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Ⅰ 初一水平 40詞的英語作文 電影人物介紹

My favorite action star is Jack Chan.When I saw he was playing in the movie.I slways so excited .He is a very famous movie star in China.I like his movie .He is very kindness that always help people.He like running and swimming.His movie like plan of A was very interesting.He is famous for action movie.

Ⅱ 用英語(帶翻譯)介紹一位明星。他的出生年月,成就和外界對他的評價。

chan, April 7, 1954 was born in Hong Kong vivtoria and native shandong, the greater China area film star and international kung fu movie superstar, in Chinese world very prestigious and influence. He and Stephen chow chow, saying "double Monday into", meaning the Hong Kong movie box office guarantee. The Hong Kong film awards won many of the best design honorary title. Jackie chan is famous for its kung fu movies, many times to break the Hong Kong film box office records, the film starring global total box office has more than 20 billion yuan, for the Chinese actor. Jackie chan is the well-known kung fu comedy the drunken fist "; 1994 by he starred in "red" areas of the public in the United States after a strong response to make it into the USA Hollywood; "Rush hour" series movie also gain the highest box office, and lay the international film star status.

Ⅲ 英語作文介紹明星周星馳


Zhou Xingchi has made a lot of movies. He is a very excellent actor.

When you are tired, you will watch his movies to relax yourself. He has been trying to bring laughter to the audience. His movies are a mirror of our daily life.

Many people like his films, but more like the spirit of his films: no matter how difficult life is, you will have a good future if you work hard.




Ⅳ 用英語介紹一個喜歡的電影明星

Robin Williams a man who born July 21, 1951.he is an American actor and comedian. I like him cause he is very hormor.no matter in the show or in normal life.and he is very smart, he's show start in 1977 called Can I do it till I need glasses? and the old film Good Morning, Vietnam in 1987. but my favorite film is Good Will Hunting in 1997,and the new film in the 2010 called wedding banned. even when he is old now,he is still the popular actor in America that is why I like him 我自己喜歡的明星 簡單了點 但是希望能幫到你

Ⅳ 急需一個美國的電影明星的介紹!(英語)

Tom Hanks Tom Hank July 1956 9 sunrise in California, by the end of September was launched rescue Rennes common soldiers 』and many officials for a classic such as : the Seattle Yeweimian』, the weaker 』:, which are starring Tom Hank. A sense of a happy face with vivid imagery technique, a born comic Tom Hank cell in his high school student in California Auckland Sky-line elected as a high grade on the boys Ban'm king 』. So Tom Hank mostly in the early comedy direction, when parents divorce five years, he ran around as cooks father, he began to show enchanted University, then dropped out of school in the performing arts circle. 1984 Mermaid -- he is a fore, four years after he had to fly into the future as a result of his live-in the night of the boys grow up, Oscar nominated for the first time. In addition to comedy, he also tried to maturity serious role in the Little League of the Seattle Yeweimian -- are many gains. 1993 -- Philadelphia -- Chinese homosexual corner, more so that he was Oscar Best Actor Award. 1994 -- China is playing an IQ seems only to the legendary figures of 75, is another excellent performance, but will push the film's hot unprecedented record, and only recently launched a rescue Rennes common soldiers -- more than his previous performance style. Tom Hankesi childhood was spent in the "mobile" to pass, in his parents divorced when five, young cooks Hankesi With so much father everywhere, constantly changing location is not the most let him headaches matter, the more trouble from time to efforts to adapt to a new school, religious or stepmother. Fortunately, this stray career ultimate Auckland City in California ended. Hankesi performing career from high school drama performances, the University after graation he began performing input all body and mind cause. 1978, in New York have a Hankesi work, and serving as procer and actress Samantha Lewes marriage, but that marriage did not last long. 1979, Hankesi first time in a low-cost film "He knows you lonely," role-playing, the film screened in 1980, the generation Oscar winning career has taken a step forward. Soon, Hankesi moved to Los starring TV series and the "little red uniforms." He also participated in several other television drama performances, such as "Taxi" and "Family Ties" and the more famous one is the "lost and monsters." 1984 Hankesi perform in the proct proced by the Disney company "Mermaid" success, he embarked on the road of fame, but then the situation is not so optimistic. A series of failures did not make him retreat, 1988, Hankesi Lingxianzhuyan great success "into the future", including Oscar was one fell swoop, Goal, colleges, the New York film critics, the Best Actor Award nominated four awards. He then in 1990, 1992 and 1993 respectively starring the film "illusory bonfire", "years" and "Seattle Yeweimian blazing sun," has given rise to a series of sensational. 1993, another film "The Philadelphia Story" to the career Hankesi onto the first peak, and this year was the 66-second Oscar for Best Actor Award. Display the Hankesi in 1994 ushered in an unprecedented honor, because in the movie "Forrest" successful dection, Hankesi again won the Best Actor Oscar Awards Block, and become the first ever two consecutive actor was Oscar Best Actor Award. Winning the prize has thus established a firm basis on his head. 1996, Hankesi began to get involved in new areas, this year he self generated, since the introction, the film since his "can not stop the miracle" fully demonstrated his versatile side. 1999, the famous film director Sipierboge directed by the "Save the common soldiers sincerely" to Hankesi brought new glory -- 71-second Oscar nominated Best Actor Award, allows people to see a range of increasingly mature actor image. 1989, Hankesi cooperation with the film "volunteers" of a married actress Rita Wilson. So far, he has had four sons, of whom Boss Colin Hanks has grown, quite means glamour image, family life very happy

簡 介
Tom Hanks 湯姆漢克 1956年7月9日出生於美國加州,九月底才推出的『搶救雷恩大兵』及許多紅極一時的經典之作如:『西雅圖夜未眠』、『阿甘正傳』…等,均為湯姆漢克所主演。
一張具喜感的臉加上逗趣生動的演技,湯姆漢克具天生的喜劇細胞,在他就讀加州奧克蘭的Sky-line高中的高年級時就當選過『男生班搞怪大王』。所以早期湯姆漢克也多朝喜劇方向發展,5歲時父母離異,他隨著廚師父親各處跑, 念大學時開始對演戲入迷, 繼而輟學投入演藝圈。
1984年他以【美人魚】一片嶄露頭角, 四年後他因演活了【飛進未來】中一夜長大的男孩, 首度入圍奧斯卡.除喜劇外, 他亦嘗試成熟嚴肅角色, 【紅粉聯盟】□【西雅圖夜未眠 】都多有斬獲.1993年【費城】中同性戀一角, 更使他獲得奧斯卡最佳 男主角獎.1994年【阿甘正傳】中飾演一位智商只有75的傳奇人物, 又是另一出色表現, 更將該片賣座推向空前的記錄,而日前才推出的【搶救雷恩大兵】,更有別於他以往的演出風格。


漢克斯的表演生涯是從高中的戲劇表演開始,大學結業後他開始全身心的投入表演事業。1978年,漢克斯在紐約得到一份工作,並和女演員兼製片人Samantha Lewes結婚,但這段婚姻沒有維持很久。


不久,漢克斯搬到洛衫磯並主演電視連續劇《紅妝小子》。他還參加其他一些電視劇的演出,比如「Taxi」、「Family Ties」,比較有名的一部是《迷宮與怪獸》。




1989年,漢克斯與在電影《志願者》合作過的女演員Rita Wilson 結婚。到目前為止,他已經擁有了四個兒子,其中老大Colin Hanks已長大成人,形象頗有乃父風采,一家人生活非常幸福。




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