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發布時間:2024-07-25 21:56:00

① 鐖辨儏鑻辨枃緇忓吀璇褰


You make me see myself more and more, but I can't see you more and more.


Letting go is not necessarily a bad thing, it may just give you more opportunities.


The past is not ing back, the return is not perfect.


Unlike his treatment, you still give tenderness.


If you leave deliberately, please don't e back.


This life I only hold your hand, because this life has enough of you.


Your *** iling is the charm I enjoy every day.


The step backward is loneliness, and the step forward is happiness.


I think as long as I really like it, I will move a person.


Weak accusation, you think I don't care about the general indifference.


Wife, although you can't say love, you can't die before me.


Is my mistake too absurd, or is the reality reversed black and white?


One day if I can't hold an umbrella for you, I will acpany you in the rain.


Who can love you more than I do, feelings can not be divided.


Love you and love you are all excuses, think you think you are all reasons.


I feel like I can't get over it. Tears are heavier than anything else.


Invisibility is not about not wanting to meet, but about being afraid that you will turn a blind eye to it.


I love that teenager with strong shoulders, only allow me to rely on.


Hand in hand, we shine to the end of the world together.


The person who really loves you is the one who is willing to enre you all the time.


We went so far that we fot why we started.


Like the sun, you have temperatures that I can't get close to.


True love is to let go when you can't love.


Having to get out of bed and go to work shows that there is no unemployment.


In fact, those people are thoughtless and persistent.


This love, I lost not hard enough, she won in love is not serious enough.


Tomorrow will be long, but eventually not grey-haired.


I couldn't breathe. I fot that I was like a body without a soul.


If you just meet and can't stay, you might as well not meet.


I just have no ideal. My ideal is you.


When I can write songs, the first song is written to my mood.


Maturity does not mean that one's heart grows old. It means that one can still *** ile when one's tears are rolling around.


There is always one heart waiting and calling for another.


Like is light love, love is deep love.


Dried the tears against the wind, the more unspeakable pain hides.


If you can choose, don't end a love with hate.


Your signature says you love her, and she says she loves you.


Every word says fet, but who knows the pain in his heart.


How firm are those oaths that say the end of the earth and the end of the earth?


Some pain can't be said, but can only enre until it can be slowly fotten.


I count the days when I can't be together.


Love is like an hourglass. When the heart is full, the brain is empty.


When the tears crossed the corners of the mouth, we knew the bitter taste.


Slowly found that love a person is to destroy the original self.


I don't want to look back, I just want to move on.


Always say before dinner: I'm hungry!


I miss you so much that I haven't left yet.


Flamboyant words are not as good as real actions.


People are not afraid of death, but most afraid of not knowing how to live.


I think one day, I'm cooking and you're making trouble.


Dreams are gone, hearts are broken, leaving just to prepare for leaving.


The world will not collapse for anyone or anything.

② 涔嬪煄鑻辮緇忓吀璇褰曞ぇ鍏ㄧ簿閫68鍙

1銆乄ho were you錛 an insignificant little girl錛 to chase me from the place I wanted to be錛 (Edward)浣犳槸璋侊紵涓嶅氨鏄涓涓涓嶈搗鐪肩殑灝忓コ瀛╁効鍚楋紵鍝鑳借╀綘鎶婃垜浠庢垜鍠滄㈠緟鐨勫湴鏂硅刀璧板憿錛

2銆両 only said it’d be better if we weren’t friends錛 not that I didn’t wanna be銆 鎴戝彧鏄璇村傛灉鎴戜滑涓嶆槸鏈嬪弸浼氬ソ寰堝氾紝浣嗘槸閭d笉浠h〃鎴戜笉鎯沖拰浣犱氦鏈嬪弸銆

3銆両 knew at any moment it could be too much錛 and my life could end — so quickly that I might not even notice銆 And I couldn’t make myself be afraid銆 I couldn’t think of anything錛 except that he was touching me銆 (Bella)鎴戠煡閬撲換浣曟椂鍊欓兘鏈夊彲鑳藉け鎺э紝鎴戠殑鐢熷懡灝變細闅忎箣緇撴潫銆傞熷害涔嬪揩錛屽彲鑳芥垜榪炴敞鎰忛兘榪樻病娉ㄦ剰鍒板氨緇撴潫浜嗐傛垜涓嶈兘璁╄嚜宸卞蟲曪紝涔熶笉鑳芥兂浠涔堬紝鍙鐭ラ亾浠栧湪涓嶅仠鍦版姎鎽告垜銆

4銆乀his truck is old enough to be your car’s grandfather-have some respect銆 (Bella)榪欒締鍗¤濺鏈夊勾澶翠簡錛岄兘鍙浠ュ綋浣犻偅杈嗚濺鐨勭埛鐖蜂簡——灝婇噸瀹冧竴鐐廣

5銆両’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before錛 and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed銆 But that’s probably just because it’s you銆 Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes銆 (Edward)鎴戜互鍓嶄粠鏉ユ病鏈夎瘯鍥懼幓鏁戞煇涓涓浜猴紝鑰岃繖姣旀垜鍏堝墠鎯寵薄鐨勮侀夯鐑﹀緱澶氾紝浣嗕篃璁鎬粎浠呮槸鍥犱負鏄浣犵殑緙樻晠銆傛櫘閫氫漢浼間箮涓澶╅噷娌℃湁榪欎箞澶氱伨澶氶毦鐨勩

6銆両"ve never given much thought to how I would die錛 but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go銆 鎴戣繃鍘諱粠鏈榪囧氳冭檻榪囨垜灝嗘潵浼氬備綍姝誨幓錛屼絾姝誨湪鎴戠埍鐨勪漢鎬閲屽掓槸涓涓涓嶉敊鐨勯夋嫨銆

7銆丆ommon sense told me I should be terrified銆 Instead錛 I was relieved to finally understand銆 And I was filled with compassion for his suffering錛 even now錛 as he confessed his craving to take my life銆 (Bella)鎸夊父鐞嗚達紝鎴戝簲璇ユ劅鍒板蟲曟墠瀵癸紝鍙鎴戝嵈涓鴻兘鎻寮榪欎竴璋滃簳鎰熷埌杞繪澗銆傛垜鍗佸垎鍚屾儏浠栨墍緇忓巻鐨勬墍鏈夎繖浜涚棝鑻︼紝鍝鎬曟槸鐜板湪錛屼粬琛ㄧ櫧瑕佸ず鍘繪垜鐨勭敓鍛姐

8銆両 can’t be sure錛 of course錛 but I’d compare it to living on tofu and soy milk錛 we call ourselves vegetarians錛 our little inside joke銆 (Edward)鎴戜笉鑳界『瀹氾紝褰撶劧錛屼笉榪囨垜鍙浠ユ妸榪欑嶆柟寮忓拰鍏夐潬鍚冭眴鑵愬拰璞嗗ザ榪囨棩瀛愮殑鏂瑰紡浣滄瘮杈冿紝鎴戜滑鎶婅嚜宸辯О浣滅礌椋熶富涔夎咃紝榪欐槸鎴戜滑鍐呴儴涔嬮棿鐨勪竴涓灝忕帺絎戙

9銆丱nly you could get in trouble in a town this small銆 You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade錛 you know銆 (Edward)鍙鏈変綘鎵嶄細鍦ㄨ繖涔堝皬鐨勪竴涓鍩庡競閲岄亣鍒伴夯鐑︺備綘鐭ラ亾鍚楋紝浣犳湰鏉ヤ細鎵撶牬浠栦滑鍗佸勾鏉ョ殑鐘緗鐜囩粺璁℃暟鎹鐨勩

10銆乄hat if I’m not a superhero錛 What if I’m the bad guy錛熻佹槸鎴戜笉鏄瓚呯駭鑻遍泟鍛錛熻佹槸鎴戞槸涓鍧忚泲鍛錛

11銆両 sat without moving錛 more frightened of him than I had ever been銆 I’d never seen him so completely freed of that carefully cultivated f facade銆 He’d never been less human… or more beautiful銆 (Bella)鎴戝潗鍦ㄩ偅閲岀汗涓濅笉鍔錛屾垜浠ュ墠浠庢潵娌℃湁鍍忕幇鍦ㄨ繖涔堟曡繃浠栥備粬涔熶粠鏉ユ病鏈夎繖涔堟斁鑲嗗湴鎽樹笅榪囦粬閭e紶綺懼績綺夐グ鐨勯潰鍏鳳紝浠庢潵娌℃湁闇插嚭榪囦粬闈炲悓甯鎬漢鐨勯偅涓闈錛屾垨鑰呰翠粬閲嶆潵娌℃湁鍍忕幇鍦ㄨ繖涔堜繆緹庛

12銆丠is voice was like melting honey銆 I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be銆 (Bella)浠栫殑澹伴煶鐢滃緱璺熻渹銍滀技鐨勩傛垜鍙浠ユ兂鍍忓嚭浠栫殑鐪肩炵殑鏉浼ゅ姏涓嶇煡榪樿佹瘮榪欏ぇ澶氬皯銆

13銆乄hat am I going to do with you錛 Yesterday I kiss you錛 and you attack me錛 Today you pass out on me錛 (Edward)浣犲彨鎴戞嬁浣犲備綍鏄濂藉憿錛熸槰澶╂垜鍚諱綘錛屼綘鎵撴垜錛佷粖澶╀綘鍙堟槒榪囧幓浜嗭紒

14銆両 am only afraid of losing you銆 I feel you’re gonna disappear銆傛垜鍞涓瀹蟲曠殑浜嬫儏灝辨槸澶卞幓浣狅紝鎴戞劅瑙変綘灝辮佹秷澶變簡銆

15銆乊ou’re a magnet for accidents-that’s not a broad enough classification銆 You are a magnet for trouble銆 If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius錛 it will invariably find you銆 (Edward)浣犱笉鏄涓涓鍙鍚稿紩浜嬫晠鐨勪漢——榪欎釜鑼冨洿榪樹笉澶熷斤紝浣犳槸涓涓鍚稿紩楹葷儲鐨勪漢銆傚彧瑕佹柟鍦嗗嶮鑻遍噷鐨勮寖鍥村唴鏈変換浣曞嵄闄╋紝鑲瀹氬氨鑳芥壘鍒頒綘銆

16銆乊ou already know how I feel錛 of course銆 I’m here… which錛 roughly translated錛 means I would rather die than stay away from you銆 (Bella)浣犺偗瀹氱煡閬撴垜瀵逛綘鐨勬劅鎯咃紝鎴戝氨鍦ㄨ繖鍎匡紝涔熷氨鏄璇存垜瀹佹効姝伙紝涔熶笉鎰垮拰浣犲垎寮銆

17銆乊ou’re in here because of me銆備綘鏄涓轟簡鎴戣屽瓨鍦ㄧ殑銆

18銆丗or almost ninety years I’ve walked among my kind錛 and yours… all the time thinking I was complete in myself錛 not realizing what I was seeking銆 And not finding anything錛 because you weren’t alive yet銆 (Edward)蹇涔濆嶮騫翠簡錛屾垜鐢熸椿鍦ㄦ垜鐨勫悓綾誨拰浣犵殑鍚岀被涓闂……涓鐩翠互涓鴻嚜宸卞簲鏈夊敖鏈変簡錛屼笉鐭ラ亾鑷宸卞湪瀵昏呬粈涔堬紝緇撴灉涔熶竴鏃犳墍鑾鳳紝鍥犱負閭f椂浣犺繕娌″嚭鐢熴

19銆丅ring on the shackles — I’m your prisoner銆 (Edward)鎶婇暎閾愭嬁鏉——鎴戣╀綘淇樿檹浜嗐

20銆丠e grinned his crooked smile at me錛 stopping my breath and my heart銆 I couldn’t imagine how an angel could be any more glorius銆 There was nothing about him that could be improved upon銆 (Bella)浠栧啿鎴戠嫛榛犲湴絎戠潃錛屾垜涓嶇敱寰楀仠浣忎簡鍛煎惛錛屽績璺充篃鍋滀簡銆傛垜瀹炲湪鎯沖儚涓嶅嚭鏉ヤ竴涓澶╀嬌鎬庝箞鍙鑳芥瘮浠栨洿鍔犺糠浜猴紝浠栧凡緇忔槸婕備寒寰楁棤浠ュ嶅姞浜嗐

21銆丠e stared into my eyes錛 and I saw how light his eyes were錛 lighter than I’d ever seen them錛 golden butterscotch銆 (Bella)浠栫洴鐫鎴戠殑鐪肩潧錛屾垜鑳界湅鍒頒粬鐨勭溂鐫涙槸澶氫箞鐨勬槑浜錛屾瘮鎴戜互鍓嶇湅鍒扮殑閮借佹槑浜錛屽氨鍍忛噾榛勮壊鐨勫ザ娌圭硸鏋滀竴鏍楓

22銆丄bout three things I was absolutely positive銆 First錛 Edward was a vampire銆 Second錛 there was part of him — and I didn’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my blood銆 And third錛 I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him銆 (Bella)鏈変笁浠朵簨鎴戞槸鍙浠ヨ偗瀹氱殑錛氱涓錛孍dward鏄涓涓鍚歌楝礆紱絎浜岋紝鍦ㄤ粬韜浣撳唴鏈変竴閮ㄥ垎——鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾閭d竴閮ㄥ垎璧峰氬ぇ浣滅敤——闈炲父娓存湜鎴戠殑椴滆錛涚涓夛紝鎴戞鏃犳潯浠跺湴銆佷笉鍙鏁戣嵂鍦扮埍涓婁簡浠栥

23銆両 decided as long as I was going to hell錛 I might as well do it thoroughly銆 (Edward)鎴戞兂濂戒簡錛屽弽姝f槸涓嬪湴鐙憋紝鎴戣繕涓嶅傛潵浠栦釜涓涓嶅仛浜屼笉浼戙

24銆丠adn’t you noticed錛 I’m breaking all the rules now銆 (Edward)闅鵑亾浣犳病鏈夌湅鍑烘潵鍚楋紵鎴戠幇鍦ㄥ湪鎵撶牬鎵鏈夌殑瑙勫垯銆

25銆乄hen we hunt錛 we give ourselves over to our senses…govern less with our minds銆 Especially our sense of smell銆 If you were anywhere near me when I lost control that way… (Edward)鎴戜滑鎹曠寧鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鎴戜滑浼氬畬鍏ㄥ幓鍑鎰熻……鑰屽緢灝戝彈鎰忚瘑鐨勬敮閰嶏紝灝ゅ叾鏄闈犳垜浠鐨勫棶瑙夈傚綋鎴戝儚閭f牱澶卞幓鎺у埗鐨勬椂鍊欙紝濡傛灉浣犲湪鎴戣韓杈圭殑浠諱綍鍦版柟……

26銆乊our hair looks like a haystack… but I like it銆 (Edward)浣犵殑澶村彂灝卞儚涓鍫嗗共鑽……涓嶈繃錛屾垜寰堝枩嬈

27銆丒dward in the sunlight was shocking銆 I couldn’t get used to it錛 though I’d been staring at him all afternoon銆 His skin錛 white錛 despite the faint flush from yesterday’s hunting trip錛歀iterally sparkled錛 like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface銆 (Bella) Edward鍦ㄩ槼鍏変笅鐨勬牱瀛愪護浜洪渿鎯婏紝鉶界劧鏁翠釜涓嬪崍鎴戦兘鍦ㄧ洴鐫浠栫湅錛屼絾榪樻槸鐪嬩笉涔犳儻銆傝櫧鐒舵槰澶╂墦鐚庡洖鏉ュ悗浜涘井鏈変簺鍙戠孩錛屼絾浠栫殑鐨鑲や緷鐒跺緢鐧藉噣錛岀畝鐩寸啝鐔犵敓杈夛紝濂藉儚闀跺祵浜嗘棤鏁伴楀皬灝忕殑閽葷煶銆

28銆乊ou don’t realize how incredibly breakable you are銆 I can never錛 never afford to lose any kind of control when I’m with you銆 (Edward)浣犳剰璇嗕笉鍒拌嚜宸辨槸澶氫箞鑴嗗急銆傛墍浠ワ紝姣忓綋鎴戝拰浣犲湪涓璧風殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戦兘涓濇涓嶆暍鎺変互杞誨績錛屽姟蹇呭ソ濂芥帶鍒朵綇鑷宸辯殑鎯呯華銆

29銆両 couldn’t picture it錛 this godlike creature sitting in my father’s shabby kitchen chair銆 (Bella)鎴戝緢闅炬兂璞★紝榪欎綅澶╃炰竴鑸鑻變繆鐨勪漢鍧愬湪鐖哥埜閭e紶鐮存棫鐨勫悆楗鐨勬呭瓙涓婅ユ槸鎬庢牱涓騫呴庢櫙銆

30銆丼hall I explain how you are tempting me錛 (Edward)鐢ㄦ垜瑙i噴浣犱粈涔堝湴鏂硅╂垜鍔ㄥ績浜嗗悧錛

31銆丄nd you’re worried錛 not because you’re headed to meet a houseful of vampires錛 but because you think those vampires won’t approve of you錛 correct錛 (Edward)浣犳湁鐐規媴蹇冿紝涓嶆槸鎷呭績瑕佸幓瑙佷竴瀹跺瓙鍚歌楝礆紝鑰屾槸鎷呭績榪欎簺鍚歌楝間笉鍠滄浣狅紝瀵瑰惂錛

32銆丏on’t be offended錛 but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet銆 So…try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything錛 all right錛 (Edward)浣犲彲鍒涓嶉珮鍏達紝鎴戣夊緱浣犱技涔庡氨鏄閭g嶅氨鍍忕侀搧涓鏍鳳紝瀵逛簨鏁呯壒鍒鏈夊惛寮曞姏鐨勪漢銆傛墍浠ワ紝灝介噺鍒鎺夊埌嫻烽噷鍘諱簡錛屾垨鑰呭線杞﹁疆涓嬮潰閽諱粈涔堢殑錛屽ソ鍚楋紵

33銆両 had been vacillating ring the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker銆 There was no way I was going to own up to that銆 (Bella)涓婁釜鏈堟垜涓鐩磋や負浠栦笉鏄銛欒潬渚燘ruce Wayne錛屽氨鏄銍樿洓渚燩eter Parker錛岃佸湪榪欎袱浜轟腑鐘硅鮑涓嶅喅銆傛垜瑕佸潶鐧芥壙璁わ紝閭f槸緇濆逛笉鍙鑳界殑銆

34銆乊our number was up the first time I met you銆 (Edward)鎴戠涓嬈¢亣瑙佷綘鐨勬椂鍊欎綘灝卞姭鏁伴毦閫冦

35銆両 doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family銆 (Bella)鎴戞鐤戞槸鍚︽湁榪欐牱涓鏈浠嬬粛紺間華鐨勪功錛岃︾粏鍦板憡璇変綘鍦ㄥ惛琛楝肩敺鏈嬪弸甯︿綘鍘昏佷粬鍚歌楝煎朵漢鐨勬椂鍊欏簲璇ョ┛浠涔堟牱鐨勮。鏈嶃

36銆丄ctually錛 Esme wouldn’t care if you had a third eye and webbed feet銆 (Edward)鍏跺疄錛孍sme鎵嶄笉綆′綘鏈夋病鏈夌涓夊彧鐪煎拰鑴氳辜鍛銆

37銆両t’s twilight銆 It’s the safest time of day for us銆 The easiest time銆 But also the saddest錛 in a way…the end of another day錛 the return of the night銆 Darkness is so predictable錛 don’t you think錛 (Edward)宸茬粡鏄鍌嶆櫄浜嗐傝繖鏄涓澶╀腑瀵規垜浠鏈瀹夊叏鐨勬椂鍒伙紝鏈杞繪澗鐨勬椂鍒伙紝鍦ㄦ煇縐嶇▼搴︿笂錛屽嵈涔熸槸鏈浼ゆ劅鐨……鍙堜竴澶╃殑緇撴潫錛屽滄櫄鐨勫洖褰掞紝榛戞殫鎬繪槸濡傛湡鑰岃嚦錛屼綘涓嶈繖鏍瘋夊緱鍚楋紵

38銆乊ou’re always crabbier when your eyes are black-I expect it then銆 (Bella)浣犵殑鐪肩潧鏄榛戣壊鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣犳繪槸瑕佺儲韜佷竴浜涖

39銆両f I’m going to be alone with you tommorrow錛 I’m going to take whatever precautions I can銆 (Edward)濡傛灉鏄庡ぉ瑕佸拰浣犲崟鐙鍛嗗湪涓璧鳳紝鎴戝緱灝藉彲鑳藉湴鍋氬ソ涓鍒囦繚闄╂帾鏂姐

40銆両 just couldn’t live in a world where you don’t exist銆傛病鏈変綘鐨勪笘鐣岋紝鎴戞椿鐫涔熸病鏈夋剰涔夈

41銆丠e looks at you like…like you’re something to eat銆 (Mike)浠栫湅浣犵殑鏍峰瓙灝卞儚……灝卞儚鎶婁綘褰撴垚鐐瑰績涓鏍楓

42銆丼ometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs銆 Maybe there was a glitch in my brain銆 (Bella)鏈夋椂鍊欙紝鎴戝湪鎯蟲垜鐪奸噷鎵鐪嬪埌鐨勫拰涓栦笂鎵鏈夊叾浠栦漢鐪奸噷鎵鐪嬪埌鐨勬槸涓嶆槸鍚屾牱鐨勪笢瑗褲備篃璁革紝鎴戣剳琚嬮噷鍝閲岀煭璺浜嗐

43銆丼urely it was a good way to die錛 in the place of someone else錛 someone I loved銆 Noble錛 even銆 That ought to count for something銆 (Bella)榪欐棤鐤戞槸涓涓嶉敊鐨勬繪硶錛屾誨湪鍒浜——鎴戞墍閽熺埍鐨勪漢鐨勫墮噷錛岀敋鑷沖彲浠ヨ達紝杞拌槳鐑堢儓銆傝繖搴旇ョ畻鏄姝誨緱鍏舵墍銆

44銆丄re you still faint from the run錛 Or was it my kissing expertise錛 (Edward)浣犺繕瑙夊緱澶存檿鍚楋紵鏄鍥犱負鍒氭墠濂旇窇錛岃繕鏄鎴戜翰鍚葷殑鎶鏈澶濂斤紵

45銆丄re you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat錛 stable surface without finding something to trip over銆 (Edward)浣犳槸鍦ㄨ達紝鍦ㄥ鉤騫沖潶鍧︺佺汗涓濅笉鍔ㄧ殑騫沖湴涓婏紝浣犻兘浼氳浠涔堜笢瑗跨粖鍊掞紵

46銆丏o I dazzle you錛 (Edward)閭f垜鏈夋病鏈夎╀綘鐩鐪╃炶糠榪囷紵

47銆丅ut outside the door to our Spanish class錛 leaning against the wall-looking more like a Greek god than anyone had a right to-Edward was waiting for me銆 (Bella)浣嗗氨鍦ㄨタ鐝鐗欒璇炬暀瀹ょ殑闂ㄥ栵紝Edward姝i潬澧欑珯鐫——鐪嬭搗鏉ユ瘮浠諱綍鏈夎祫鏍肩殑浜洪兘鏇村儚涓涓甯岃厞澶╃——浠栧湪絳夋垜銆

48銆乊eah錛 it’s an off day when I don’t get somebody telling me how edible I smell銆 (Bella)鏄鍟婏紝娌℃湁鍝涓澶╂垜涓嶈╀漢璇存垜縐鑹插彲槨愮殑錛

49銆両 think I forgot to breathe銆 (Bella)鎴戞兂鍙鑳芥槸鎴戝繕浜嗗懠鍚搞

50銆丠e unleashed the full錛 devastating power of his eyes on me錛 as if trying to communicate something crucial銆 (Bella)浠栨妸閭e弻鐪肩潧鐨勫叏閮ㄩ瓍鍔涢兘閲婃斁鍦ㄦ垜韜涓婁簡錛屽ソ鍍忚瘯鍥捐窡鎴戣存煇浠惰嚦鍏抽噸瑕佺殑浜嬫儏浼肩殑銆

51銆両’m the worlds best predator錛 aren’t I錛 Everything about me invites you in-my voice錛 my face錛 even my smell銆 As if i need any of that錛 (Edward)鎴戞槸涓栫晫涓婃渶媯掔殑鐚庨熷姩鐗╋紝瀵逛笉瀵癸紵鎴戣韓涓婄殑涓鍒囬兘鑳借╀綘涓婇挬——鎴戠殑澹伴煶銆佹垜鐨勮劯錛岀敋鑷沖寘鎷鎴戠殑姘斿懗錛屽ソ鍍忔垜娌℃湁閭d簺涓滆タ涓嶈屼技鐨勶紒

52銆乄hen life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations錛 it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end銆 (Bella)褰撶敓媧葷粰浜嗕綘涓涓榪滆繙瓚呰繃浣犳湡鏈涚殑緹庢ⅵ錛岄偅涔堬紝褰撹繖涓鏈熺粨鏉熸椂錛屼篃灝辨病鏈夌悊鐢卞啀鍘諱激蹇冦

53銆丄re you so depressed by Forks that it’s made you suicidal銆 (Edward)鏄涓嶆槸Forks璁╀綘鎰熷埌榪欎箞娑堟矇錛岃╀綘鏉ヨ嚜鍙栫伃浜″晩錛

54銆丗inally錛 a rational response錛 I was beginning to think you had no sense of self-preservation at all銆 (Edward)緇堜簬瑙佸埌涓涓鐞嗘х殑鍙嶅簲錛佹垜鍒氬垰榪樹互涓轟綘涓鐐硅嚜鎴戜繚鎶ゆ剰璇嗛兘娌℃湁鍛銆

55銆丠e laughed錛 and then began to hum that same錛 unfamiliar lullaby錛 the voice of an archangel錛 soft in my ear銆 (Bella)浠栫瑧浜嗭紝鎺ョ潃鍙堝摷璧蜂簡閭i栭檶鐢熺殑鍌鐪犳洸銆備粬澶╀嬌鑸鐨勫棑闊籌紝鏈夊傚ぉ綾侊紝澹板0鍏ヨ熾

56銆丯o one could be still like Edward銆 He closed his eyes and became as immobile as stone錛 a carving under my hand銆 (Bella)璋佷篃鍋氫笉鍒板儚Edward閭f牱闈欏緱綰逛笣涓嶅姩銆備粬闂涓婄溂鐫涳紝璁╂垜闅忔剰鎶氭懜鐫錛屾椿鍍忎竴灝婄煶闆曘

57銆丣ust because I’m resisting the wine doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the bouquet銆 (Edward)鍒鍥犱負鎴戝繊浣忎笉鍠濊憽钀勯厭錛屽氨浠ヤ負鎴戞h祻涓嶄簡閰掔殑鑺鑺熾

58銆両 tried to make my smile alluring錛 wondering if i was laying it on too thick銆 He smiled back錛 though錛 looking allured銆 (Bella)鎴戝姫鍔涗嬌鑷宸辯殑絎戝規樉寰楄糠浜轟簺錛屼笉鐭ラ亾鏄鍚︾瑧寰楁湁鐐硅繃浜嗐備笉榪囦粬涔熷啿鎴戠瑧浜嗙瑧錛岀湅璧鋒潵鏄璁╂垜鎵撳姩浜嗐

59銆両 don’t think a tank could take out that old monster銆 (Jacob)鎴戜及璁¤繛鍧﹀厠閮芥嬁閭h佹鐗╂病鍔炴硶銆

60銆丠is skin was icy as ever錛 but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm-like I’d been burned錛 but didn’t feel the pain of it yet銆 (Bella)浠栫殑鑲岃偆榪樻槸閭f牱鍐板噳錛屽彲浠栫殑瑙︽懜鍗存槸鐏鐑鐨勩

61銆両 wasn’t interesting銆 And he was銆 Interesting and brilliant and mysterious…and perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand銆 (Bella)鎴戞病鏈夋剰鎬濓紝浠栨湁銆傛湁鎰忔…鎵嶅崕妯婧…紲炵樿帿嫻…瀹岀編鏃犵己…浠琛ㄥ爞鍫傦紝鑰屼笖榪樿兘澶熷崟鎵嬩婦璧峰ぇ鍨嬪㈣揣涓ょ敤杞︺

62銆両’m absolutely ordinary-well錛 except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I’m almost disabled銆 (Bella)鎴戞槸鏋佸叾鏅閫氱殑涓涓浜——褰撶劧錛屽嚭浜嗛偅浜涘樊鐐規病浜嗗懡鐨勭粡鍘嗭紝榪樻湁鑷宸卞お絎ㄥ樊鐐規畫搴熻繖浜涗笉濂界殑浜嬫儏浠ュ栥

63銆両 realized slowly that his words should frighten me銆 I waited for that fear to come錛 but all I could seem to feel was an ache for his pain銆 (Bella)鎱㈡參鍦版垜鎰忚瘑鍒拌嚜宸卞簲璇ュ逛粬鐨勮瘽鎰熷埌瀹蟲曟墠瀵廣傛垜絳夊緟鐫閭g嶆亹鎯х殑闄嶄復錛屽彲鏄浼間箮鎴戞墍鑳芥劅瑙夊緱鍒扮殑鍙鏈夊洜涓轟粬鐨勭棝鑻﹁屽甫鏉ョ殑蹇冪棝銆

64銆丗orks was literally my personal hell on earth銆 (Bella)Forks瀵規垜鑰岃█錛岀畝鐩村氨鏄涓搴т漢闂村湴鐙便

65銆両’m essentially a selfish creature銆 I crave your company too much to do what I should銆 (Edward)浠庢湰璐ㄤ笂璁詫紝鎴戞槸涓涓鑷縐佺殑鍔ㄧ墿錛屾垜澶娓存湜浣犲仛浼翠簡錛岃ュ仛鐨勪簨鎯呮垜鏄涓嶄細閿欒繃鐨勩

66銆両t was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real銆 I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke錛 and I would wake up銆 (Bella)寰堥毦鐩鎬俊灞呯劧鐪熺殑鏈夎繖涔堢編鐨勪漢銆傛垜瀹蟲曚粬浼氱獊鐒跺儚涓緙曢潚鐑熶竴鏍鋒秷澶辨帀錛岃屾垜灝卞儚鍋氫簡涓鍦烘ⅵ涓鏍楓

67銆両f I’d ever feared death before in his presence錛 it was nothing compared to how I felt now銆 (Bella)瑕佽存垜浠ュ墠鍦ㄤ粬闈㈠墠鎬曟昏繃錛屽彲瑕佷笌姝ゅ埢鐨勬劅瑙夌浉姣旓紝閭g畝鐩寸畻涓嶄笂浠涔堜簡銆

68銆乊ou are utterly indecent — no one should look so tempting錛 it’s not fair銆 (Edward)浣犺繖鎵撴壆涔熷お涓嶆垚浣撶粺浜——璋佷篃涓嶈ユ墦鎵寰楄繖涔堣變漢錛屼笉鍚堣勭煩銆



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