Ⅰ 生還電影簡介
這部電影由蘇菲·特納、科里·霍金斯主演Quibi驚悚片《生還》(Survive),馬克·佩靈頓執導,Richard Abate與Jeremy Ungar共同操刀劇本。
蘇菲·特納,1996年2月 21日出生在英國北安普敦(Northampton),2歲時家裡搬到華威(Warwick),在華威著名的Playbox Theatre學習戲劇。
小說《冰與火之歌》改編的HBO電視劇《Game of Thrones》中飾演珊莎史塔克(Sansa Stark)。這也是她第一個影視作品。
Ⅱ 電影演員成龍是哪年出生的
Ⅲ 寫電影明星的英語作文 要有個人簡介(生日 出生地*)還有他拍過的電影 急急急急!這星期天就要!
李連傑自傳(Jet Li)Jet Li starred in the 1995 movie, Shu dan long wei, known in English as "Courage of a Mouse and Power of a Dragon". The movie, known in the US as either High Risk or Meltdown, portrays Jet Li as a cop who becomes disillusioned after his wife is murdered by crimelords. Along the way, he pairs up with a wacky sell-out actor, Frankie (played by Jacky Cheung), and proceeds to engage in a series of violent battles in a high-rise building. In July 2001, Jet Li and Jackie Chan agreed to proce and star in an action movie which was to be released in 2002 or 2003, but there has since been no news of their collaboration. In 2002, the film Hero was released in the US market. This film was both commercial and a critical success. Li took a big risk with the 2005 action drama, Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny the Dog) where he portrays an alt with the mentality of a child who has been raised like an animal. A somber film with more depth than had been previously seen in Li's films, it co-starred dramatic actors, Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman. According to Shenzhen Daily newspaper, Jet Li has announced his retirement from martial arts films after the film Fearless, known as Huo Yuanjia in Chinese, named after the real-life founder of Jing Wu Men who reportedly defeated foreign boxers and Japanese martial artists in publicized events at a time when China's power was seen as eroding. Together with the film Fist of Legend, Li has portrayed both Chen Zhen, the fictional student and avenger of Huo Yuanjia, as well as Huo Yuanjia himself. "I stepped into the martial arts movie market when I was only 16. I think I have proved my ability in this field and it won't make sense for me to continue for another five or 10 years. Huo Yuanjia is a conclusion to my life as a martial arts star." – Jet Li Even with the martial arts genre fading in Li's career, action movies will still flow in his direction. His new thriller, Rogue, will begin principal photography in the spring of 2006, re-teaming Jet Li with actor Jason Statham and action choreographer Corey Yuen.
Ⅳ 電影海倫·凱勒英文簡介
Deaf-Blind Awareness Week
Every year the last week of June
June 27, 2000, is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Helen Keller, and each year the week in which her birthday falls is recognized as Deaf-Blind Awareness Week. In honor of Helen Keller -- and other members of the deaf-blind community, this week is dedicated to the deaf-blind.
Every year the last week of June is devoted to one thing--recognition of the deaf-blind people in our midst. While the purpose of Deaf-Blind Awareness Week is to pay homage to Helen Keller, the deaf-blind woman who was born that week, the week focuses on increasing public awareness and understanding of deaf-blindness.
According to the Helen Keller National Center (HKNC), about 70,000 people have hearing and vision loss. More than a decade ago, Deaf-Blind Awareness Week became an event officially recognized by the Federal government.
The story of Helen Keller is well known. Born on June 27, 1880, the healthy infant was developing normally. But at the age of 19 months, an illness left her deaf and blind. When Helen was six, her equally famous teacher, Anne Sullivan, was able to teach her to communicate. Helen Keller went on to excel in all aspects of her life: graating from college with honors and writing, lecturing, and inspiring people worldwide.
The next is the proclamation of Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week made by US president Ronald Reagan:
Proclamation 5214 -- Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week
June 22, 1984
By the President of the United States of America
Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan
Our eyes and ears provide vital ways of interacting with the world around us. The lilt of laughter, the beat of a brass band, the smile of a friend, and the poetry of a landscape are but a few of the life blessings that our senses of sight and hearing help us to enjoy. But for some 40,000 Americans who can neither see nor hear, the world can be a prison of darkness and silence.
Inadequate ecation, training, and rehabilitation for those who are deaf and blind may prevent these Americans from becoming independent and self-sufficient, thereby greatly limiting their life potential and imposing a high economic and social cost on the Nation.
We must prevent such problems among our deaf-blind citizens by fostering their independence, creating employment opportunities, and encouraging their contributions to our society. Crucial to fulfilling this urgent national need is research on the disorders that cause deafness and blindness. Toward this end, the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the National Eye Institute as well as a number of voluntary health agencies are supporting a wide range of investigative projects that one day may provide the clues to curing and preventing these devastating disorders.
On June 27 we commemorate the 104th anniversary of the birth of Helen Keller, America's most renowned and respected deaf-blind person. Her accomplishments serve as a beacon of courage and hope for our Nation, symbolizing what deaf-blind people can achieve.
In order to encourage public recognition of and compassion for the complex problems caused by deaf-blindness and to emphasize the potential contribution of deaf-blind persons to our Nation, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 261, has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation designating the last week in June 1984 as ``Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week.''
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week beginning June 24, 1984, as Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week. I call upon all government agencies, health organizations, communications media, and people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth.
Ⅳ 電影演員陳紅簡介
年份 電視劇名稱 扮演角色
1986年 聊齋之娥眉一笑 連城
1990年 傣女之戀 未公布
1994年 梅花三弄之水雲間 汪子璇
1994年 水滸傳 潘金蓮
1991年 三國演義 貂蟬
1994年 煙鎖重樓 柳吟翠
1995年 北京深秋的故事 未公布
1996年 新龍門客棧 邱莫言
1996年 今生今世 秦安琪
1997年 紐約風暴 牟希雅
1997年 原野 金子
1997年 神鵰俠侶 李莫愁
1998年 春光燦爛豬八戒 嫦娥
1999年 大明宮詞 太平公主
2000年 完全婚姻手冊 張鸝
2001年 風塵舞蝶 花紅艷
2001年 蝶舞天涯 貂蟬(蝶舞)
年份 電影名稱 扮演角色
1988年 紅樓夢四部 紫鵑
1989年 你好,太平洋 未公布
1990年 都市刑警 未公布
1993年 霧宅 未公布
1993年 在那遙遠的地方 未公布
1994年 香香鬧油坊 香香
1994年 征服者 未公布
1995年 台灣女兒 未公布
2003年 和你在一起 未公布
2005年 無極 滿神
2008年 梅蘭芳 福芝芳
2009年 建國大業 女記者
2011年 關雲長 甘夫人
2011年 搜索 未公布
Ⅵ 電影天道王演員表介紹
1983年12月12日出生於江西省南昌市,中國內地影視男演員、主持人,畢業於江西財經大學 。
Ⅶ 劉曉慶生平簡介(劉曉慶出生年月簡歷)
Ⅷ 電影出生入死簡介
英文名稱:Cradle 2 the Grave
電影導演:安德列·巴柯維亞 Andrzej Bartkowiak
電影演員:湯姆·阿諾德 Tom Arnold
馬克·達卡科斯 Mark Dacascos
李連傑 Jet Li
胡凱麗 Kelly Hu
加布里艾爾·尤尼恩 Gabrielle Union
安東尼·安德森 Anthony Anderson
Erik Betts
Troy Brenna
Cradle 2 the Grave
華納兄弟公司(Warner Brothers, USA)2003年出品
李連傑(Jet Li)
馬克-達卡斯考斯(Mark Dacascos)
胡凱莉(Kelly Hu)
安東尼-安德森(Anthony Anderson)
加布里耶爾-尤妮恩(Gabrielle Union)
導演:安德雷耶-巴考維克(Andrzej Bartkowiak)
神出鬼沒的通天大盜首領(著名饒舌歌手DMX飾)的女兒被國際罪犯(馬克-達卡斯考斯飾,Mark Dacascos)綁架了,並被告知必須用珍貴的鑽石去贖回女兒。於是,這位黑幫首領只得與聯邦偵探(李連傑飾,Jet Li)合作,設法救回他的女兒。正當倆人爭分奪秒地去尋找那些珍貴的寶石時,卻意外地拆穿了一起擴散新式戰爭武器的陰謀。
李連傑曾與DMX合作出演過《致命羅密歐》(「Romeo Must Die」,2000年)。如果你曾
看過《狼族盟約》(「Brotherhood of the Wolf」,2001年),你一定會記住馬克-達卡斯考斯。他在片中飾演的具有不屈精神和令人眼花繚亂動作的美國土著勇士馬尼而名噪一時,受到觀眾們的追捧。而作為西方的新動作明星,馬克-達卡斯考斯與李連傑的拚死一搏,將足以使眾多觀眾立馬掏錢購票。出演本片的還有多位美國少數族裔明星,如近年迅速走紅的華裔女星胡凱莉、黑人女星尤妮恩和黑人諧星安東尼-安德森等。導演安德雷耶-巴考維克(Andrzej Bartkowiak)曾執導李連傑的《致命羅密歐》。