡命天涯。


?pwd=l9vm 提取碼:l9vm

Ⅷ 越獄的主角及介紹

溫特沃斯·米勒Wentworth Miller 扮演《越獄》


中的Michael Scofield,這位頭腦冷靜,智商超高,略帶偏執的年輕人,因為年少受寄養家庭主人的虐待而患上低危抑鬱症,(此處有爭議,因為在michael和母親的對話中得知michael母親christina同樣「面對一個大物體,看到的卻是每一個細小的零件」。說明michael的低危抑鬱症有一定可能是遺傳母親的)卻因此變得比常人更易受所處環境中的事物刺激,從而產生非常廣闊的思維邏輯,也就是我們通常所說的天才。片中的Michael幾乎利用了監獄里所有可能利用到的東西來完成了一個近乎完美的越獄計劃,不僅將其單獨關押的哥哥營救了出來,同時還帶出了其他的六位犯人,也因此展開了之後三季的故事。

Wentworth Miller的檔案 :

姓名:Wentworth Earl Miller III




身高: 6' 1/2"(1.87米/1.87m)



大家不知道的特長:清唱(大學時加入了合唱隊The Tiger Tones,而且與他們一同錄了兩張專輯)



喜歡的電視明星:Angie Harmon


自己的車:1983 Mercedes 300

Ⅸ 關於英文介紹越獄Michael Scofield










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