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雨人 Rain Man 英文影評 review by David Nusair
The first sentence of Pauline Kael's review for Rain Man reads, "Rain Man is Dustin Hoffman humping one note on a piano for two hours and eleven minutes." Though his performance has been imitated and parodied in the years since the film's release, Hoffman undeniably does a fantastic job of becoming this entirely different person. Kael seemingly objects to the single-mindedness with which Raymond, Hoffman's character, approaches life; how are we to know that a man with that kind of autism wouldn't behave in the exact same manner?
Hoffman's performance is so memorable it's easy enough to forget that he's not even the central character; rather, Raymond's brother Charlie (Tom Cruise) plays a far more pivotal role in propelling the story forward. As the movie opens, Charlie is in the midst of attempting to keep his shady business afloat (it has something to do with expensive cars) when he learns that his estranged father has passed away. At the reading of the will, Charlie discovers that his departed dad was worth over $3 million - though his brother Raymond is the sole beneficiary of said cash. The catch is Charlie never knew he had a brother, so he heads to the home where Raymond lives and abcts him - in the hope that he'll be able to barter for half the dough.
Rain Man is clearly a proct of the late '80s, as evidenced by the uncommonly distracting score by Hans Zimmer and the sun-bleached look of the movie. Though the themes and performances remain intact some 15 years later, there's no denying the fact that director Barry Levinson was perhaps a little too influenced by what was hot at the time. But unlike some other movies from that decade that don't quite hold up (ie To Live and Die in L.A.), Rain Man remains a compelling film - anchored by two fabulous lead performances.
Less plot-driven than one might expect, Rain Man is mostly a series of vignettes as Charlie and Raymond hit the road (Raymond refuses to fly, since every major airline has had at least one crash - except Qantas, which only flies out of Australia). This leads to sequences that most audiences will be familiar with, even if they've not seen the movie (ie the moment in which Raymond instantly recalls the number of a waitress after reading half the phone book the night before). But really, Charlie and Raymond's misadventures are secondary; it's the development of Charlie as a character that really keeps us involved.
Though it initially seems as though Charlie's going to the sort of cocky and self-assured type that Cruise excels at, there's more going on here than just the standard grin-and-smirk performance that dominated much of Cruise's early work. Charlie's cliched journey from selfish cad to considerate gentleman is made all-the-more convincing thanks to Cruise's surprisingly effective work. And then, of course, there's Hoffman. The veteran actor never breaks concentration for a second, and turns Raymond into a figure that's absolutely convincing. It's the ticks and mannerisms that Kael objected to that allow Raymond to become a fully fleshed-out character; though we're not given a lot of backstory on him, it's simple enough to glean info about his past through various little things he does throughout the movie.
Though the film perhaps wasn't entirely deserving of the Best Picture Oscar, there's no denying that Rain Man is a superbly acted drama. Cruise and Hoffman create characters that are so intriguing that the predictability of the story and late '80s directorial flourishes are easily overlooked.

❷ 求電影Rain Man的英文讀後感,以及故事梗概(不超過20句)全部要求英文!

Charlie is a hustler. He's been on his own long enough to know how to work people and situations. He finds that the father who threw him out as a teen ager has died. He's left him a now antique convertible and something more important, a previously unknown brother, Raymond. Raymond is autistic, but is able to calculate complicated mathematical problems in his head with great speed and accuracy. Their father has left his fortune to Raymond who doesn't even understand what money is for. Charlie is enraged by what has happened and by his father keeping Raymond's existence from him for his entire life. He kidnaps Raymond from his residential home but then finds that Raymond will only fly Qantas. The two begin a long road trip that will lead them to an understanding of each other.
Self-centred salesman Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) kidnaps the autistic brother (Dustin Hoffman) he never knew existed to try and claw back his inheritance. Rain Man is about two brothers, and their new, forming relationship, learning to live with and love each other, and making that understanding that only brothers have.

Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt is without doubt one of the finest performances I have ever seen from Hollywood in the last two decades. The standard I think he set with Rain Man is one that is difficult to beat - he was extremely impressive as an autistic man. The way he walked, talked, even his eye movement and facial expressions, were all perfect. I was bowled over by his talent, and found him to be extremely believable as Raymond. Now, I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I have to admit he was very, very good in his role of the thoughtless, cynical, and arrogant Charlie Babbitt. This was probably the best he's ever done in his acting career. In addition to two wonderful performances, Cruise and Hoffman's connection on screen was fantastic, resulting in truly emotional, moving, and many times humorous, occasions. They had me floored.

I found Rain Man to have amazing cinematography. The entire casino sequence, I thought, was filmed beautifully. And a commendable mention must go to the elevator scene, with Raymond and Susanna. I found that scene to be truly heartbreaking, but at the same time sweet. The ending is one of those moments that cannot be explained; a unique closure that is truly soul-stirring and touching. Overrall, this is a poignant, powerful view of the human spirit.

Rain Man is a rare gem, and one which cannot be forgotten.

❸ 1988版達斯汀·霍夫曼和湯姆·克魯斯主演的雨人RainMan(1988)哪位有百度雲免費資源鏈接

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1G_gs1Ba_42253pDQC7fTVQ


導演: 巴瑞·萊文森

編劇: 羅納德·巴斯 / 巴里·莫羅

主演: 達斯汀·霍夫曼 / 湯姆·克魯斯 / 瓦萊麗亞·戈利諾 / 邦尼·亨特

類型: 劇情

製片國家/地區: 美國

語言: 英語 / 義大利語

上映日期: 1988-12-16(美國)

片長: 133分鍾

又名: 手足情未了(港) / 手足情深

該影片講述了查理(湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)父親去世,留下了300萬美元的遺產。然而令他意外的是,遺產全部給了一個他不認識的哥哥雷蒙(達斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 飾)。雷蒙的名字查理從沒聽過,這個事件讓他氣憤不已。他決定前去尋找哥哥。誰知雷蒙的住處就在一個精神病院里,原來他自幼患有自閉症,母親去世後就被送到精神病院治療。查理心中有了算計,他把雷蒙帶出精神病院,企圖騙他出讓遺產。雷蒙的生活習慣奇異,活在自己的幻想世界裡,有很多離奇古怪的行為。並且,查理在共處中發現了雷蒙驚人的記憶能力,他試著利用哥哥過目不忘的本領去賭場上試一下身手,贏得了一大筆獎金,使查理足以擺脫窮困生活。而令查理收獲更大的是,他還獲得了慢慢升溫的親情,這種手足情遠遠勝過了他原先圖謀的300萬的遺產。

❹ 急!!!------電影rain man的英文影評

Charlie is a young and struggling Los Angeles businessman who sells expensive cars for a living. One day he receives word that his father, a man with whom he had not spoken in years, had died back in Cincinnati, Ohio. Charlie returns to his childhood home to take care of his father's property, only to find out that virtually all of his dad's $3,000,000 estate was left to an unnamed person in a 'trust' (A legal document giving property to another person).

After doing some investigating, Charlie learns that the trust was for a person who lived in a home for the mentally disabled near his childhood house. While exploring this institution with his girlfriend, Susanna, Charlie makes a nearly unbelievable discovery: The person to whom the trust was given is an autistic man named Raymond Babbitt, who it turns out is Charlie's older brother. Charley had never known he had a brother, for his parents had never told him.
In his confusion, anger and greed, Charlie decides to take Raymond back with him. Raymond is probably not prepared to leave the Ohio institution he has lived in his entire life, but Charlie is determined to get what he thinks is his "fair share" of his father's estate. Thus, Charlie decides to fight for legal custody (possession) of his new brother, as a way of being able to get to the $3,000,000 that his father had left for Raymond.

In their journey back to Los Angeles, Raymond nearly drives Charlie crazy with the maddening characteristics that are a function of his autism (see note below). But eventually, Raymond has a profound influence on Charlie, and thus Charlie eventually grows to love and accept his brother exactly as he is.

A note on autism: People who are autistic are believed to suffer from an abnormal psychological state in which they have a severely limited understanding of reality. Perhaps more importantly, it is believed they have little understanding of their own emotions, or the emotions of other people.
There is a wide range of autism that exists. Some people are so autistic they can almost do nothing for themselves, and are completely dependent on others for their everyday needs.

There are other autistics who are considered "high functioning," and thus are able to do much on their own, although they may still be better off living in institutions that care for the mentally disabled. Still other autistics are what are called "idiot savants," in that they have the ordinary limitations of most autistics, but they also have special mental skills that are reflective of pure genius. For example, in the case of Raymond, he appears to have both the memory and basic math abilities of a computer, not a person.
Over the last several years (perhaps in part because of this movie), a growing body of literature on the experience of autism has emerged that you may want to explore. Much of this material is available on the web.


❺ 求《真正的雨人》(The Real Rain Man)的字幕,最好是中文的,如果沒有英文也行。謝謝了。。。。

參考答案 58.這年頭,殺了爹或者被爹殺了都不算新聞。

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鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1r9HgKQqo6R2BW_mC40VA5Q



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查理(湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)父親去世,留下了300萬美元的遺產。然而令他意外的是,遺產全部給了一個他不認識的哥哥雷蒙(達斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 飾)。雷蒙的名字查理從沒聽過,這個事件讓他氣憤不已。他決定前去尋找哥哥。誰知雷蒙的住處就在一個精神病院里,原來他自幼患有自閉症,母親去世後就被送到精神病院治療。查理心中有了算計,他把雷蒙帶出精神病院,企圖騙他出讓遺產。


❾ 電影rainman影評

綜上所述,得出的結論是,《雨人》是一部值得玩味的不錯的情感片,但依舊是擺脫不了好萊塢模式的窠臼,以商業元素的介入為主,藝術樣式的創造為輔,製造出符合大眾口味的電影。道德標准被確立在主導環節,並對影片的敘事及藝術創造產生了直接的影響。類似的影片在美國比比皆是,只是這部《雨人》總體基調及細節上的把握更細膩、平穩,再加上天才的表演,所以取得了巨大的成功,這也從一個側面代表了奧斯卡的取捨標准——中庸的題材 傳統的手法。



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