導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 通過這部電影用用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-12-22 05:04:38

㈠ 通過這部電影讓我們明白了一個道理這句話用英語怎麼說

By watching this film we understand that......(後接道理的具體內容)
By watching this film we understand one thing.(明白了一件事)

㈡ 「我看過這部電影」用英語怎麼說 我需要地道一點的回答。

I have seen the film.

㈢ 在野外;通過電視;去看電影用英語怎麼說

在野外in the open
通過電視through the TV
去看電影go and see a movie

㈣ 英語翻譯 我們可以通過觀看這部電影了解中國的過去和現在

We can see the Old and Now of chinese through whatched the movie.

㈤ 這部電影用英語怎麼說

"Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" "Seabed Searches Densely"

「my good friend MYY approximately I go to the movie theater to look that on Sunday the movie "Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" and "Seabed Searches Densely", I am very happy, because I thought after this is the test, relaxes best way.

㈥ 通過這部電影,我想到了現實生活中...翻譯成英文

Through the film,I thought about real life

㈦ 通過這部電影讓我們明白了一個道理這句話用英語怎麼說

By watching this film we understand that.(後接道理的具體內容)
By watching this film we understand one thing.(明白了一件事)



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