導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 你能告訴我電影院怎麼走英文


發布時間:2023-01-01 21:28:28

❶ 你能告訴我去電影院怎麼走嗎英語翻譯Cou you tell me how to —— the cinema

get to 到某地點去

❷ 根據漢語意思完成句子。 1. 你能告訴我去電影院怎麼走嗎 Can you tell me ____________________

1. how to get to 2. need to take a bus 3. is not far from
4. is there a public phone 5. two kilometers away from

❸ 如何用英語指路

1、Excuse me. How can I get to the cinema?


Turn left at the second crossing and turn right at the first crossing, then you can see

the cinema on your right.


2、ake the one-way street.


One-way street 就是單行道. 尤其在 Downtown 地區,以亞特蘭大和紐奧良為例,其復雜的


3、It will be Hemphill Ave. It』s two-lane traffic.

那就會是Hemphill Ave, 它是一條雙線道。

指路的時候如果能夠說出街道名稱是最好,所以通常會把轉到哪一條路的路名也指出來. 至於是

幾線道一般指路的時候則比較不會提及. 雙線道是指來去各一個車道共二線道而言,四線道就是

four-lane traffic. 像亞特蘭大的Interstate Highway 有些地方都是十二線道,那就是 twelve-

lane traffice 。

4、You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light。


Stay for a while通常指五到十分鍾的時間,不會太久. 遇見某樣東西,可以用 hit 這個字,如

hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign 等等. 而 traffic light 也有人說成 light。向左轉可以說

成 turn left, take a left 或是 Make a left. 有時光講take a left 不明確,可以加上路名,明確

地告訴人家要轉哪一條路,例如Take a left into Hemphill Ave.

❹ 你怎麼去電影院用英語怎麼說

How do you go to the cinema


英 [haʊ] 美 [haʊ]



How does it work?


He did not know how he ought to behave.


I'll show you how to load the software.



其他說法:How do you go to the movie theater

movie theater

英 [ˈmuːvi θɪətə(r)] 美 [ˈmuːvi θiːətər]



Amovie theateris a place where people go to watch films for entertainment.

❺ 請你告訴我電影院在哪裡翻譯

Please tell me where the cinema is ?後面要用陳述語序,因為是賓語從句

❻ 你不知道去電影院的路怎麼走用英語問

Excuse me, do you know how to get to the cinema?

❼ 你能告訴我如何到達最近的電影院嗎(漢譯英)

Can you show me the way to the nearest cinema ?

❽ 英語單詞你想問電影院怎麼走三種方式


❾ mike是你們班的新同學想去電影院你能告訴他從學校怎麼去嗎英語作文四十詞

J:Could you help me plese?
M:Sure!What"s the matter?
J:Could you tell me hao to go to the cinema?
M:OK.Plese walk along the Renmin Road and take the secnd crossing on the left.Then you can see it on theright side about 300 meter in the front.
J:How can I get there?
M:You can take the bus of No.1 or you can go there on foot.
J:Oh,I see.Thank you very much!

❿ 英語 同義句轉換

1 Walk/Go down/along the street.
2 Walk/Go across the street.
3 You will walk past a grocery store.
You will pass a grocery store.
4 It is the wrong place.
It isn't the right place.
You've found the wrong place.
5 I can't find the way.
I'm not able to find the way.
I can't get to my destination.
6 Can you tell me how I can get to the cinema?
Could you tell me how to reach/arrive at the cinema?
Can you tell me which is the way to the cinema?
7 The coffee shop sells a lot of drinks.
The coffee shop sells many drinks.
There are a lot of drinks (sold) in the coffee shop.
A lot of drinks are sold in the coffee shop.



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