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發布時間:2024-06-13 22:10:17

① 求動物總動員裏海龜夫婦那一段控訴人類的話的中英文台詞

The water is not simply water
It's the blood of our forefathers
Good evening, my name is Wiston... and I am called Winifred.
We were born more than 700 years ago. on an island located deep within the Pacific Ocean
In all that time we have come across many human beings
They have stolen and have murdered, and destroyed everything many many times
And we let it happen
And because of this, we have lost everything
Our beloved home is sadly no more
Where once were blooming flowers of all colors is now dry and arid
Where once the very air vibrated with the twittering of thousands of kinds of birds is now only silence
Where once seals and the beats of the oceans bobbed in the waves
All life is now at an end
Galapagos, our wondrous home is now little more than a wretched, black, dark and oily mass
The entire world is nothing more than a black. dark and oily mass
Except for this place here
But if you do nothing to stop it
This place too will become no mere than a blackened stain
For man is a thief who comes at nights and takes what he wants from the land
He is like a snake who eats his own tail to survive
But the earth doesn』t belong to man. He is only a tiny part of it
Man did not weave the fabric of life
He is but a thread within it, for we all share the same breath
The rising mists of the lush green forests
The refreshment of the Rockey mountain breezes
The perfumed scent of the wind after a cooling shower of rain
The plants, man and we, the animals
What man doesn』t realize is what he does to the land
He ultimately does to himself
And when the land is finally destroyed
And the animals are either driven out or killed
Man will rule over the earth alone
Then lost and forlorn, he too will be wiped from the face of the earth
But that is a cold comfort to us now
For every one of you will perish if you don』t defend yourselves against humanity.

② 美國動畫片電影里的可愛單詞和句子。 比如《里約大冒險、冰河世紀、功夫熊貓、動物總動員》……等


③ 四部英語原聲電影(動畫片) 每部摘抄三句經典台詞 急電...

1.往往在逃避命運的路上,卻與之不期而遇 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
2.放棄,不放棄。做面條,不做面條。你太在乎過去是怎樣,將來會怎樣了. Quit!don't quit! Noodles!don't noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be. .
3.昨天是歷史了,明天還是未知,但今天是禮物,所以今天才叫present(present有「現在」和「禮物」的意思)。 Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it』s called the present (the gift)

The way we work may be a mystery to you
Making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs
If you do it well, it makes a big difference

Of course, it is still in working progress. A few reforges. Here and there.
I never thought of going back. I've been down here so long。
That's right, sweet heart. Welcome to the Ice Age.

Dory: Come on, trust me on this one. 多莉:嗨,這次相信我。
Marlin: Trust you? 馬林:相信你?
Dory: Yes, trust, it's what friends do. 多莉:對,相信,朋友就該這樣。



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