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❶ 電影,放牛班的春天的名字用英文怎麼讀,還有電影中幾個主人公的簡短英文介紹

放牛班的春天英文The Chorus讀作[ðə ˈkɔːrəs]。角色介紹如下:


He went to work as an assistant teacher at a boys' boarding school nicknamed tong Low. Most of the students are difficult, troubled children, corporal punishment is common, and the school principal is tyranical and oppressive, concerned with his own future.

With a calm personality, he tried to improve the situation with his own methods. He re-created music works, organized the choir, and decided to use music to open the closed hearts of students. Love music career, the most selfless love dedicated to the children.





❷ 用英文介紹電影明星,簡潔的,帶翻譯。

Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, screenwriter, and philanthropist whose career was launched following the success of the film Good Will Hunting (1997), from a screenplay he co-wrote with friend Ben Affleck. The pair won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay.


In the movie Jenny's forrest gump from good friend, her life has certain tragedy color, she lost on the stoop, finally because drug infection AIDS (AIDS) and death (drug with many people share a syringe and infection). But her own also reflects a trend of the history of the United States.
First, Jenny's personality formation, decisive point is she young was drinking father abused experience. If you skim over Freud's books, to psychoanalysis understanding of words, will know, childhood experience is will become unconscious, and or so of the person subconscious. In fact, Jenny later in reverse to male movement, and is the cause.

❹ 復仇者聯盟成員及英文名字介紹

主要人物:鋼鐵俠(Iron Man),美國隊長(Captain America),雷神托爾(Thor),綠巨人(Hulk),蟻人(Ant-Man),黑寡婦(Black Widow)。


驚奇女士的良師益友驚奇隊長(Captain Marvel,在去世之際獲得名譽身份)





新任鋼鐵俠James R.Rhodes,後採用戰爭機器(War Machine)的頭銜

神奇四俠的石頭人(The Thing)

多重人格的神之鬥士月光騎士(Moon Knight)



二戰時代的初代火炬人(Human Torch I)Jim Hammond

墨西哥裔青年活閃電(Living Lightning)

新任蜘蛛女俠(Spider-Woman)Julia Carpenter


一位普通平民Moira Brandon獲得名譽身份


亞特蘭提斯王子拿摩(Namor the Sub-Marviner)


老法師德魯伊德大夫(Doctor Druid)

改邪歸正的反派二代黃衫俠(Yellowjacket)Rita DeMara,名譽身份


半神永恆者一族的鬥士吉爾伽美什/遺忘者(Gilgamesh/Forgotten One)

神奇四俠的神奇先生(MR.Fantastic)和隱形女俠(Invisible Woman)夫婦











原史塔克反派情人面具夫人(Madame Masque)的一個替身,名譽身份







MCU是漫威的復仇者聯盟電影系列作品所在時空的簡稱,即Marvel Cinematic Universe,宇宙編號為Earth-199999。MCU這個世界年齡很小,2008年誕生,至2018年已經十年,千年的背景,未來的每周,它都會繼續著講述自己的故事,直到英雄落幕。


❺ 歌劇魅影的人物簡介(英文)

後來,戲院的投資人勞爾(派屈克威爾森 飾)認出克莉絲汀是他的兒時玩伴,兩人墜入愛河。魅影發現後,自覺遭到背叛,怒而砍斷舞台大吊燈的鐵鍊,讓整座華麗的水晶燈砰然粉碎在觀眾席上。隨著魅影的破壞愈來愈血腥瘋狂,克莉絲汀對他的感情也逐漸從迷戀轉為恐懼、害怕和憐憫。

In English:
This piece describes for 19th century to occur in the French Paris opera house love story. When the value in 1882, in the opera house cave deep place, the fable lived a facial expression to be ugly, to wear the music talent which the mask, actually had great learning, for many years he has mysteriously appeared and disappeared, avoids the vision which the common people alarmed and afraid despises, is "the demon shade" (outstanding Swiss Germany Boteler plays the part of) by the numerous person. He frequently makes each kind of chaos posture of by the ghosts and demons, expels his repugnant singer, even also interferes the opera house lead candidate and play code arrangement. In having no intention, the demon shade discovered the small sign female singer gram Li silk 汀 (Ai Meiluo the woods play the part of) have the uncommon talent beautiful sound, lets him not adore already. Admires greatly -odd, the demon shade decided does not count all prices, 汀 trains the young appearance beautiful gram Li silk the chief soprano. However, most starts from to the spiritual stratification plane love of music, actually graally transforms into intensely holds the desire. Overstates the demon shade by the practical action, sings all hindrances gram Li silk the enterprise person 11 to remove. Afterwards, theater investor Lowell (faction bent gram Willson to play the part of) recognizes the gram Li silk 汀 is his childhood plays the partner, two people fell deeply in love. After the demon shade discovery, determination encounters the betrayal, the anger cuts off the dance University of Taiwan hanging lamp the iron , lets the entire place magnificent quartz lamp crush with a crash in the auditorium. Is increasingly crazy along with the demon shade destruction rank smell of blood, the gram Li silk 汀 also graally transfers the fear to his sentiment from the love, is afraid and pities. After half year, Lowell with the gram Li silk 汀 secret engagement, demon shade sudden this present existence to the opera house masked ball, the force opera house performs the opera which his personally spectrum does "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant", and the designation 汀 holds the post of the leading lady by the gram Li silk. The confused gram Li silk , midnight rushes to the father grave in front of complains tearfully, Lowell then the pledge needs to fight to the bitter end with the demon shade. In "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant" the first performance same day, the opera house all around covers entirely the police, 孰 the material demon shade unexpectedly kills the actor, changes by oneself plays the role of goes on stage, 汀 develops the match play with the gram Li silk. Develops when the play to the highest tide, the gram Li silk 汀 tears off his mask in the presence of the everyone time, the demon shade ashamed is brokenhearted, will begin the gram Li silk 汀 to seize to his underground secret room. Lowell traces to underground, launches with the demon shade to, actually is definitely used by him the rope to restrain, the demon shade takes advantage of this coerces the gram Li silk 汀 to comply to propose. In order to protect spousal Lowell, the gram Li silk 汀 resolutely leans the body, maliciously kisses demon shade that as if by the hell curse face. To this, this love victory and defeat has decided. Despairs the demon shade delivers this which tight supports to the lover, intrudes in front of the underground secret room in the police and the populace, quietly hides, only leaves behind a faint smile the miserable mask...
2、安德魯-洛依德-韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)英國著名音樂劇作曲家。
In English:
The Andrew - Luo river depends on the German - Weber (Andrew Lloyd Webber) the English renowned musical composer. On March 22 of, 1948 was born to English London imperial family conservatory's family of professors and the piano teacher. His classical musical has "Cat", "Ai Weita", "Opera house Demon Shade", "Giant star Jesus Christ" and so on
3、這部電影剛剛在英國和北美亮相,就已經獲得了包括最佳藝術片、最佳女主角和最佳電影音樂原創在內三項金球獎提名的殊榮。上映3周後,在北美取得的票房成績為21,563,000美元,看上去並不多是吧?但這僅僅是600餘家影院上映的結果。當《歌劇魅影》在全美3000多家影院全面上映之後的票房會達到一個什麼樣的程度呢? 可想而知。
This movie just declared a position in England and North America, already has obtained including the best artistic film, the best leading lady and best sound track three golden ball awards nominations great honor. After screens 3 weeks, obtains the box office result in North America is 2.1,563, billion US dollars, has a liking for are not certainly many? But this merely is a result which 600 theaters screens. When "Opera Demon Shade" comprehensively screens after in the entire American more than 3,000 theaters a what type can the box office achieve the degree? It can be imagined.

❻ 求一篇英文的著名電影簡介,最好有一個人物介紹,字數150左右

1.Rain Man (1988)
An Academy Award Best Picture buddy film: one is a selfish yuppie, the other is his institutionalized savant brother featuring an unforgettable performance from Best Actor Dustin Hoffman (one of his two Oscars, the other was earned in 1979's Best Picture). Lots of hilarious interplay in this one. Director Barry Levinson won his only Oscar (to date), as did the Original Screenplay.

Tom Cruise plays the self absorbed one (big stretch;-) who discovers his wealthy father left his estate to his "idiot" brother Raymond (Hoffman). He didn't even know he had a brother, but figures that the only way to the money is through Raymond. So, he kidnaps Raymond and takes him on a cross-country journey of discovery, for them both. Valerie Golino plays Cruise's girlfriend, who forces him to appreciate Raymond for who he is. When Cruise discovers that his brother has special skills, he exploits him. But the film has a somewhat upbeat conclusion.

❼ 暮光之城 英文版人物介紹

全名: 伊莎貝拉·斯旺 Isabella Swan (Isabella Marie Swan)
伊莎貝拉 卡倫 Isabella Cullen (嫁給Edward之後-破曉中)
昵稱: Bella, Bells, Vampire girl,human girl
種類: 人類 (Twilight暮光之城到Breaking Dawn破曉的book 2)
吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn破曉的book 3)
生日: 09/13/1987
忌日(變成吸血鬼的日子): 09/10/2006 (擁有永遠18歲的外表)
能力: 防禦(盾牌,抵禦一切來自於心理的超能力,對Renesmee無效)
配偶: Edward Cullen
在電影里是由克里斯汀 斯圖爾特Kristen Stewart詮釋
全名: 愛德華·卡倫 Edward Cullen
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Edward Anthony Mason
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 06/30/1901
忌日(變成吸血鬼的日子): 1918 (擁有永遠17歲的外表)
能力: 讀心術(除了Bella的思想)、速度異常的快
配偶: Bella Swan
在電影里是由羅伯特 帕丁森 Robert Pattinson詮釋
全名: 雅各布·布萊克 Jacob Black
昵稱: Jack, Mutt, Dog, Mongrel, Pup
年齡: 15(Twilight), 16(New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn)
種類: 人類(Twilight暮光之城)人類+狼人(New Moon新月到Breaking Dawn破曉)
配偶:Renesmee Carlie Cullen(烙印)
在電影里是由 Taylor Lautner詮釋

全名: 卡萊爾·卡倫 Carlisle Cullen
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Carlisle Cullen
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1640年左右 (擁有永遠23歲的外表)
配偶: Esme Cullen
在電影里是由Peter Facinelli詮釋
全名: 埃斯梅·卡倫 Esme Cullen
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Esme Anne Platt
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1892年左右 (擁有永遠26歲的外表)
配偶: Carlisle Cullen
在電影里是由Elizabeth Reaser詮釋
全名: 羅莎莉·黑爾 Rosalie Hale
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Rosalie Lillian Hale
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1933年 (擁有永遠18歲的外表)
配偶: Emmett Cullen
在電影里是由Nikki Reed詮釋
全名: 埃美特·卡倫 Emmett Cullen
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Emmett McCarty
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1915年 (擁有永遠20歲的外表)
配偶: Rosalie Hale
在電影里是由Kellan Luts詮釋
全名: 愛麗絲·卡倫 Alice Cullen
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Mary Alice Brandon
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1901 (她不記得自己什麼時候被變成吸血鬼的)
能力: 看得見可能發生的事情還有即將發生的事情(主觀),對時尚和潮流很敏感
配偶: Jasper Hale
在電影里是由Ashley Greene詮釋
全名: 賈斯帕·黑爾 Jasper Hale
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字): Jasper Whitlock
種類: 吸血鬼
生日: 1843年 (擁有永遠20歲的外表)
能力: 控制周圍人的情緒,判斷情緒,非常強的搏鬥能力
配偶: Alice Cullen
在電影里是由Jackson Rathbone詮釋
全名: 蕾妮斯梅·卡萊爾·卡倫 Renesmee Carlie Cullen
種類: 一半吸血鬼一半人類
生日: 09/10/2006
能力: 讓別人看到自己在想什麼,還有反防禦
父母: Edward Cullen & Isabella Swan

全名: 查理·斯旺 Charlie Swan
種類: 人類
*貝拉的爸爸, 警察
在電影里是由Billy Burke詮釋
全名: 蕾妮·德爾 Renee Dwyer (本姓,或隨新丈夫姓氏,原著中未表)
種類: 人類
* 貝拉的媽媽, 再婚
在電影里是由Sarah Clarke詮釋
全名: 比利·布萊克 Billy Black
種類: 人類+狼人
* 雅各布的爸爸, 查理的好朋友在電影里是由詮釋

全名: 詹姆斯 James
種類: 吸血鬼
在電影里是由Cam Gigandet詮釋
全名: 維多利亞 Victoria
種類: 吸血鬼
在電影里是由Rachelle Lefèvre詮釋
全名: 勞倫特 Laurent
種類: 吸血鬼
在電影里是由Edi Gathegi詮釋

❽ 5句語介紹英語電影人物

1原文:「Life is like a box of chocolates:you never know what you』re gonna get.」
Tom Hanks,「Forrest Gump」



At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle, "the law is reason free from passion!" Well,no offence to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard.I have come to find: Passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life. it was for passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. rembering the first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.

在到哈弗的第一天,一位特別的教授指出亞里士多德的話:法律是不容許含有激情的。我不是對亞里士多德的不敬,但是我在哈弗的三年裡,我發現:激情是學好法律和實踐的關鍵,也包括人生。也是擁有激情,勇氣和強烈的自我意識,去進入社會。 記住,第一印象不一定總是對的,你必須一致保持自信,在人們之中保持自信,最重要的是,對你自己有信心。

3 蜘蛛俠:
With great power comes great responsibility。

Hilary:If you think being an ordinary person is any easier than being an extraordinary one, you're wrong.
Hilary: 如果你認為當個普通人比當天才更輕松,那麼你錯了。

I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

❾ 哈利波特三位主人公英文介紹及電影英文簡介

1、Harry Potter
Protagonist, is a thin, black-haired youth wearing glasses on his forehead with a lightning-shaped scar, just as suddenly a short time overstating the children who, like flavor is not good. He is a Magic School fifth-grade students, but also a man of Hogwarts. Since Voldemort after the resurrection, the scar on his forehead to his burning often endless.(哈利·波特,主角,是個瘦弱、戴眼鏡的黑發少年,額頭上有一個閃電形的傷痕,就像那些短時間內猛然拔高的孩子一樣氣色不大好。他是魔法學校五年級的學生,也是霍格沃茨的風雲人物。自從伏地魔復活之後,額頭上的疤就常常令他灼痛不已。)2、Ron Weasley Harry in the wizarding schools to meet friends, is derived from an ancient magic family's son.(羅恩,哈利在魔法學校結交的好友,是來自古老的魔法家族的兒子。)3、Hermione Granger
Magic school's top students, and Harry, Ron is a school of the trio.(赫敏,魔法學校里的高材生,和哈利、羅恩是學校里的三人組。)4、Luna Lovegood
Hogwarts Ravenclaw students, the father is "singing a different tune to sing" magazine editor. She has a waist messy and dirty blond hair, very pale eyebrows, eyes bulging, looks like she is always in shock state, it is clear exudes a kind of eccentric temperament. (盧娜�6�4洛夫古德,霍格沃茨魔法學校拉文克勞學院的學生,父親是《唱唱反調》雜志的編輯。她有一頭凌亂而骯臟的及腰金發,眉毛很淡,眼珠凸出,讓她看起來好像始終處於驚嚇狀態,很明顯的散發出一種怪里怪氣的氣質。)5、Professor Severus Snape
A member of the Order of the Phoenix, a professor at the Hogwarts magic school magic medicine, very disgusted Harry. Death Eaters on the arm of the mark, but I do not know what Dumbledore trust him very much.(斯內普教授,鳳凰社的成員之一,在霍格沃茨魔法學校教授魔葯學,非常厭惡哈利。手臂上有食死徒的標記,但不知為了什麼,鄧不利多非常信任他。)6、Albus Dumbledore
Hogwarts School. Everyone agrees that he is the greatest of contemporary shaman, wearing half-moon glasses, silver-white beard long enough to be into the belt inside, is very respected elderly .(阿布思·鄧不利多,霍格沃茨魔法學校的校長。眾人公認他是當代最偉大的巫師,戴著半月形的眼鏡,銀白色的胡須長到可以塞進腰帶里,是令人敬仰的長者。)



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