導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 一部很有名的電影英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-04-26 12:34:59

Ⅰ 英語翻譯 雖然這不是一部特別出名的電影,但是它有很多讓我喜歡和感動的地方,值得我一再回味.

Although it is not a particularly famous movie,I like it much,it moves me a lot and deserves more aftertastes.或是it moves me a lot and is worthy to chew over and over again希望對你有幫助

Ⅱ 一部有教育意義的電影用英語怎麼說

一部有教育意義的電影用英語表達為an ecational film。

1、有教育意義的事跡:a moral story tale poem etc。例句:Never have i read a novel so interesting and instructive。我從未看過這么有趣而有教育意義的小說。

3、有教育的:lettered。例句:A truly ecated indivial continues learning long after the hours and years he spends in the classroom because he is motivated from within by a natural curiosity and love for knowledge。真正有教育的人是在學校學習後仍堅持繼續學習,因為他是以自然的求知慾望和對知識的熱愛為推動力的。

Ⅲ 這部電影很有名 的英文怎麼說

This film is very famous.

Ⅳ 我知道最近有一部很好看的電影上映用英語怎麼說

I know there's a good movie coming out recently.

Ⅳ 「這是一部在全世界很著名的卡通電影」用英語怎麼說

This is a cartoon movie which is famous all around the world.

Ⅵ 一部很成功的影片用英語怎麼說

一件很成功的影片 A huge successful picture
(影片正式都用picture,這可不是我說的,動感英語上說的,參考:奧斯卡最佳影片:the best picture )

激動人心的故事 A thrilling story

Ⅶ 「今天我看了一部很棒的電影」這句話用英語怎麼說呢

Today, I saw a great movie!

Ⅷ 「一部很成功的影片」英語

A very successful movie (or film). film是英式英語,他除了電影外,還有picture/photo的意思。 而movie,美國人常用,他只表電影,不能表示照片、圖片等。

Ⅸ 功夫熊貓是一部非常好看的電影用英語怎麼說

Kung fu panda
I like kung fu panda,it is a very good film,film panda is very clever and lovely,content is rich,the audience is love.But the fault is rich in content,the fighting scenes are not a little more.However,the panda is really cute.



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