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⑴ 諾丁山經典台詞諾丁山中 最後威廉在媒體會上對安娜的假設那段 原文

JEREMY Yes... You -- Dominic.
QUESTIONER 1 How much longer are you staying in the UK then?
ANNA No time at all. I fly out tonight.
JEREMY Which is why we have to round it up now. Final questions.
QUESTIONER 2 Is your decision to take a year off anything to do with the rumours about Jeff and his present leading lady?
ANNA Absolutely not.
QUESTIONER 2 Do you believe the rumours?
ANNA It's really not my business any more.Though I will say, from my experience, that rumours about Jeff... do tend to be true.
QUESTIONER 3 Last time you were here, there were some fairly graphic photographs of you and a young English guy -- so what happened there?
ANNA He was just a friend -- I think we're still friends.
JEREMY Yes, the gentleman in the pink shirt.
WILLIAM Yes Miss Scott are there any circumstances in which you two might be more than just friends?
ANNA I hoped there might be -- but no, I'm assured there aren't.
WILLIAM And what would you say...
JEREMY No, it's just one question per person.
ANNA No, let him... ask away. You were saying?
WILLIAM Yes, I just wondered whether if it turned out that this... person...
WILLIAM Thanks. I just wondered if Mr. Thacker realized he'd been a daft prick and got down on his knees and begged you to reconsider, whether you would... reconsider.
ANNA Yes, I'm pretty sure I would.
WILLIAM That's very good news. The readers of 'Horse and Hound' will be absolutely delighted.
JEREMY Dominic -- if you'd like to ask your question again?
QUESTIONER 1 Yes -- Anna -- how long are you intending to stay here in Britain?
ANNA Indefinitely.
SPIKE What happened?
HONEY It was good.

⑵ 為何說《諾丁山》是佳片



⑶ 6部經典歐美愛情電影







6.《戀戀筆記本》豆瓣8.6很經典的愛情電影,導演把一個很常見的一個愛情故事,通過情節設置和拍攝手法的藝術性,塑造成傳達了濃烈的愛意的經典作品 。

⑷ 《諾丁山》的經典台詞

經典對白 諾丁山



WILLIAM:Can I help you?

ANNA:No, thanks. I'll just look around.


WILLIAM:That book's really not good -- just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money. This one though is... very good. I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, which helps.There's also a very amusing incident with a kebab.

ANNA:Thanks. I'll think about it.

WILLIAM:If you could just give me a second.

WILLIAM:Excuse me.


WILLIAM:Bad news.


WILLIAM:We've got a security camera in this bit of the shop.


WILLIAM:So, I saw you put that book down your trousers.

THIEF:What book?

WILLIAM:The one down your trousers.

THIEF:I haven't got a book down my trousers.

WILLIAM:Right -- well, then we have something of an impasse. I tell you what --I'll call the police -- and, what can I say? -- If I'm wrong about the whole book-down-the-trousers scenario, I really apologize.

THIEF:Okay -- what if I did have a book down my trousers?

WILLIAM:Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk, you'd remove the Cadogan guide to Bali from your trousers, and either wipe it and put it back, or buy it. See you in a sec.

WILLIAM:Sorry about that...

ANNA:No, that's fine. I was going to steal one myself but now I've changed my mind. Signed by the author, I see.

WILLIAM:Yes, we couldn't stop him. If you can find an unsigned , it's worth an absolute fortune.

THIEF:Excuse me.


THIEF:Can I have your autograph?

ANNA:What's your name?


THIEF:What does it say?

ANNA:Well, that's the signature -- and above, it says 'Dear Rufus -- you belong in jail.'

THIEF:Nice one. Would you like my phone number?

ANNA:Tempting but... no, thank you.

ANNA:I think I will try this one.

WILLIAM:Oh -- right -- on second thoughts maybe it wasn't that bad. Actually-- it's a sort of masterpiece really.None of those childish kebab stories you get in so many travel books these days. And I'll throw in one of these for free.Very useful for lighting fires,wrapping fish, that sort of things.



ANNA:Oh Jesus.

WILLIAM:Here, let me help.

ANNA:What are you doing?!

WILLIAM:Nothing, nothing... Look, I live just over the street -- you could getcleaned up.

ANNA: No thank you. I need to get my car back.

WILLIAM:I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes we can have you spick and span and back on the street again... in the non-prostitute sense obviously.

ANNA:Okay. So what does 'just over the street' mean -- give it to me in yards.

WILLIAM:Eighteen yards. That's my house there.

WILLIAM:Come on in. I'll just...

WILLIAM:It's not that tidy, I fear.

WILLIAM:The bathroom is right at the top of the stairs and there's a phone on the desk up there.

WILLIAM: Would you like a cup of tea before you go?

ANNA:No thanks.



WILLIAM:Orange juice -- probably not.

WILLIAM:Something else cold -- coke, water, some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?

ANNA:Really, no.

WILLIAM:Would you like something to nibble --apricots, soaked in honey -- quite why, no one knows -- because it stops them tasting of apricots, and makes them taste like honey, and if youwanted honey, you'd just buy honey, instead of apricots, but nevertheless -- there we go -- yours if you want them.


WILLIAM:Do you always say 'no' to everything?



(Interview 1)

WILLIAM:Right. Ahm... the film's great...and I just wondered -- whether you ever thought of having more... horses in it?

ANNA:Ahm -- well -- we would have liked to-- but it was difficult, obviously,being set in space.

WILLIAM:Obviously. Very difficult.

WILLIAM:Oh yes -- excellent. Ahm -- any horses in that one? Or hounds, of course. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species.

ANNA:It takes place on a submarine.

WILLIAM:Yes. Right... But if there were horses,would you be riding them yourself or would you be getting a stunt horse person double sort of thing?

(Interview 2)

WILLIAM:Thank you. You are 'Horse and Hound's' favorite actress. You and Black Beauty. Tied.

MALE LEAD:Pleased to meet you. Did you like the film?

WILLIAM:Ah... yes, enormously.

MALE LEAD:Well, fire away.

WILLIAM:Right, right. Ahm -- did you enjoy making the film?


WILLIAM:Any bit in particular?

MALE LEAD:Well, you tell me which bit you liked most -- and I'll tell you if I enjoyed making it.

WILLIAM:Ahm right, right, I liked the bit in space very much. Did you enjoy making that bit?

(Interview 3)

WILLIAM:Did you identify with the character you were playing?


WILLIAM:Ah. Why not?

FOREIGN ACTOR:BecauseI'm playing a psychopathic flesh-eating robot.


(Interview 4)

WILLIAM:Is this your first film?

GIRL:No -- it's my 22nd.

WILLIAM:Of course it is. Any favourite among the 22?

GIRL:Working with Leonardo.


GIRL:Di Caprio.

WILLIAM:Of course. And is he your favourite Italian film director?


ANNA:Ahm. That thing I was doing tonight-- I'm not doing it any more. I told them I had to spend the evening with Britain's premier equestrian journalist.

WILLIAM:Oh well, great. Perfect. Oh no -- it's my sister's birthday -- shit -- we're meant to be having dinner.

ANNA:Okay -- fine.

WILLIAM:But no, I'm sure I can get out of it.

ANNA:No, I mean, if it's fine with you,I'll, you know, be your date.

WILLIAM:You'll be my date at my little sister's birthday party?

ANNA:If that's all right.

WILLIAM:I'm sure it's all right. My friend Max is cooking and he's acknowledged to be the worst cook in the world, but you know, you could hide the food in your handbag or something.




MAX:Come on in. Vague food crisis.

BELLA:Hiya -- sorry -- the guinea fowl is proving more complicated than expected.

WILLIAM:He's cooking guinea fowl?

BELLA:Don't even ask.


BELLA:Hi. Good Lord -- you're the spitting image of...

WILLIAM:Bella -- this is Anna.


HONEY:Hi guys.

WILLIAM:Hun -- this is Anna. Anna -- this is Honey -- she's my baby sitter.


HONEY:Oh God this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool -- and I'm going to fail a hundred percent. I absolutely and totally and utterly adore you and I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends. What do you think?

ANNA:Ahm... I think that sounds -- you know -- lucky me. Happy Birthday.

HONEY:Oh my God. You gave me a present. We're best friends already. Marry Will -- he's a really nice guy and then we can be sisters.

ANNA:I'll think about it.

⑸ 諾丁山講了什麼內容

威廉.薩克(休.格蘭特飾)住在倫敦西部的諾丁山,擁有一家慘淡經營的旅遊書店。生意蕭條的他,還要忍受行為怪異、不修邊幅的室友斯派克。自從離婚後,他的愛情生活也是一片空白。 安娜.斯科特(朱麗婭.羅伯茲飾)是美國的電影明星,她的玉照出現在各個雜志的封面上,一舉一動都受到全世界的關注。在好萊塢呆膩了的她,來到異國他鄉的倫敦尋求刺激。 一個平淡無奇的星期三,安娜走進威廉的書店裡,她優雅的姿態給威廉留下了深刻的第一印象。第二次見面可就沒那麼浪漫了,在街道拐角,威廉把一杯飲料潑在了安娜身上。深感愧疚的威廉請這個陌生的美人到家裡洗衣服,兩個人彼此產生了好感。沒想到終於有一天,威廉一開門便發現娛樂記者已經蜂擁而至,他這才明白,自己請回家的不僅是一個國際巨星,也是一個天大的麻煩。

⑹ 為何很多人說《諾丁山》是佳片





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