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發布時間:2023-11-01 01:01:51

A. 學習英語,推薦幾個好的英文電影


老朋記(friends),波士頓法律(boston legal),迷失(lost), 越獄(prison break,這個對話就不那麼清楚了)


獅入羊口 Lions.for.Lambs.
十二月男孩 December.Boys.
十全十美 Full.Of.It.
史詩電影 Epic.Movie.
雙生兒之幻想 Imagination
死寂 Dead.Silence
四月三周兩天 4.Months.3.Weeks.And.2.Days
太陽公主 Princess.of.the.Sun.
未來戰爭2022 Recon.2022.The.Mezzo.Incident
仙境之橋 Bridge.To.Terabithia.
心靈深處的音樂 Music.Within
幸運庫克 .Good.Luck.Chuck.
血腥數字 Bloody.Numbers.2008
血眼 Frontiers
尋找新的李小龍 Finishing.the.Game
一個美國哥特式的傳奇 Brothers.Three.An.American.Gothic
伊麗莎白:黃金時代 Elizabeth.The.Golden.Age
異域魔影 After.Dark.Horrorfest.Unearthed.
飲料杯歷險記 Aqua.Teen.Hunger.Force
英倫魔法師 Magicians.
鷹與鯊魚 Eagle.Vs.Shark
預言 Premonition
在魔鬼知道你死前 Before.the.Devil.Knows.Youre.Dead
曾經安靜的男人 He.Was.A.Quiet.Man.
正視 Eyes.Front
重整旗鼓 Resurrecting.The.Champ
朱諾 Juno
磚塊街 Brick.Lane
足球女將 Gracie

最後強烈推薦 這個人來自地球the man's from the earth

B. 推薦電影的英語文章


Alien is a 1979 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Tom Skerritt andSigourney Weaver. The film's title refers to its primary character: a highly aggressive extra-terrestrial creature that stalks and kills the crew of a spaceship. The alien gets onto the shipafter the crew board a derelictalien spacecraft. Inside it they find the remains of a large aliencreature whose ribs appear to have beenexploded outward from the inside. They discover ahuge room containing many eggs, one of which releases a creature that attaches itself to theface of one of the crew. They return to their spaceship and the terror starts as terrible thingshappen to the crew as they try to find and kill the alien.


Alien received both critical acclaim and box office success. It also received an Academy Awardfor Best Visual Effects. It has remained highly praised in subsequent decades. In 2008, it wasranked as the seventh-best film in the science fiction genre by the American Film Institute, andas the thirty-third greatest movie of all time by Empire magazine. Movie critic Roger Ebertwrote: "One of the great strengths of Alien is its pacing. It takes its time. It waits. It allowssilences." The success of Alien generated a media franchise of novels, ic books, videogames, and toys, as well as three sequels and two prequels. It also launched Weaver's actingcareer by providing her with her first lead role.


Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz. It has a star-studded cast that includes Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. The film was based on Murray Burnett and Joan Alison's then-unproced play Everybody es to Rick's. Warner Bros. bought the play for $20,000, which was the mostanyone in Hollywood had ever paid for an unproced play. It is set ring World War II and focuses on a man torn between, in the words of one character, love and virtue. He must choose between his love for a woman, and helping her and her hu *** and escape from the Vichy-controlled Moroccan city of Casablanca so that her hu *** and can continue his fight against the Nazis.


Although it was an A-list film, with established stars and first-rate writers, no one involvedwith its proction expected Casablanca to be anything out of the ordinary. It was just one ofhundreds of pictures proced by Hollywood every year. The film was a solid success in itsinitial run and did well at the box office. The movie won three Academy Awards in 1944,including Best Picture. Its characters, dialogue, and music have bee iconic, although one ofthe lines most closely associated with the film — "Play it again, Sam" — is a misquotation;Bergman's character actually says: "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'." The film consistentlyranks near the top of lists of the greatest films of all time.


C. 用英語介紹一部你喜歡的電影 什麼電影都行 內容簡單 60字左右

Forrest, Forrest Gump is a simple man with little brain activity but good intentions. He struggles through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he wins medals, starts a table tennis craze, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, create the smiley, write bumper stickers and songs, donating to people and meeting the president several times. However this is all irrelevant to Forrest who can only think of his childhood sweetheart Jenny. Who has messed up her life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is that anyone can love anyone.

D. 向朋友推薦一部電影用英語怎麼寫!!!!

Hello,everyone! I would like to introce to you a film"Kung Fu Panda". The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he makes his dream come true finally. However, it is a very difficult process . In the film there are some other animals, such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on, who played some small roles. They are also strong and fight for justice. I like this movie very much. It encouages me to study hard like the panda in the movie. As long as I study hard, my dream is sure to come true finally. I also hope that everyone can study hard as I do. Only in this way can all of us realize our own dreams.

E. 推薦幾部不錯的英語電影

分類: 娛樂/明星 >> 電影




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列辛德勒的名單 虎膽龍威系列

星球大戰系列 洛奇系列 終結者系列 回來未來1-3集


塘鵝暗殺令 兵臨城下 愛國者 旭日追凶 阿甘正傳 <天煞>地球反擊戰

偷天陷阱 石破天驚 第五元素 生死時速1 大話王 神探飛機頭

侏羅紀公園系列 沉默的羔羊 七宗罪 阿波羅13號 變臉

拯救大兵瑞恩 E.T外星人 這個殺手不太冷 泰坦尼克號 楚門的世界

蜘蛛俠系列 碟中諜系列 與狼共舞 白頭神探系列 星河戰隊 1

黑衣人1-2 人工智慧 活火熔城 珍珠港 蝙蝠俠系列

刀鋒戰士系列 人骨拼圖~

記憶裂痕 綠色奇跡 靈異第六感 盜墓迷城系列 角鬥士 暗流 心理游戲

超時空戀愛 死神又來1-2集 楚門的世界 《蒸發密令》 真實的謊言


霹靂天使1-2集 佐羅的面具-1 極限特工系列 . 魔戒三部曲

地獄男爵 X戰警系列 冰河世紀 非常人販1-2 史密斯夫婦 怪物史萊克12

本能1-2 超人歸來 後天 金剛 加勒比海盜系列 初戀50次

黑客帝國系列 超人總動員 V字仇殺隊 bad boy1.2



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