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發布時間:2022-07-08 17:51:50

A. 求電影《浴亂時光》中所有插曲名


"Louder Than a Bomb" – Public Enemy
"Perfect Way" – Scritti Politti
"The Safety Dance" (extended 12" EP remastered version) – Men Without Hats
"What You Need" (Single/LP version) – INXS
"Modern Love" (Single version; 2002 digital remaster) – David Bowie
"I Will Dare" – The Replacements
"Push It" (album version) – Salt-n-Pepa
"Bring On the Dancing Horses" – Echo & the Bunnymen
"Save It for Later" – The Beat (known as The English Beat in the USA)
"True" – Spandau Ballet
"Jessie's Girl" (Rick Springfield) – Craig Robinson
"Bizarre Love Triangle" (Shep Pettibone 12" Remastered Remix) – New Order
"Once in a Lifetime" (2006 Remastered version) – Talking Heads
"Home Sweet Home" – Mötley Crüe (also performed by Rob Corddry ring the closing credits)
"Let's Get It Started" (The Black Eyed Peas) – Craig Robinson


"(I Just) Died in Your Arms" – Cutting Crew
"About to Burst" – Ken Tamplin
"Bar Bet" – Jake Monaco
"Blind Man" – Newton Talks
"Careless Whisper" – Craig Robinson
"Cry Tough" – Poison
"Cubicle" -The Ultra-Infidels
"Heaven's Sake" – Perfect
"I Can't Wait" – Nu Shooz
"I Heard a Rumor" – Ghost Swami
"I Want to Know What Love Is" – Foreigner
"Keep Your Eye on the Money" – Mötley Crüe
"Kickstart My Heart" – Mötley Crüe
"My Block" – Cham Pain
"Mystery" – The Little Wands
"Obsession" – Animotion
"Occam's Razor" – Ocha la Rocha
"Patrolio" – Jake Monaco
"Skin I'm In" – Static Revenger featuring Luciana
"Smooth Up in Ya" – BulletBoys
"Talk Dirty to Me" – Poison
"The Stripper" – David Rose
"Turn Up the Radio" – Autograph
"Venus" – The Jerry Ross Symphosium
"Yes Man" – The Little Wands

B. 誰有超人特工隊的英文介紹和主人公英文介紹


It's a real shame that most people probably don't know Brad Bird. If they did, they would know about the "Iron Giant," a completely ignored animated movie from 1999 that never got the credit it deserved. Now he's all over the place for "The Incredibles," another ride into the Pixar way of filmmaking.

Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) was in his prime, saving people from certain doom... until the lawsuits hit. One by one, people began suing superheroes for a variety of reasons and the government stepped in to relocate them all, including his family. Now known as Bob Parr and given a day job at an insurance company, his life is miserable, until he receives a secret message that can get him back to his real job. What he discovers is a world take over plot, and he needs his entire family to pull him out.

The first half hour or so of "The Incredibles" is nothing short of brilliant. It maintains that charm, all-ages humor, and rapid fire pacing audiences have come to expect from this animation studio. The simple idea of a super hero being taken out of his or her element is genius and it's a wonder why no one thought of that before.

Then it nosedives. Quickly. The comedy is gone and all we're left with a simple action movie with a few nice homage's to some classic films. It's very generic, simple, and flat out uninteresting. Oh sure, for a kid, this is probably a great movie along with plenty of merchandising opportunity. It completely loses that alt audience that was so fixated on the magic of something like "Toy Story" or "A Bugs Life."

All it really becomes is a generic parody of comic book and movie super heroes. They even touch on another way to handle this one, the husbands sneaking out late at night to perform heroic deeds, only to come home and be yelled at by their wives. That's funny, not to mention hugely entertaining. Where is there need to become some all out action epic? That's really not what was advertised and it puts people into the wrong mindset going in.

Then you have a decent set of characters, including some that are entirely wasted. Frozone is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson and gets plenty of screen time in the early going (a great "Die Hard 3" parody included). Where is he for the rest of the movie? Oh, quietly sitting on the sidelines until the final battle so parents are forced to run out and buy more merchandise since he'll be fresh on kid's minds.

For Brad Bird fans, things here are going to seem awfully familiar. The final segment is another robot-on-the-loose tip-of-the-hat to 1950s sci-fi, just like "The Iron Giant." However, none of the magic that was contained in that film is retained here. Everything thrown on screen is there to look good and impress fans of this style.

Then again, the only thing saving this film from a complete pitfall is the animation. So much has been done and there's so much more power available, that something you wouldn't even think was important (like hair), is just stunning here. The water effects are some of the best you'll ever see come out of computer. However, all of the computing power in the world doesn't make a great movie and that little dash of originality in the opening is nowhere near enough to make up for the rest of it. (** out of *****)

With no film to degrade, there's little that can go wrong with a Pixar DVD transfer. With this oddly ratioed 2.39:1 picture, there is. The bright red suits of the title heroes are just too much for the format to handle. Compression is heavy, even if the rest of the film looks stunning. Bleeding can be prevalent at times, hindering a transfer that is just one notch short of absolute perfection. There's no way around it. If the other Pixar discs didn't exist, this would be the best you could buy. Unfortunately, they do, and "The Incredibles" just doesn't stack up, at least comparatively. (****)

Presented in 5.1 EX, the disc makes up for those minor visual shortcomings with this audio mix. Bass should never be this strong without a little DTS logo somewhere on the packaging. Movement (check out Dash running around the dining room) is captured flawlessly. The use of the surround channels never seems forced or overdone. Dialogue is perfectly blended, even ring the most intense action sequences. You can't get much more than this. (*****)

The same goes for the always-exhaustive feature set. Disc one of course contains the film and two commentary tracks. Brad Bird commands the first along with his procer, John Walker. A ton of the animation crew then handles the second. Enthusiasm is infectious ring both and they're well worth a listen either way.

Disc two contains the type of feature set that gives a reviewer wrist cramps. Bird starts things off with a basic introction that overviews everything. "Jack-Jack Attack" is heavily promoted (on both the front and back of the case), a short four-minute look at how hard it is to baby-sit an eye-laser shooting toddler. It offers more laughs than a good hour of the actual film.

There are an insane amount of deleted scenes, totaling over 34 minutes. The longest is an alternate introction. Everything is done with storyboards and Mark Andrews and Bird introce each scene.

Behind the scenes is split into a few different sections. The biggest areas here are two separate making-of documentaries. One comes in at 27-minutes, the other running a crazy 40-minutes. One thing that makes something like this interesting compared to another special effects, CGI laden documentary is the footage of the studios. These guys have fun when they need to wind down and it's always entertaining to watch.

"Incredi-Blunders" is a short reel of mistakes made by the animators, not outtakes that were so hilarious in other films. The section is rounded off with trailers, a photo gallery, and "interviews" with the Incredibles. That's a short feature worth watching.

"Top Secret" goes deeper into the mythology of the film. There's a cartoon called "Mr. Incredible" that manages to be a perfect parody of some early super-hero cartoon shows. For maximum laughter, listen to the commentary from both Flozone and Mr. Incredible himself. It's one of the most entertaining features on this disc. The "NSA (National Super Agency) File" is a text feature that gives an overview of all of extra characters in the film.

"Boundin'" is the final section of the disc, a short feature that played before the film in theaters. You can watch it with or without commentary. This is a wildly different piece from the company, directed by a long-standing animator Bud Luckey. If you're not sure who he is, you can watch a three-minute featurette on who he is and his inspiration for this short. (*****)

Coming in just under two hours, this is the not just the longest Pixar film ever made, it's the longest CG animated movie. It feels like it. Oh, and to all those reviewers out there who thought it was funny to call "The Incredibles" incredible, please stop. That's not a funny play on words; it's stupid. Thank you for your consideration.

C. cubicle clips 是什麼意思 ,

名詞 n.
1.小卧室, 斗室
She studies in a cubicle in the school library.

名詞 n.
1.(塑料或金屬的) 夾子, 回紋針, 別針
Fasten these sheets of paper together with a clip, please.
2.剪, 修剪
Give the hedge a clip.
3.剪報, 電影或電視片段
Clips from the movie will be presented on video.
She gave him a clip on the ear.
及物動詞 vt. & 不及物動詞 vi.
1.用別針別在某物上, 用夾子夾在某物上, 夾住, 別住, 被夾住
Did your earrings clip on?
Clip document together, please.
及物動詞 vt.
1.剪, 剪短, 修剪, 剪(掉)
May I clip out the report on my performance?
Her plait has been clipped last week.
They clip the sheep's wool once a year.
不及物動詞 vi.

D. 電影刺客聯盟

Sloan: Still trying to figure out who you are?
Wesley: [narrating] This is not me... this is just a motherfucking decoy.
Sloan: [guy in cubicle turns and looks down; Sloan, realizing his error, looks down to a X made of post-it notes on the floor] Oh, fuck.
Wesley: [narrating] This *is* me taking control; from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janis, billing reports, ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack of shit best friends. This is me taking back control of my life.

這是最後那段的台詞。坐在電腦前的,Wesley獨白的時候說了,只是一個Decoy(替身),真正的Wesley在遠處射那顆子彈呢。在The Little Things後面放的那段純音樂叫做Success Montage,之後還有一段,叫做Fox in Control。兩段都是很棒很棒的音樂。

E. 寫篇英語介紹電影的文章。會好評

"The Shawshank Redemption"
好萊鎢電影最討巧的是戰爭、愛情和勵志類電影,它們討巧的不僅是觀眾,還有奧斯卡評委們。商業電影和藝術電影在我國很難融合到一起,做到既叫好又賣座,而美國電影在這方面確實做得極為成功。 了解我的人今天突然間發現我喜歡《肖申克的救贖》這部電影,一定驚詫萬分。它反映的精神和我的性格反差如此之大。 銀行家--安迪,蒙冤入獄,被判終身監禁。無望的歲月里,面對的不僅僅是惡劣的環境,凶惡奸詐的典獄長,更多的是內心的痛楚和體制對人性的控制和左右。監獄長的那句狠台詞很能說明一切:把信仰寄託給神,把爛命交給我。 安迪柔弱智慧,影片的前一個小時讓我看得擔心壓抑,他只能循規蹈矩的在高壓下勉強生活。監獄要徹底磨滅肖申克犯人對於未來的希望,讓他們像死人一樣聽命生活。安迪改變了這一切。他不救贖了自己,還幫監獄中其他的犯人看到了希望,看到了多彩的監獄生活,人們暫時忘記了壓迫、暴力、恐慌,自由祥和的生活的樂趣給每一個人都帶來了希望。安迪居然用了十幾年的時間挖開了在朋友瑞德的眼中要挖600年的隧道,在一個風雨交加的夜裡, 他通過這條生命的通道,在500尺的污水管道里匍匐前進,在地獄和天堂的一線之隔間匍匐前進,終於,在對那一片湛藍的天空和大海的嚮往下,安迪重獲自由,並且巧妙的懲罰了有罪的典獄長等人。 當一個人被整個世界拋棄,面對絕望時,安迪--一個文弱的智者---給了我們最好的答案---自己救贖自己!!! 不想再多說,多留著懸念給你,找來看看,相信我,《肖申克的救贖》不會讓你失望。 只要心不死,人就有希望。 「心懷希望是一件好事,也許是最好的事,心懷希望就永遠有希望……既然你已經走到這兒了,就再走遠一點吧……」
Hollywood movies the most flattering is war, love and inspirational movie, they choose the easy way out is not only the audience, as well as the Oscar judges. Art and commercial cinema in our country is very difficult to integrate together, do both good and popular, and America in this movie does do a great success. I know people who suddenly discovered today that I like "The Shawshank Redemption" this movie, certainly very shocked. It reflects the spirit and my personality so much contrast. Banker, Andy, was sentenced to life in prison. No hope of years, not just the face of the deteriorating environment, the treacherous governor ferocious, more pain and inner control system of human nature and about. The warden of the prison sentence is hard lines to explain everything: the sustenance of faith to God, the bad life to me. Andy weak wisdom, an hour before the movie let me worry about depression, he can only too observant of conventional standards. under high pressure of the life force. The prison to completely obliterate Shoschenk prisoners of hope for the future, let them to live like the dead. Andy changed all that. He does not own salvation, but also to help other inmates in prison to see hope, to see the colorful life of the prison, people temporarily forget the oppression, violence, fear, freedom of peaceful enjoyment of life to each indivial brings hope. Andy had spent 10 years in opening the eyes of a friend Reed 600 years to dig the tunnel, in a It's raining and blowing hard. night, he lives through this channel, crawl in the sewage pipe is 500 feet, in cubicle hell and heaven first crawl, finally, in one of the the blue of the sky and the sea to down, Andy freed, and subtly punish the guilty of the governor. When a person is abandoned by the whole world, in the face of despair, Andy - a gentle man, gave us the best answer, they save himself!!! Don't want to say more, more suspense to you, to have a look, believe me, "The Shawshank Redemption" will not let you down. As long as the heart is dead, people there is hope. "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing, hope will have hope...... Since you have come here, just a little farther......"

F. 電影刺客聯盟

Sloan: Still trying to figure out who you are?
Wesley: [narrating] This is not me... this is just a motherfucking decoy.
Sloan: [guy in cubicle turns and looks down; Sloan, realizing his error, looks down to a X made of post-it notes on the floor] Oh, fuck.
Wesley: [narrating] This *is* me taking control; from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janis, billing reports, ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack of shit best friends. This is me taking back control of my life.

這是最後那段的台詞。坐在電腦前的,Wesley獨白的時候說了,只是一個Decoy(替身),真正的Wesley在遠處射那顆子彈呢。在The Little Things後面放的那段純音樂叫做Success Montage,之後還有一段,叫做Fox in Control。兩段都是很棒很棒的音樂。

G. 關於電影《上班一條蟲》跨文化交際的英文評價

Office Space is a 1999 American comedy film satirizing work life in a typical 1990s software company. Written and directed by Mike Judge, it focuses on a handful of indivials fed up with their jobs portrayed by Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Gary Cole, David Herman, Ajay Nai, and Diedrich Bader.
The film's sympathetic depiction of ordinary IT workers garnered a cult following within that field, but also addresses themes familiar to white collar employees in general.
Generally, it has the loose jointed feel of a bunch of sketches packed together into a narrative that doesn't gather much momentum.
That movie treats his characters a little like cartoon creatures. That works. Nuances of behavior are not necessary, because in the cubicle world every personality trait is magnified, and the captives stagger forth like grotesques.If you've ever had a job, you'll be amused by this paean to peons



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