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⑴ 求 動畫片托馬斯和他的朋友們 的MP3歌曲

片尾曲就叫 Thomas and his friends (托馬斯和朋友)


They』re two, they』re four

They』re six, they』re eight

Shunting trucks and hauling freight

Red and green and brown and blue

They』re the Really Useful crew

All with different roles to play

Round Tidmouth sheds or far away

Down the hills and round the bends

Thomas and his friends

Thomas,he』s the cheeky one

James is vain but lots of fun

Percy pulls the mail on time

Gordon thunders down the line

Emily really knows her stuff

寬激返Herry toots and huffs and puffs

Edward wants to help and share

Toby,well let』s say-he』s square


















⑵ 托馬斯簡主演的迷霧插曲叫什麼

VERYCD.COM 找的,看看你找的是哪首。

Mark Isham -《迷霧》(The Mist)[MP3]


根據Stephen Edwin King短篇小說拍攝培棚的電影《迷霧 The Mist》,在探索人性的過程中牽扯到了政治、軍事、宗教等一系列問題。Mark Isham的配樂則很明顯的從宗教的角度介入,第7曲的「The Host Of Seraphim」算是影片中宗教氛圍的及至,這首歌曲由Dead Can Dance演唱,這是一支來自澳洲的雙人組樂團,英國另類音樂界新古典主義代表,作品汲收了許多歐陸音樂因子(宗教音樂、古典音樂、民族音樂及現代的搖滾、叛客音樂等)。曲目名稱「The Host Of Seraphim」可以翻譯成「配慶則撒拉弗的軍團」或者「撒拉弗的眾天使」。熾天使撒拉弗(Seraphim)是上三級(神聖的階級的天使)之一,這一階級的天使級別最高,是上帝的近鄰,被立於上帝的四周,接受最初的差嫌「神顯」與「完全」。聖名「撒拉弗」意思是造熱者,傳熱者,是神的使者中最高位者,唯一的使命(或雲本質)就是歌頌神,展現神的愛。樂曲以恢宏的管風琴伴奏,庄嚴而神聖,女聲的高亢誦唱和男聲低沉的吟唱交錯,歌詞大意應該是對神的歌頌。影片中這首歌第一次出現在主角一行駕車離開,這一群「不信神」的人在超市「教眾」的注視下,緩緩的駛向未知的迷霧深處。第二次則是在片尾男主角結束了夥伴的生命准備尋死時,雲開霧散,一輛輛坦克和救援車輛緩緩的駛過。兩處使用都無比的悲壯而又蘊意無窮。影片中類似的誦唱音樂多次出現,很好的烘託了影片的主題。

另一首較長的曲目是第3曲「Bugs」,用快速的電子鼓點帶來緊張刺激的效果,標準的Mark Isham風格,把蟲子進攻超市的那段推到了高潮,「Spiders」則可以看作是「Bugs」的Reprise。「Mist」則把霧的那種虛無縹緲和氣中隱藏的未知的恐懼很好的表現了出來。影片以一首輕快的Jazz曲「The Vicious Blues」終結,大體是想放鬆觀眾緊綳的神經吧,出自影片《派克夫人的情人 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle》(1994)。

整部影片如同《我是傳奇》,有大段大段的零配樂場景,目的是一樣的,聽不見看不見的才是最恐怖的。所以專輯總時長也只有32分鍾。總體而言,這是一部標準的Mark Isham作品,動作感十足,聽起來暢快淋漓,而以宗教為切入點也處理得很好,大量的誦唱音樂既切合影片的主題,亦達到了悲壯的效果。


1. Won't Somebody See A Lady Home?
2. Tentacles
3. Bugs
4. Mist
5. Spiders
6. ExpIation
7. The Host Of Seraphim
Performed by Dead Can Dance. Special film version including additional material composed by Mark Isham
8. The Vicious Blues (from Mrs. Parker And The Vicious Circle)

⑶ 托馬斯和他的朋友們動畫片《托馬斯大電影》,具體哪部忘了,裡面麥克與博克與威克斯唱的歌,求歌名

THOMAS& FRIENDS(托馬斯和朋友)英文歌詞
They』re two, they』re four
They』re six, they』re eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They』re the Really Useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends
Thomas,he』s the cheeky one
James is vain but lots of fun
Percy pulls the mail on time
Gordon thunders down the line
Emily really knows her stuff
Herry toots and huffs and puffs
Edward wants to help and share
Toby,well let』s say-he』s square
They』re two, they』re four
Thry』re six, they』re eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They』re the Really Useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends
Thry』re six, they』re eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They』re the Really Useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends~~~

⑷ 跪求托馬斯和他的朋友們之勇者歷險記中的所有插曲求解求解 跪求大家


⑸ 求 動畫片托馬斯和他的朋友們 的MP3歌曲下載


⑹ 求1999年保羅·托馬斯·安德森電影《木蘭花》中的插曲


Written by Harry Nilsson
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

Written by Gabrielle (as Gabrielle Bobb) & Timothy Laws
Performed by Gabrielle
Courtesy of Go!Beat Records

"Also Sprach Zarathustra"
Written by Richard Strauss
Performed by Herbert von Karajan & Die Wiener Philharmoniker (as The Vienna Philharmonic)
Courtesy of Decca Records Company Limited

"Build That Wall"
Written by Aimee Mann and Jon Brion
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

"培手Driving Sideways"
Written by Aimee Mann and Michael Lockwood
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

"You Do"
Written by Aimee Mann
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

"Goodbye Stranger"
Written by Roger Hodgson and Rick Davies
Performed by Supertramp
Courtesy of A&M Records

Written by Aimee Mann
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

"WDKK Theme Song"
Written by Jon Brion

"Overture from Carmen"
Written by Georges Bizet
Performed by Herbert von Karajan & Die Wiener Philharmoniker (as The Vienna Philharmonic)
Courtesy of Rea Red Seal/BMG classics

"The Logical Song"
Written by Roger Hodgson and Rick Davies
Performed by Supertramp
Courtesy of A&M Records

Written by Richard Coburn, Vincent Rose and John Schonberger

"Save Me"
Written by Aimee Mann
Performed by Aimee Mann
Proced by Aimee Mann

"Wise Up"
Written by Aimee Mann
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Geffen Records

"Nothing Is Good Enough"
Written by Aimee Mann
Performed by Aimee Mann
Courtesy of Superego Records

Written by Colin Devlin
Performed by The Devlins
Courtesy of Radioactive/MCA Records

⑺ 2015托馬斯成長記電影版歌曲

The Adventure Begins Version
He's a really useful engine, you know
All the other engines they'll tell you so
He huffs and puffs and whistles, rushing to and fro
He's the really useful engine we adore
He's the one, he's the one
He's a really useful engine that we adore
He's the one, he's the one you know (UK/US version 1)/he's the number one (UK/US bonus feature music video)
Thomas The Tank Engine!
He's a really useful engine, you know
'Cos The Fat Controller he told him so (UK version 2 and bonus feature music video)
Sir Topham Hatt well he told him so (US version 2 and bonus feature music video)
Now he's got a branch line, to call his very own
He's the really useful engine we adore
He's the one, he's the one
He's the really useful engine that we adore
He's the one, he's the number one
Thomas The Tank Engine!
Little blue train, he's always there
Whenever you need a hand
If you need help with a situation
Who comes into mind?
He's the one, he's the one
He's the really useful engine that we adore
He's the one, he's the number one
Thomas The Tank Engine!
He's a really useful engine, you know
'Cos The Fat Controller he told him so (UK Version 1)
Maybe little, but he's never slow (US Version 1)
Stand back in amazement, just you watch him go
He's the really useful engine we adore!
He's the one, he's the one
He's the really useful engine that we adore
He's the one, he's the one you know
Thomas The Tank Engine!
Thomas The Tank Engine!

⑻ 求「托馬斯和他的朋友們」的主題曲mp3格式


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1vwSS0oMkFRnnmc8mxh2Thw

中文版(1~15季368+80集)" data_size="" data_filelogo="https://gss0.bdstatic.com//yun-file-logo/file-logo-6.png" data_number="1" data_sharelink="https://pan..com/s/1vwSS0oMkFRnnmc8mxh2Thw" data_code="uutj">

提取碼: uutj





⑼ 了不起的比賽英文歌

I can only be me.
There is nothing else I can possibly be.
And now I am happy I am who I am.
I will be the best me that I can.
You don't need to be faster, bigger, stronger.
You don't need more than six small wheels.
I don'碰含笑t need to be taller or be longer.
Being me now has its own appeal.
Be who you are and go far, go far.
Be who you are and go far.
Be who you are and go fast, go far.
Be who you are and go far.
We don't need to be faster, bigger, stronger.
We don't need more than six small wheels.
We don't need to be taller or be longer.
Being me now has its own appeal.
Be who you are and go far, go far.
Be who you are and go far.
Be who you are and go fast, go far.
Be who you are and go far.

⑽ 托馬斯和他的朋友們之勇者歷險記中的音樂插曲




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