❶ 介紹些國產的電影,適合女生看的,搞笑的都可以
《壞女孩mean girls》(女生之間的戰爭,很真實)
《大學新生sydney white》喜歡裡面那個女孩的勇敢
《結婚大作戰bride war》兩個同樣憧憬完美婚禮的準新娘因為修女的失誤計劃在同一時間同一地點舉行婚禮,因為互不相讓而引發的戰爭
新片 ... ...
紅磨坊 暮光之城 賤女孩 美麗心靈
結婚大作戰 太陽之歌
海角七號。 很感人 挺好的片子
胭脂扣。傳一部好老好老的經典片子。海報的畫面有點雷人。不過比較經典。"如花如幻月 若即若離花"
❷ 誰有電影《冰雪公主》的全部台詞
Mother: I love Mr. Bast. If he uncovered a schoiarship I didn't know about,he's a genius. And to think they pay him almost
nothing. The devaluation (貶值)of teachers in our society, it just... It blows my mind(使自己/某人感到高興或驚愕).
Casey: Mom.
Mother: I'm back. Sorry.
Casey: I have to figure out.What he wants from me. I mean, what is a personal(個性的)science project? Isn't the
nature (本質)of science supposed to be completely unbiased (無偏見的)and factual(事實的)?
Now he wants the inner me, too?
Mother: The whole secret of the study of nature lies in learning how to use one's eyes. You know who said that?
Casey: I'm guessing it was a woman. Mother: That was written by George Sand, a woman forced to use a man's name,
because she couldn't get published.
Casey : mom.
Mother: Okay. Anyway, I always tell my students, ''you』ll know your topic when you learn how to use your eyes.''
Casey : Oh! Oh, no... She had it locked up.
Ann: I need to eat ice cream and all your mother has is leftover tofu. Can we go?
Casey : Sh! Sh! Look at that recovery! amazing. She'll still place. She's so precise. I mean, down to the last... you know...
I bet there is an exact aerodynamic formula(公式).
片段二:Casey 為了研究滑冰動作,來到了溜冰場拍攝,但被教練Tina認為是間諜,因為她們正在為地區賽作訓練,Casey拿出了所有能證明她身份和目的的證件,終於說服教練和家長允許她拍攝.
Tina: what do you think you're doing?fficeffice" />
Casey : i'm...
Tina: why are you filming skaters?
Casey : For a physics project.
Tina: You're scoping her triple loop. Why?
Casey : No, i'm analyzing her movement.
Tina: who are you working for?
Casey : Nobody.
Tina: Teddy, will you come over here? I'm gonna call the cops.
Casey : No,I didn't think it would be a problem.I thought this was a public rink(溜冰場).
Tina: Private practice (私人溜冰)only from six to ten. These girls are training for the regional championships .
Which I think you perfectly(完全地) well know.
Casey : No,I'm a student.I have an ID. I have a notebook.
Teddy: Oh, yeah. Definitely spy code.
[local]1[/local]Tina: You know her?ffice src="./images/smilies/shocked.gif" border=0 smilieid="6">ffice" />
Gen: She's a science geek.
Tina: Look, i'm sorry, but when the C.I.A. wants to learn new dirty tricks, they observe skaters and their moms.
Frank: Tina, Can I have a word?
Tina : Frank, not now.
Casey: I want to digitize some images into my computer to see if any kind of
unified theory emerges.
Tina : Okay, if Gen knows you and you wanna press your nose up against the glass
and take a few notes, I don't really care. But you'll have a hard sell(硬推銷) with the parents.
Woman: Absolutely not.
Casey: But no one outside of the scholarshipcommittee will ever see this program.
Here's the letter from my teacher explaining the assignment. And my driver's license.
um...I've also got some letters of references from peopie I babysat for.
Tina: Let's keep it moving, giris.
Woman: It's possible. we'll have the team Nikki legal team check this out.
Beautiful, sweetie.
Nikki: Thanks, mom!
Man: No talking to my daughter. She's training. No distraction.
Casey: Not a word. no.