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『壹』 電影《One Day》經典台詞

電影《One Day》經典台詞


《One Day》

我想找個人說說話 不是找個人 就想和你說

《One Day》


《One Day》


《One Day》


——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


《One Day》

這么多年,這么多人經過我的生活,可是為什麼偏偏是你,看起來好像最應該是過客的你,在我心中占據了這么重的地位。 現在,就是此時此刻,我需要你,我需要感覺到你,我需要被你愛被你關懷。 我想要的,不只是一夜,或是一天。

《One Day》


《One Day》


《One Day》


——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》



——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


《One Day》


——大衛·尼克爾斯《One Day》

有些日子裡,你一覺醒來,諸事完美。 是啊,這樣的日子多好。

——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》

我還妄想大展身手 到頭來還不是默默無聞

《One Day》


《One Day》

他開始哭 默默的告訴自己:只不過是化學物質在作祟 化學物質化學物質。 他需要她 可是這世界上總是有這樣的巧合 如果她知道 她一定會飛奔過去找他吧 可是沒有 她不知道 她仍然在勉強著自己接受著另外一個人 沒有人 會為你永遠的留在原地等待!於她於他。為什麼總是如此巧合的 要錯過這種時刻 為什麼 要有這么多遺憾。

——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


《One Day》


《One Day》

所有的事業都有起有落 這不過是個低谷而已

《One Day》


《One Day》


——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


《One Day》

偶爾德克斯特也會懷疑自己,擔心因為才華欠缺而止步不前,不過,眼下最需要的是信心、精力,甚至是狂妄 這些特質在他的掌握之中。不錯,聰明也不可或缺,不過不是愛瑪式的聰明。只需精明、懂政治手段、有雄心。

——大衛·尼克斯《One Day》


《One Day》


——成亞琦《One Day》


『貳』 電影 《one day》的男主角資料,還演過什麼電影

電影 《one day》的男主角德克斯特扮演者叫吉姆·斯特吉斯。





2011年,吉姆與奧斯卡最佳女配角安妮·海瑟薇合作出演了愛情片《一天》,片中飾演有錢的花花公子德斯特 。

2012年,吉姆與奧斯卡影帝湯姆·漢克斯和影後哈莉·貝瑞等合作了科幻懸疑片《雲圖》,片中飾演一名美國精算師 。同年,吉姆還與「蜘蛛女」克爾斯滕·鄧斯搭檔出演奇幻愛情片《逆世界》,扮演一活在下層世界的少年亞當 。



裴斗娜與吉姆·斯特吉斯因共同出演 好萊塢電影《雲圖》而結緣,兩人曾多次傳出緋聞,也被多人目擊在柏林,首爾等地約會,不過此前雙方均進行否認稱只是普通好友關系。


『叄』 《one day》安妮海瑟薇有一句台詞,電影里怎麼說的

I love you. Dexter. So much. I just don』t like you anymore.

『肆』 one day 台詞英文原版


英文原版為:「Dexter, I love you so much. So, so much, and I probably always will. I just don't like you anymore. 」

《one day》電影經典台詞

1、—We both will see each other again.

—I know we will.



2、When we were in university, I had a crush on you.


3、I need to speak to someone...not someone,you.


4、Soulmate is the person who holds the key to your heart and the one you would like to invite him/her to get into your heart.


5、The best thing that you could do would be to try to live your life,as if Emma was still here.


6、Whatever happens tomorrow, we have today. I always remember it.






『伍』 中英文版經典語錄

篇一:one day 經典片段台詞


Dexter: You know, we’ve never actually met.

Emma: Actually, we have. Several times.

Dexter: Have we?

Emma: You gatecrashed my birthday party, called me Julie. And

spilled red wind down my top.

Dexter: Ouch. Well, I am sorry about that.

Emma: No, not at all. You are delightful.

Dexter: Was I?

Emma: No. No, you weren’t.

Dexter: Look, if you’re not Julie, then...

Emma: I’m Emma. Emma. Emma Morley. Emma Morley.

Dexter: (say Emma Morley in whispers ) Listen, I’ll walk you home.


Dexter: Wow. You look incredible. (kiss) Let’s see the dress.

(turn around) Is it vintage?

Emma: No, it’s brand new.

Dexter: Really?

Emma: Mmm.

Dexter: Well, you look great, and I love the shoes.

Emma: Thank you. It’s the world’s first orthopedic high heel. Dexter: Look, it’s been too long, Em.

Emma: I need to have some fun tonight. Can we have fun,


Dexter: God, sorry. (pick up the phone) Look, I’ll be two

seconds. It’s work. (leave and talk to the phone) Suki, you nutter. I thought you were supposed to be at the party.

Emma: You do know they damage your brain?

Dexter: They do not damage your brain.

Emma: How can you tell?

Dexter: Ha ha, very funny, Em. I guarantee you, one year, and

you’ll have one of these.

Emma: You’re on. If I ever get a mobile phone, you can buy me


Dexter: What, again?

Dexter: So, come on. How’s the king of comedy?

Emma: Oh, Ian’s fine. We both are.

Dexter: Are you still very much in love?

Emma: He can belch the theme to The A-Team. I’m only flesh

and blood. (drink) I don’t know. These days, we don’t seem to… Dexter: (interrupt)And how’s the new place? How’s that? Emma: Flat’s fine. Well, it’s a room and a half in murder mile.

And Ian’s been talking about painting the same wall for the past six months. But it’s got potential. There’s a view. The Gasworks. (Dexter drink) You should come round. (Emma drink) How’s Suki?

Dexter: Oh, she’s fantastic. Yeah, gorgeous.

What’s great for me is that she really understands the

instry. You know, she knows exactly what it’s like to be...

I was gonna say “famous.” God, we hate the word.

Emma: Every time I turn on the telly, she’s there in pink rubber


She’s doing incredibly well.

Dexter:Yeah, yeah.

Well, we both are.

I got some really, really exciting stuff coming up. It’s all sort of in development.

If I told you, I’d have to shoot you.

Emma: Please do.

Dexter: Never mind. Start without me, all right?

Dexter: Look at this. This looks gorgeous.

Are you all right?

Emma: Maybe she could join us?

Dexter: Hey, hey, hey, what’s this? I’m here to see you,


Right, well, how’s the teaching?

(Emma put down the fork) What?

Emma: If you’re not interested, don’t ask.

Dexter: I’m interested.

I just thought you were going to be writing this novel, That’s all.

Emma: And I will. But I have to earn a living.

More to the point, I enjoy it. I’m a bloody good teacher. Dexter: I’m sure you are.

Still, you know what they say?

Emma: No, what do they say?

Dexter: You know, “There who can…”

Emma: No, I’m not familiar. Finish the sentences.

Dexter: All right. Well, “Those who can, do, and those who

can’t teach.”

Emma: And those who can teach say, “Go fuck yourself.”

Dexter: Em! Em, come on. Look, whatever I’ve done, I’m sorry. You’ve obviously had a bit too much to drink. Emma: You’re drunk! You’re drunk.

Do you realize that I have literally not seen you sober

for three years?

Nipping off to the toilet every 10 minutes.

Either you’re on coke, or you’ve got dysentery.

Either way, it’s boring! Banging on about yourself all

the time.

Well, I wouldn’t mind, Dex, you’re a TV presenter, all

right? You are not invented penicillin.

All you do is stand around shouting, “Make some


Dexter: Look, I am having fun, that’s all.

I’ve been through a lot recently.

I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn’t stop

getting at me…

Emma: Am I? I don’t mean to, and I …

I know that you’ve been through a lot with your mum

and all, I know.

But, there are things that I needed to talk to you about.


Therewasatimewhenmenwerekind,whentheirvoicesweresoft,andtheirwordsinviting.Therewasatimewhenlovewasblind,andtheworldwasasong,andthesongwasexciting!Therewasatime,thenitallwantwrong. 曾幾何時,男人們和顏悅色,他們聲音溫柔,話語討人歡喜。曾幾何時,愛情無所禁忌,世界是一首歌,歌聲動人心弦!又是何時,一切都已不再。

2.Idreamedadreamintimegoneby,.Idreamedthatlovewouldneverdie..ThenIwasyoungannafraid..Therewasnoransomtobepaid,nosongunsung,nowineuntasted..Astheytearyourhopeapart,astheyturnyourdreamtoshame. 曾幾何時,我流連夢境,心比天高,人生充滿希望。我夢見愛情永不消逝。我夢見上帝慈愛寬恕。那時我多麼年輕,多麼無畏。隨心夢想,從不設防。不必付出什麼代價,無歌不唱,無酒不嘗。然而猛獸在黑夜來襲,如晴天霹靂轟然炸響。活生生撕碎了希望,把美夢全變成懊悔。

3.Hesleptasummerbymyside..Hetookmychildhoodinhisstride,buthewasgonewhenautumncame.AndstillIdreamhe’llcometome,.Buttherearedreamsthatcannotbe.. 他睡在我身邊一個夏天。他給我帶來無窮驚喜。他隨手摘去了我的童年,當秋天到來,他卻消失不見。我仍然夢想他會回到我身邊,我們還能相守一生。但總有些夢無法成真。總有些風暴會把人摧毀。 4.Ihadadreammylifewouldbe,sodifferentfromthishellI’mliving,!. 我曾夢見的那種人生,與這人間地獄截然不同,何曾想過命運如此無常!現實卻殘忍擊碎了我的夢。 《Stars》 5.There,outinthedarkness,afugitiverunning.FallenfromGod,fallenfromgrace.God,bemywitness!!Tillwecomefacetoface!Heknowshiswayinthedark.MineisthewayoftheLord. 在那兒,茫茫黑夜中,一個逃犯在潛行。背叛了上帝,辜負了天恩。上帝,請為我見證!哪怕窮盡一生,我也要讓他無處遁形!我也要讓他無處遁形!他在暗處輕車熟路。我跟隨天主,堂堂正正。 6..Andiftheyfall,asLuciferfell.Theflame!Thesword!Starsinyourmultitudes!Scarcetobecounted..Youarethesentinels.Silentandsure!Keepingwatchinthenight.Keepingwatchinthenight!Youknowyourplaceinthesky.Youholdyourcourseandyouraim!,andisalwaysthesame.Andifyoufall,asLuciferfell,youfallinflames!Andsoitmustbe,,! 走正義之路的人風雨兼程,獎賞終獲懷中。如果他們墜落,如路西弗墮入地獄。烈焰蝕心!利劍折磨!看蒼穹中繁星閃爍!數不清的幾百萬顆,以光明和秩序點亮黑暗。人間的衛士啊!沉默又堅定!守望著黑夜。守望著黑夜!你深知你在天空的使命。你目標堅定,心無旁騖!四季變換,你隨之輪轉,如果你墜落,如路西弗墮入地獄,你也會烈焰焚身!天理昭彰,書載言傳,去往天堂的通路上,動搖者和墮落者必得付出代價! 7.Lord,letmefindhim,thatImayseehimsafebehindbars!Iwillneverresttillthen!ThisIswear!ThisIswearbythestars! 主啊!讓我找到他,將他置於牢籠之下!我會不眠不休,直到那天為止!我以這星辰之名向你起誓! 《OnMyOwn》 8.Onmyown,pretendinghe’sbesideme.Allalone,Iwalkwithhimtillmorning.Withouthim,Ifeelhisarmsaroundme.AndwhenIlosemyway,Iclosemyeyesandhehasfoundme.Intherain,thepavementshineslikesilver..Inthedarkness,thetreesarefullofstarlight.! 一個人,假裝他在我身旁。孤單單,他陪我走到天亮。他不在,我卻能感到他的擁抱。迷路時只需閉上雙眼,他就會找到我。雨朦朧,地面銀光閃爍。看街燈,映河水如煙如夢。黑暗中,樹枝間綴滿星辰。我彷彿看見我倆相伴,直到永遠! 9.AndIknowit’sonlyinmymind.ThatI’mtalkingtomyselfandnottohim,andalthoughIknowthatheisblind.StillIsaythere’sawayforus.Ilovehim.Butwhenthenightisover,heisgone,theriver’sjustariver.Withouthim,theworldaroundmechanges.Thetreesarebareandeverywhere,. 我知道,這不過是我的想像。那些話都是我自言自語,也知道他只會視而不見。但仍覺得,我們還有希望。我愛他,但當黑夜結束,他消失,河又變回了平凡的河。沒有他,我周圍的一切都變了。到處都是光禿禿的樹木,街上都是陌生的目光。 10.Ilovehim.ButeverydayI’mlearning.Allmylife,I’veonlybeenpretending.Withouthim,hisworldwillgoonturning.Aworldthat’.Ilovehim,butonlyonmyown. 我愛他,但我也日漸明了。這一生,我不過在欺騙自己。沒有我,他的世界依然如故。那裡滿是我從未體會過的幸福。我愛他,但是只是我一廂情願罷了。 《OneDayMore》 11.Onedaymore,anotherdestiny.Thisnever-endingroadtoCalvary..Onedaymore!Ididnotliveuntiltoday.HowcanIlivewhenweareparted?Onedaymore!Tomorrowyou’llbeworldsaway.! 只待明日!新的一天,新的命運。耗盡慢慢一生,走向骷髏地(耶穌受難地)。這些人知道我過去的罪,終究不會放過我。只待明日!我的人生自今日才有意義。若與你分離,我怎能活下去?只待明日!明日我們就要天各一方。我們的世界才剛剛開始! 12.Onemoredayallonmyown!Willweevermeetagain?Onemoredaywithhimnotcaring.Iwasborntobewithyou!WhatalifeImighthaveknown.AndIswearIwillbetrue!Butheneversawmethere! 明日我依舊孑然一身!我們還能相見嗎?明日他依舊不聞不問。我註定要與你在一起!我本該擁有怎樣的人生。我發誓為你永守忠貞!為他守候,他卻看不見!



偏見與成見的危險,人生探索的啟迪,所有的大人起先都是孩子,正因為對某物某事付出過才使得某物某事變得如此重要,勇於承擔責任的重要……下面就讓我們重溫一下小王子的經典語錄吧。 You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…


If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!


Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…


For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…


My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!

我的花生命是短暫的,她只有四根刺可以保護自己,抵禦世界,我卻將她獨自留在我的星球上了! His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!


I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose. A common rose…


To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.


The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.


It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you... but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you no good at all!


It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields. Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world.


And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.


It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.


Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…


Only the children know what they are looking for. They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry…


As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.


The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen.


What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well…


The house, the stars, the desert – what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!


What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower – the image of a rose that shine through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep…


The men where you live, raise five thousand roses in the same garden – and they do not find in it what they are looking for. And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or in a little water. But eyes are blind. One must look with the heart…


All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. F

or others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. You – you alone – will have the stars as no one else has them…


In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night… You – only you – will have stars that can laugh…


And when your sorrow is comforted time soothes all sorrows you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!"


And no grown-ups will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!





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