導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 電影愛好者的英文怎麼說


發布時間:2023-06-01 21:46:02

1. 「電影愛好者」 「電腦愛好者」的英文單詞怎麼拼

movie goar
computer goar
後面單詞叫 狗兒 重音在前面,經過外教認證,拼寫不一定對。

2. 他是一個電影愛好者 怎麼翻譯 求解

He is a film lover.

3. 求從事電影的各種職業的英文表達

導演 director
攝影師、camera man
美術指導、arts conctor
武術指導、martial arts conctor
特技演員 stunt man
編劇 scripter

An armourer specializes in firearms. If a film requires firearms as props, an armourer is needed.

Best Boy
There are two types of best boys: electrical and grip. Best boy electric is the gaffer's assistant. (See gaffer definition.) There is also a best boy grip. A best boy grip assists the key grip. (See grip definition).

Boom operator
A boom operator assists the proction sound mixer. They are in charge of ensuring clear dialogue and sound for a movie. The boom operator uses a long pole called a boom pole in order for microphones to be held out of the view of the cameras and still ensure that the actors are heard clearly.

Dolly grip
A dolly grip operates the movie camera dolly.

Foley artist
A foley artist is responsible for creating the sound effects in a movie.

A gaffer, or lighting technician, is the chief electrician. A gaffer manages the entire electrical department. The electrical staff's main responsibility is lighting.

The greensman is a specialist who decides how and where to place plants and greenery in the film scenes.

A grip's concern is lighting. Grips make sure the lighting is just right for a movie scene. They will set up filters or blocks in front of lights or the sun to make sure the lighting is optimal. Grips also set up ladders and other large objects when needed, move scenery, and sometimes operate camera dollies.

Key Grip
The key grip is over the entire set operations department. They assist the gaffer.



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