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❶ 地獄神探講的什麼內容








1、約翰·康斯坦汀 演員基努·李維斯


2、安琪拉·道奇森 演員蕾切爾·薇茲


3、漢納西神父 演員普路特·泰勒·文斯


❷ 康斯坦丁是什麼電影

康斯坦丁Constantine (2005)

類型: 動作 / 驚悚 / 奇幻


❸ 急求~電影《康斯坦丁》的英文介紹 ! 哪位大哥有 幫幫小弟~

Constantine (film)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Searching through ruins in Mexico, a young man accidentally finds the Spear of Destiny wrapped in a Nazi flag. Immediately possessed by a supernatural force, he is propelled on a journey to Los Angeles, now seemingly indestructible and causing demonic and unnatural damage as he goes. In Los Angeles, occultist John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) exorcises a demon from a teenage girl, finding himself unnerved by the demon's unusually bold attempt at crossing over into humanity's realm. Later that night, disturbed mental patient Isabel Dodson commits suicide, provoking the sorrow and disbelief of her twin sister, L.A.P.D. Detective Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz). Visiting the hospital where Isabel died, Angela encounters Constantine, who is being treated at the same hospital for his terminal lung cancer, a result of his decades-long chain-smoking habit. Disgusted with the prognosis, Constantine visits a nearby church to speak with the angel Gabriel (Tilda Swinton), angrily asking what more he must do to earn God's forgiveness. Unsympathetic to Constantine's plight, Gabriel rebuffs his attempts at reconciling with God, pointing out the selfish undertones beneath his good deeds. Meanwhile at the same church, Angela begs the Cardinal to allow Isabel a church-sanctioned funeral, which the Cardinal refuses, pointing out the Catholic rules regarding suicides.

Angela's investigation leads her back to Constantine, and she asks his advice on how the devoutly Catholic Isabel could be convinced to take her own life. At first, he dismisses the event as a simple result of mental illness, and she angrily leaves. As she exits his home, Constantine sees that demons are chasing Angela, and he hurries after her. Forced to rapidly explain himself, Constantine reveals Earth as a neutral realm between Heaven and Hell where God and Satan wagered on who could win the most souls among humans, which would one day lead to either the ultimate salvation or damnation of Earth, depending on the numbers. Though direct intervention by angels or demons is prohibited, 'half-breeds,' humans with mixed angelic or demonic ancestry, are able to provide influence. Angela dismisses him as delusional, until the demons attack and he fends them off. Afterwards, Constantine reveals he was born with the ability to detect these beings (both holy and demonic). Led to believe he was insane, and finding treatment unhelpful, he committed suicide to escape the torment, allowing him a time in Hell before he was resuscitated by doctors. Now certain to go to Hell when he does die, Constantine battles their forces on Earth in an attempt to win God's favor, enraging Satan, who now harbors a personal grudge against Constantine.

Constantine discovers that Angela and her sister were psychics, a power repressed by Angela as she grew older. She undergoes a reawakening with Constantine's help. She then leads Constantine across the city to Balthazar, a demon half-breed conspiring with Satan's son Mammon to conquer Earth. Mammon, after first possessing a psychic human, can only fully cross over into Earth with divine assistance, notably the Spear of Destiny, encrusted with the blood of Jesus Christ, God's only son. After defeating Balthazar, the two attempt to escape, but Angela is kidnapped by an unseen force. Constantine pursues her to the hospital, where inside, the man from Mexico arrives with the Spear of Destiny and helps Mammon possess Angela. Constantine and his apprentice, Chas Kramer (Shia LaBeouf) struggle to repress Mammon in Angela's body and are almost successful, until the same unseen force that kidnapped Angela reappears, and kills Chas. Constantine concts a spell to reveal the hidden force, the considerable effort involved weakening him, and as Constantine lays beaten he sees that it is Gabriel. Gabriel, bitter over the effortless salvation gifted to humans by God, vows to infect Earth with Hell, declaring that humans only deserve salvation when they are truly noble or heroic, and that only happens beneath adversity and horror, which he will provide.

As Gabriel prepares to release Mammon, Constantine prays to God for intervention, but has no luck; out of options, he kills himself by cutting his wrists, knowing his death will bring Satan (Peter Stormare) to personally collect his soul. At the moment of Constantine's death, time stops, and Satan appears. At first giddy with excitement, Satan is angered to learn of Mammon's plot, which he initially doesn't believe. Finally convinced his son is breaking God's laws, he stops the ritual, using his greater power to return Mammon to Hell. Gabriel, whose acts have put him outside God's grace, is now powerless, so Satan burns his wings off, making him human. Satan returns to Constantine and asks what reward he expects, to which Constantine asks that Isabel's soul be released to Heaven. Satan begrudgingly complies and begins dragging Constantine to Hell, only to be interrupted by the Divine Light, which accepts Constantine into Heaven amidst his selfless sacrifice. Witnessing the escape of his reviled enemy, an enraged Satan rips the cancer from Constantine's lungs, resurrecting him for the further opportunity to condemn himself to Hell, before disappearing. Constantine pulls himself back to his feet, amazed that he is still alive, and joins a newly awakened Angela. As they speak, Constantine pulls the Spear of Destiny from the floor, and the now-human Gabriel emerges from the pool. He offers Constantine the option of exacting his revenge, only to have Constantine punch him in the face to make him realize the pain of being human.

Later that night atop the hospital's roof, Constantine offers Angela the Spear of Destiny. As she leaves him to the solitary Los Angeles skyline, Constantine, now in full possession of his fate, begins chewing nicotine gum to help him quit smoking.

At the end of the film's credits, Constantine visits Chas's grave, leaving his cigarette lighter atop the grave. As Constantine turns to leave, Chas appears as an angel, and flies silently into the sky, leaving behind a smiling Constantine.

IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0360486/

❹ 有關天使與惡魔的外國電影,好像有部叫什麼神探的

Constantine (譯:地獄神探)電影名稱,此片改編自暢銷漫畫《地獄神探》。由弗朗西斯·勞倫斯導演,基努·里維斯、雷切爾·薇姿、蒂爾達·斯文頓等出演的驚悚恐怖片。《地獄神探》是一部介乎於善與惡、對於錯之間的故事片,是一部帶有大量動作場面與精彩對話的娛樂片,會令你耐心地坐在椅子上從頭看到尾。


他的超能力可不是一般的——能夠在天堂與地獄間任意遊走的他頂多算是個介於神鬼之間的人形生物。 雖然天生能識別混在人類中的半魔半仙,平時工作也就有了著落--周遊世界、調查各地發生的神秘事件,不過這個讓人琢磨不透的男人實際上卻從小為這種超能力所苦。算是以驅魔為生的康斯坦丁可是已經對人生毫無幻想了,整個一個憤世嫉俗的青年。日子就這么一天天過著,直到女警官安吉拉(蕾切爾·威茲飾)的出現。安吉拉完全是個不信鬼神的主,不過孿生妹妹十分蹊蹺的死亡卻讓她手足無措。雖說不信邪,可為了調查明白妹妹的死因,安吉拉不得不向康斯坦丁這個行走在善惡邊緣的古怪傢伙求助。詭異的地獄之旅開始了,說不定他們順便還能拯救人類呢!



❺ 電影《地獄神探》內容簡介




❻ 地獄神探(康斯坦丁)Constantine






❼ 尼古拉斯凱奇扮演一個吸煙的癌症患者取抓鬼後來惡魔給了他第二次生命

Constantine (譯:地獄神探)電影名稱,此片改編自暢銷漫畫《地獄神探》。由弗朗西斯·勞倫斯導演,基努·里維斯、雷切爾·薇姿、蒂爾達·斯文頓等出演的驚悚恐怖片。《地獄神探》是一部介乎於善與惡、對於錯之間的故事片,是一部帶有大量動作場面與精彩對話的娛樂片,會令你耐心地坐在椅子上從頭看到尾。

❽ 請給我介紹介紹劇情《康斯坦丁/地獄神探》


❾ 一個青年在公交車遇見很多鬼的外國電影


Constantine (譯:地獄神探)電影名稱,此片改編自暢銷漫畫《地獄神探》。由弗朗西斯·勞倫斯導演,基努·里維斯、雷切爾·薇姿、蒂爾達·斯文頓等出演的驚悚恐怖片。《地獄神探》是一部介乎於善與惡、對與錯之間的故事片,是一部帶有大量動作場面與精彩對話的娛樂片,會令你耐心地坐在椅子上從頭看到尾。



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