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發布時間:2022-12-06 17:32:07

㈠ 成龍演的電影〖尖峰時刻〗里,小女孩坐在汽車里跟著車里的CD一起唱的英文歌叫什麼

是Mariah Carey 的「Fantasy 」


㈡ 成龍演的電影<尖鋒時刻>1中,小女孩被綁架前在車中唱的英文歌曲叫什麼

聽了很多次裡面的英文~在google裡面找了很久,還是給你找到了~ 是DJ Shah的who will find me 下面是下載的地址~ http://sites.google.com/site/winsonmiw/index/wefm.mp3 歌詞: DJ Shah - In a world of desire, oh who would come and catch you when you fall in the wind and the fire? oh who would come to save you? High above any danger Locked inside the tower of your mind, dreams are veiled; passion blinded. Safe from fear and fire. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Do you see the horizon? Walk upon the water, you will find all is still and yet alive in the morning light. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Dance dance in the morning light. Open your darkened eyes. Hey, hey, it's a beautiful day. It'll be ok. It'll be ok. Take a look, spin around, this is where I find you where the roses bloom. Leave your cares, leave your fears, leave them all behind you yeayah. It's a beautiful day in the city of shining light. It's a beautiful day. This is where I find you??? yeah yeah Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Come and get away.

㈢ 一部電影有一個片段是女生在車上唱歌(一首很歡快的女生唱的英文歌)


㈣ 凱瑟琳·澤塔瓊斯主演的電影《姐弟戀》開頭,女主角送小孩上學後回家路上在車上唱的歌是什麼名字

Name:< Jane Fonda > by Mickey Avalon Lyrics: I had a baby named Jane She could shake that thing Said her Daddy used to hang With Johnny Coltrane She sang a soul train With her friend named Jen Her booty was bigger Than a Mercedes Benz Jen was a herdy gerdy dirty little girly I heard it from a birdy She could cook a mean turkey With gravy baby, baby, baby Baby was Jen's best friend and maybe If you were lucky Licky licky, sucky sucky Mickey, Mickey, fuck me fuck me More junk in the trunk than a Honda I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda Five, six, seven now If you don't know, let me show you how To work it out, work it little momma I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda I had a princess, queen of incest She was in Reba Jean, her big breasts And big eyes and a big ass to match Jean wasn't fat, she was easy to catch Then came Molly your hood from Hollywood High So fly she was trans-Atlantic She was a manic depressive, manic depressive Which was impressive Very impressive, I had to test it Tasted like chicken and was lemon scented She took me home to her momma I taught them both how to Jane Fonda One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda Five, six, seven now If you don't know, let me show you how To work it out, work it little momma I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda I had a girl named Dana from Anta Anna She was a waitress at the Copa-cabana She was slammin' and her ass was jammin' Like Janet Jackson in the Rhythm Nation Her brother Jason had a girl named Grace You could see her ass from outer space So I landed on the planet And planted a Mickey Av flag dammit One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda Five, six, seven now If you don't know, let me show you how To work it out, work it little momma I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda Five, six, seven now If you don't know, let me show you how To work it out, work it little momma I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda Five, six, seven now If you don't know, let me show you how To work it out, work it little momma I know you wanna do the Jane Fonda One, two, three, four Get your booty on the dance floor Work it out, shake it little momma Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

㈤ 尖峰時刻1裡面的小女孩在車里唱的那首歌叫什麼急!!






當瑪麗亞·凱莉在收音機里聽到Tom Tom Club樂隊歌曲《Genius of Love》的時候,她就已經在腦子里構思好《Fantasy》的旋律。

而她之所以會將《Genius of Love》選為音樂靈感,則是因為她覺得這首歌曲讓自己回想起成長時的歲月,那時的她每當聽見這首歌曲後都會有一種輕松暢快的感覺,這使得她迫不及待的想要將這首歌曲的旋律融入到《Fantasy》當中。

於是,戴夫·哈勒便找到歌曲《Genius of Love》的原創製作人Tom Tom Club樂隊洽談取樣版權。雙方達成協議後,兩人便開始製作。在製作過程中,瑪麗亞·凱莉先給戴夫·哈勒試聽了歌曲的取樣和原有的旋律。

隨後,戴夫·哈勒在歌曲中加入了適合瑪麗亞·凱莉的元素,《Fantasy》只用了不到兩天的時間便製作完成。戴夫·哈勒拿了《Fantasy》的原版作品給Tom Tom Club樂隊聽,當戴夫·哈勒得到了Tom Tom Club樂隊的滿意認可後,便拿作品拿回工作室進行混音。

㈥ 一部老電影 外國片 結尾處女生在公交車過道里唱歌





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