導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 英語電影鑒賞什麼類別


發布時間:2022-08-09 22:32:28

A. 經典英文電影類型介紹


A small city, a humble family, three siblings and three fates. The year is 1977.
Aloof and free-spirited, the elder sister gets little contentment in the daycare job her parents secured for her. Captivated by the boundless sky, she applies to the airborne corps. But like her crush on a dashing paratrooper, her application ends up nowhere. She finds a kindred spirit in a 60 years old, idealistic artist, yet their bond is misunderstood by the society. She marries, but only so that she could leave home. The job her secretary husband arranged for her becomes, alas, the only thing she asks for before signing the divorce papers. Finally, after a lifetime of longing, she is freed from her home.
The elder brother is the spoiled one: not just for being the eldest son, but also for his debilitating mental disease. Despite the parents』 and the elder sister』s sacrifices to save him from being bullied in the factory, he still cannot control his behaviors. The care for him so burdened his sister and younger brother that they even considered killing him with rat poison, but this only shattered the parents』 hearts. Mother arranges for him to marry the crippled farm girl Jin and gives her the money she asks for. With that money, Jin starts a small food stall business. 「Only we get to spend the money we make, nobody else,」 Jin tells the elder brother, 「only money is good to us.」
Having witnessed the elder sister』s wasted first love and enring the humiliation he gets for his mentally defective brother, the younger brother disappears from town. When he returns, he has one less finger on his right hand, but one more person by his side. Much older than he is and already having a child, his new companion becomes his wife and supports him.
An empty zoo, three humble families, three siblings and one peacock. The year is 1984. After a fruitless wait for the peacock』s plumage, the three families finally give up and leave. Quietly, the peacock displays its brilliant beauty just as the oblivious families turn away.

B. 英語電影賞析課應該怎麼上可以放些什麼類型的電影呢詳細些


C. 英語電影賞析的目錄

Chapter 1 History and Genre 電影史與電影類型
Chapter 2 Character and Performance 角色與表演
Chapter 3 Narrative 敘述
Chapter 4 Style 風格
Chapter 5 Critical Perspectives 評論角度
Chapter 6 Blockbuster Film(The Matrix) 強檔片:《駭客帝國》
Chapter 7 Comedy Film(Forrest Gump) 喜劇片:《阿甘正傳》
Chapter 8 Social Drama Film(American Beauty) 社會問題片:《美國麗人》
Chapter 9 Action Film(The Bond Films) 動作片:007系列電影
Chapter 10 Film Noir / Neo-Noir(Se7en) 黑色電影與新黑色電影:《七宗罪》
Chapter 11 Romance Film:(The English Patient) 愛情片:《英國病人》
Chapter 12 Gangster Film(The Godfather) 黑幫片:《教父》
Chapter 13 War Film(Apocalypse Now) 戰爭片:《現代啟示錄》
Chapter 14 Horror Film(The Shining) 恐怖片:《閃靈》
Chapter 15 Sc

D. 英語經典電影欣賞屬於什麼類型的課程

摘要 文化素質選修課

E. 英語電影賞析是什麼學些什麼啊


F. 電影《飢餓游戲1》在英語電影賞析中屬於那種風格哪種類型

這個看你以什麼標准來歸類,如果從演員陣容上,這屬於美式青春片,如果從故事類型 來說這屬於魔幻題材電影,如果從劇本選擇電影來源追溯,這是小說改編電影。

G. 鹽城師范學院校選修課,電影藝術鑒賞和英美文學賞析分別屬於什麼類分別幾分

電影藝術鑒賞是藝體類的,這個1 分,後者是人文類的, 這個1.5分,



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