① 電影的簡介
Filmmaking is the process of making a film, from an initial story idea or commission, through scriptwriting, shooting, editing and distribution to an audience. Typically, it involves a large number of people, and takes from a few months to several years to complete. Filmmaking takes place all over the world in a huge range of economic, social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and techniques.
Film proction occurs in five stages:Development,Pre-proction,Proction,Post-proction and Sales and distribution.
In this stage, the project's procer finds a story, which may come from a book, play, another film, a true story, original idea, etc. After identifying a theme or underlying message, the procer works with writers to prepare a synopsis. Next they proce a step outline, which breaks the story down into one-paragraph scenes that concentrate on dramatic structure. Next, they prepare a treatment, a 25 to 30 page description of the story, its mood, and characters. This usually has little dialog and stage direction, but often contains drawings that help visualize key points.
Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over a period of several months. The procer and screenwriter prepare a film pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers. If the pitch is successful, the film receives a "green light", meaning someone offers financial backing: typically a major film studio, film council, or independent investor. The parties involved negotiate a deal and sign contracts.
In pre-proction, the film is designed and planned. The proction company is created and a proction office established. The proction is storyboarded and visualized with the help of illustrators and concept artists. A proction budget is drawn up to plan expenditures for the film.
The procer hires a crew. The nature of the film, and the budget, determine the size and type of crew used ring filmmaking. Many Hollywood blockbusters employ a cast and crew of hundreds, while a low-budget, independent film may be made by a skeleton crew of eight or nine (or fewer). These are typical crew positions:
The director is primarily responsible for the acting in the film and managing creative elements.
The assistant director (AD) manages the shooting schele and logistics of the proction, among other tasks. First AD and second AD are different jobs with different responsibilities.
The casting director finds actors to fill the parts in the script. This normally requires that actors audition. Lead actors are carefully chosen, often based on the actor's reputation or "star power."
The location manager finds and manages film locations. Most pictures are shot in the controllable environment of a studio sound stage but occasionally, outdoor sequences call for filming on location.
The proction manager manages the proction budget and proction schele. They also report, on behalf of the proction office, to the studio executives or financiers of the film.
The director of photography (DP or DOP) or cinematographer creates the photography of the film in cooperation with with the director, director of audiography (DOA), and AD.
In proction the film is created and shot. More crew will be recruited at this stage, such as the property master, script supervisor, assistant directors, stills photographer, picture editor, and sound editors. These are just the most common roles in filmmaking; the proction office will be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit a particular film.
A typical day's shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set/location by their call time. Actors usually have their own separate call times. Since set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours or even days, they are often set up in advance.
Here the film is assembled by the film editor. The modern use of video in the filmmaking process has resulted in two workflow variants: one using entirely film, and the other using a mixture of film and video.
In the film workflow, the original camera film (negative) is developed and copied to a one-light workprint (positive) for editing with a mechanical editing machine. An edge code is recorded onto film to locate the position of picture frames. Since the development of non-linear editing systems such as Avid, Quantel or Final Cut Pro, the film workflow is used by very few proctions.
In the video workflow, the original camera negative is developed and telecined to video for editing with computer editing software. A timecode is recorded onto video tape to locate the position of picture frames. Proction sound is also synced up to the video picture frames ring this process.
Finally the film is previewed, normally by the target audience, and any feedback may result in further shooting or edits to the film.
Distribution and exhibition
This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to DVD, VCD, VHS (though VHS tapes are less common now that more people own DVD players), Blu-Ray, or direct download from a provider. The film is plicated as required for distribution to cinemas. Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised.
Film companies usually release a film with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD typically is released a few months later. The distribution rights for the film and DVD are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the proction company share profits.
② 張藝謀新片《影》主要講的什麼
2018年7月,該片入圍第75屆威尼斯國際電影節非競賽展映單元及第43屆多倫多國際電影節主展映單元,分別舉辦國際首映和北美首映 。該片獲得第55屆台灣電影金馬獎最佳導演、最佳視覺效果 、最佳美術設計、最佳造型設計獎。
③ 電影劇情梗概
④ 電影介紹--詳細
Alex給了Annie一個驚喜:他安排了一次到巴哈馬群島的游輪度假。Annie一路上一直悶悶不樂,因為她剛剛才知道Alex的警察身份,責怪Alex之前一直對她撒謊,對警察厭倦了的Annie自然不高興。乘客中有幾位鑽石商人,他們在船的暗格里堆滿了價值連城的鑽石。另外,游輪的電腦系統設計者,計算機天才John Gerger也在乘客名單里,由於剛被解僱心懷憤恨,他計劃盜走鑽石並使游輪與另一艘油輪相撞。作為一名警察,Alex無可避免地捲入這個危險的計劃中……
⑤ 電影劇情簡介
黑色乒乓16歲的保羅忽然出現在叔叔家,說他要來度假。叔叔和嬸嬸盡管心中不快,但也不得不接納這個行為乖張的侄子。潛藏在這個完美家庭底層的沖突,因為保羅的到來一一浮現,一張張虛偽的中產面具,也在慾望的沖擊之下破碎。導演初試啼聲即被喻為德國當代電影最重要的新銳,全片婉如現代版《定理》,以黑色幽默嘲弄中產階級的虛偽,震驚嘎納影展影評人周單元。... 美國禁忌1985年出品的美國經典亂倫劇《Taboo American Style》講述了一貧一富兩個家庭之間連鎖發生的一系列出軌、亂倫事件,合理的劇情發展、細膩的人物刻畫使得情節真實可信,反映了現代社會里當道德、理想變成只是空洞、虛偽的口號後,人類的行為到底可以走到多遠…… 第1集:殘酷的開端:虛偽、庸俗、刻薄的中產階級家庭婦女Seleren夫人嫌貧愛富,對子女要求嚴格,而當她與花匠Chinaski通姦的事情敗露後,她在家庭里所標榜的「理想、道德觀」一夜之間全面崩潰,由思想前衛、放盪不羈的女兒Nina所引發的兩個家庭之間一系列的亂倫劇揭開了帷幕……歡迎回家◎簡介
⑥ 《影》主要講了什麼
⑦ 電影簡介
電影: diàn yǐng
英文:1. movie 2. film
國外電影廣告在美國和英國的電影廣告中,有這樣八種標記:美國 X——禁止未成年者觀看的影片;G——所有觀眾可看片;R——十七歲以下禁止觀看;PG——一般觀眾可看;英國 U——內容正派片;A——一般觀眾可看片;X——18歲以下青少年禁看片;AA——少年兒童禁看的兇殺片。
⑧ 電影 丹特峰 介紹
全片分別在愛達荷州舊礦區的華勒斯小鎮及洛杉磯片場和周圍外景拍攝完成。由於這是一部著重於表現火山爆發的災難片,為締造影史上規模最大、最寫實的火山爆發場面,製作方除了請來曾經目賭80年代中期奪走兩萬名性命的哥倫比亞火山爆發的火山專家作為顧問,片中180組特效鏡頭更是全部由頗具實力的數位領域特效工作室處理,而這個工作室曾因拍攝《阿波羅13》榮獲奧斯卡獎提名。 整個特效場景製作復雜,工作人員先搭造100呎高、35呎寬的火山模型,之後再用電腦動畫加上濃煙、岩漿和石灰等,製造出逼真的火山爆發場面,銀幕上的天崩地裂效果無懈可擊。
⑨ 電影簡介