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⑴ 電影《魔球》裡面,小女孩唱的歌,歌名是什麼

歌名:《The Show》
音樂風格:Pop,Indie pop,female vocalist
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah it's a lot
to be something I'm not
I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
oh oh
Just enjoy the show
oh oh
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
m de m
m de m
Just enjoy the show
m de m
m de m
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

Lenka , 來自澳洲Electronic-Rock團體Decoder Ring 中的優質創作甜美女生,一個精靈古怪的小女孩,腦子充滿天馬行空的七彩畫面轉由音符輸出,可愛有趣之迷人特質讓聽眾很快地喜歡上了她,生動活潑的豐富曲風,完全排除千篇一律枯燥乏味的編排模式,加上毫不吹噓的創作功力,邀你一同進入她多樣的音樂異想世界。
蕾恩卡六歲的時候伴隨吹奏小號的父親而開口歌唱,慢慢培養出對音樂的高度興趣。移居悉尼之後開始學習舞蹈等表演課程,進入藝術學院加強其發聲訓練。2004年加入Electronic-Rock 團體Decoder Ring,替短片《猶太男孩 Jewboy》編寫配樂而風靡許多電影節會場,更躍登澳洲大小音樂祭典舞台。蕾恩卡飛到美國洛杉磯尋找更多音樂靈感,同時不斷於工作室里頭製作自己的歌曲,2007年獲得 Epic Records 賞識,順利簽入旗下發表了首張個人同名專輯。

電影講述奧克蘭運動家棒球隊(又稱綠帽隊或白象隊)總經理比利·比恩(Billy Beane)的經營哲學,描寫了他如何以小搏大、力抗其它薪資總額比他們多上數倍的大球隊的方法

⑵ 求一部外國電影,曾經在電影頻道播出的,應該是近些年來的作品。講一個女孩唱歌成名的,好像還有一個老師

仔細查了查,最符合你說的電影應該是《Lizzie McGuire》
類型: 校園,喜劇
片長: 94分鍾
上映時間: 2003年5月
譯名: 麻雀變明星,莉琪的異想世界
出品公司: 迪士尼
製片地區: 美國
01 Why Not_Hilary Duff 02 The Tide Is High (Get the Feeling)_At 03 All Around the World_Cooler Kids 04 What Dreams Are Made Of (Paolo&Isabella) 05 Shining Star_Jump5 06 Volare Vitamin C 07 Open Your Eyes (To Love) LMNT 08 You Make Me Feel Like a Star_Beu Sist 09 Supermodel Taylor Dayne 10 What Dreams Are Made Of_Hilary Duff 11 On an Evening in Roma 12 Girl in the Band_Haylie Duff 13 Orchestral Suite (From the Lizzie McG )

⑶ 求《尖峰時刻》里的歌曲


1. 成龍演唱的歌曲《成不成》。 殲談

2. Amil/Jay-Z/Ja Rule演唱的歌曲《Can I Get A...》。

3. Bryan Savage演唱的歌曲《Rush Hour》。

4. Bryan Savage演唱的歌曲《Sunny》。

5. Drake University Jazz Ensemble One演唱的歌曲《All Of Me》。

6. Bryan Savage演唱的歌曲《Scenic Route》 。


《尖峰時刻》是由布萊特.拉特納導演,成龍,克里斯·塔克主演的喜劇動作片。該電影的原聲帶收錄於專輯《尖峰時螞此刻:電影原悶改迅聲大碟》中。《尖峰時刻》 的官方配樂專輯也很成功,1999年1月21日獲得白金認證。歌曲專輯於1999年於美卡音像正式發行。

《尖峰時刻》的電影配樂歌手Amil/Jay-Z/Ja Rule 以他們演唱的歌曲《Can I Get A...》在MTV電影獎上被提名為最佳電影歌曲。並且該電影高峰時間在北美票房排名第一。



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