『壹』 美國電影史英文版
英譯:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.
By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).
從那以後,許多電影公司在好萊塢落戶,著名的電影公司有:米高梅電影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,簡稱MGM)、派拉蒙影業公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世紀福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、華納兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷電華公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,簡稱RKO)、環球公司(Universal)、聯美公司(United Artists)、哥倫比亞影業公司(Columbia Pictures)。
『貳』 看英語原版電影對英語學習的影響
在詞彙學習上,你可以將詞彙的用法做詳盡的分析,挖掘詞語的深層含義,對詞彙有一個全方位的認識,而不僅僅停留在"就詞論詞"上。例如《阿甘正傳》中,阿甘在表達自己極愛吃巧克力時說,自己可以吃下"一百五十萬塊巧克力",I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "million"一詞在本句中是大量的意思,而並非說阿甘有過人之處,通過對"million"用法的分析,我對美國人的日常用語中用誇張的語氣表示數量多的用法,有了一個更直觀的了解。
首先,看英文電影最好做好物質准備。最好能夠利用DVD影碟機或者電腦的DVD光碟機。這一點尤其重要,因為DVD具有能夠輕易調入調出字幕,中英文字幕隨意切換的優點,這一點是VCD或者RM格式所難以達到的。絕大多數學員在看電影的過程中都離不開字幕的幫助。如果條件上不具備大家可以上網下載一些電影的DVD drip,另外再去一些字幕網站尋找這個電影的中英文字幕文件就是了。
適當的英文電影的選擇可以說決定了學習效果的好壞,對於初級學員,我建議大家選擇電影的時候以題材輕松、內容簡單、畫面對語言說明作用強為原則。這樣有助於大家通過電影的畫面情節猜出語言的含義,避免學習中因聽不懂、看不懂而去尋求字典等其他手段幫助而導致的疲勞現象。推薦電影:Sound of Music, Finding Nemo, Lion King, Beauty and Beast 等等
中級水平的學員除了學習語言本身外,更要提高對英語文化背景知識的了解。因此選擇一些歷史題材的影片進行學習非常重要。推薦電影:Forest Gump, Heaven Earth, Troy, Patriot, Brave Heart, Gone With the Wind 等等。
對自己的水平比較有信心的同學可以選擇Sex and the City, Friends 等等時下比較流行的肥皂劇,通過劇情學習一些比較地道的口語表達,讓自己的英語顯得更加的地道。
『叄』 推薦美國電影,英文版的
『肆』 請列出盡可能多的歐美的好看電影的英文名,中文翻譯也要。好的加分。
《加勒比海盜5:死無對證》是由迪士尼電影公司推出的奇幻歷險電影加勒比海盜系列的第五部作品,由喬阿吉姆·羅恩尼、艾斯彭·山德伯格聯合執導,傑瑞·布魯克海默製片,約翰尼·德普、哈維爾·巴登、布蘭頓·思懷茲、卡雅·斯考達里奧、傑弗里·拉什等人主演 。
該片講述了傑克船長一行人懷揣著各自的目的踏上尋找傳說中海神波塞冬的三叉戟的奇幻冒險故事 。
『伍』 求近10年來美國經典電影和其英文名字,越多越好,有利於學英語的,謝謝!
而且,美國獨立後,不僅政治 文化獨立了,而且語言他們也要求獨立,所以他們的英語(也就是我們說的美式英語)並不是現代流行的且純正的美國英語,他們現在說的是古英語,比如CEO這個詞,是羅馬宗教改革時期的衍生詞,尤其是電影中。而我們現在學習的是現代英語,所以要慎重好一些。
『陸』 美國電影對中國文化影響,英文版
American movies and Chinese culture
From 1980s, a lot of western things, especially Hollywood movies have been swarming into China, which have influenced Chinese culture greatly. Just as everything has two sides. I think these influences include positive and negative aspects.
Positive aspects:
Political culture----the concept of democracy
In American movies, there are lots of scenes such as election, parliament and ballot. Chinese know the western democracy truly that is different from the ecation of the Chinese Communist Party.
Life culture----real western life style
In American movies, we find that life can be so degage like that. It makes many people thirsty for American life even paying with their lives.
Family culture----the new family concept
In the Chinese culture, there are usually big families. Lots of people live together including your grandparents, your parents, your aunts, your uncles, your brothers, your sisters and you. However, when we have seen American movies, we changed our concept. We know that parents and we can live separately. Parents will not put so much attention on us as before after we could support ourselves. They can live happily by themselves, but in past, parents put their attention on us all their lives. Meanwhile, we also find that we will not take care of our parents so much when we come up the stage. In past, the situation is not so. Chinese attach importance to filial piety so that we should take care of our parents very much.
Clothing culture----various clothing
In American movies, we find that we can live by ourselves which is called indivialism. In the past, Chinese clothing is simple that is different from motley clothing and hairstyle in America. Recently, from Sun Yet Sen's uniform to business suit, from cheongsam to erogenous clothes,the clothing has changed greatly.
Food culture----food and drink
In American movies, we can frequently see a family having breakfast together in the morning. Milk and coffee become more and more popular among youths in China. Meanwhile, tea that represents traditional drink in Chinese culture has less influence than before. Moreover, fast foods such as hamburgers, sandwiches, chips and buffet dinners impact Chinese food. A lot of Chinese, especially youths consider them as their favourite food, though they are a litter expensive.
Negative aspects:
Sexual culture----eroticism
As everyone known, there are lot of sexual scenes such as bareness and sex in Hollywood movies. Praiseworthily, they bring liberation of sex in China. However, it leads many problems such as porno, coprology, carnalism and one-night love.
Violent culture----adoring violence
Typical violent movies such as 007 greatly influence Chinese. A lot of people like to use violence to settle problems.
『柒』 英文版奧斯卡金像獎簡介
The Academy Awards, officially known as the American academy of motion picture arts and sciences, are the world's most prestigious film awards.
The Academy Awards are an annual award in the United States that honors the achievements of the film instry.
Designed to encourage the creation and development of excellent films, it covers a wide range of film genres.
There are more than 20 different awards, and it is the oldest media award in the world.
Has become the world's most influential film awards.
Each year, the oscars are broadcast live on television and on the Internet in more than 100 countries.
『捌』 求經典美國電影影評,最好是英文版的,中文也行,一個電影最好有多個影評 發776900490,非常感謝了
《肖申克的救贖》的英文影評 版本二郵件發給你
Though adapted from a Stephen King novella, "The Shawshank Redemption" has more to do with a man's internal demons than the kind that routinely rise up from overgrown graveyards. Like "Stand by Me," it's not a typical story from the horror King. Instead, it's a devoutly old-fashioned, spiritually uplifting prison drama about two lifers who must break their emotional shackles before they can finally become free men.
Set in a spooky old penitentiary with turrets and towers, the movie manages to be true to its Big House origins while incorporating such horrific mainstays as the clanking of chains and the creaking of the walls. There's even a raven that roosts in the prison library, where he is cared for by a darling old trusty (James Whitmore). For the most part, however, the movie expands upon cliches that date back to James Cagney's prison portraits梩he twisted warden (Bob Gunton) and the sadistic guard (Clancy Brown).
Director Frank Darabont, who apprenticed on B-scripts ("The Fly II") and TV movies ("Buried Alive"), manages to fashion an improbable new pattern from the same old material in his remarkable debut. While he deals with the grimmest aspects of prison life (sadistic guards, gang rapes and befouled food), Darabont is chiefly interested in the 20-year friendship that sustains Andy (Tim Robbins) and Red (Morgan Freeman) .
The movie opens in 1947 as Andy, a prominent New England banker, is on trial for murdering his wife and her lover. Not only did he have a motive, but he had the opportunity梙is footprints were found at the scene of the crime梐nd he had a weapon of the caliber used in the shootings. He insists that he is innocent, but the jury finds him guilty. Sentenced to life twice over, Andy is shipped to the maximum-security state prison at Shawshank, Maine. An introverted loner with an interest in reading, chess and rock carving, Andy doesn't make himself many friends until Red, a 30-year-veteran of the system, decides to take him under his wing.
Things begin to change for the better when Andy finds a way to use his skills and ecation to benefit his fellow felons. When he overhears the guard captain complaining about losing most of an inheritance to taxes, he offers to trade his advice for three beers for each of the men who are working with him that day tarring the roof.
His reputation as a financial adviser spreads, and soon he is doing the taxes for all the guards and running the warden's outside scams. This leads to a position in the tiny prison library, which Andy graally expands into the best ecational facility of its kind in the area. It takes him six years to do it, but Andy never gives up hope.
It is hope that allows the self-proclaimed innocent man to survive what may or may not be an unjust imprisonment. And hope is his gift to his friend Red, who no longer even tries to impress the parole board at his hearings. He's become "institutionalized," he explains to Andy, and would be a "nobody" on the outside.
Red's gift to Andy is absolution when he finally confesses his true sins. Whether or not he pulled the trigger, Andy blames himself for causing his wife's death; his redemption comes as he learns to give of himself over the course of this marvelously acted and directed film.
Robbins gives a performance that evolves with beautiful clarity from starchy banker to warm and loving friend. Freeman is sure to gain his third Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Red. He also reads the film's lovely narration, much of it drawn verbatim from King's 1982 novella.
A detailed portrait of the routine of cellblock life, "The Shawshank Redemption" might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation. Mostly, though, it reminds us of that we all hold the keys to our own prisons.
《楚門的世界》英文影評The Truman Show'' is founded on an enormous secret that all of the studio's advertising has been determined to reveal. I didn't know the secret when I saw the film, and was able to enjoy the little doubts and wonderings that the filmmakers so carefully planted. If by some good chance you do not know the secret, read no further.
Those fortunate audience members (I trust they have all left the room?) will be able to appreciate the meticulous way director Peter Weir and writer Andrew Niccol have constructed a jigsaw plot around their central character, who doesn't suspect that he's living his entire life on live television. Yes, he lives in an improbably ideal world, but I fell for that: I assumed the movie was taking a sitcom view of life, in which neighbors greet each other over white picket fences, and Ozzie and Harriet are real people.
Actually, it's Seaside, a planned community on the Gulf Coast near Tampa. Called Seahaven in the movie, it looks like a nice place to live. Certainly Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) doesn't know anything else. You accept the world you're given, the filmmakers suggest; more thoughtful viewers will get the buried message, which is that we accept almost everything in our lives without examining it very closely. When was the last time you reflected on how really odd a tree looks? Truman works as a sales executive at an insurance company, is happily married to Meryl (Laura Linney), and doesn't find it suspicious that she describes household procts in the language of TV commercials. He is happy, in a way, but an uneasiness gnaws away at him. Something is missing, and he thinks perhaps he might find it in Fiji, where Lauren (Natascha McElhone), the only woman he really loved, allegedly has moved with her family.
Why did she leave so quickly? Perhaps because she was not a safe bet for Truman's world: The actress who played her (named Sylvia) developed real feeling and pity for Truman, and felt he should know the truth about his existence. Meryl, on the other hand, is a reliable pro (which raises the question, unanswered, of their sex life).
Truman's world is controlled by a TV procer named Christof (Ed Harris), whose control room is high in the artificial dome that provides the sky and horizon of Seahaven. He discusses his programming on talk shows, and dismisses the protests of those (including Sylvia) who believe Truman is the victim of a cruel deception. Meanwhile, the whole world watches Truman's every move, and some viewers even leave the TV on all night, as he sleeps.
The trajectory of the screenplay is more or less inevitable: Truman must graally realize the truth of his environment, and try to escape from it. It's clever the way he's kept on his island by implanted traumas about travel and water. As the story unfolds, however, we're not simply expected to follow it: We're invited to think about the implications. About a world in which modern communications make celebrity possible, and inhuman.
Until fairly recently, the only way you could become really famous was to be royalty, or a writer, actor, preacher or politician--and even then, most people had knowledge of you only through words or printed pictures.
Television, with its insatiable hunger for material, has made celebrities into ``content,'' devouring their lives and secrets. If you think ``The Truman Show'' is an exaggeration, reflect that Princess Diana lived under similar conditions from the day she became engaged to Charles.
Carrey is a surprisingly good choice to play Truman. We catch glimpses of his manic comic persona, just to make us comfortable with his presence in the character, but this is a well-planned performance; Carrey is on the right note as a guy raised to be liked and likable, who decides his life requires more risk and hardship. Like the angels in ``City of Angels,'' he'd like to take his chances.
Ed Harris also finds the right notes as Christof, the TV svengali. He uses the technospeak by which we distance ourselves from the real meanings of our words. (If TV procers ever spoke frankly about what they were really doing, they'd come across like Bulworth.) For Harris, the demands of the show take precedence over any other values, and if you think that's an exaggeration, tell it to the TV news people who broadcast that Los Angeles suicide.
I enjoyed ``The Truman Show'' on its levels of comedy and drama; I liked Truman in the same way I liked Forrest Gump--because he was a good man, honest, and easy to sympathize with.
But the underlying ideas made the movie more than just entertainment. Like ``Gattaca,'' the previous film written by Niccol, it brings into focus the new values that technology is forcing on humanity.
Because we can engineer genetics, because we can telecast real lives--of course we must, right? But are these good things to do? The irony is, the people who will finally answer that question will be the very ones proced by the process.
『玖』 急求有關美國電影文化方面的資料,盡量是英文版的
『拾』 好萊塢電影對中國的負面影響 麻煩快點給我點幫助 英文最好