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發布時間:2022-06-06 02:31:43

1. 《我最喜愛的電影明星》英語作文

my favourite movie star is jackie chan. jackie chan is a very famous person around the world. he's movies are about kongfu, which is "fighting". u might think that "fighting" movies are bloody, scary or something. but u are wrong. for jackie chan, his movies are very funny and excited. his movies are "real", why do i say this? becasue jackie chan never used stuntman. all the serious dangerous scene, jackie chan did it by him self. hes hardworking. hes also my favourite person. hes my goal. i wish i could be famous like jackie one day.

2. 英語作文:我喜歡的電影明星(大致意思)

My favorite movie star is Jachie Chan(成龍).He is very famous in the world, he acts many films,like
Resident Evil(生化危機).I really like this action movie,because it's exciting,I also like comedies because it can make me happy.

3. 尋高人:看過<I am sam>英文電影的,幫我寫個感人的英文影評或是人物介紹,本人要在英語課上講故事.

"I Am Sam" is one of the best and underrated films of 2001.

Sam Dawson (Sean Penn) has the intelligence of a seven-year-old. He has a seven-year-old daughter Lucy (the very delightful Dakota Fanning). Child's Services take Lucy away from Sam and Sam hires (probono) lawyer Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfieffer) to defend him and get his daughter back.

The movie has a great script, real characters and although the film was filmed with handheld cameras, I thought the cinematography was extremely unique. I even liked the computer keyboard and high heel noises Sam heard while he was at Rita's law firm office. The DVD extras were fantastic, they showed how Sean Penn prepared for his role as Sam. He imitated mentally-handicapped people in a respectful and dignified way, I really thought he deserved an Academy Award his role. Michelle Pfieffer gives one of the best performances of her career and Dakota Fanning shines in one of her first movie roles.

"I Am Sam" will leave you feeling good inside, this is honestly one of the only movies I have seen where I left the theatre feeling good and seeing the world in a different way. The music, all of which is by the Beatles, is unique and I liked Dianne Wiest as Sam's neighbor Annie. To rekindle the human spirit, "I Am Sam" is the film for you.

4. 英語作文我喜歡喜劇,原因,對你喜歡的一部電影做出評論。還可以寫上喜歡的喜劇人物什麼的,急用

Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first.
Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first.

5. 英語作文寫一篇十次左右的文章成三個方面描寫你喜歡的電影和電視角色

Movies can satisfy most people's creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society.For instance,they can introce other culture by bringing movies into one country.Nowadays,movies play an important role in transmitting culture.The influnce of Hollywood is widespread all over the world.
Movies are usually proced by professional company and actors or actresses.Most of movies reflect certain culture or try to introce certain idea.

6. 英語作文 寫一部自己喜愛的電影 描寫人物形象,對這部電影的評價

I love this movie: HBO's 'Clear History'
From the moment I saw HBO's 30-second teaser, I had a feeling I'd like Clear History.
As you may recall, our first peek at the movie really only included two things: Chicago's 1970 hit 25 or 6 to 4and a bearded, almost unrecognizable Larry David:

That was really all I needed to pique my interest, and, as it turns out, the movie is, indeed, something to sing about.
Clear History tells the story of a marketing executive (Larry David) who has the worst luck ever when he leaves a car company right before it could've made him a billionaire. David's character isn't a far cry from the one he plays on Curb Your Enthusiasm, in terms of his temperament and tendency to get the bad end of a deal:

The movie's stellar cast includes Jon Hamm, J.B. Smoove, Danny McBride, Kate Hudson, Amy Ryan and Bill Hader, though the standout is Michael Keaton, who has been off our radar for way too long.
I don't want to give too much away, but here's a scene from the beginning of the film, when David's character tells his boss (Hamm) that his new electric car model is terrible. (He also claims to be "the brains behind Edible Arrangements.")

Clear History is a perfect little movie that makes the wait for another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm all the more painful. Every actor is at the top of his/her game (even Hudson, who has had a string of terrible movie roles), and David offers a few poignant moments on top of the singalong Chicago soundtrack.
Clear History airs Saturday on HBO at 9 p.m. ET. I give it my highest recommendation.

7. 《我最喜歡看的電影》英語作文 鋼鐵俠

My favorite movie is Iron Man.To be honest,I like the Iron Man suit of Tony Stark to death.Sometimes, I even dream that one day,I also can wear that special suit to protect the folks from bad guys.I guess a lot of guys have such similar dreams.Nowdays,the technology is more and more advanced.And more and more bad guys have emerged.When people are in danger,if some person can show up and step forward like Iron Man,the world would be much safer.The movie just cater to people's thinking like this.I guess that's why so many people like this film.Of course,I don't doubt the function of exciting fighting movements inside this film.And as also,the romantic love story between Tony and Pepper indeed drew a lot of female audience.I am really looking forward to new episodes of Iron Man.
我最喜歡的電影要數鋼鐵俠。說實話,我 愛死托尼.斯塔克那身鎧甲了。甚至我夢想有一天我也能穿著那身奇特的鎧甲保護人們不受壞蛋的傷害。我猜很多人都過類似的夢。在現代,科技越發進步。出現了越來越多的壞傢伙。當人們處於危險時,如果有人像鋼鐵俠一樣出現,挺身而出,世界將會更加安全。這部電影正迎合了群眾的這種想法。我猜這也是為什麼那麼多人喜歡這部電影。當然我不懷疑電影里激烈打鬥動作的作用。並且托尼和派潑的浪漫愛情故事也卻是吸引了很多女性觀眾。我真的很期待鋼鐵俠續集。

8. 我最喜歡的電影明星 英語作文

My favourite movie star is Stephoen Chow.When I was a child,I saw the film of Chow.They are very funny.And they alwys make me laugh.I don't think he is only a comedies actor,he is a very good teacher in my heart.Bucause when he face to difficulties,he never give up.We shold learn from him.So in my opinion,he is the best movie star.寫的是周星馳,新年快樂,求採納

9. 用英語描寫你最喜歡的電影、演員及原因 一定是用英語寫的····快啊···

My favourite film is 無極
I like the actress that is called Zhang Bo best.
She's so beautiful,I think.



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