導航:首頁 > 搞笑高清 > 這部電影很搞笑英語


發布時間:2024-11-22 19:01:52

1. 這個部電影看起來很有趣英語

This movie is very interesting.


2. 這個電影很有趣以至於我想再看一次英語的兩種表達

This movie is so funny that I want to watch again.

I want to watch the movie again because it's so funny.

3. 這部電影比那部更有趣一些英語

This film is more interesting than that one .

4. 這部電影很有趣用英語怎麼說

英語是"The movie is interesting",用於描述電影的觀感或評價。有關這個用法,以下是一些常見的用法和相關表達:

1. 形容詞替換:除了使用"interesting",還可以使用其他形容詞來描述電影的觀感,如"amazing"(令人驚嘆的)、"captivating"(吸引人的)、"engaging"(引人入勝的)、"entertaining"(有趣的)、"fascinating"(迷人的)等。這些形容詞都可以用來表示電影給人留下了深刻的印象或引起了濃厚的興趣。

總結來說,"The movie is interesting"是一種常見用法,用於描述電影的觀感或評價。通過使用不同的形容詞和表達方式,可以更准確地傳達對電影的觀感和評價,以及個人感受。

5. 新概念英語 翻譯: ①她有個八歲的女兒 ②這部電影很有趣 ③他們的老師對我們很友好 ④她好奇地看著

She has an eight-year-old daughter. This film is very interesting. Their teacher is kind(friendly) to us.(Their teacher treats us well.) She looks at ...me curiously. Our English is taught by Annie. A car will be bourght by them next week. These taps were turned on by Lily. Jane's daughter was dressed by Jane.

6. 《The Truman Show》觀後感,英語版本帶翻譯

楚門的世界,我們的世界 ——《楚門的世界》觀後感 《楚門的世界》又名《真人show》或《The Truman Show》,楚門在英語中就是Truman——真實的人——這是我的理解,非常具有諷刺意味的主人公名字和影片名,我想這可能是導演想以此黑色幽默來表現影片的主題吧。 我在觀看這部電影之後,覺得電影的主旨是想把真實生活的虛偽和恐怖以搞笑的形式、明亮的色調表現出來,這是種很深刻的哲學思想,非常具有辯證性,卻又讓人邏輯混亂,感到好笑又隱隱覺得不舒服,害怕這個隨時可能充斥偷窺與控制的世界。 有句很美的詩句,好像是:你站在橋上看風景,在橋上的你也是他人眼中的風景。在沒看《楚門的世界》之前,我的確覺得這句是很美,不過之後回味了一下,就覺得有點變味了,說的誇張點,有點像偷窺狂在窗簾隙縫間看著外面走過的人,嘴角帶著猥瑣的笑容,而不是我原先想的那種捧著咖啡杯看著窗外風景的淑女,靜靜觀察著橋上的行人的感覺了。 可能是我的想法太悲觀了吧,這部電影很搞笑,又有友情、愛情甚至冒險的元素在裡面,但我怎麼咀嚼這部電影的味道都是對現代社會科技進步、網張羅了整個世界的人的網路的擔憂——一個人通過與6個人接觸就可以和比爾蓋茨搭上關系、隨時可能被人肉和曝光消息的世界的擔憂。的確,我們每個人都在過著現代的生活,都發現自己越來越不適應沒有網路得世界,都或多或少有手機或者網路依賴症,這樣便捷的生活但的確很時尚和高效,但是我們的隱私變得越來越得不到保護,也許此刻我上傳的一張照片下一秒就在網上被人惡搞了,或者我在照片中帶了一隻昂貴的手錶,沒幾天,我就被60多億人知道了我是富二代或者官二代,我的爸爸是干什麼的,我的祖上有什麼事跡,我干過哪些壞事或好事„„在電腦屏幕前的人都和電影里的人們一樣,渴望知道楚門的真實生活,可是作為觀眾的他們不也被我們看在眼裡? 這讓我想打高中物理老師給我們講的一個關於地球起源事例,她說:「地球是來自大爆炸,大爆炸前世界是一個混沌的球,裡面積聚了很多的能量,知道到了一個臨界點,能量過剩,大爆炸發生了,可是,當時的那個球存在於哪裡,是什麼容納了它?是虛無的空間容納了它嗎?那世界不就早就存在了嗎,包括一片虛無和一顆巨大的球,那麼這些虛無是有什麼組成的,或者說這顆球最早積聚時所需的物質是哪裡來的?」,她停了下,然後笑笑「再想下去,腦子是回爆炸的,這就真的是奇妙的大爆炸了。」 到底我們世界是不是真實的? 請忘卻我剛才營造的恐怖氣氛,讓我們好好享受自己的生活吧!努力發現自己想要的、想追求的,和楚門一樣,在任人擺布、一成不變、每天都是「good morning , good afternoon , good night 」的世界發現自己的真愛和事實的真相,然後放手去拼一次,也不枉自己活了那麼久,畢竟生活還是掌握在我們自己的手中的,我們可以選擇自己想要的。
Truman's world, our world -- "the Truman show" feedback "Truman show" also known as "real" or "The Truman show Show", Truman in English is Truman -- real people -- this is my understanding, very ironic hero name and the name of the film, I think it may be the director wanted to black humor to express the theme of the movie. I after watching this movie, that the subject of the film is to put the real life of hypocrisy and terror in the form of comedy, bright colors show, this is a kind of philosophical thought is very profound, very dialectics, but also make people confused logic, feel funny and faintly feel uncomfortable, afraid of the peep and control at any time may fill the world. There is a beautiful poem, like: you stand on the bridge to see the scenery on the bridge, you are the scenery in the eyes of others. In did not see "the Truman show" before, I really think this sentence is very beautiful, but after the aftertaste once, I feel a little stale, said some exaggeration, a bit like a voyeur in curtain gap between looked out through people, mouth with a wretched smile, not my original think that holding Coffee cup I look out of the window of the lady, quietly watching the pedestrians on the bridge of feeling. May be I am too pessimistic, this movie is very funny, and friendship, love even adventure elements in it, but how do I chew the film's flavor is on modern social science and technology progress, network got together the whole world people network concerns can -- a person through contact with 6 man and Bill Gates on a relationship, may at any time be human flesh and exposure news world concern. Indeed, every one of us is living a modern life, have found themselves increasingly do not adapt without network world, more or less have mobile phone or internet dependency, so convenient life but it is fashionable and efficient, but our privacy becomes more and more can not be protected, perhaps at the moment I upload a photo the next seconds on the Internet was a spoof, or I in the photo with an expensive watch, not a few days, I was about 6000000000 people know me is the two rich generation or the official two generation, my dad is stem what of, my ancestors have what deeds, I did what is bad or good things in front of a computer screen people are the same with the people in the film, eager to know the Truman show real life, but as a member of the audience they didn't we see in the eye? It makes me want to play high school physics teacher told us a case concerning the origin of the earth, she said: "the earth is from the big bang, before the big bang world is a chaotic ball, which has accumulated a lot of energy, know to a critical point, the excess energy, the big bang, but at that time, the ball exists in where, what hold it? Empty space to accommodate it? The world does not have existed for a long time, including a void and a huge ball, then these nothing is what composition, or that required the ball the most early accumulation of the substance is where come?" She stopped, then smiled, "think again, the brain is back to the explosion, this really is a big bang wonderful." What we Is it right? Real world? Please forget what I just create a terrorist atmosphere, let us enjoy their own life! Try to find what they want, want to pursue, and Truman, manipulated, immutable and frozen in, every day is "good morning, good afternoon, good night" of the world find their true love and the truth, and then let go to fight again, but also to his live so long, after all, life is still in the hands of our own hands, we can choose their desired.

7. "它是一部非常搞笑的電影"的英語翻譯怎麼寫

It is a funny movie.

如對本題有疑問可追問,Good luck!



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