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③ 哪裡觀看電影風雨哈佛路
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④ (1/2)求英語高手幫忙,幫我用英語把《風雨哈佛路》這部電影介紹出來,我們老師要求我們看10部英語電影...
一部關於Liz murray的真人真事,一部感人至深的勵志影片。
麗茲(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch飾)出生在美國的貧民窟里,從小就開始承受著家庭的千瘡百孔,父母酗酒吸毒,母親患上了精神分裂症。貧窮的麗茲需要出去乞討,流浪在城市的角落,生活的苦難似乎無窮無盡。
A movie about Liz Murray reality, a touching inspirational videos.
Liz ( Thora Birch Thora Birch) was born in the United States of America 's slums, began to inherit the family in a disastrous state, parental alcohol drugs, the mother suffering from schizophrenia. Poor Liz to go begging, wandering in the corner of the city, the suffering of life seems inexhaustible.
With the growing slowly, Liz knew, only reading success can change the fate of its own, out of the mire. She get a teacher from the complete examination papers, beautiful, strive for the opportunity to study. From now on, Liz in the long journey began studying the way. She make every attempt to apply for scholarship to Harvard, ring an interview a decent clothes without. However, poverty and not stopped Liz determination, in her life, never retreat of the struggle is an eternal theme.
英文名Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story 別名風雨哈佛路
語言英語 時長USA:120 min 國家地區美國 上映信息2003年4月7日 美國 導演Peter Levin
English name Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story alias rain Harvard Road
Language English long USA:120 min countries in America on April 7, 2003 the United States information director Peter Levin
類型 文藝
劇情 ;她的爸媽都是毒蟲,媽媽患了精神分裂症,雙眼失明,後來死於AIDS。住過收容所,也睡過地鐵站,從來沒有一個象樣的家的她,青少年的歲月多半是在慌亂的流浪中度過的。偶爾,她還要扮演大人的角色,回去照顧她的爸媽和姊姊,多少次,她流淚坐在媽媽的病床前面。她身邊的人,多半是遭遇不幸的人。暴力、性虐待和精神疾病。一日復一日,她活在一個沒有希望和夢想的世界裡。
為了念哈佛,她必須要申請獎學金,找遍了所有的獎學金信息,她發現紐約時報提供全額的獎學金,足夠讓她去念昂貴的哈佛。面試的那天,她連一件象樣的衣服都沒有,穿著一件破爛衣服,罩上一件向姊姊借來的大衣勉強充場面。果然,她得到了那筆獎金,進了哈佛。領獎致詞的那天,她說,她的生命就在那一刻,將永遠地被改變。Liz Murray,一個最貧窮,也最勇敢的哈佛女孩。
Types of literature
Plot; her parents are the vermin, mother 's schizophrenia, blind, later died of AIDS. Living at the shelter, also slept in the subway station, there has never been a decent home her teen years, mostly in the confusion of the wandering through. Occasionally, she also played the role of alts, to go back to take care of her parents and sister, how many times tears, she sat in her mother's bed. The people around her, mostly human misfortunes. Violence, sexual abuse and psychiatric disorders. One day in and day out, she did not live in a world where hope and dreams.
" Wake up every day, I saw everyone in the world, seems to have a layer of membrane, cannot penetrate. It is a strange feeling, a little sad, but no way to change. "
Curiously, poverty and negative childhood experiences, and did not let her go bad or lose hope, indistinct, she always knew, in her growth environment, other people have done, is a very different life. And she knows, just think of a way out of the current environment, can only be to the new world. After her mother died a few months, there is no economic sources, not the spirit of encouraging situation, a person of her own, applying to a private high school, because she believed that, reading public high school and can't help her out of trouble. Start studying, she still had no place to sleep, but also in the dirty washing trough front, side work to earn a meagre salary, a concept of calculus, geometry.
Her all family, friends all told her, no use, do not enter university fond dream. But when she got the first in his class, get the opportunity to visit the campus that day, she gave the promise, to be a member of the harvard. On that day, when she looked at the walk on the Harvard campus of men and women, the mind can not help but ask yourself, " these people act, why so different? Is it right? Because, they come to the world is so different? If so, then I should work harder, harder, push myself to the world. "
In order to Harvard, she must apply for the scholarship, searched all the scholarship information, she found the New York Times offered a full scholarship, enough to let her go to expensive harvard. Interview that day, she even a decent clothes, wearing a ragged clothes, covered with a piece to the sister borrowed coat barely token. As expected, she got the bonus, into harvard. His speech that day, she says, her life at that moment, forever will be changed. Liz Murray, one of the poorest, most brave Harvard girl.
⑤ 跪求適合大學生的英文電影推薦勵志電影,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源
劇名:美麗心靈 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:
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⑦ 風雨人生 Act of Will (1989)那裡可以下載很想看。
Act of Will (1989– )
⑧ 求一個外國短片,中文名字被翻譯成風雨人生路 ,據說是很巧妙的在幾分鍾之內濃縮了整個人生。最好是可下載
⑨ 求電影風雨哈佛路帶中英字幕,謝謝!
《風雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story)是美國一部催人警醒的勵志電影。影片由Peter Levi執導,索拉·伯奇(Thora Birch)、邁克·里雷(Michael Riley)等主演。影片介紹了一位生長在紐約的女孩莉斯(Liz)經歷人生的艱辛和辛酸,憑借自己的努力,最終走進了最高學府的經歷。影片於2003年4月7日在美國上映。
⑩ 1987年中央台正大劇場放映過的外國電影 錯覺 在哪裡可以找到
鐵膽雄獅 金玫瑰洞 浪漫之旅 金色小提琴 地心游記 簡愛(連續劇版) 基督山伯爵 80天環繞地球 海底兩萬里 老人與海 風雨娉婷 霧都孤兒 純真的愛情 天使在人間 霹靂五號 雨中情 領航員 鷹狼傳奇 金色池塘 味濃情更濃 卡拉姆一家 電腦夢幻曲 魔鞋 神秘島 失蹤疑雲 晨星之子 遺產 雨中曲 氣球上的五星期 姜樹 雲中華爾茲 待到重逢時 是,大臣 殺人鱷魚潭 費舍爾醫生 費城試驗 女超人 沿著河走 後宮 方舟一號 鷹狼傳奇 男保姆 鏡子 夜驚魂 飛碟領航員 海蒂 水晶奇緣 九霄驚魂 天堂里的冬天 根 金幣的故事 小怪物 不該發生的事 藍色月光 薩曼莎 春琴抄 超人 大草原上的小屋 一個明星的誕生 淚灑佛羅倫薩 魔筆 逆風而行 燈塔山的故事 重返中世紀 青年與神燈 簡和失落的城市 世界上最老的伴娘 金色豪門 芳鄰疑案 三個老兵 俏語真情 魔法時刻 未來之火 東方快車戀曲 飛向太陽(into the sun) 傑西卡 待到重逢時 女超人 魔鬼的交易 吉姆漢森的說書人 矮仙傳奇 奇怪的婚姻 血洗鱷魚仇 迷途知返者 神怪海奇 我們自己的家 飛行器里的好小伙兒 浪漫華爾街 聖誕之戀 荒野有情天 冤獄 回歸 地球停轉之日 月球偷渡者? 圈套 油炸綠番茄 三上銀色列車 皇冠上的鑽石 心中的地圖 鐵人 小精靈丹尼 靜候賜福 玻璃女兒心 愛迪生兄弟 皇後號歷險 借來的情感 夏日輓歌 情夢古堡 剪刀手愛德華 鄂魚鄧迪 心心相通 那時我們在一起? 不該發生的故事 二戰三巨頭 別了紅石鎮 屋頂上的男孩 蜜語真情 重返十八歲 公主新娘 回到未來 街頭俏妞 旅途守護天使 華盛頓城堡的聖徒 殺人動機 伊豆的舞女 寂靜中 舐犢情深 靜候賜復 亞瑟王 青鳥? 賽場兄弟情 格列佛游記 萵苣姑娘(格林童話) 東方快車戀曲 絕唱 冰上浪漫曲 以劍作證? 風雨人生 長發姑娘(格林童話) 呼嘯山莊 葉塞尼婭 愛情與王位 諜海奇材 誰是母親 高樓軼事 惡魔捷克 彈唱姻緣 逆風而行 情夢古堡 無敵雷公號 霹靂游俠 荊棘鳥 我嫁了個影子 探長維克多? 鉤子船長 白衣女人 時間隧道 日德蘭王子 弗洛斯河上的磨房 誤闖阿瑟王宮 心靈的冒險 欺騙 東方快車謀殺案 青蛙王子 火車站旁的小酒吧? 仙女下凡 友情天地 傲慢與偏見