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發布時間:2022-06-15 07:25:16


So next, my partner will show you more details about this film.
show在演講口語中也是可以的,表示展示,也可以說introce or give一類的

Ⅱ 如果讓你向別人推薦十部電影,你會推薦哪十部




Ⅲ 今天我想向大家介紹一些電影里經典的反派角色,讓我們來看一段視頻 用英語怎麼說

Let us watch a video.

Ⅳ 向朋友推薦一部電影用英語怎麼寫!!!!

Hello,everyone! I would like to introce to you a film"Kung Fu Panda". The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he makes his dream come true finally. However, it is a very difficult process . In the film there are some other animals, such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on, who played some small roles. They are also strong and fight for justice. I like this movie very much. It encouages me to study hard like the panda in the movie. As long as I study hard, my dream is sure to come true finally. I also hope that everyone can study hard as I do. Only in this way can all of us realize our own dreams.

Ⅳ 推薦一部好看的電影給我,好嗎用英語怎麼說

Recommend a good movie to me,will you?

Ⅵ 怎麼用英文給外國朋友推薦一部電影


Ⅶ 如果讓你向別人推薦十部電影的話,你會推薦哪十部電影

一 、《教父》





《飛越瘋人院》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)是1975年美國導演米洛斯·福曼所拍攝電影,根據1962年肯·克西同名小說改編。該片是美國電影歷史上最經典的電影之一,被稱為「影視表演的必修課」;曾獲1976年第48屆奧斯卡最佳影片,最佳男、女主角,最佳導演和最佳改編劇本五項大獎。


《卡薩布蘭卡》(Casablanca),又譯作《北非諜影》,是一部1942年的美國黑色電影。電影背景設置在二戰中受維琪法國控制的摩洛哥城市卡薩布蘭卡(現名「達爾貝達」)。影片由Michael Curtiz導演,劇本是基於Murray Burnett和Joan Alison的未公開發表過的舞台劇《大家都來「銳克」酒吧》(Everybody Comes to Rick's)改編的。該片被認為不只是一部令人心碎的愛情電影,實際上更是一部宣揚民族主義和愛國主義電影。影片於1942年11月26日在紐約公映,巧合的是,那一天盟軍進入北非並佔領卡薩布蘭卡。



Ⅷ 怎麼用英語來推薦一部好電影急用!!!!先謝謝大家了!

I was really impressed by the film. A problem that many sequels run into is that they rely too heavily on the name of the franchise and hope it will blind the audience into liking a mediocre film. This film didn't have that. It truly stayed true to the characters and themes we have grown to love in the Ice Age franchise.
The animation was beautiful. With each film in the series, the animation gets better. The scenery and colors were great, and the characters were well done as well.
The film moves at a fast pace and has many laughs along the way. It's a great adventure and I really think it will be popular when it hits theaters. The script was pretty good, the soundtrack was excellent, and I really can't pin point anything that is extremely wrong with this movie. It stands well on its own, so newcomers will be able to enjoy it easily, all while keeping the same spirit of the first two, which is sure to please fans from day one.

Ⅸ 用書信的格式給朋友介紹電影 英語70詞,急急急!!

Dear YeShuyingAs one of your closest friend, I'm writing the letter in purpose of recommending one of my favorite movies to you:《 Around the World in Eighty Days》。
The primary factors for my recommendation as as follows. For one thing, this is a movie of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman,Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and managers to travel around the world in eighty days. For another, it gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey。
Wish you enjoy the movie. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
liu Guoqing


Ⅹ 用英語介紹一部電影(用英語翻譯)

I introce film, called "dog and cat wars, starring by Michael clark, mainly talks about cats and dogs in war, ask mike clark know after the invention of dogs and cats, the electronic harmonious electronic software in their body, finally they will never get along peacefully



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