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1. 求一部關於國外老爺車的電影









精彩視點:"老爺車"比賽是英國傳統的比賽項目,參賽者不以比賽為主要目的,而是希望通過比賽展示各自 "老爺車"的獨特風采。在本片中,觀眾不僅可以觀看到"老爺車"的風采,而且也能領略到英國影壇"美女"黛娜-謝里登的出色演技。

2. 電影父子老爺車


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/10uoArOPkw5mEZRAV8uKcRw

提取碼: a3zr


3. 電影老爺車的英文簡介

Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed by, proced by, and starring Clint Eastwood, and also starring Bee Vang and Ahney Her. The film marks Eastwood's return to a lead acting role after four years, his previous leading role having been in Million Dollar Baby, and Eastwood has stated that this is his final film as an actor. The film features a large Hmong American cast, as well as one of Eastwood's younger sons, Scott Eastwood, playing Trey. Eastwood's oldest son, Kyle Eastwood, provided the score. The film opened to theaters in a limited release in North America on December 12, 2008, and later to a worldwide release on January 9, 2009.It was the first mainstream U.S. film to feature Hmong Americans.

The story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran who is alienated from his family and angry at the world. Walt's young Hmong neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured into trying to steal Walt's prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino by his cousin for his initiation into a gang. Walt then develops a relationship with the boy and his family.

Gran Torino was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $260 million worldwide. Within the Hmong community in the United States, the film had some praise and some criticism.

Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a gruff retired Polish American Ford factory worker and Korean War US Army veteran, has recently been widowed after 50 years of marriage. His neighborhood near Detroit in Highland Park, Michigan, formerly populated by working-class white families, is now dominated by poor Asian immigrants, and gang violence is commonplace. Adding to the isolation he feels is the emotional detachment of his family, noticed in the irreverence of his grandchildren ring his late wife's funeral and the indifference of their parents. He vehemently rejects a suggestion from one of his sons to move to a retirement community (sensing they want his home and possessions), and lives alone with his labrador retriever, Daisy. Walt suffers from coughing fits, occasionally coughing up blood, but conceals this from his family. Father Janovich, the young Catholic priest in whom his wife had confided, tries to comfort him, but Walt openly disdains the much younger, inexperienced man.

The Hmong Vang Lor family reside next door to Walt. Initially, he wants nothing to do with his new neighbors, particularly after he catches Thao Vang Lor, a member of that family, attempting to steal his 1972 Ford Gran Torino as a coerced initiation into a Hmong gang run by Thao's cousin, "Spider". The gang is infuriated and attacks Thao, but Walt confronts them with an M1 Garand rifle and chases them off, earning the respect of the Hmong community. As penance, Thao's mother makes him work for Walt, who has him do odd jobs around the neighborhood, and graally the two form a grudging respect for each other, aided by Thao's sister Sue. Walt helps Thao get a construction job and gives him advice on dating a popular Hmong girl, Youa, whom he calls "Yum Yum."

The gang continues to pressure Thao and again assaults him, on his way home from work. Walt sees Thao's injuries and visits the gang members' house where he attacks a gang member. In retaliation, the gang performs a drive-by shooting on the Vang Lor home, injuring Thao, and kidnapping and raping Sue. The next day, Thao seeks Walt's help to exact revenge, who tells him to return later in the afternoon. In the meantime, Walt makes personal preparations: he buys a fitted suit, gets a haircut and makes a confession to Father Janovich. When Thao returns, Walt takes him to the basement and gives him his Silver Star; Walt then locks Thao in his basement and tells him that he has been haunted by the memory of killing an enemy soldier (which he had not confessed to Janovich) and insists that Thao must never be haunted with the experience of killing another man.

Walt drives to the house of the gang members. When they spot him, they draw their weapons. He talks loudly (openly berating them), drawing the attention of the neighbors. Putting a cigarette in his mouth, he asks for a light; he then slowly puts his hand in his jacket then provocatively pulls it out as if it's a gun, inciting the gang members to shoot and kill him. As he falls to the ground, his hand opens to reveal an Army lighter: he was unarmed. Sue frees Thao and they drive to the crime scene in Walt's Gran Torino. A Hmong police officer tells them the gang will be arrested and imprisoned for a long time for murder e to the number of willing neighborhood witnesses.

Walt's funeral mass is performed by Father Janovich and attended not only by his family, but also by Thao, Sue, and many of the Hmong community. Afterward, his last will and testament is read, and to the surprise of his family, Walt leaves them nothing: his house goes to the church and his cherished Gran Torino to Thao. As the film ends, Thao is seen driving the car along Lakeshore Drive with Walt's dog, Daisy.


4. 泰坦尼克號老爺車在幾分


5. 克里斯丁開藍色老爺車的視頻是什麼電影


6. 電影:經典老爺車的片尾曲是什麼

《Gran Torino》巧敬---Jamie Cullum(歌手)

歌詞:Realign all the stars above my head
Warning signs travel far
I drink instead on my own Oh! how I've known
the battle scars and worn out beds

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through a Gran Torino
whistling another tired song

engines humm and bitter dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

these streets are old they shine
with the things I've known
and breaks through the trees
their sparkling

your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind

So tenderly your story is
nothing more than what you see
or what you've done or will become
standing strong do you belong
in your skin; just wondering

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines humm and bitter dreams grow
a heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

may I be so bold and still
I need someone to hold
that shudders my skin
their sparkling

your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind

so realign all the stars above my head
warning signs travel far
i drink instead on my own oh how ive known
the battle scars and worn out beds

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines humm and better dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

另外只行宏向你推薦孝帶慎一首曲子,就是 《for the love of a princess》電影勇敢的心的主題曲,我本人超級喜歡,你去聽吧,~希望你喜歡~

7. 一部電影 講 老人有一輛車 最後給了個亞洲的小男孩,小男孩被黑幫欺負,老人最後替他出頭,最後被黑幫打死

克林特伊斯特伍德 主演
劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
曾參加過朝鮮戰爭的福特車廠退休老工人沃爾特•科瓦爾斯基(克林特•伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 飾)在妻子去世後獨自居住在密歇根州小城的低收入亞洲移民區。鄰居是個苗族大家庭,其中一對兄妹引起了沃爾特的注意。姐姐蘇(安蕾•荷 Ahney Her 飾)幽默善談,逐步與固執又有點種族主義的老沃爾特成為了朋友;沉默寡言的弟弟濤(比•王 Bee Vang 飾)則被自己的遠房表兄強迫加入當地的苗族黑幫,第一次行動就被指派去偷沃爾特視為珍寶的1972年福特老爺車。偷車不成,濤被家人強迫,給沃爾特打工贖罪,卻沒曾想與沃爾特建立了深厚的友誼。而當地的苗族幫派卻不肯就此罷手,為了蘇與濤的安全和社區的安寧,老戰士沃爾特該如何行動呢?

8. 跟父子老爺車的幾部電影是什麼


9. 求和老爺車有關的電影

他在《老爺車》中飾演參加朝鮮戰爭的老兵Walt Kowalski,這個角色有點種族主義傾向。他因戰爭期間的表現而獲獎的那輛經典老爺車,此時正受到底特律當地一個小混混的關注。這個小混混是個亞洲移民,17歲,愛惹麻煩。Walt不但幫他找工作,還不時與他交流,想幫他走上正路。然而,事情不像這個老兵想得那麼美好。

10. 老爺車電影蘇怎麼了










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