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A. 英語作文龍貓這部動畫片怎麼寫

A story about childhood innocence, friendship and the belief that magic is all around us.
Satuski and Mei have recently moved to a countryside area of Japan with their Father. Their Mother has been rehabilitating at a nearby hospital and the move was made so that they could be closer to her, as well as to provide a better environment for her once she is allowed to go home. Although Satsuki and Mei were at first frightened by their new strange house, they soon discover that there is a magical presence there. Soon, they meet their new neighbour, a tree guardian named Totoro who lives in the forest behind their house, and together a wonderful adventure begins.
Satuski和mei和她們的父親剛剛般到日本的鄉下. 她們的媽媽在附近的一家醫院養身體. 他們搬到鄉下就可以離媽媽近一點, 也給讓媽媽出院後有個更好的環境.雖然兩姐妹開始被她們的新家嚇著了, 可是後來她們發現這是個充滿魔力的房子. 很塊它們認識了新鄰居,一個叫totoro(龍貓?)的樹守衛(我靠,這我翻譯不了,tree guardian),就住在他們家後面的叢林. 奇妙的旅程開始了

B. 寫電影的英語作文,要求:電影發生的時間地點、主要情節、對你的影響

I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series. But now, I love watching movie most. The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龍貓》). Since then, I nearly watched all movies proced by Hayao Miyazaki.(宮崎駿)His movies are simple, warm and ecational. They are very suitable for middle school students. I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films. I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie. Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life. I also make new friends e to movie. We share this common interest and we often introce movies to each other. I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.


C. 以電影《龍貓》為題的英語作文初中水平

"My Neighbor Totoro" is Studio Ghibli and Tokuma launched in 1988 an animated film by Hayao Miyazaki directed. Film is a description of the height of Japan's economic development before the existence of the natural beauty, the only child to see the magical world and rich imagination. Satsuki film about the hero after his mother is ill in hospital, with her father and year-old sister Ada to live countryside. They feel for where the environment is very strange, also we found some interesting things.

D. 求宮崎駿《龍貓》英語簡介

My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The film was originally released in the U.S. on VHS and Laserdisc with the title, My Friend Totoro.

E. 求一段英語介紹宮崎駿

Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked second.Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that factory.Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds.Hayao Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother pirates.Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike.Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.Tokyo will be transferred to the school.In 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine years.From this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen ring the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao Miyazaki.1958, the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have interest.Hayao Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be painted.He also resolved to be the master of a cartoonist.After graating from high school, learning center Hayao Miyazaki enter Tokyo University student, majoring in political economics.1963, Hayao Miyazaki graated from college, entered the eastbound video animation work.The first involved in the proction of works of the East reflected in the same year in December Animation Theater "Wanwan loyal possession".Followed by Hayao Miyazaki part in the first video proced by the first TV animation -- Junior ken> wolf.He plans to put the often were not adopted, but still sticks to his ideals Hayao Miyazaki.Russian cartoon read "Snow Queen", Hayao Miyazaki's minds more exuberant creative flame,He later recalled : This"I can see how the animation proction is the cause .... treasure deserves careful animation is such a pure, simple and unadorned.allow our imagination to run through performance art .... not lost its force poemfiction or drama and other art forms. "1964.Hayao Miyazaki animation when East reflects the association's Secretary-General,it is high time the association vice chairman Tian-xun (Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly socialists).That too, Hayao Miyazaki Tian Zhu and his colleagues began to Miss U.S. Date.Autumn 1965, Hayao Miyazaki voluntary help high (Huotian) hun director of the "Solar Prince" The proction teamas scenes of the original design and painting.In October 2002, Hayao Miyazaki and the United States too Tian Zhu Miss married, they had a son in January 1967."Solar Prince" exhibition in 1968, Hayao Miyazaki and his wife will attend the "boot wearing of" The Cat in the proction.The next year, both together proced the "space ship flying buyulei".April 1969, the second son was born.1970-1979, 1971, Hayao Miyazaki left the video animation, and high (Huotian) - hun,Kotabe sheep were first together, "A-Pro tasks."In 1973, he and two high Tian-xun cooperation in the animation "Panda> exhibition.This works Hayao Miyazaki, who is one of four post-original, the script, and scene design, original paintings, a sizeable personal style play.June, Hayao Miyazaki, high (Huotian) - hun and sheep left Kotabe "A-Pro"adding "Zuiyo Picture."In July, Hayao Miyazaki Sand go to Switzerland, following a search of his work "The Alps girls ensemble," the inspirationIn this work he served as design and images constitute scene.In 1975, he went to Italy and Argentina Sand, making preparations for the "mother-thousand-mile-seeking"as well as scenes of the same design.1978, the first wholly proced by Hayao Miyazaki's works -- coming out of juvenile male, "broadcast on NHK.received favorable reviews, Hayao Miyazaki's thinking and style displayed in the film significantly.Tokyo, in 1979 he entered the movie News.1980 film "Lu Caliostro City III" (disaster)once again showed the "future years" adventure film style.1982 full-length cartoon "concerts" in German bookstores beginning of a series of Animage magazine.This has been a series of comics before the end of 1994.November 1982, the movie News from Tokyo, a freelance writer.1980-1989, 1983, director Hayao Miyazaki's animated version of "concerts" to start planning.high (Huotian) - hun as procers from the entire Topcraft studio film proction.In July 1997, Hayao Miyazaki's mother, died 71 years ago.Animation Theater in March 1984 "concerts" exhibition, rich imagination and deep content.shocked the audience and the entire film instry.April, Hayao Miyazaki and two partners founded a high Hata, Shunroko hun "two horse" club.1985, founded Studio Ghibli, the company began to manufacture the "Sky".From the "Sky", Hayao Miyazaki has been working in Studio Ghibli,Up to now proced a total of succession "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service", "紅", "Xinyu""On Your Mark>, and the" Princess "animated films.Hayao Miyazaki has been drawing comics and childhood worship featuring cartoon character, but later in the creative process.He found he could only Tetsuka replicas, no matter how, is also unable to break the shackles.Therefore, Hayao Miyazaki Tetsuka criticized the destruction of the Japanese comic action cartoon instry.Many people think that the proction of Hayao Miyazaki to retire after the "Princess" is not in the proction of animated films, in fact,Hayao Miyazaki's body can no longer do a film director, he said.Dry animation film directors live it is the dedication,So, because of some problems he can not personally directed the proction, such as the "Princess".but also to provide an opportunity for young people.But this does not mean he will give up the animation proction work,Hayao Miyazaki animation proction can also participate in some activities not covered everything, such as scripts, and other figures set.


宮崎駿生於1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他們家原本住在東京都文京區,後來二次大戰因戰時疏散,舉家遷往宇都宮市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父經營了一家飛機工廠,宮崎駿的父親在那間工廠擔任主管。宮崎駿的母親 是個很嚴格的人,頭腦很聰明。宮崎駿的么弟後來回憶說,他看到《天空之城》中的海盜婆婆不禁想起了自己的母親,雖然長得完全不像,但是個性倒神似。宮崎駿小學一到三年級都在宇都宮市的小學就讀,後來他們搬回東京,便轉到東京的學校讀書。1947年的時候,宮崎駿的母親患了結核病,在床上整整躺了九年。從《龍貓》這部電影中就可以看到宮崎駿一家的這段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部長篇彩色電影動畫《白蛇傳》(東映動畫製作)上映了,還是高三學生的宮崎駿迷上了這部片子,原本就喜愛漫畫的他開始對動畫產生興趣。宮崎駿從前就喜歡塗塗畫畫一些軍艦、飛機之類的東西,不過不太會畫人,他也曾立志要當一名漫畫家。





1971年,宮崎駿離開東映動畫,和高(火田)勛、小田部羊一等人一起進入「A-Pro」工作。1973年,他和高田勛兩人合作的動畫《Panda》上映了,這部作品中宮崎駿一人身兼四個職務—原案、腳本、場面設計、原畫,個人風格有頗大的發揮。六月的時候,宮崎駿、高(火田)勛和小田部羊一離開「A-Pro」,加入「Zuiyo Picture」。七月,宮崎駿到瑞士去拍外景,尋找他的下一部作品《阿爾卑斯山的少女海蒂》的靈感,在這部作品中他擔任場面設計及畫面構成。1975年,他又到義大利和阿根廷拍外景,准備製作《尋母三千里》,同樣也是擔任場面設計。

1978年,第一部全程由宮崎駿監制的作品——《未來少年科男》在NHK 播出,頗受好評,宮崎駿的思想與風格在本片中大大地展現。1979年他進入東京movie新社,1980年執導《魯邦三世Caliostro城》(劇場版),再度展現《未來少年》的冒險電影風格。1982年長篇漫畫《風之谷》在德間書店的Animage雜志上開始連載,這部漫畫一直連載到1994年才完結。1982年11月,退出東京movie新社,當自由作家。



1985年,Studio Ghibli 創立,開始製作《天空之城》。從《天空之城》以後,宮崎駿就一直Studio Ghibli 在工作,到現在為止一共陸陸續續製作了《龍貓》、《魔女宅急便》、《紅豬》、《心之谷》、《On Your Mark》,以及《幽靈公主》等動畫電影。



F. 龍貓的英文簡介,越長越好!!!!!

My Neighbor Totoro, its scientific name South American chinchilla belongs to MAMMALIA Rodentia Suborder porcupine American chinchilla related species resemble Hayao Miyazaki for its creation of the cartoon film TOTORO My Neighbor Totoro (where, like it?), So after being in Hong Kong change their name to "My Neighbor Totoro."
My Neighbor Totoro rodents are mammals, porcupines suborder South America bunny Branch, and many people mentioned the mouse thought of a mouse, in fact it and the rats are completely different. The main difference is: rats are omnivorous animals, and My Neighbor Totoro is a vegetarian, and their digestive system different. Mouse is a two-ovulation control ovulation and the My Neighbor Totoro is a single tube, so rodents (including hamsters) can be litter every 20 days for Health and My Neighbor Totoro Aberdeen litter 1-2 times a year only, and only 1-2 per litter The probability is 80%.
My Neighbor Totoro ancestors who live in the South American Andes, 500-1200 m above sea level inside the chimney. Despite the cold and dry weather, a great temperature difference between day and night, but chinchillas are still living a life of peace and happiness of the herd. The Totoro's hometown, food was lacking, chinchillas, who can only rely on bark, roots, cactus and other live, which makes chinchillas have a strong vitality and resistance. Is also because of this harshness of the natural conditions, making chinchillas in the evolutionary process naturally reces the number of births and extended the period of pregnancy: My Neighbor Totoro is only 1-3 per child, with an average gestation period of as much as 111 days. But it will bring additional benefit is that chinchillas are rodents in the life of the longest average life span 12-20 years, the artificial breeding environment is still more than 35 years of health records. So, Chinchilla as a pet can accompany the owner to spend a long times. My Neighbor Totoro has the world's most dense fur, every pore as many as 40-60 hair roots, in the provenance of the best the United States, to better meet every pore 80 of the quantity (dogs and cats every pore is only 1-3 Article wool) in Totoro's home, chinchillas fur is a right, a symbol of good fortune and wealth is the chief ornaments of indigenous people. The sixteenth century, Spanish colonists set foot on the Totoro's hometown, they found that small animals, fur is so soft, temperament was so docile, several centuries surge in the number of fox hunting and My Neighbor Totoro makes almost extinct ... ... . to the early 19th century who had been arrested, My Neighbor Totoro immediate concern the edge of extinction, a mining engineer from the United States MFChapman high reward, spent four years time to collect 11 (8 public and 3 female) My Neighbor Totoro back to the United States breeding success, you have a chance today, I kept such a cute little animals, most of the world's My Neighbor Totoro My Neighbor Totoro is a descendant of this 11.
In the wild chinchillas have been undetected for a long time, and is likely to have become extinct, they are Class I of CITES protected species. My Neighbor Totoro is currently raising the largest amount the United States, followed by Canada, Argentina, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Chile, Uruguay and other countries. Hong Kong, Japan and other places e to climate, geographical, and there is no reason for forming Totoro farms do not proce chinchillas, but the private cultivation of the sale, quality, quantity is not stable. Yankee numerous breeding farms for many years a large number of chinchillas, currently the largest known breeding farms, as much as about 8000. Canada since 1937 from the U.S. introction of chinchillas, currently the main procing areas in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and other provinces Sasikaqie moderate. Because the United States was the first successfully bred chinchillas country, the propagation of the United States may well be the most experienced experts. The first Chinchilla Breeders Association ECBC (Empress Chinchilla Breeders'Cooperative) was established in 1938. The organization is committed to working with pure fur breeding instry, who set in 1950, the special color chinchillas breeding more and more people, there the birth of another association, that is, MCBA (Mutation Chinchilla Breeders'Association) MCBA every year in the provinces held a variety of large and small game, so that breeders can observe each other to exchange experience. At present the United States and Canada who are very respected breeders association of these two standards developed by and competitions.




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