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發布時間:2022-12-09 09:04:49

A. 「速度與激情」系列電影的英文介紹!謝謝!


Fast and furious is an action crime movie directed by rob Cohen.


It is the first in the fast and furious franchise released by universal pictures.


Paul walker, vin diesel, jordana brewster and michelle rodriguez are among the cast.


It was released in the United States on June 22, 2001.



Fast and furious 2 is a 2003 film.


The film was directed by John singleton.


The main cast includes Paul walker, tyrese Gibson, Eva mendes and more.



Fast and furious 3: Tokyo drift is a 2006 film.


Directed by Lin yibin, this is the third installment of fast & furious.


Unlike the previous two films, this one features entirely new characters and actors such as Lucas black and Brian tay.


And set the scene in Tokyo, Japan.



Fast and furious 4 is a 107-minute action movie from universal pictures.


Directed by Lin, the film stars vin diesel, Paul walker, michelle rodriguez and jordana brewster.


It was released in the United States on April 3, 2009.



Fast and furious 5 is a crime and action movie directed by Justin Lin.


This is the fifth installment in the fast and furious series.


Vin diesel, Paul walker, jordana brewster, tyrese Gibson, ludacris, matt schaltz, seng kang, and dawn Johnson star.


It was released in the United States on April 29, 2011.



Fast & furious 6 is directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morgan and Gary Scott Thompson.

(《速度與激情6》是由林詣彬執導,克里斯·摩根、Gary Scott Thompson編劇。)

Crime action movies starring vin diesel, Paul walker, dawn Johnson, michelle rodriguez, jordana brewster, tyrese Gibson, Luke Evans.


It was released in the United States on May 24, 2013 and in China on July 26, 2013.



"Fast & Furious 7" is a racing action movie proced by universal pictures.

(《速度與激情7》(Fast & Furious 7)是環球影業出品的一部賽車題材動作片。)

It is the seventh installment in the fast and furious series, directed by wen ziren and starring vin diesel, Paul walker and dawn Johnson.


It was released in the United States on April 3, 2015.



Fast and furious 8 is the eighth film in the fast and furious franchise.


It was distributed by universal pictures and directed by f. Gary gray.


An action movie starring vin diesel, dawn Johnson, charlize theron, Jason statham and michelle rodriguez.


B. 暮光之城男女主角英文介紹


























C. 誰有黎明的詳細資料


姓 名: 黎明
籍 貫: 廣東梅縣
性 別: 男
出生地: 北京
身 高: 182
體 重: 69
英文名: Lai, Leon
血 型: B
星 座: 射手座
學 歷: 英國留學
生 日 : 1966-12-11
職 業: 歌手
家庭狀況: 父母
喜愛的衣著:牛仔褲、T 恤、Gianni Versace 、Gucci 、Fila
喜愛的影星:許冠文、周潤發、Robert DeNiro
官方E-MAIL :[email protected]
歌迷會地址:九龍塘學院道4 號地下

1985 年: 碧泉新星大賽冠軍
1986 年: 第五屆新秀歌唱大賽季軍
1990 年: 香港電台十大中文金曲最有前途新人銀獎、商業電台叱吒樂壇全港播放率最高生力軍男歌手銀獎、TVB 十大勁歌金曲最佳新人金獎

1991 年: 和記十大魅力男士、91 年壹周刊最受歡迎男藝員第一位、第一屆十大健康形像藝人、一九九一年度商業電台叱吒樂壇全港播放率最高男歌手銅獎、一九九一年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲「對不起我愛你」及「今夜你會不會來」、一九九一年度香港電台第十四屆十大中文金曲「對不起我愛你」、一九九一年度IFPI 全年銷量最佳大牒「是愛是緣」

1992 年: 92 年度壹周刊最受歡迎藝員、商台叱吒我最喜愛歌曲第二回合得獎歌曲「但願不只是朋友」、第二屆十大健康形像藝人、商台叱吒我最喜愛歌曲~ 第三回合得獎歌曲「我的親愛」、「勁爆靚人選舉」~ 完美眼神獎、一九九二年度商業電台叱吒樂壇全港播放率最高男歌手銅獎、一九九二年度香港電台第十五屆十大中文金曲「但願不只是朋友」及「我的親愛」、一九九二年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲「我來自北京」及「我的親愛」

1993 年:商台叱吒我最喜愛歌曲~ 第一回合得獎歌曲「願你今夜別離去」、商台叱吒我最喜愛歌曲~ 第二回合得獎歌曲「夏日燒著了」、第三屆十大健康形像藝人、92 年十大傑出衣著人仕、93 年度壹周刊最愛歡迎十大藝人、新城電台香港勁爆流行音樂頒獎禮92 年度勁爆男歌手銅獎、92 年度勁爆聽眾電話熱線大獎、上海環保之星、上海最具浪漫品味男歌手、商台叱吒我最喜愛歌曲~ 第三回合得獎歌曲「夏日傾情」、新城電台選舉十大靚人、全湖南北省最受歡迎歌手、一九九三年度香港電台第十六屆十大中文金曲「夏日傾情」、一九九三年度商業電台叱吒樂壇全港播放率最高男歌手銅獎、一九九三年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮金曲獎「夏日傾情」、一九九三年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮最受歡迎男歌手、金曲台金心情歌頒獎典禮金心情歌男歌手金獎、金心熱線最受歡迎男歌手、十大金心情歌「夏日傾情」及「深秋的黎明」

1994 年: 第一屆金彩虹選舉十大藝人、台灣聯廣廣告公司問卷收視調查~ 最受歡迎男藝員第四屆十大健康形像藝人、94 年度壹周刊最受歡迎十大電視藝人、香港電台十大愛心之星、一九九四年度商業電台叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮叱吒樂壇至尊創作歌曲大獎「那有一天不想你」、叱吒樂壇至尊歌曲大獎「那有一天不想你」、叱吒樂壇我最喜愛的現場演繹大獎、叱吒樂壇我最喜愛的創作歌曲「那有一天不想你」、叱吒樂壇男歌手銅獎、一九九四年新城電台香港勁爆流行音樂頒獎禮香港勁爆流行曲大學生眼中最受歡迎歌曲、勁爆男歌手、最人氣急升男歌手、一九九四年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮金曲獎「那有一天不想你」、金曲金獎「那有一天不想你」、一九九四年度香港電台第十七屆十大中文金曲頒獎禮十大優秀流行歌手大獎、十大金曲獎「那有一天不想你」、全球華人至尊金曲獎「那有一天不想你」、ATV 十大電視廣告頒獎典禮傑出電視廣告歌曲大獎「那有一天不想你」、一九九四年度金曲台金心情歌頒獎典禮本地金心情歌男歌手鑽石大獎、金心熱線完美情人大獎鑽石大獎本地金心情歌大獎鑽石大獎「那有一天不想你」

1995 年: 首位華人委任為聯合國兒童基金會「國際青年特使」、一九九五年度商業電台叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮專業推介叱吒十大「危情追蹤」、一九九五年度新城電台香港勁爆流行音樂頒獎典禮勁爆男歌手、廣告歌曲金獎、一九九五年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮金曲獎「危情追蹤」、最受歡迎男歌手、一九九五年度香港電台第十八屆十大中文金曲頒獎禮十大優秀流行歌手大獎、十大金曲獎「危情追蹤」、最佳改編歌曲獎「送你一瓣的雪花」、一九九五年度金曲台金心情歌頒獎典禮本地金心情歌男歌手銀獎、金心熱線完美情人大獎鑽石大獎、本地金心情歌大獎鑽石大獎「一生最愛就是你」

1996 年: 一九九六年度商業電台叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮96『 叱吒樂壇男歌手金獎叱吒樂壇大碟IFPI 大獎:「Perhaps 」、叱吒樂壇我最喜愛的九六廣告歌:「情深說話未曾講」、一九九六年度TVB 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮十大勁歌金曲「情深說話未曾講」、十大勁歌金曲金獎「情深說話未曾講」、四台聯頒大碟獎:「Perhaps 」、公益金慈善金曲大獎:由黎明演繹之「當年情」、一九九六年度香港電台第十九屆十大中文金曲頒獎典禮十大優秀流行歌手大獎十大金曲獎「情深說話未曾講」、全球華人至尊金曲「情深說話未曾講」、全年最高銷量歌手獎五強之一、一九九六年新城電台香港勁爆流行音樂頒獎禮勁爆廣告歌曲獎「情深說話未曾講」、勁爆卡拉OK 歌曲大獎「情深說話未曾講」、勁爆流行曲「情深說話未曾講」勁爆民歌獎「或許、未必、不過」、勁爆全年最佳大碟獎:「Perhaps 」、一九九六年度金曲台金心情歌頒獎典禮本地十大金心情歌鑽石獎「情深說話未曾講」、金心完美情人鑽石獎本地金心男歌手鑽石獎、ATV 一九九六年度十大電視廣告頒獎典禮最受歡迎電視廣告歌曲獎「情深說話未曾講」、最受歡迎電視廣告男明星獎、一九九六年度美加華語廣播電台之金榜題名最佳男歌手、全年十大最佳金曲「情深說話未曾講」、紐約中華商< BR>業廣播電台至尊流行音樂大獎、1996 十大至尊流行歌曲「情深說話未曾講」、全年至尊最受歡迎男歌手香港電台「十大愛心之星」

1997 年: 勁爆97 : 傳媒大獎、TVB 第一季季選金曲「 開放「 、CR2 潮流指數TVB 第二季季選金曲「 只要為我愛一天「

歌 手 履 歷
1985年 電影〔豬仔出更〕
1986年 電視〔男兒本色〕
1987年 電視〔飛越霓裳〕
1987年 電影〔美男子〕
1988年 電視〔兵權〕、〔回到唐山〕
1988年 電影〔少女心〕、〔四千金〕、〔都市獵人〕
1989年 電視〔風雲時代〕、〔晉文公傳奇〕、〔天涯歌女〕
1990年 電視〔回到未嫁時〕
1990年 專輯『Leon黎明』
1990年 專輯『親近你』
1991年 專輯『是愛是緣』、『今夜你會不會來』(國語)、『我的感覺』、『傾城之最』
1991年 電視〔人在邊緣〕、〔今生無悔〕
1991年 電影〔YES一族〕、〔伙頭福星〕、〔神算〕、〔豪門夜宴〕
1992年 專輯『堆積情感』(國語)、『但願不只是朋友』、『I Love U OK ?』
1992年 電影〔明月照尖東〕、〔龍騰四海〕、〔妖獸都市〕、〔城市獵人〕
1993年 專輯『夏日燒著了』、『我的另一半』、『深秋的黎明』(國語)、『夏日傾情』、『夢幻古堡』、『為我停留』(國語)
1993年 電視〔原振俠〕
1993年 電影〔飛狐外傳〕
1993年 和記天地線及傳呼機,搭配廣告歌「夏日燒了」、「夏日傾情」
1994年 專輯『天地情緣』、『我的真心獻給你』(國語)、『火舞艷陽』
1994年 電視〔阿Sir早晨〕
1994年 電影〔都市情緣〕、〔仙人掌〕
1994年 和記天地線及傳呼機,搭配廣告歌「那有一天不想你」
1995年 專輯『愛難求』(國語)、『天地豪情』、『夢追蹤』
1995年 電影〔墮胎天使〕
1995年 和記天地線及傳呼機,搭配廣告歌「一生最愛就是你」
1996年 專輯『黎明九五演唱會』、『Perhaps...』、『為何你不是我的未來』(國語)、『感應』
1996年 電影〔甜蜜蜜〕、〔賭神 3 之少年賭神〕
1996年 和記網路八、手提電話及傳呼機,搭配廣告歌「情深說話未曾講」;嘉湖山莊,搭配廣告歌「開放」
1997年 專輯『口不對心』(國語)、『IF』、『DNA出錯』(國語)、『Leon Sound』
1997年 電影〔半生緣〕、〔愛你愛到殺死你〕
1997年 Cotton USA牛仔褲,搭配廣告歌「世界之最」;和記新干線-友情篇,搭配廣告歌「只要為我愛一天」、「傳情達意」、「一百樣可能」
1998年 電影〔真心英雄〕、〔新戀愛世紀〕、〔玻璃之城〕
1998年 和記新干線,搭配廣告歌「愛你不愛你」;和記新干線-雪山篇,搭配廣告歌「我這樣愛你」;和記新干線-天山篇,搭配廣告歌「如果可以再見你」;機場快線,搭配廣告歌「Happy 2000」
1999年 專輯『If I can see you again』(日本版)、『非我莫屬』(國語)
1999年 和記Orange雙頻網路,搭配廣告歌「酸」
2000年 專輯『黎明演唱會99 』『Hot & Cool』
2000年 專輯『北京站』『Leon Club Sandwich』
2001年 專輯『喜』『Red Shoes...Evolution』
2001年 專輯『The Red Shoes』(國語)
2002年 專輯『世界盃沖鋒陷陣』『Homework』


D. The dawn為什麼不翻譯成「黎明」而是「亡靈序曲」

這首音樂原本是96年經典好萊塢電影《The Rock》(石破天驚,又譯作「勇闖奪命島」)的配樂,後被自芬蘭重金屬樂隊Dreamtale(夢境傳說)改編後收入2002年發行的專輯《Beyond Reality》(超現實幻境)作為開篇曲。

《The Dawn》的原意為黎明、拂曉、破曉,但在國內網路上,廣被訛傳為「亡靈序曲」。這是因為在2005年,國內一個電子游戲競技網站中,一位《魔獸爭霸3》亡靈族的擁躉,推薦這首曲子作為亡靈論壇專區的區歌;後來另一名網友以《The Dawn》作為背景音樂,用《魔獸爭霸3》中亡靈族的過場畫面,剪輯製作了一部MV,並命名為《亡靈序曲》。至此,該曲的中文名就隨著這部MV以訛傳訛地流傳開來,而真實名字卻不被廣為人知。

E. 電影暮光之城4:破曉上映時間及劇情介紹

暮色4:破曉(上)The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)
上映日期: 2011年11月18日 美國
暮色4:破曉(下)The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
上映日期: 2012年11月16日 美國

F. 電影暮光之城英文簡介

"City of Twilight: Twilight," Bella himself exiled to the Fox and the remote town of rain throughout the year. She could not think of how is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes that moment, have to understand each other, waiting for them, apart from the well-being of the temptation, there is a danger of the abyss. Cordial with each other two, in love and the risk of inter-swing, with new and exciting Spend each day, as long as the sun,romantic evening in the City of Light.
Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, and the ability to see through people's minds, he is? And she is just a natural motor neuron worse, skin as white as sick as ordinary girls. Meeting that year, they are all 17-year-old. Wheel of time is the solidification of him, for her it is rapidly rotating. Youth willhim, she will eventually corrupt the youth, their world, there are really mixed it? From Adam and Eve started, in the face of a love-hate vortex desire, mankind is always at a loss.
Happiness slowly forward, waiting for waves moving. When a vulnerable young girls to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind of kiss is much more difficult. After sk the day after a beautiful evening, this adventure story of ups and downs at this time is just a prelude.
Author will be the main character's emotional adolescent feelings of confusion and bewildering entanglement describes a real delicacy,description andelegant language to arouse the reader's endless imagination,stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers aroused continuous reading impulse. In the fresh, gentle and touching, and readers have witnessed the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the struggle Sense & Sensibility, soul and body of the struggling ... ...

"Twilight City: Crescent" Edward deeply fascinated Beira, also loved her unique scent. But Happy Hour is always short-lived, in her eighteen-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flows evoked Edwards family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox.
Edward left, Bella's world completely collapsed, and she began to try all kinds of risky behavior, because she found that as long as she is dangerous to do one thing, Edward's voice will appear in her mind. Beira-style self-flagellation act crazy and did not let Edward change her mind and this time, young Jacob appeared uninhibited pale in her world, though he knows the hearts of otherwise Beira others, or affectionately to accompany and protect her. One is as firm as a rock of ice-cold heterogeneous, a Some Like It Hot are the hot werewolf, Bella will be a choice ... ... Edwards mistakenly think Bella had jumped into the sea and death, can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make all One of the broken. Dusk graally retire, what awaits them is the horizon shows the most dark nights一Crescent, Bella and Edward will fall into this irrevocableit? They can recover before the end of life is also precious than their own each other to save this world with the most exciting of love?
Tsam enjoy continued life and death entangled Romance, "New Moon" will be the reader into the novel category than ordinary youth more magical pluralistic world, the readers are not so much to accompany Bella SPEND the first paragraph of her life ring the darkest as it is with Mel Miaoying pen magic world experienced a real life experience of love could not exist. Edwards struggles, Beira on the demands of love and desire for true love Jacob of tension throughout the three novels has always been, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique style and gifted ability to control the reader's heart, sentimental readers inevitably and Bella together, or hold your breath, or tears.

"Twilight City: eclipse" Bella is about to graate from secondary school into a dilemma: she wanted to Edward and Jacob in the Select a lover, and this choice may lead to ethnic Karen family and between werewolf a bloody war ... ... blood boilingwould like to choose to die with Edwardappearance, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob's involvement so that the feelings of their red light to visit the injured in Beira Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a deep kiss printed on the minds of Beira, for Jacob's feelings, Bella has When Bella for the selection of much pain and suffering of lovers, she discovered that someone from her room robbery, follow the above purpose is to sniff out the odor Her lies. Bella will be all sorts of accidents linked to the past, and finally to understand from the legendary Victoria Crane family is all behind the scenes manipulation. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices hurried to Fox for Edward and Bella's life caused a great threat, Karen werewolf family decided to go to deal with ethnic groups a common enemy. Ice and Fire irreconcilable contradiction, love and sacrifice in the scale, Bella found her dedication to not only the soul ... ...
When you can be immortal, you live why? "Eclipse"the dark veil, Body and Soul of the struggling show. Karen irreconcilable werewolf family and ethnic conflicts of the question of how to solve? Angelic kind are Edward and Bella fragile glass-like step-by-step on the marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella and her childhood had on the ordinary human life? Alternating day and night from the "twilight", experienced the "Crescent" and the heartbreaking "eclipse" of grief, the reader will be our doubts in the "dawn" hours one by one to crack, and the truth will also complicated in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact.

G. 電影暮光之城1英文介紹



Bella exiled himself to the Fox and this remote town on the rainy year-round. How she could not think of, is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes of that moment, has come to understand each other, waiting for them, in addition to the temptation of well-being, as well as dangerous abyss The two men attracted to one another, in the swing between love and danger, along with fresh and exciting to spend every day, like a long absence, the sun, like floating down the romantic city of Twilight.

Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, have the ability to see through people's minds, then what is the story behind him? And she is just a natural motor nerve is poor, pale skin, like the ordinary girl like illness. Meet that year, they are 17 years of age. Time is a solidification of his roulette, and right she is the rapid rotation. He will be forever young, her youth will eventually decay, both of whom the world really do exist intersection? From Adam and Eve began to Toushijinguo the face of the desire of love-hate vortex, mankind is always at a loss.

Well-being slowly forward, he spread Opportunity. When a vulnerable young girl to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind-hearted kiss much more difficult. 在經 After a beautiful day after the twilight hours, this adventure story of the ups and downs, this time just a prologue.

The authors hero adolescent feelings of emotional confusion and bewildering entanglement characterization was real delicate with great accuracy of the description and Xilian elegant text aroused the reader's endless imagination, Yizhenyihuan stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers continuous stirred reading impulse. In the refreshing gentleness and lingering into the reader to witness the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the fight against Sense and Sensibility, soul and body of the struggle ... ...

Added: "Twilight of the City" about a pair of mandarin cks Kuming love story, 17-year-old actress Beilasiwang is a witty, sweet, popular girl, since the move to a small town to live with her father After the acquaintance of a mysterious classmate Edward Cullen male students, while the male students from a "vegetarian" vampire family, but found a special aroma Bella attracted him - he was a smell that she wanted to suck blood, may be again, for the love desperately to suppress their own desires, but also with other similarly tried to kill her vampire fighting, tried every means to protect her. Please do not put it just as an incredible adventure of non-reality of love, when you have, are, or in the future in their own journey of love like a little touch to the feeling, then it is a movement of love for you to write a true legend of the Twilight .

《新月-new moon》 "Crescent-new moon"

Edward is deeply fascinated by Bella, also love the unique scent of her body. Happy Hour is always short-term frustration in her 18-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flow evoked Edward family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox.

Edward left, Bella's world completely collapsed, and she began to experiment with risky behavior, because she found that as long as she did a dangerous thing, Edward's voice will appear in her mind. Bella masochistic style madness, and did not let Edward change his mind this time, young Jacob unruly appeared pale in her world, Bella Although he knows the hearts of another person, or affectionately accompany and protect her. One is the icy rock-solid heterogeneous one is solicitous of the hot werewolf, Bella, how will choice ... ... Edward mistakenly believe that Bella has jumped into the sea dead and can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make everything one of the break. Dusk graally retreat, waiting for them is the horizon beckons to the dark night of the bright crescent, Bella and Edward would be plunged into the dark world beyond redemption do? End of life before they can snatch away the precious of each other than themselves together to save the earth the most exciting of love?

A taste of chopped constantly tangled life and death of Romance, "New Moon" will the reader into the novel more than the average youth category magical world of diversity, readers not so much to accompany Beira spent her life in the first paragraph of the darkest period of , as it is with Mel's wonderful pen has undergone a magical world, there can be no real life experience of love. Edward struggle, Beira aspirations of love, as well as Jacob's desire for true love has always been three kinds of tension throughout the novel, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique technique of writing and the genius ability to control the reader's heart, passionate readers with the inevitable and Beira, or concentration, breath, or shed a tear.

《月食-eclipse》 "Eclipse-eclipse"

Bella will soon graate from high school dilemma: she must choose one Edward and Jacob lovers, but this option is very likely lead to ethnic Karen family and Werewolf in a bloody war between the ... ... blood boiling shellfish laning would like to choose to die to work with Edward looks Sishou, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob's intervention so that the feelings of both of them red light, Beira to visit the injured at the Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, took the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a kiss deeply printed in the hearts of Beira, for Jacob's feelings, Bella has a Li Buqing.

When Bella was severely painful for the selection of lovers when the hardships, she discovered that someone from her room robbing the aim is to follow the smell to sniff out the top of her lies. Bella will be linked to the past, all kinds of accidents, and finally understand the Crane from the legendary family of Victoria is the mastermind behind the scenes manipulating everything. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices in a hurry to get Fox on the lives of Edward and Bella created a great threat to werewolf ethnic Karen family decided to go to a joint deal with a common enemy. Irreconcilable contradictions of Ice and Fire, the balance of love and sacrifice, the Bella found her to be devoted not only the soul ... ...

When you can never die, why would you live? "Eclipse" to unveil the dark veil, displaying a struggling body and soul. Karen irreconcilable groups of family and the werewolf asked how the conflict be resolved? Edward is the angelic kind of Beira and glass-like step on the fragile marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella, and her childhood had on the ordinary human life? From the dawn began to break the "twilight", experienced the "crescent" of the heart-breaking and the "eclipse" of the grief, the reader in mind mysteries in the "dawn" hours unravels, while the complex will eventually be the truth in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact.

《破曉-breaking dawn》 "Dawn-breaking dawn"

When life is that you can give your loved ones all the time, how can you not dedicate her life to him? For Bella, the hopelessly in love with Edward, the live in a fantasy like full of sweet, but also like the nightmare of unfathomable. No matter what kind of choices she made, will affect the fate of the two groups. The two first hand from the moment, Bella and Edward be able to understand each other to find the other half of their own, love is like sunshine after the rain, like moist of their soul. Happiness makes me feel warm, but people skating on thin ice. From two different worlds of taboo love, like a manic storm ravaged afflicted two fragile hearts. Since Bella brave enough to make decisions, a series of alarming events that have accompanied the unprecedented start in this turbulent year, the temptation and conflict, will lead her toward the last crucial moment. Bella Piaowu frame of mind will eventually Trees? She and Edward, Jacob three final fate is going to be? Like the dawn after the long night, this soul-stirring, 1000 back to 100 rpm romance eventually ushered surprising, breathless conclusion.

《午夜陽光-midnight sun》 "Midnight sun-midnight sun"

By Edward's point of view about the contents of the twilight. Mel's meticulous mind, gentle and deep portrayal of the beautiful Bifeng Edward this role. And because the male lead has a mind-reading ability, while a more detailed image shows the bella Fox first came to town bit by bit. Show the reader a more concrete image of the real Edward.

Note: Due to publishing without permission from the author unauthorized publication of "midnight sun" manuscript of the first 12 chapters, the author decided to suspend writing. Recently, e to strong demand the reader, the author will consider will continue to be creative.

H. 《暮光之城4;破曉》劇情簡介

貝拉·卡倫(Bella Cullen)
全名:伊莎貝拉·瑪麗·斯旺(Isabella Marie Swan)沒有嫁給愛德華之前的名字、貝拉·卡倫(Bella Cullen)嫁給愛德華之後的名字
昵稱:Bella、Bells、Vampire girl、human girl
種類:沒有生下蕾妮斯梅之前是人類(暮色到月食),生下蕾妮斯梅之後奄奄一息時被注射了愛德華的血後成為了吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn)
改變原因:生孩子大出血肋骨脊椎骨斷裂瀕臨死亡,被愛德華從心臟注入愛德華的血成為吸血鬼。在電影里是由克里斯汀·斯圖爾特(Kristen Stewart)飾
愛德華·卡倫(Edward Cullen)
本名(變成吸血鬼前的名字):Edward Anthony Mason
全名(變成吸血鬼後的名字):Edward Anthony Mason Cullen
忌日(變成吸血鬼的日子):1918年 (擁有永遠17歲的外表)
能力:讀心術 速度 力量(對Bella無效)
汽車:沃爾沃S6OR,阿斯頓馬丁V12 Vanquish
在電影里是由羅伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)飾
蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡倫Renesmee Carlie Cullen)
說的第一個詞語是「媽媽」 第一句話是「媽媽,外公在哪?」
第四部破曉中出現的角色,演員已定麥肯吉·弗依(Mackenzie Foy)
卡萊爾·卡倫(Carlisle Cullen)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Carlisle Cullen
生日:1640年左右 (擁有永遠23歲的外表)
汽車:梅賽德斯 S55 AMG
在電影里是由彼得·費辛利(Peter Facinelli)飾
埃斯梅·卡倫(Esme Cullen)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Esme Anne Platt
改變原因:因為兒子的夭折而傷心欲絕,她試圖跳崖自殺,被卡萊爾救下(救下時傷勢極重),被救是第二次見面。並在第一次見面時就對卡萊爾有好感。在電影里是由Elizabeth Reaser飾 羅莎莉·黑爾(Rosalie Hale)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Rosaile Lillian Hale
生日:1915年 (擁有永遠18歲的外表)
改變原因:曾以為會很幸福地與銀行家兒子結婚過上平靜生活的羅莎莉被未婚夫羅斯特·金和他的朋友們強奸奄奄一息倒在街頭,被卡萊爾聞到鮮血味道發現並救下,當時羅莎莉並不滿意卡萊爾的做法,她一心想死。改變後她向羅斯特·金和他的朋友們復了仇(她是將羅斯特·金的朋友一個一個殺掉給羅斯特·金造成恐慌,然後在一天晚上穿婚紗殺掉了羅斯特·金)。羅莎莉一直固執於無法做一個正常的女人,因吸血鬼的體質不能生育而耿耿於懷,並在《暮色》中嫉妒貝拉的人類身份。後在《破曉》中,貝拉信任羅莎莉可以全力幫她保住嬰兒,成為貝拉堅持冒生命危險生下女兒的最有利幫手.在電影里是由Nikki Reed飾
埃美特·卡倫(Emmett Cullen)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Emmett McCarty
生日:1915年 (擁有永遠20歲的外表)
汽車:火紅色吉普越野車在電影里是由Kellan Lutz飾
愛麗絲·卡倫(Alice Cullen)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Mary Alice Brandon
生日:1901 (她不記得自己是什麼時候被變成吸血鬼的,但在《暮色》中,詹姆斯告訴貝拉愛麗絲的身世——愛麗絲年幼時,曾因能看到未來,被家人誤認為神經有問題,被關進了瘋人院。詹姆斯曾經失手的獵物就是人類時期的愛麗絲,但瘋人院里的一名吸血鬼醫生為了保護她所以改造了她,並將她藏在地下室,由於一片漆黑,她忘記了人類時期所有的事情。擁有永遠20歲的外表。)
配偶:Jasper Hale
汽車:保時捷 911 Turbo (愛德華為報答她送給她的)
改變原因:被詹姆斯(曾追捕貝拉的詹姆斯)發現並試圖吸干血液,但是被一名老吸血鬼改變,救了她在電影里是由Ashley Greene飾
賈斯帕·黑爾(Jasper Hale)
本名(變吸血鬼前的名字):Jasper Whitlock
配偶:Alice Cullen
改變原因:當少校的時候被瑪利亞等三姐妹發現並改變,成為新生兒參加南方吸血鬼戰爭(由於賈斯帕和羅莎莉長的很像,經常被認作是孿生兄妹,而賈斯帕不介意自己姓什麼,所以改和羅莎莉一樣的姓,黑爾Hale)在電影里是由Jackson Rathbone飾
雅各布·布萊克(Jacob Black)
配偶:蕾妮斯梅·卡里·卡倫(烙印)在電影里是由 Taylor Lautner飾
●終結 《破曉》將是《暮光之城》的終結篇,在這部片中,愛德華與貝拉有情人終成眷屬,舉行了盛大的婚禮。婚後,二人還一起到里約熱內盧度蜜月,當他們終於修成正果時,貝拉意外發現自己懷孕了。貝拉冒險為愛德華生下一個女兒,但自己卻生命垂危。愛德華無奈之下終於將貝拉變成吸血鬼……
●婚禮 《洛杉磯時報》評論說:「這場婚禮是《暮光之城:破曉(上)》最有意思的一幕,導演比爾·康頓和貝拉的小姑子愛麗絲一同策劃了它,非常精緻、典雅且別具一格。電影也花了大篇幅去渲染它,讓觀眾可以細細品味其中的美。」
●情感 而對於劇中情感走向,男主角羅伯特描述道:「愛德華一直認為他知道怎樣做對貝拉來說是最好的。但是在《破曉》中,貝拉卻真的停下了腳步。通常,這對於一段戀情來說,意味著結束了……好在最後他們向對方坦陳了自己的真實想法,又回到一起 。

I. dawn是罵人的嗎




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