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發布時間:2023-07-24 09:52:06

1. 求電影《在雲端》英文簡介

George clooney plays a named Ryan bingham company layoffs experts, his work is flying around for companies to solve problems, and his life's goal is flying saved reached 10 million miles, which promoted to platinum membership.
But Ryan this "on the road" way of life is threatened by a new one, called Anna KenDeLiKe Natalie (the) university freshman invented a kind of Internet teleconferencing systems, make lay-offs easier convenient, also let Ryan appears necessary job. So-called is JuTou, Ryan's new task is familiar with the work environment, Natalie led his flight trip finally had a not so harmonious partner...
Movies have another clue, Ryan met him at the airport, with dreams are frequent flyers alex (villa, may add), the romantic relationship between them in the airport and slowly. Encounter
Ryan advocate the unrestrained life by alex will appear changed? By way of network video conferencing system can solve some jobs, let the air out of the air Ryan's life? ... Let us find answers in the movie.

In the name of the clouds in the sky "), the actor and director George clooney Jason ray gathers for our new a nightmare - modern economic collapse, brokenhearted, various entitlement-exploding layoffs, film's protagonist Ryan bingham's this heap era under the proct has problems. Ryan bingham (George clooney) is a professional consultants, after all, is conversion downsizing experts. This job calls for him to numb even callous and also asked him to become "frequent flyers". Ryan has most part of the time spent in the clouds, which he will achieve American airlines flight mileage, flight - 10 million milestone in history of only a few indivials such achievements.

2. 電影《在雲端》的主要內容是什麼

瑞恩(喬治·克魯尼George Clooney 飾)是一家大公司的裁員專家,他的工作就是每天飛來飛去到各地解僱員工。他一年有300多天在飛機上度過,因此他的人生目標是乘飛機積攢的英里數達到1000萬,從而晉升為白金會員。可是沒多久,他的這種生活方式就遭受到了挑戰,一個剛大學畢業的新人娜塔莉(安娜·肯德里克Anna Kendrick飾)發明了一種互聯網遠程會議系統,讓裁員變得輕松省事。為了讓這個小女生知道了裁員並不是這么簡單的事,他帶著娜塔莉開始熟悉工作環境。這樣,他的飛行之旅多了個不和諧的夥伴。工作一段時間後,當娜塔莉意識到自己的職業是非常的令人沮喪時,瑞恩也開始質疑自己的生活方式……

3. 在雲端電影想講什麼

在雲端的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
本片改編自美國作家沃爾特•肯的同名小說。瑞恩•布林厄姆(喬治•克魯尼 George Clooney 飾)供職於美國內布拉斯加州奧馬哈市一家專為其他公司提供裁員服務的公司,一年有300多天輾轉於全國各地解僱他人,幾乎以機場為家。在一次例行裁員旅行中,瑞恩遇到了商務美女亞歷克斯(維拉•法梅加 Vera Farmiga 飾),二人一見鍾情,卻都滿足於維系隨意的性伴侶關系。與此同時,瑞恩公司的大學生新人娜塔莉(安娜•肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 飾)得到了公司總裁的青睞,竭力推廣通過網路視頻會議遠程裁員的改革。瑞恩反對變革,卻不得不帶娜塔莉四處實習熟悉業務……

4. 在雲端電影,百度雲360都行,免費的,謝謝。


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1WGny8T0ihUulUIIUFkZPqw





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