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⑴ 求《辛普森一家》電影版 (英文原版 無中文字幕)





⑵ 求辛普森一家電影版的英文字幕


0,0:09:59.42,0:10:01.91,Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over--?
0,0:10:02.13,0:10:03.59,Two thousand gaIIons a year.
0,0:10:03.80,0:10:06.51,-Turning off Iights can save-- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.
0,0:10:06.72,0:10:08.88,And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--
0,0:10:09.10,0:10:12.22,We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.
0,0:10:12.43,0:10:13.93,I'm CoIin.
0,0:10:14.14,0:10:15.77,I haven't seen you at schooI.
0,0:10:15.98,0:10:17.85,Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician.
0,0:10:18.07,0:10:19.64,-Is he. . .? -He's not Bono.
0,0:10:19.86,0:10:23.27,-I just thought, because you're Irish and-- -He's not Bono.
0,0:10:23.90,0:10:24.90,Do you pIay?
0,0:10:25.11,0:10:27.15,Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.
0,0:10:27.57,0:10:31.82,He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,
0,0:10:32.04,0:10:35.16,So is your name as pretty as your face?
0,0:10:39.21,0:10:40.95,You okay there?
0,0:10:43.80,0:10:48.01,Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!
0,0:10:49.51,0:10:51.26,What couId that be?
0,0:10:51.47,0:10:53.76,I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . .
0,0:10:53.98,0:10:57.01,. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.
0,0:10:59.19,0:11:02.52,Yeah. Thanks for coming over.
0,0:11:02.73,0:11:04.89,Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.
0,0:11:05.11,0:11:07.49,Never known comfort Iike this.
0,0:11:10.58,0:11:13.36,Why did I suggest this?
0,0:11:24.34,0:11:26.66,AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.
0,0:11:27.43,0:11:33.38,I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .
0,0:11:33.60,0:11:35.43,. . .naked.
0,0:11:35.81,0:11:37.55,-How naked? -Fourth base.
0,0:11:37.77,0:11:38.93,GirIs might see my doodIe.
0,0:11:39.15,0:11:44.10,Oh, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.
0,0:11:44.32,0:11:48.27,Every morning, you'II wake up to ''Good morning, chicken. ''
0,0:11:48.49,0:11:50.28,At your wedding, I'II sing:
0,0:12:04.67,0:12:06.54,I Iike men now.
0,0:12:07.30,0:12:08.88,Don't Iook where I'm pointing!
0,0:12:28.32,0:12:31.49,Stop in the name of American squeamishness!
0,0:12:40.04,0:12:44.12,Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI--
0,0:12:45.54,0:12:47.50,-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.
0,0:12:50.22,0:12:53.96,Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, it's the Iaw.
0,0:13:00.39,0:13:02.18,You can't just Ieave me out here.
0,0:13:02.39,0:13:05.81,Don't worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.
0,0:13:14.41,0:13:17.49,NeIson, honey, where have you been?
0,0:13:21.91,0:13:24.67,-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?
0,0:13:24.88,0:13:26.70,TeII him you dared me to do it.
0,0:13:26.92,0:13:31.66,If that's true, then you shouId be taking the rap here, not your son.
0,0:13:33.18,0:13:36.54,And what happens to me if it's my fauIt?
0,0:13:36.76,0:13:39.55,You'II have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.
0,0:13:39.77,0:13:42.34,It was aII his idea! He's out of controI, I teII you!
0,0:13:42.56,0:13:43.76,I'm at my wits' end.
0,0:13:44.39,0:13:46.14,It's so. . . .
0,0:13:47.65,0:13:49.52,See you in court, kid.
0,0:13:49.73,0:13:51.86,Okay, son, Iet's get some Iunch.
0,0:13:52.07,0:13:53.73,Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?
0,0:13:54.07,0:13:55.86,Shirt, socks, everything you need.
0,0:13:56.07,0:13:59.69,-You didn't bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama?
0,0:13:59.95,0:14:01.70,This is the worst day of my Iife.
0,0:14:01.91,0:14:04.95,The worst day of your Iife so far.
0,0:14:08.67,0:14:11.21,-Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders?
0,0:14:11.42,0:14:14.13,If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.
0,0:14:14.34,0:14:17.05,You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.
0,0:14:17.26,0:14:19.50,Why are you heIping me? I'm not your kid.
0,0:14:19.72,0:14:23.67,We're neighbors. I'm sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.
0,0:14:23.89,0:14:25.30,Thank you.
0,0:14:32.73,0:14:35.36,-Hey, what's with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?
0,0:14:35.57,0:14:36.90,Of course I do.
0,0:14:37.11,0:14:39.57,What kind of a father wouIdn't care about--?
0,0:14:39.78,0:14:40.98,A pig wearing a hat!
0,0:14:43.91,0:14:48.54,Hey, hey! It's your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.
0,0:14:48.75,0:14:53.66,If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!
0,0:14:57.76,0:15:00.08,And we're cIear.
0,0:15:00.30,0:15:02.18,Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.
0,0:15:04.31,0:15:07.34,What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes!
0,0:15:21.03,0:15:23.40,You're coming home with me.
0,0:15:27.37,0:15:29.99,''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be?
0,0:15:31.13,0:15:34.99,I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number.
0,0:15:35.21,0:15:39.96,Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive?
0,0:15:40.18,0:15:42.17,ActuaIIy, it's aged me horribIy.
0,0:15:42.39,0:15:45.30,Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.
0,0:15:54.52,0:15:59.19,I beIieve what happened in church was a warning about preciseIy this.
0,0:15:59.40,0:16:01.44,PIease, get rid of that pig.
0,0:16:01.66,0:16:06.61,Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.
0,0:16:09.21,0:16:11.33,You naiIed her.
0,0:16:11.54,0:16:14.46,He aIso does me.
0,0:16:15.21,0:16:17.67,You smiIed. I'm off the hook.
0,0:16:26.39,0:16:29.76,Oh, you have so many Iooks.
0,0:16:46.91,0:16:48.70,So that's what snug is.
0,0:16:48.91,0:16:51.15,Who's a good pig?
0,0:16:51.87,0:16:54.03,Who's a good pig?
0,0:16:57.67,0:16:59.79,Rough day, huh, son?
0,0:17:00.51,0:17:03.38,You don't know what rough is, sister.
0,0:17:03.59,0:17:06.68,Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . .

⑶ 求電影辛普森一家帶英文字幕的 萬分感激!



⑷ 用英語描述一部電影--辛普森一家

Anyone in America heard of The Simpsons. It's an animated 'sitcom' that's been running on Fox for the past18 years. It's possibly the longest running animated sitcom of all time. "The Simpsons Movie", is witty,fast paced, touching, hugely entertaining and most importantly: laugh out loud funny.

"The Simpsons Movie", is based on the FOX cartoon series about Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The show relies on the conventions of situation comedy, with the stuff of everyday life being funny. The family has a wacky neighbor, Ned Flanders, who is a widower and evangelical. Homer works for Mr. Burns, an archetypal robber baron for our day. Marge is a stay-at-home mom who struggles to keep her family fed, both physically and spiritually.

The movie took place in Springfield. Time is unknown.
Homer adopts a pig who's run away from Krusty Burger.At the same time, the lake is protected after Green Day sunk in Lake Springfield. In the mean time, Spider Pig's waste has filled up a silo. Homer mped the silo in the lake, polluting it. Russ Cargill, the leader of EPA, received an order to destroy Springfield, and to put a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation. Homer, however, has escaped, along with his family, to Alaska.

At the end, Homer and Bart saved the Springfield town and its people by removing the bomb and distroyed the dome. He's the hero again.

Throught out the movie, every joke makes you laugh. There are excellent quotes and great moments. Homer is as funny as in the show.

The Simpsons Movie might be the funniest animation movie ever made. You can laugh the whole film through. For Simpsons Fan it will be the best of all feelings to watch this movie.

⑸ 跪求:辛普森一家電影版英文字幕

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