導航:首頁 > 電影人物 > 電影開演已經有半個小時了用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-06-06 22:12:44

㈠ 英語翻譯並指出相應的語法

1.I did not know why she is angry looks at me.
2.You attended our competition luckily.
3.In the summit, we stop down look at the scenery.
4.To the station, we knew that the train already started.
5.Brings when you should finish, I and friends hot tears filling the eyes.
6.We 5:00 pm meet frequently in the school entrance
7.When we to movie theater, the movie already began for a half hour.
8.She is always late moreover very few apologizes to teacher.
9.These places are very few some people to go.
Studies English us not to expect that difficultly. If studies wholly absorbed, anybody may learn English. Every day practices English to be very important. If we insist to listen every day. Saying. Reading. Writing. We certainly will learn English.

㈡ 離電影開始還有半個小時呢英語

One night,Amy to go to the movies on the road,he found to forget to take the movie tickets,so she has to take home,when he arrived at the cinema,the film has started a half hour,the film is very interesting,and he was very sorry I didn't see the beginning.

㈢ 電影已經開演半小時了 英文翻譯(急需!)

The film has begun for half an hour.
電影:film 開始:begun
電影已經開演:film has begun for
半小時:half an hour

㈣ Have you been 是什麼意思

have 是問句前面的詞語,直譯意思是 有嗎
you 意思是 你
been 是be動詞的過去式,意思是 曾經做過

㈤ 電影已上映一個小時的如何翻譯英語

has already began

㈥ "這部電影已經開始半小時了"英文怎麼說

This film has been on for half an hour.
This film started half an hour ago

㈦ 英語翻譯

1. The movie has been on half an hour.
2. I have watched that movie last week.
3. That baby keeps crying.
4. The rainy days in Paries are as often as in London.

㈧ 電影開始半個小時了英語四種翻譯

The film has been on for half an hour.
The film has been on since half an hour ago .
The film began half an hour ago.
It's half an hour since the film began.
Half an hour has passed since the film began.

㈨ 翻譯句子 今天電影院將上映什麼片子(be on) 電影開演已半小時了。(be on)

What film will be on in the cinima today?
The film has been on for half an hour.



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