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發布時間:2023-06-02 22:41:16

『壹』 電影《忠犬八公》裡面的經典英文對話或語錄,或者是自己看這部電影的自己的感受也行,不過要英文的。越多

To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi, it』s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot.
No one has the ability to show his love to only oneperson ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only onepeople; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can』t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

The moment you start watching the puppy Hachi in the first scene of the movie being shifted from one country to another, you just cannot stop adoring the little fella. He is the highlight of the movie and thats quite intentional as it is centered around him.

As many would have read in the synopsis, Hachi is brought home by Parker(Richard Gere) when he comes home from his daily work routine and finds Hachi abandoned at the train station. As many people would try to find its owner, Parker sets to find the true owner(but fails) and starts advertising for adoption. The story that unfolds later may be slow and drab but it is well told and the chemistry between Parker and Hachi is truly commendable and engaging. Small yet cute details such as showing Hachi's vision in the form of black and white are worth a mention. The characters in this movie are few but manage to deliver decent performances such as the hot dog guy, Parker's wife and friend. Without revealing much about the movie, let me point out that its Richard Gere and Hachi who steal the show. Throughout the movie you feel that two are meant to be together forever to the point you doubt sometimes that whether Parker has a daughter and a wife living in his house. Nonetheless, he loves them too.

One of the most important talked about point about the movie is its ability to touch everybody's heart and make the audience and viewers shed a few tears for the second half of the movie. This is something I totally agree and this movie is one such rare gem that made me cry the most. Its just so sad in some scenes. I bet all pet lovers would love this movie and appreciate it as a highly engaging and emotional movie. This is certainly one of my favorite movies and since I am not a pet owner yet, am planning to buy an Akita dog and name it 'Hachi' for he is the hero just as the kid mentions.

『貳』 電影《忠犬八公》英文介紹,詳細點,還有經典英文台詞,或者看過後的感受,也要英文的。

Loyal dog eight male story based on a true story happened in Japan since 1935, 1987 into a Japanese movie, starring secondary generation of vector, which was caused a sensation in Japan.In December 2009, the American version of the film, directed by leser, halls, directed.The archetype of the film for the 1924 akita dog eight male ueno show saburo to Tokyo by its master.Every morning, eight male all at home watched the ueno show saburo go out to work, and then in the evening and into the nearby shibuya train station to meet him after work to go home.One night, ueno show saburo didn't back home as usual, he suddenly stroke at the university, rescue invalid died, never returned to the train station, but hachiko still faithfully waiting for him.(《忠犬八公的故事》改編自1935年發生在日本的真實故事,1987年拍成日本電影,由仲代達矢主演,該片當年曾在日本引起轟動。2009年12月,該片的美國版本上映,由導演萊塞•霍爾斯道姆執導。 電影的原型為1924年秋田犬八公被它的主人上野秀三郎帶到東京。每天早上,八公都在家門口目送著上野秀三郎出門上班,然後傍晚時分便到附近的澀谷火車站迎接他下班回家。一天晚上,上野秀三郎並沒有如常般回到家中,他在大學里突然中風,搶救無效死了,再也沒有回到那個火車站,可是八公依然忠實地等著他。)



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