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『壹』 誰知道周潤發的外號 「小馬哥」或「發哥」或「發仔」 用英語怎麼翻譯

Mark Lee

『貳』 求梁山一百單八將外號的英語翻譯!本人懂點英語,謝絕翻譯器翻譯!好的再加分。只翻譯綽號zhenmez

1,九紋龍史進 nine dragons shijin;
2,花和尚魯智勝 the tattooed monk Sagacious Lu;
3,及時雨宋江 the timely rain songjiang
4,赤發鬼劉唐 the red-haired demon Liutang
5, 青面獸楊志 the blue-faced beast yang

『叄』 「科比外號小飛俠」英文怎麼翻譯

Flying Warrior 小飛俠

『肆』 那些兇手綽號怎麼譯成英語


Those murderer nicknames

『伍』 金剛狼2裡面矢志田叫他kuzuri,這個kuzuri是金剛狼的本名還是矢志田給他起得綽號,翻譯成中文應該怎麼翻


『陸』 托尼阿倫的綽號grindfather是什麼意思

Take 「The Godfather.」 It was a novel and a popular Hollywood movie. But today it』s a sure thing that more Memphians know of 「Grindfather」 Tony Allen than Vito Corleone.

『柒』 外號的英語翻譯 外號用英語怎麼說

nickname 英[ˈnɪkneɪm] 美[ˈnɪkˌnem]
n. 昵稱; 綽號; 諢名;
vt. 給…起綽號; 用諢名[愛稱]稱呼; 叫錯名字;
[例句]Red got his nickname for his red hair.

『捌』 水滸中108將的綽號怎麼翻譯

比如 宋江 nickname The Timely Rain, or The Welcome Rain (及時雨)

Nicknamed the 'Jade Unicorn' (玉麒麟), Lu Junyi (盧俊義

108 Stars of Destiny

The 108 Stars of Destiny (天導一百零八星) are at the core of the plot of the Chinese classic Shui Hu Zhuan (水滸傳), commonly translated as Water Margin, Outlaws of the Marsh, or All Men Are Brothers, edited by Shi Nai'an (施耐庵) and Luo Guanzhong (羅貫中) ring the 13th century and 14th century. Suikoden (水滸伝) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan which has been made into a series of role-playing games.

Concept of 108 Stars of Destiny
Based on the Daoist concept that each person's destiny is tied to a Star of Destiny (宿星), the 108 Stars of Destiny are stars that represent 108 demonic overlords who have been banished by the Daoist sage, Shang Ti. Having repented since their banishment, the stars are released from their place of banishment by accident, and are reborn in the world as 108 heroes who band together for the cause of justice.

The 108 Stars of Destiny are translated into the 36 Stars of Heaven and the 72 Stars of Earth. Other titles for the Stars of Destiny include The 108 Stars of Heavenly Earth and The 108 Stars of Heaven and Earth.

The 108 heroes in Water Margin
Main article: Shui Hu Zhuan
v • d • eWater Margin characters

Founding Father Chao Gai

108 Stars of Destiny

36 Heavenly Spirits
Song Jiang · Lu Junyi · Wu Yong · Gongsun Sheng · Guan Sheng · Lin Chong · Qin Ming · Huyuan Zhuo · Hua Rong · Chai Jin · Li Ying · Zhu Tong · Lu Zhishen · Wu Song · Dong Ping · Zhang Qing · Yang Zhi · Xu Ning · Suo Chao · Dai Zhong · Liu Tang · Li Kui · Shi Jin · Mu Hong · Lei Heng · Li Jun · Ruan Xiaoer · Zhang Heng · Ruan Xiaowu · Zhang Shun · Ruan Xiaoqi · Yang Xiong · Shi Xiu · Xie Zhen · Xie Bao · Yan Qing

72 Earthly Fiends
Zhu Wu · Huang Xin · Sun Li · Xuan Zan · Hao Siwen · Han Tao · Peng Qi · Shan Tinggui · Wei Dingguo · Xiao Rang · Pei Xuan · Ou Peng · Deng Fei · Yan Shun · Yang Lin · Ling Zhen · Jiang Jing · Lu Fang · Guo Sheng · An Daoquan · Huangfu Duan · Wang Ying · Hu San Niang · Bao Xu · Pan Rui · Kong Ming · Kong Liang · Xiang Chong · Li Gun · Jin Dajian · Ma Lin · Tong Wei · Tong Meng · Meng Kang · Hou Jian · Chen Da · Yang Chun · Zheng Tianshou · Tao Zongwang · Song Qing · Yue He · Gong Wang · Ding Desun · Mu Chun · Cao Zheng · Song Wan · Du Qian · Xue Yong · Shi En · Li Zhong · Zhou Tong · Tang Long · Du Xing · Zou Yuan · Zou Run · Zhu Gui · Zhu Fu · Cai Fu · Cai Qing · Li Li · Li Yun · Jiao Ting · Shi Yong · Sun Xin · Gu Dasao · Zhang Qing · Sun Er Niang · Wang Dingliu · Yu Baosi · Bai Sheng · Shi Qian · Duan Jingzhu

網頁我發不上來啊。。。說是有廣告等不當內容 >.<

這樣吧 你到 w.i.k.i.p.e.d.i.a (不要中間的點,選英文)上搜索108 Stars of Destiny就是這個了

『玖』 如何用英語說給某人取綽號

pick a 外號(就是nick - name,去掉中間的空格和橫線) for somebody

『拾』 《北京遇上西雅圖》里的男主角外號,「軟蛋」。那裡面用英語怎麼說。求解答。電影裡面有,幫忙找一下

電影中「文佳佳」湯唯對於DB的解釋為Dead Beat,吃軟飯的人。望採納



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