導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 這部電影非常吸引我英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-09-13 12:58:50

『壹』 初中英語作文我最喜歡的電影精選4篇




I likewatching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful lovestory between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward andBella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has livedhundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They areclassmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still choosesto love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choiceto protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.


I likethis movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars init are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited.And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I seeit.



Movieis my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free. Since I like English verymuch, so the English movie is my favorite, too. Among so many films I havewatched, the one I like best is HighSchool Musical. This film tells the stories about two high school juniorsfrom rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and GabriellaMontez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. Together,they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. In this process,a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great successand Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happyending. I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorfuland amazing, which I admire so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending oflove story.

我喜歡電影,平時有時間的時候我一般都是看電影。我非常喜歡英語,因此英語電影也是我喜歡看的。在我所看過的電影中,我最喜歡的是《歌舞青春》。這部電影講述了兩個高中生的故事——學校籃球隊的隊長Troy Bolton和性格害羞、長相甜美、成績優異的新生Gabriella Montez。他們要一起主演學校的音樂劇。在這個過程中,發生了一系列的故事,而最終,音樂劇獲得了成功,他們之間也碰撞出了愛的火花,完美落幕。我喜歡這部電影的原因是因為電影中展現的高中生活豐富多彩、奇妙無比,讓我十分羨慕。再者,有誰不喜歡愛情故事的大圓滿結局呢。


Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .

On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .

They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.


Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.Ilike action movie and science movie. My favoriteactor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He hasmany movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These moviesare very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie moviesvery much.


『貳』 英語作文我最喜歡的電影

My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie. 翻譯 我最喜歡的電影是變形金剛.這個電影是在美國拍攝的,它用了大量的高科技手段和電腦特效.我非常喜歡.這部電影中有一些規模宏大的場景,還有著名的影星.除些之外,它故事情節非常吸引人,這部電影同時也告訴我要尊重保護我們的每一個人.它告訴我們要勇敢地與敵人進行斗爭,同時也要有勇氣在危險中生存.電影還隨帶有很多我喜歡的機器人玩具.這就是我最喜歡的電影.

『叄』 這部電影深深地打動了我的心。用英語怎麼說

這部電影深深的打動了我的心,用英語翻譯:The film touched my heart deeply.

『肆』 這個電影使我感興趣(5句) 用英語怎麼說

I am interested in this film.
This film is very interesting to me .
I take an interest in this film.
This film makes me interested
This film interests me.

『伍』 「這部電影令我感到很感動,我很喜歡它。」用英語怎麼講

In a word,this movie is deeply touching and I'm really fond of it.

『陸』 一部叫《戀戀筆記本》的電影吸引了我的翻譯是:什麼

A film called 《the notebook》 movie attracted me

『柒』 這部電影深深地打動了我的心。用英語怎麼說

The movie moved me deeply.
The film touched me deeply.



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