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㈠ <夏洛特的網>的英文簡介

Charlotte's Web is a children's book by acclaimed American author E. B. White, first published in 1952, it tells the story of a barn spider named Charlotte and her friendship with a pig named Wilbur. It was illustrated by Garth Williams.

Publishers Weekly lists the book as the best-selling children's paperback of all time.[1]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
This book is about a little girl, called Fern "The Pig Saver" Arable, who is an ordinary farm girl. One day, her father』s sow gave birth to some piglets, Fern's father discovered one of them was a runt and decided to kill it. However, Fern wanted to let it live. Therefore her father had no choice but to give it to Fern as a pet, and she named the runt Wilbur.

He is hyperactive and always exploring new things. At first, he lived with Fern until he was about 5 weeks old. Then he was sold to the Zuckermans for 6 dollars. He was reasonably happy on the Zuckermans' farm. However, day after day, he was getting lonelier, and wept as he missed the times he had with Fern. Immediately after, a warm and soothing voice told him that she was going to be his friend. So the next day, he woke up and saw his new friend dangling in front of him: Charlotte the grey spider. Thereafter, they talked to each other and commented on each other』s personality to pass time.

After an old sheep told him that he was going to be killed and eaten, he cried again. He did not want to die and Charlotte thought of an idea to save Wilbur from his fate. She spun some words on her web, so Wilbur would be famous, a famous pig would not be killed. Thanks to Charlotte』s great idea, Wilbur was not killed. However, in the end, Charlotte died at the carnival alone. Before that, Wilbur repaid Charlotte by bringing the sack of eggs she had laid before dying back from the carnival with him.



㈡ 夏洛的網主要內容!

《夏洛的網》 - [美]E·B·懷特 一本誕生於52年前的經典,在網路上流傳了很久的經典童話書《夏洛的網》中文版終於再版了,為此「夏洛迷」們等了25年!讀它吧,帶著傳教般的熱情與虔誠!因為,它有一種最純真的感動讓我們淚流滿面. 夏洛是一隻蜘蛛,威爾伯則是一隻小豬,當小豬不可避免地要走向它一生的終點時,夏洛站了出來,它在自己的網上織出了一些贊美這只小豬的字樣,從而使小豬在展覽會上贏得風光,也倖存地活了下來.這種奇特而溫馨的友誼感染了無數的人.夏洛在剩下最後一口氣時,為威爾伯編織了最後一個奇跡……在中國,最早出現的是《夏洛的網》的人文社1979年的譯本,時隔日遠,這個版本已經非常難以尋覓;而最新的版本則是由我國著名兒童文學作家、翻譯家任溶溶翻譯的.
夏洛的網 Charlotte's Web (2006) 導演:蓋瑞·溫尼克 Gary Winick 主演:史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi/達科塔·范寧 Dakota Fanning/朱莉婭·羅伯茨 Julia Roberts 類型:幻想 / 家庭 / 劇情 更多中文片名:夏洛特的網 / 莎樂的神奇網網 / 夏綠蒂的網 片長:97分鍾 國家/地區:美國 對白語言:英語 發行公司:Finnkino Oy 上映日期:2006年12月15日 美國 官方網站:Paramount Pictures [us]
小姑娘弗恩家的母豬又下了一窩豬崽.其中一隻很弱.弗恩的爸爸拿斧子要殺死這頭小豬.弗恩拚命把小豬救了下來,給他取名威爾伯.威爾伯住進了谷倉里,和牛馬羊鵝做了鄰居.它感到孤單,非常傷心. 弗恩每天給小威爾伯喂牛奶並跟他一起玩.後來小威爾伯漸漸長大了,結識了不少新夥伴,有小鵝、小羊、小鴨.有一天晚上,突然有誰用細弱的聲音喊他:「威爾伯,你願意和我做朋友嗎?」就這樣,威爾伯認識了和它說話的朋友--灰蜘蛛夏洛特,夏洛特正在谷倉的門框角上織網呢. 日子靜靜地過去,夏洛特成了威爾伯的好朋友.它既聰明又能幹,任何蒼蠅蚊子都逃不過他織的網.威爾伯長得越來越胖了.一天,老羊帶來了壞消息:主人要在聖誕節前把威爾伯殺掉,做成美味的腌肉和火腿.威爾伯嚇壞了,恐懼地尖叫著,大哭起來:「我不想死!」夏洛特安慰它:「你不會死的.我來想辦法救你!」於是夏洛特開始在房上織起一張大網.清晨,主人驚奇地發現門框的蜘蛛網上,竟然織著這樣三個字:「王牌豬」,牧師說是神在暗示,這是一頭出類拔萃、非同尋常的豬.消息很快傳開了,人們從四面八方趕來觀看這個奇跡,以為威爾伯是了不起的動物,對威爾伯贊賞不已…… 在朱克曼先生家的谷倉里,快樂地生活著一群小動物,其中小豬威爾伯和蜘蛛夏洛特建立了最真摯的友誼.然而,一個最丑惡的消息打破了谷倉的平靜:威爾伯未來的命運竟是成為熏肉火腿、作為一隻豬,悲痛絕望的威爾伯似乎只能接受任人宰割的命運了,然而,看似渺小的夏洛特卻說:「我救你.」於是,夏洛用自己的絲在豬欄上織出了被人類視為奇跡的網上文字,徹底逆轉了威爾伯的命運,終於讓它在集市的大賽中贏得特別獎,和一個安享天年的未來,但,這時,蜘蛛夏洛特的生命卻走到了盡頭……
《夏洛的網》是個關於友誼、磨難的故事,改編自美國散文名家E. B. White所著的同名童話書.從小喜歡動物,長大後更擁有自己農場的作家E.B.White,對於動物的刻劃細膩傳神而不落俗套,故事的鋪陳更是充滿驚奇引人入勝,搭配上流暢生動的行文,讀過的孩子都愛不釋手大呼過癮.根據統計,《夏洛特的網》自一九五二年出版迄今,已經在全球各地以二十三種語言版本推出,總發行量高達四千五百萬本,數十年來陪伴了世界各地無數兒童與青少年成長,更是老師們閱讀書單中不可或缺的指定書籍,其在歐美經典之地位足堪媲美《小王子》. 電影《夏洛的網》於2005年初開始製作,當時剛剛產下雙胞胎的奧斯卡影後朱莉婭·羅伯茨,決定為此部動畫片擔任幕後配音,配音的角色正是故事的主人翁小蜘蛛夏洛特,肩負著拯救好友小豬的重責大任.整個配音陣容相當可觀,除了朱莉婭·羅伯茨外,還有美國電視脫口秀天後歐普拉、卡西·貝茲以及流浪者合唱團成員安德魯等. 而電影中飾演芬的主演達科塔·芬寧雖然只有12歲,卻已經是經驗頗豐的演技派演員了,參演過《我是山姆》、《麻辣寶貝》、《夢想賓士》等諸多作品.有人評價達科塔·芬寧略顯稚嫩的面龐傳達出的是超齡的思想和睿智的訊息.雖然出道時間不長,但達科塔·法寧卻屢次出現在大牌明星主演的商業片中.真誠而不做作,年幼而非無知,未來星途不可估量.
E·B·懷特(1899-1985),美國當代著名散文家、評論家,以散文名世,「其文風冷峻清麗,辛辣幽默,自成一格」.生於紐約蒙特弗農,畢業於康奈爾大學.作為《紐約客》主要撰稿人的懷特一手奠定了影響深遠的 「《紐約客》文風」.懷特對這個世界上的一切都充滿關愛,他的道德與他的文章一樣山高水長.除了他終生摯愛的隨筆之外,他還為孩子們寫了三本書:《斯圖爾特鼠小弟》(又譯《精靈鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的網》與《吹小號的天鵝》,同樣成為兒童與成人共同喜愛的文學經典. E.B.懷特,於1899年7月11日生於紐約.1918年,從美軍退役,入康奈爾大學就讀,1921年畢業.這期間他曾擔任過《西雅圖時報》等多家出版機構的記者. 1924年他回到紐約,當了一位廣告撰稿人.1926或1927年,他來到《紐約客》雜志社作編輯工作.在《紐約客》工作的這11年來,他為這本雜志寫下了大量的散文和詩歌,還有些別的體裁的文章. 1929 年他和凱瑟琳(Katherine)結婚.(1941年他們一起撰寫了《美國幽默文庫》一書)不久,懷特開始為《新紐約周刊》工作.但是,直到他和他的同事兼朋友James Thurber合寫的《性是必需的嗎?》一書在同年出版後,懷特才真正引起了文壇的注意. 從1938~1943年,他作為《哈珀斯》雜志的專欄作家,為該雜志的「個人觀點」專欄撰寫了大量的散文.這些「懷特式」的散文在1942年被結集出版後,被評論家認為是懷特最優秀的一本散文集.1939年,他搬到緬因州的北Brooklin 的一個農場,作為一名自由作家繼續從事寫作.1959年,懷特出版了一本文體學專著《文體的要素》,這本書後來被廣泛地用作美國中學與大學的教材.

㈢ 《夏洛特的網》故事梗概,要英文的,不用太長,200-300詞即可,謝謝大家,滿意一定採納!!!

Cute pig Wilbur (Dominic Tekai Yi Ke Sike bbing) was born in a happy clusters of farms. There are geese, cattle, sheep, poultry, such as a large number of partners, but also from generation to generation "indigenous people" such as the mole vole good neighbors. But when it came to the world's first day on the mind of worry about one thing - because it knows that poultry as a pig that he one day would become the dinner table bacon or sausage. Fortunately, Fortunately, Wilbur met with the same lovely and kind-hearted farmer's daughter Finn (Ta Fenning Dracula), but also to have their favorite Canada and begged his father to give her cute pig done Personal pet to feed. Since then, the well-being of Wilbur also have their own umbrella and a good friend. Since then, grew up in the pig Wilbur, the farm graally became acquainted with more good partners: Mrs. goose goose (Oprah Winfrey voice) and Mr. Gregory geese, goats old Samuel, small Stamp little mouse (voice of Steve Bush Micronesia), white Ma Yike (Robert Redford voice) ... ... which Wilbur favorite, is on the door every day at the beauty of the spider spun the web Charolais Special (Julia Roberts bbing). Happy Every day that goes by, more and more weight Wilbur. One day, the old goat Samuel brought a terrible news - farmers Yilaboer Mr. (Kevin Anderson), plans to Wilbur as Christmas dinner this year, the main course of the sword ... ...

㈣ 高分求英文翻譯:夏洛特的網劇情介紹

An a little shy small pig Wilbur and was called Charlotte thespider to turn in the friend. It lives in on young pigsty Liang. Afterknew the all pigs final fearful result, Wilbur changes crazily ishottempered restlessly. Charlotte decided must rescue it the friend.It used the net to weave "the special pig" periphery, let the farmadvocate peace the person to know Wilbur was not an ordinary pig,should be saved. This is about the friendship, the tribulation story.

㈤ 誰知道《夏洛特的網》的英文簡介!


John Arable's sow gives birth to a litter of piglets, and Mr. Arable discovers one of them is a runt and decides to kill it. However, his 9 year old daughter Fern begs him to let it live. Therefore her father gives it to Fern as a pet, and she names the runt Wilbur.

Wilbur is hyperactive and always exploring new things. He lives with Fern for a few weeks and then is sold to her uncle, Homer Zuckerman. Although Fern visits him at the Zuckermans' farm as often as she can, Wilbur gets lonelier day after day. Eventually, a warm and soothing voice tells him that she is going to be his friend. The next day, he wakes up and meets his new friend: Charlotte, the gray spider. Wilbur soon becomes a member of the community of animals who live in the cellar of Zuckerman's barn.

When the old sheep in the barn cellar tells Wilbur that he is going to be killed and eaten at Christmas, he turns to Charlotte for help. Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur's excellence (such as "SOME PIG"), reasoning that if she can make Wilbur sufficiently famous, he will not be killed. Thanks to Charlotte's efforts, Wilbur not only lives, but goes to the county fair--with Charlotte--and wins a prize.

Due to the short lifespan of spiders, Charlotte dies at the fair. Wilbur repays Charlotte by bringing home with him the sac of eggs (her "magnum opus") she had laid at the fair before dying. When Charlotte's eggs hatch at Zuckerman's farm and most of Charlotte's daughters leave to make their own lives elsewhere, three remain there as friends to Wilbur


Charlotte the Spider

Templeton the Rat
Samuel the Sheep
Gussy the Goose
Golly the Goose
Bitsy the Cow
Betsy the Cow
Ike the Horse
Brooks the Crow
Elwyn the Crow
Uncle the Pig
Mr. Arable
Mrs. Arable
Henry Fussy
Mrs. Zuckerman
Homer Zuckerman
Dr. Dorian
Well Dressed Man
Young Boy
Fair Official
Joy the Baby Spider
Aranea the Baby Spider
Nellie the Baby Spider

㈥ 夏洛的網 主要內容 英文的


In Zuckerman's barn, a group of animals live happily. They are humorous and lovely. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established the most sincere friendship.


But the ugliest news broke the peace of the barn: Wilbur's fate was to become bacon and ham! As a pig, it seems that Wilbur can only accept the fate of being slaughtered. However, the seemingly insignificant Charlotte said firmly, "I'll save you."


Therefore, Charlotte weaves words that are regarded as miracles by human beings on the pigsty with her silk. In order to save little pig Wilbur.


she weaves these words on the Internet: "ace pig", "great", "humble" and "shining", which completely reversed Wilbur's fate and finally won a special award in the market competition and a peaceful future.


But at this time, the spider Charlotte's life came to an end... Since then, its children and grandchildren have formed good friends with little pig Wilbur.


㈦ 夏洛的網 英文簡介 簡單詞彙


Charlotte's Web is a children's book by acclaimed American author E. B. White, first published in 1952, it tells the story of a barn spider named Charlotte and her friendship with a pig named Wilbur. It was illustrated by Garth Williams.

Publishers Weekly lists the book as the best-selling children's paperback of all time.


夏洛特的網路是一本由美國著名作家E。B《白色》第一次出版於1952年,講述了一隻名叫夏洛特的谷倉蜘蛛和她與一隻名叫威爾伯的豬的友誼。它由加思·威廉姆斯(Garth Williams)繪制。


㈧ 《夏洛特的網》英文名是什麼

《夏洛特的網》(英語:Charlotte's Web)。







有天當農場里的老綿羊告訴韋伯聖誕節的時候他會被人殺掉吃了的時候,韋伯很害怕,他向夏洛特求助。夏洛特對韋伯承諾他會讓他活下來,想到的辦法就是在她的網上寫字來贊揚韋伯的出色,比如說SOME PIG。因為如果她能讓韋伯出名,韋伯就不會被殺了。多虧了夏洛特的幫忙,韋伯在鄉村大會上得了獎。




1、 威爾伯是一頭頑強的豬,是他垃圾里的矮子。他常常情緒激動。

2、 夏洛特·A·卡瓦蒂卡(Charlotte A.Cavatica)或簡稱夏洛特(Charlotte),是與威爾伯(Wilbur)交朋友的蜘蛛。在某些段落中,她是故事的女主人公。

3、 約翰·阿拉布爾(John Arable):威爾伯的第一任主人。

4、 約翰的女兒Fern Arable,他在小豬的時候就收養了Wilbur,後來探望了他。她是故事中唯一能夠理解動物對話的人。

5、 鄧普頓是只在提供食物時才幫助夏洛特和威爾伯的老鼠。他為劇情起到了某種刻薄,自私的喜劇效果。

6、 艾弗里·阿拉布爾(Avery Arable)是弗恩(Fern)和約翰(John)的兒子的哥哥。像鄧普頓一樣,他還是漫畫救濟的源頭。

7、 荷馬·祖克曼(Homer Zuckerman)是弗恩的叔叔,他把威爾伯(Wilbur)留在谷倉里。他有一個妻子伊迪絲(Edith)和一個名為Lurvy的助手。

8、 威爾伯與之交談的祖克曼谷倉中的其他動物是一隻卑鄙的羔羊,一隻健談的鵝和一隻聰明的「老羊」。

9、 亨利·弗西(Henry Fussy)是Fern年齡的男孩,對Fern情有獨鍾。

10、 Dorian博士是Fern的母親咨詢過的家庭醫生/心理學家,具有類似聰明的老人性格。

11、 叔叔是頭大豬,夏洛特不屑於禮節,威爾伯的對手在博覽會上不屑一顧。

12、 夏洛特的孩子是夏洛特的514個孩子。盡管他們出生在谷倉,但除了三個人(Aranea,Joy和Nellie),他們都通過氣球膨脹走自己的路。

㈨ 夏洛的網英文簡介

In zuckerman's barn, a group of animals lived happily. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established a sincere friendship. However, bad news broke the peace in the barn: Wilbur will be killed at Christmas and made into bacon and ham! As a pig, Wilbur seemed to have to accept the fate of being slaughtered.

However, Charlotte, a seemingly small spider, said, "I will save you." As a result, Charlotte wove online words on the pigsty that were regarded as miracles by human beings. These words praising Wilbur completely changed Wilbur's fate and finally enabled Wilbur to win a special prize in the fair competition and enjoy the future of the Year of Peace.

But at this time, the spider Charlotte's life also came to an end ... Wilbur brought up Charlotte's child with sadness and gratitude!







生於紐約蒙特弗農,畢業於康奈爾大學。作為《紐約客》主要撰稿人的懷特一手奠定了影響深遠的 「《紐約客》文風」。他還為孩子們寫了三本書:《斯圖爾特鼠小弟》(又譯《精靈鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的網》與《吹小號的天鵝》,同樣成為兒童與成人共同喜文學經典。



㈩ 夏洛特的網 英文簡介 急需

The book begins when John Arable's sow gives birth to a litter of piglets, and Mr. Arable discovers one of them is a runt and decides to kill it. However, his eight year old daughter Fern begs him to let it live. Therefore her father gives it to Fern as a pet, and she names the piglet Wilbur. Wilbur is hyperactive and always exploring new things. He lives with Fern for a few weeks and then is sold to her uncle, Homer Zuckerman. Although Fern visits him at the Zuckermans'賀嘩 farm as often as she can, Wilbur gets lonelier day after day. Eventually, a warm and soothing voice tells him that she is going to be his friend. The next day, he wakes up and meets his new friend: Charlotte, the grey spider.
Wilbur soon becomes a member of the community of animals who live in the cellar of Zuckerman'禪桐行輪謹s barn. When the old sheep in the barn cellar tells Wilbur that he is going to be killed and eaten at Christmas, he turns to Charlotte for help. Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur's excellence ("some pig", "terrific", "radiant", and eventually "humble"), reasoning that if she can make Wilbur sufficiently famous, he will not be killed. Thanks to Charlotte's efforts, and with the assistance of the gluttonous rat Templeton, Wilbur not only lives, but goes to the county fair with Charlotte and wins a prize. Having reached the end of her natural lifespan, Charlotte dies at the fair. Wilbur repays Charlotte by bringing home with him the sac of eggs (her "magnum opus") she had laid at the fair before dying. When Charlotte's eggs hatch at Zuckerman's farm, most of them leave to make their own lives elsewhere, except for three: Joy, Aranea, and Nellie, who remain there as friends to Wilbur.



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