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⑴ 看英文電影對學習英語的作用 英文1000字作文

A growing amount of people are fascinated by English movies . Some of the English learners hold the opinion that watching English movies can do some help for their English learning .I fully approve the statement and i consider It functions in the following ways .
First of all ,funny or fantastic English movies can increase students' interest in English learning . Once a person is in love with a pile of English movie , he or she will try very hard to enrich English skills for understanding his or her beloved movie series better.In this case , he or she can easily develop English skills in a relatively short time .The second ,learning English through watching movies is much more amused than through text book .Most of times ,students are pleased to watch gorgeous English movies thus they will be capable and happy to learn English in that way for more hours . Since the learning time is longer , it is convincing that their English skills will be heightened at a higher speed .The third ,our listening capability is about to be improved while watching English movies especially those without subtitles.English movies contains a wide range of information of English world and a large amount of English words and they approximately presents the real English speaking condition in the western countries . Therefore,English listening skill of us will be greatly advanced if we tried to understand every sentence of movies. The fourth , just like the listening skill , our ability of speaking will be significantly improved as well .The majority of English movies are speaking in a charming and accurate way .Listening to them can do some help for correcting English learner's pronunciation .Pronunciation, which is quite substantial in learning English , is of essential importance and needs to be taken seriously.The fifth.watching English with subtitles is useful to make a English learner a better writer .Some students found it difficult to remember English written form .This problem can be partly solved by watching English movies if students paid a little amount of attention toward subtitles .The sixth , watching English movie can help English learners understand English culture and their way of thinking .Western people have a much more different way of thinking compared with Chinese .This distinction has been reflected in their grammar and preference of essay writing . Once students figured out the differences , English learning will become much easier .The seventh , English learners can obtain a lot of new ways of English speaking . As a language ,English is changing all the time just like the others . Nowadays ,more and more fashionable words are added into the English dictionary .Slang of the USA is updating every single day .It will be possible for us to keep pace with these changes if we are following the latest movies .
In fact , i benefit a lot from watching English films . I fell in love with English comedy in 2008 and have watched a bunch of it since then .I have to admit that my English skills have been significantly advanced and reached a level that i dare not to dream in the old days .Before learning English through watching English movie ,i considered English learning boring and tough .Nonetheless ,i love learning English and can not even go to bed without watching a piece of English film .I could not hear English clearly if it was spoken at a relatively fast speed because the listening records from text books spoke much slower . Currently , i can understand almost every word of a sentence which is fast spoken and that is all e to watch English films .My accent of English speaking has been efficiently improved since watching a large amount of English films .Charming accent is really tough to obtain .A pile of great Chinese English speaker still can not get rid of Chinese accent because they are so familiar with their mother language thus the Chinese accent will come out automatically when speaking English .It is seemed that accurate accent is impossible to obtain for Chinese English learner .However , since i watched a huge amount of English films and paid a lot of attention to their tone every time ,my accent has been highly advanced .Now , i can communicate with native English speaker confidently without worring about my funny accent and it is a real bliss .

All in all ,watching good English movies can help a lot while learning English . One can not resist this relaxing and efficient way of learning a foreign language .

⑵ 英語作文:看電影學漢語


⑶ 【分享】看電影學英語的方法

Today we're going to go over my top 5 tips for learning English with movies and TV. Many people successfully learn English this way, and the great thing about it is that you're learning something in context, not isolated like in a vocabulary list.


And this will really help you remember it. In addition, you're learning from a native speaker, so your pronunciation should be much more accurate than if you're learning from a book if you do it right.


But learning English from movies and TV does NOT happen automatically. Unless you're using the tips I'm about to teach you, you won't be learning as much English as you could.


But if you DO make these tips a part of your regular movie and TV watching habits, you'll have a powerful new learning tool that's always available to you! Now, this is not about relaxing and unwinding watching TV or a movie, this is about learning. It's an active experience, part of your studies.


Let's get started. Tip 1:  Work at your level. If listening comprehension is a big challenge for you, and you want to work on that specifically, start with a simple scene involving just a few people in a quiet environment.

我們開始吧!第一個竅門: 量力而為,如果聽力對你來說比較困難,你想重點鍛煉一下,那就從人物較少,相對安靜的場景開始。

I really like dramas because I think in general the pace of speaking is a little slower. HER is a great movie for this: slow pace, clear speech. "What's the rush?" That was relatively easy to understand.


If your listening comprehension is very good and you're just looking to pick up new vocabulary or phrases, or you want to challenge your listening comprehension, you can do this by trying a scene in a noisy room, or a scene where people are speaking with a non-standard accent.


"It's that or we both better go do something else, pal." That was likely much harder to understand. So, work at a level that's right for you. One that's not so challenging that you understand almost nothing.


Tip 2:  Use a video player that has the right tools: a toggle for subtitles and a way to easily skip back in the video. Both Netflix and HBO Go have these features, and no they did not pay me to say this.

第二個竅門: 選擇合適的播放工具,可以通過控制欄調出字幕快進快退那種。網飛和HBO Go的界面都有這種功能,我不是在幫他們打廣告啦!

On YouTube, you can do a search on a topic that interests you, and filter it so you'll only see videos with a closed captioning file.


But the YouTube player doesn't have a way to easily jump back a few seconds like Netflix or HBO Go, they have a skip back 10 seconds button and I think if you can afford a subscription to one of those services, it's really useful.

不過油管視頻播放器不太容易快退,不能像網飛和HBO Go那樣退後幾秒,那兩家有後退十秒的按鈕,所以我覺得經濟條件允許的話下可以考慮訂閱一下,很有幫助。

Let's go on to tip 3 to see why. Tip 3:  Use subtitles and the following method to learn. Step 1 is to listen without the subtitles. When you hear something you don't understand, or a word you don't know and it's okay if that's pretty frequent, pause the player.

你也可以在油管上搜索自己感興趣的話題,運用過濾器篩選帶官方字幕的視頻。不過油管視頻播放器不太容易快退,不能像網飛和HBO Go那樣退後幾秒。

Go back 10 seconds and listen again, pause it. Can you figure it out? Write down as much of the sentence as you can in a notebook that you have just for this purpose. Use an app if you like, but I prefer writing by hand.


Then, turn on the English subtitles and go back and listen again. Listen and watch with the subtitles on. Now, maybe the part you didn't get is a brand new word that you've never seen or heard before. Great, this is an awesome way to learn new vocabulary.


Write the word down, look up the definition, and write down the sentence you heard it in. Even write down the show or the movie and the scene. Remembering this context will absolutely help you remember the word. But maybe when you go back and watch with the subtitles you realize you know all those words.


Why didn't you understand it? That's a very important question and answering it is the key to improving your listening comprehension. Perhaps the phrase was said very quickly and there were rections in there that made it very hard to identify the word.


Or maybe a word has a pronunciation that's completely different than what you thought. Write down the full sentence now and circle the words you didn't understand. Then use the skip back button to listen many times... five, maybe even more.

或者句中有略讀現象,使得某個單詞很難辨析。又或者某個單詞的發音與你預想的完全不一樣,把整句都寫下來圈出沒聽懂的單詞,用快退鍵反復播放... 重聽五次,甚至更多。

Something was pronounced in a way that you were not expecting. Study how the native speaker pronounces it. Importantly, say the phrase out loud yourself a few times, imitating the native speaker as precisely as you can.


Write down the correct pronunciation in your notebook. Maybe even take it a step further: Go to Youglish.com and type the word or phrase you didn't understand. Hear lots of other examples of native speakers using that word or phrase, and pay attention.


Is it reced? Why was it so hard for you to understand the first time? This kind of work will really pay off. Youglish is a search engine for YouTube videos with English subtitles and you can filter it to American English, and skip from clip to clip.


You can also move forward or backward within a clip to get the full context. It's a great way to supplement your learning. Just like in the movies, I did a quick costume change.


Tip 4:  Review it! If you've taken the time to do the work of watching, pausing, writing down sentences, vocab words, and the context you learned them in, then do yourself a favor and solidify that learning.

第四個訣竅: 復習!既然你已經花了這么多功夫觀看、暫停、做筆記、積累單詞、記錄語境了,一定要鞏固學習成果才對得起自己的努力。

Keep your English in Movies notebook close by so if you have a bit of extra time, waiting for an appointment, or on your commute, or ring your lunch break, you can remind yourself what you learned yesterday.


If you learned a new vocabulary word, try to come up with your own sentences for it now. Practice speaking your new words and phrases out loud whenever possible.


And Tip 5:  Set manageable goals for yourself. Don't try to learn 100 new words or phrases a day. That's too many. Make it your goal to really learn 5 or 6. When you learn them in context and review them for seven days, that will get you good results.

第五個訣竅: 切勿好高騖遠。別妄想一天學會100個生詞,那太多了,學5個、6個就夠了。結合語境,復習七天,學習效果一定不錯。

Trying to learn too many too often means very little being remembered and leads to burnout. This method I've given you is time-consuming, but it is concrete and you will really learn this way.


If you've gotten 5 or 10 good word or phrases in the first few minutes of a show or movie, reward yourself! Close your notebook and watch the rest for enjoyment and pleasure.


There is a wealth of TV shows and movies that you can use to help you learn English and speak like a native. What's your favorite movie or show to use to study English with? Let me know in the comments...that will give ideas to everyone else.


⑷ 大學生們都喜歡看電影 他們為什麼喜歡看電影 英語作文

At free time ,we ofte have some interesting activies.Such as watch movies and read the books.I think watching movies can save time ,and I think it is interesting and easy to understand.Reading is relaxing ,we also can learn a lot of skills from the books,I am interested in reading.Because reading can help me learn more knowledgeable,and do not need to stay at the same time about a hour
Ijust need to take a book stay with me.And at the same time,new fictions are more than the new movies

⑸ 看英文電影,對學英語有沒有幫助看很多呢




















⑹ 一篇關於英語原版電影的論文






⑺ 淺談如何利用英文原聲電影提高英語學習

一、引言 原聲英文電影取材廣泛,語言環境直接、地道,以其直觀的手段,營造出輕松愉快的氛圍,給學生提供純正地道的英語口語和使用情景,擴展學生對不同國家的習俗、文化、社會概況的了解,加深學生對西方文化的了解,培養學生的語言交際能力。 二、原聲英文電影對英語學習的促進作用分析 (一)原聲英文電影欣賞可以營造學習地道口語的語言環境。 英語中眾多的語音語調現象如節奏、重讀、弱讀、連讀、失去爆破、不完全爆破、意群等基本的語音現象都大量地出現在電影對白中,這樣,學生在欣賞電影的過程中會自然地習得純正的語音、語調和豐富地道的生活化語言,從而輕松提高英語口語交際能力。 (二)原聲英文電影欣賞能激發學生的學習興趣和學習熱情。 英語教學中英語電影欣賞的運用能將學生的注意力集中起來,把視覺和聽覺調動起來,將單純的言語描述轉變為直觀的語言交流。給學生創造語言環境,將英語學習衍變為一種自然的交流活動,讓他們自覺地參與到英語教學中來,提高了學生的學習興趣和實際運用英語的能力。 (三)原聲英文電影可以培養學生的語言敏感性,提高文學修養。 每部電影都有其不同的語言特色,注意人物語言的運用及其塑造是我們學習英語的方法之一。人物性格的鮮明對照,人物的生動形象和悲劇命運潛移默化地感染著觀眾,揭示了故事的主題,不同身份的人物語言特色鮮明,為我們提供了豐富的語言素材。 三、如何利用原聲英文電影與英語教學實踐相結合 利用英文原聲電影輔助教學,其主要目的是給學生創造語言環境,提高學生的英語應用能力水平,因此,如果只是簡單的播放電影而不進行一些相應的活動,就沒有辦法達到這樣的目的。我們可以採取以下的方法,促進學生自主學習,提高其語言表達能力,同時增加他們的語言知識和增強交際能力。 (一)觀看前要選擇帶有英漢字幕對照的電影。看電影前先進行電影簡介,掌握故事梗概,了解故事背景。這樣當學生看電影時,腦海中有這個電影的大概情節作為參考,就能更好地理解和體會電影中的對話和情節。在觀看前,教師可以適當地根據劇情設計一些問題,讓學生們帶著問題去觀看電影,這樣更便於學生抓住重點。 (二)觀看中教師需要把出現的語言難點列出,有助於學生更好地理解劇情和對白。欣賞電影的同時,注意詞彙的學習,挖掘詞語的深層內涵。不要停留在「就詞論詞」上,教師可以分片斷播放,提前將關鍵詞灌輸給學生,讓同學們把不懂的地方記下來,反復觀看。 (三)角色扮演。要求學生以小組為單位,對印象深刻的片段進行角色扮演(Role—Play),利用電影人物對白,模仿演員的語音語調。這樣既激發了學生們學習的熱情,活躍了課堂氣氛,又可以訓練學生們地道的發音,同時還可以使他們學會許多新的口語表達方式,更高層面地提高他們的語言表達能力。 教師也可以讓學生用簡練的語言復述影片內容或某個情節,或者對電影情節、主題思想、人物特點、語言、文化甚至某句給人印象深刻的台詞等展開自由討論,從而培養學生獨立思考問題並恰當運用英語表達思想的能力。教師還可以讓學生寫影評,不限定題目,評論的內容可以是整部電影,也可以是某個人或某件事情,這樣能使學生更深刻地理解電影、回憶和加深印象,同時還可以提高學生的寫作能力。 (四)應該注意的問題。利用英文原聲電影輔助教學的過程中最應該引起注意的問題是:要避免主次不分。英文原聲電影用於課堂只是為了營造較真實的語言環境,提高學生的興趣,促進學生的語言能力學習,因此關鍵在於學習。教師應認真設置課程,避免將此類課程變成電影觀賞課。另外,教師要引導學生正確認識英文電影中傳達的西方文化和思想,學習積極有意義的部分,摒棄不健康的意識。



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