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Ⅱ 求羅賓 威廉姆斯所有的電影作品

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羅賓 威廉姆斯所有的電影作品

休旅胡冊鋒任務 (2006)

機器人歷險記 (2005)

心碎往事 (2005)

最終剪接 (2004)

殺死斯莫奇 (2002)

Robin Williams: Live on Broadway (2002)

一小時快相 (2002)

變人 (1999)

善意的謊言 (1999)

妙手情真 (1998)

飛越來生緣 (1998)

美夢成褲晌真 (1998)

心靈捕手 (1997)

我有兩個爸 (1997)

烏龍博士 (1997)

鳥籠 (1996)

阿拉丁和大盜之王 (1996)

家有傑克 (1996)

The Secret Agent (1996)

勇敢者的游戲 (1995)

跨世奇人 (1994)

肥媽先生 (1993)

FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992)

阿拉丁 (1992)

玩具兵團 (1992)

天涯倫落兩心知 (1991)

虎克船長 (1991)

無語問蒼天 (1990)

名嘴大丈夫 (1990)

死亡詩社 (1989)

早安越南 (1987)

逍遙天姿哪堂 (1986)

黃金歲月 (1986)

莫斯科先生 (1984)

蓋普眼中的世界 (1982)

大力水手 (1980)

Ⅲ 羅賓威廉斯拍的電影


作為演員羅賓·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams的電影作品(數量:189)The Krazees ------- (2008)
八月迷情/八月沖刺 August Rush ------- (2007)
結婚糾察隊/結婚執照/結婚證書 License to Wed ------- (2007)
Happy Birthday Elton! From Madison Square Garden, New York ------- (2007)
Certifiably Jonathan ------- (2007)
棒球小英雄/棒球小子 Everyone's Hero ------- (2006)
休旅任務/旅行車 RV ------- (2006)
Moving Image Salutes Ron Howard ------- (2006)
Barry Sonnenfeld: The Kosher Cowboy ------- (2006)
The Scoop on Poop ------- (2006)
博物館之夜/博物館奇妙夜/博物館驚魂夜/博物館的奇妙之夜 Night at the Museum ------- (2006)
午夜聽眾 The Night Listener ------- (2006)
Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer ------- (2006)
JoJo: The Pop Princess ------- (2006)
A Night at the Museum with McFly ------- (2006)
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?) ------- (2006)
快樂大腳/歡樂的大腳/快樂的大腳/踢躂小企鵝/快樂舞步/快樂企鵝舞 Happy Feet ------- (2006)
年度人物 Man of the Year ------- (2006)
¿De qué te ríes? ------- (2006)
Comic Relief 2006 ------- (2006)
Happy Feet: European Premiere Special ------- (2006)
RV Nation: The Culture of Road Warriors ------- (2006)
"I Love the '90s: Part Deux" ------- (2005)
Emmanuel's Gift ------- (2005)
Building the 'House of D' ------- (2005)
The Work of Director Mark Romanek ------- (2005)
Nos Zamis Lé Hyens ------- (2005)
Steve Martin: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2005)
貴族 The Aristocrats ------- (2005)
毀屍滅跡/真相大白 The Big White ------- (2005)
Happy Days: 30th Anniversary Reunion ------- (2005)
The 20th IFP Independent Spirit Awards ------- (2005)
Assembling 'Robots': The Magic, the Music, & the Comedy ------- (2005)
Earth to America ------- (2005)
第77屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 77th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2005)
The Making of 'Robots' ------- (2005)
機器人歷險記/機器世代 Robots ------- (2005)
The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2005)
第76屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 76th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2004)
"Comedy Central Presents: 100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time" ------- (2004)
最終剪接/絕命改造/回光報告 The Final Cut ------- (2004)
聖誕夜奇跡/紐約奇跡 Noel ------- (2004)
When Stand-Up Comics Ruled the World ------- (2004)
傷心往事/D屋 House of D ------- (2004)
"TV Land Moguls" ------- (2004)
The First Amendment Project: No Joking ------- (2004)
"Real Time with Bill Maher" ------- (2003)
"Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ------- (2003)
AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Robert De Niro ------- (2003)
"Jimmy Kimmel Live" ------- (2003)
The 45th Annual Grammy Awards ------- (2003)
Richard Pryor: I Ain't Dead Yet, #*%$#@!! ------- (2003)
第75屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 75th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2003)
The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2003)
"Freedom: A History of Us" ------- (2003)
"Intimate Portrait" Pam Dawber ------- (2002)
羅賓·威廉斯-百老匯人生 Robin Williams: Live on Broadway ------- (2002)
不速之客/一小時快相 One Hour Photo ------- (2002)
The Sound of 'AI' ------- (2002)
The Making of 'One Hour Photo' ------- (2002)
Reel Comedy: Death to Smoochy ------- (2002)
殺死斯莫奇 Death to Smoochy ------- (2002)
"Player$" ------- (2002)
Day for Night: The Making of 'Insomnia' ------- (2002)
The 1st 13th Annual Fancy Anvil Award Show Program Special... Live!... in Stereo ------- (2002)
失眠症/針鋒相對/白夜追凶 Insomnia ------- (2002)
Animating 'AI' ------- (2002)
The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch ------- (2002)
Billy Connolly: A BAFTA Tribute ------- (2002)
The Best of Bert Newton ------- (2002)
美利堅向英雄致敬 America: A Tribute to Heroes ------- (2001)
人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence: AI ------- (2001)
"E! True Hollywood Story" The Comedy Store ------- (2001)
"Great Performances" Chuck Jones: Extremes and In-Betweens, a Life in Animation ------- (2000)
It's Only Rock 'n' Roll ------- (2000)
AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies ------- (2000)
Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto ------- (2000)
第72屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2000)
心靈DJ Jakob the Liar ------- (1999)
Get Bruce ------- (1999)
第71屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 71st Annual Academy Awards ------- (1999)
Python Night ------- (1999)
The Medical Value of Laughter ------- (1999)
Slaves of Sin ------- (1999)
機器管家/變人/鐵人浮生記 Bicentennial Man ------- (1999)
5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (1999)
"Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" ------- (1999)
Lions and Monkeys and Pods... Oh My! The Special Effects of 'Jumanji' ------- (1999)
Hollywood Salutes Arnold Schwarzenegger: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (1998)
Anatomy of a 'Homicide: Life on the Street' ------- (1998)
第70屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 70th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1998)
心靈點滴 Patch Adams ------- (1998)
Junket Whore ------- (1998)
Comic Relief VIII ------- (1998)
Aladdin's Math Quest ------- (1998)
美夢成真/飛越來生緣(港) What Dreams May Come ------- (1998)
In My Life ------- (1998)
Christopher Reeve: A Celebration of Hope ------- (1998)
飛天法寶/烏龍博士 Flubber ------- (1997)
我有兩個爸 Fathers' Day ------- (1997)
心靈捕手/驕陽似我 Good Will Hunting ------- (1997)
解構愛情狂 Deconstructing Harry ------- (1997)
Disney Sing-Along-Songs: Friend Like Me ------- (1996)
The Secret Agent ------- (1996)
Classic Stand-Up Comedy of Television ------- (1996)
家有傑克 Jack ------- (1996)
Nichols and May: Take Two ------- (1996)
哈姆雷特 Hamlet ------- (1996)
鳥籠 The Birdcage ------- (1996)
阿拉丁和大盜之王 Aladdin and the King of Thieves ------- (1995)
Aladdin on Ice ------- (1995)
艷倒群雌 To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar ------- (1995)
懷胎九月 Nine Months ------- (1995)
What Makes You Laugh? ------- (1995)
勇敢者的游戲/勇敢者游戲/野蠻游戲/逃出魔幻紀/朱曼紀 Jumanji ------- (1995)
Comic Relief VII ------- (1995)
"HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
The World of Jim Henson ------- (1994)
In Search of Dr. Seuss ------- (1994)
Carol Burnett: The Special Years ------- (1994)
All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever! ------- (1994)
Disney Sing-Along-Songs: Circle of Life ------- (1994)
But... Seriously ------- (1994)
Comic Relief VI ------- (1994)
The Best of the Don Lane Show ------- (1994)
"In the Wild" ------- (1993)
A Tribute to Sam Kinison ------- (1993)
窈窕奶爸/肥媽先生/道菲爾太太 Mrs. Doubtfire ------- (1993)
Apollo Theatre Hall of Fame ------- (1993)
跨世奇人 Being Human ------- (1993)
Comic Relief V ------- (1992)
玩具兵團 Toys ------- (1992)
A Spinal Tap Reunion: The 25th Anniversary London Sell-Out ------- (1992)
From Time to Time ------- (1992)
FernGully: The Last Rainforest ------- (1992)
Shakes the Clown ------- (1992)
Free to Laugh: A Comedy and Music Special for Amnesty International ------- (1992)
阿拉丁 Aladdin ------- (1992)
虎克船長/霍克船長 Hook ------- (1991)
Saturday Night Live Goes Commercial ------- (1991)
Comic Relief IV ------- (1991)
A Wish for Wings That Work ------- (1991)
天涯淪落兩心知/漁王/奇幻城市/漁夫王國 The Fisher King ------- (1991)
Rabbit Ears: The Fool and the Flying Ship ------- (1991)
再世驚情 Dead Again ------- (1991)
Walt Disney World's 20th Anniversary Celebration ------- (1991)
Johnny Carson's 29th Anniversary ------- (1991)
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Robin Williams ------- (1991)
名嘴大丈夫 Cadillac Man ------- (1990)
The Earth Day Special ------- (1990)
蘇醒/無語問蒼天 Awakenings ------- (1990)
Back to Neverland ------- (1990)
I'm from Hollywood ------- (1989)
Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary ------- (1989)
死亡詩社/春風化雨/暴雨驕陽 Dead Poets Society ------- (1989)
Comic Relief III ------- (1989)
Rabbit Ears: Pecos Bill ------- (1988)
終極天將 The Adventures of Baron Munchausen ------- (1988)
An All-Star Toast to the Improv ------- (1988)
Portrait of a White Marriage ------- (1988)
Get Out the Vote ------- (1988)
Jonathan Winters: On the Ledge ------- (1987)
早安越南 Good Morning, Vietnam ------- (1987)
Comic Relief '87 ------- (1987)
越南家書 Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam ------- (1987)
Carol, Carl, Whoopi and Robin ------- (1987)
逍遙天堂 Club Paradise ------- (1986)
Robin Williams: Live at the Met ------- (1986)
Comic Relief ------- (1986)
The Young Comedians All-Star Reunion ------- (1986)
One Voice ------- (1986)
黃金歲月 The Best of Times ------- (1986)
Seize the Day ------- (1986)
The Richard Lewis 'I'm in Pain' Concert ------- (1985)
蘇聯同志 Moscow on the Hudson ------- (1984)
The Great Stanps ------- (1984)
倖存者 The Survivors ------- (1983)
E.T. and Friends: Magical Movie Visitors ------- (1982)
Night of 100 Stars ------- (1982)
Catch a Rising Star's 10th Anniversary ------- (1982)
蓋普眼中的世界 The World According to Garp ------- (1982)
I Love Liberty ------- (1982)
大力水手 Popeye ------- (1980)
Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall ------- (1980)
The American Film Institute Salute to Alfred Hitchcock ------- (1979)
Battle of the Network Stars V ------- (1978)
Can I Do It 'Till I Need Glasses? ------- (1977)

Ⅳ 誰能推薦幾個 羅賓·威廉姆斯 主演的電影

年度人物 (2007)
八月迷情 August Rush(2007)
休旅任務 R.V. (2006)
歡快的大腳 Happy Feet (2006)
午夜聽眾 The Night Listener (2006)
心碎往事 House of D (2005)
機器人歷險記 Robots (2005)
真相大白 The Big White (2005)
最終剪接 The Final Cut (2004)
羅賓·威廉斯-百老匯人生 Robin Williams: Live on Broadway (2002)
一小時快相 One Hour Photo (2002)
白夜追凶 Insomnia (2002)
殺死斯莫奇 Death to Smoochy (2002)
變人 Bicentennial Man (1999)
善意的謊言 Jakob the Liar (1999)
妙手情真 Patch Adams (1998)
美夢成真 What Dreams May Come (1998)
心靈捕手 Good Will Hunting (1997)
烏龍博士 Flubber (1997)
我有兩個爸 Fathers' Day (1997)
阿拉丁和大盜之王 Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996)
鳥籠 Birdcage, The (1996)
The Secret Agent (1996)
家有傑克 Jack (1996)
勇敢者的游戲 Jumanji (1995)
跨世奇人 Being Human (1994)
肥媽先生 Mrs.Doubtfire (1993)
阿拉丁 Aladdin (1992)
FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992)
玩具兵團 Toys (1992)
天涯倫落兩心知 The Fisher King (1991)
虎克船長 Hook (1991)
無語問蒼天 Awakenings (1990)
名嘴大丈夫 Cadillac Man (1990)
死亡詩社 Dead Poets Society (1989)
早安越南 Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
逍遙天堂 Club Paradise (1986)
黃金歲月 Best of Times, The (1986)
Robin Williams: Live at the Met (1986)
莫斯科先生 Moscow on the Hudson (1984)
蓋普眼中的世界 World According to Garp (1982)
大力水手 Popeye (1980)
羅賓·威廉斯-百老匯人生 Robin Williams: Live on Broadway (2002)
Robin Williams Live (1986)
Robin Williams: Live at the Met (1986)

Ⅳ 羅賓威廉姆斯有哪些值得看的電影




Ⅵ 《魔法鼠樂園》定檔,這部影片主要講述的什麼故事



Ⅶ 求一部外國的電影,原來看過一期《看電影》,導演拍出了他想像中天堂的樣子,旁邊配了一幅電影配圖,是哪

美夢成真 What Dreams May Come (1998)8.1
導演:文森特·沃德 主演:羅賓·威廉斯 小庫珀·古丁 安娜貝拉·莎拉 ...

可愛的骨頭 The Lovely Bones (2009)7.8
可愛的屍骨 | 親切的骨頭 | 屍中罪檔螞 | 蘇西的世界
導演:彼得·傑克遜 主演:西爾莎·羅南 馬克·沃爾伯格 蕾切爾·薇姿 ...




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