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❶ 急求電影《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》的英文影評,要求有中文翻譯

Running time: 117 mins
Starring: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dominic West, Marcia Gay Harden

Julia Roberts takes on the Robin Williams role in this engaging female variation on Dead Poets Society. Mona Lisa Smile is set in Wellesley, "the most conservative college in the nation" in the 1950's. The privileged students are taught invaluable rules of etiquette and propriety, like how to cross and uncross their legs, as a means to attract a suitable husband. Wellesley openly prepares its pupils not for careers but for lives of domesticity and subservience. Thrust into this staid arena, as Wellesley's new history of art teacher, is the freethinking and liberal Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts).

Written by two men, Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, and directed by Mike Newell, best known for his hilarious depiction of upper class antics in Four Weddings And A Funeral, Mona Lisa Smile takes a pointed stance on the stifling morals and expectations imposed on the country's elite young women in mid-century America.

Inspiring teachers and their impact on their students is a well that has been dipped into many times before in movies like Mr Holland's Opus and Dangerous Minds, but it's the gentrified setting of Dead Poets Society that draws the obvious comparisons here. Newell has assembled a masterful cast, especially to portray the students who range from the bitterly cruel Betty (Kirsten Dunst) to the stubbornly grounded Joan (Julia Stiles) to the promiscuous Giselle (Maggie Gyllenhaal).

Smart but inexperienced, Watson is initially unsettled when faced with a class full of bright and well prepared pupils, but her trepidation proves unfounded when she discovers that away from the security of the syllabus, the girls are less assured. Along with expanding their minds, she encourages them not accept the defined roles that have been mapped out for them. Her "subversive" teaching methods cause her problems with the faculty, but endear her to her students who come to embrace her as a liberating and inspiring figure.

Inevitably in a film involving Roberts, there's a romantic element. As Watson adapts to her new life, she is torn between an old flame (John Slattery), the Wellesley womaniser Dunbar (Dominic West) and her fierce independence. Roberts does a wonderful job of capturing the vivacity and integrity of Watson succeeding, as she did in Erin Brockovich, in being able to transcend her looks and add substance to that smile.

❷ 急求電影蒙娜麗莎的微笑的英文影評!

Running time: 117 mins
Starring: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dominic West, Marcia Gay Harden

Julia Roberts takes on the Robin Williams role in this engaging female variation on Dead Poets Society. Mona Lisa Smile is set in Wellesley, "the most conservative college in the nation" in the 1950's. The privileged students are taught invaluable rules of etiquette and propriety, like how to cross and uncross their legs, as a means to attract a suitable husband. Wellesley openly prepares its pupils not for careers but for lives of domesticity and subservience. Thrust into this staid arena, as Wellesley's new history of art teacher, is the freethinking and liberal Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts).

Written by two men, Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, and directed by Mike Newell, best known for his hilarious depiction of upper class antics in Four Weddings And A Funeral, Mona Lisa Smile takes a pointed stance on the stifling morals and expectations imposed on the country's elite young women in mid-century America.

Inspiring teachers and their impact on their students is a well that has been dipped into many times before in movies like Mr Holland's Opus and Dangerous Minds, but it's the gentrified setting of Dead Poets Society that draws the obvious comparisons here. Newell has assembled a masterful cast, especially to portray the students who range from the bitterly cruel Betty (Kirsten Dunst) to the stubbornly grounded Joan (Julia Stiles) to the promiscuous Giselle (Maggie Gyllenhaal).

Smart but inexperienced, Watson is initially unsettled when faced with a class full of bright and well prepared pupils, but her trepidation proves unfounded when she discovers that away from the security of the syllabus, the girls are less assured. Along with expanding their minds, she encourages them not accept the defined roles that have been mapped out for them. Her "subversive" teaching methods cause her problems with the faculty, but endear her to her students who come to embrace her as a liberating and inspiring figure.

Inevitably in a film involving Roberts, there's a romantic element. As Watson adapts to her new life, she is torn between an old flame (John Slattery), the Wellesley womaniser Dunbar (Dominic West) and her fierce independence. Roberts does a wonderful job of capturing the vivacity and integrity of Watson succeeding, as she did in Erin Brockovich, in being able to transcend her looks and add substance to that smile.

❸ 蒙娜麗莎的微笑的英文介紹

《蒙娜麗莎》(Mona Lisa)是義大利文藝復興時期畫家列奧納多·達·芬奇創作的油畫,現收藏於法國盧浮宮博物館。該畫作主要表現了女性的典雅和恬靜的典型形象,塑造了資本主義上升時期一位城市有產階級的婦女形象。

Mona Lisa, an oil painting created by Italian Renaissance painter leonardo da vinci, is now in the Louvre Museum in France. This painting mainly shows the typical image of elegance and quietness of women, and portrays the image of an urban bourgeois woman in the rising period of capitalism.



利用微表情理論得出結論:蒙娜麗莎的微笑中,含有83%的高興、9%的厭惡、6%的恐懼、2%的憤怒 。蒙娜麗莎,坐在一把半圓形的木椅上,背後是一道欄桿,隔開了人物和背景,背景有道路、河流、橋、山巒,它們在達·芬奇「無界漸變著色法」的筆法下,和蒙娜麗莎的微笑融為一體,散發著夢幻而神秘的氣息。

❹ 蒙娜麗莎的微笑的英文背景介紹

:《蒙娜麗莎》是一幅享有盛譽的肖像畫傑作。它代表達·芬奇的最高藝術成就,成功地塑造了資本主義上升時期一位城市有產階級的婦女形象。畫中人物坐姿優雅,笑容微妙,背景山水幽深茫茫,淋漓盡致地發揮了畫家那奇特的煙霧狀「空氣透視」般的筆法。畫家力圖使人物的豐富內心感情和美麗的外形達到巧妙的結合,對於人像面容中眼角唇邊等表露感情的關鍵部位,也特別著重掌握精確與含蓄的辯證關系,達到神韻之境,從而使蒙娜麗莎的微笑具有一種神秘莫測的千古奇韻,那如夢似的嫵媚微笑,被不少美術史家稱為「神秘的微笑」。 達·芬奇在人文主義思想影響下,著力表現人的感情。在構圖上,達·芬奇改變了以往畫肖像畫時採用側面半身或截至胸部的習慣,代之以正面的胸像構圖,透視點略微上升,使構圖呈金字塔形,蒙娜麗莎就顯得更加端莊、穩重。另外,蒙娜麗莎的一雙手,柔嫩、精確、豐滿,展示了她的溫柔,及身份和階級地位,顯示出達·芬奇的精湛畫技和他觀察自然的敏銳。 500年來,人們一直對《蒙娜麗莎》神秘的微笑莫衷一是。不同的觀者或在不同的時間去看,感受似乎都不同。有時覺得她笑得舒暢溫柔,有時又顯得嚴肅,有時像是略含哀傷,有時甚至顯出譏嘲和揶揄。在一幅畫中,光線的變化不能像在雕塑中產生那樣大的差別。但在蒙娜麗莎的臉上,微暗的陰影時隱時現,為她的雙眼與唇部披上了一層面紗。而人的笑容主要表現在眼角和嘴角上,達·芬奇卻偏把這些部位畫得若隱若現,沒有明確的界線,因此才會有這令人捉摸不定的「神秘的微笑」。荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的一所大學應用「情感識別軟體」分析出蒙娜麗莎的微笑包含的內容及比例:高興 83/100,厭惡 9/100,恐懼 6/100,憤怒 2/100。 哈佛大學神經科專家利文斯通博士說,蒙娜麗莎的微笑時隱時現,是與人體視覺系統有關,而不是因為畫中人表情神秘莫測。利文斯通博士是視覺神經活動方面的權威,主要研究眼睛與大腦對不同對比和光暗的反應。利文斯通說:「笑容忽隱忽現,是由於觀看者改變了眼睛位置。」他表示,人類的眼睛內有兩個不同部分接收影像。中央部分(即視網膜上的淺窩)負責分辨顏色、細致印記。環繞淺窩的外圍部分則留意黑白、動作和陰影。據利文斯通說,當人們看著一張臉時,眼睛多數集中注視對方的雙眼。假如人們的中央視覺放在蒙娜麗莎的雙眼,較不準確的外圍視覺便會落在她的嘴巴上。由於外圍視覺並不注重細微之處,無形中突出了顴骨部位的陰影。如此一來,笑容的弧度便顯得更加大了。不過,當眼睛直視蒙娜麗莎的嘴巴,中央視覺便不會看到陰影。利文斯通說:「如果看著她的嘴巴,便永遠無法捕捉她的笑容。」蒙娜麗莎的笑容若隱若現,源於人們的目光不斷轉移。利文斯通指出,若要臨摹《蒙娜麗莎》,描繪口部時便要望著別處。 1993年,加拿大美術史家蘇珊·吉魯公布了一項令人震驚的研究成果。她說蒙娜麗莎那傾倒無數觀賞者的口唇,是一個男子裸露的脊背。這一論斷既新鮮又荒誕,然而論證是有力的。集畫家、雕刻家、建築師、工程師及科學家等多種才藝於一身的達·芬奇,可謂是個「怪傑」。他喜歡穿粉紅色外套,在胡須上毫無顧忌地塗上五顏六色,還常稱自己解剖過不下30具死屍。他還是個左撇子,習慣從右到左倒著書寫,別人要藉助鏡子才能讀出他寫的東西。因此藉助鏡子亦不失為欣賞者讀畫的一種方法。旋轉90度後從鏡中看蒙娜麗莎抿著的笑唇,恰好是一個背部線條分明的結實男性脊背以及左臂和肘部的一角;再說,表現人體美和呼喚人性的覺醒,既是大師的人生哲學,又是他的藝術觀。 確實,在不同角度不同光線下欣賞這幅畫,人們都會得到不同的感受。那微笑時而溫文爾雅,時而安詳嚴肅,時而略帶哀傷,時而又有幾分諷嘲與揶揄,神秘莫測的微笑顯露出人物神秘莫測的心靈活動。 幾百年來,「微笑」的新解層出不窮。諸如微笑不露皓齒是因原型雖典雅美麗卻口齒不齊;原型因愛女夭折,憂郁寡歡,難掩凄楚之態;更有甚者,把蒙娜麗莎從貴婦寶座上推落下來,把原型貶為妓女,故而微笑中帶著譏嘲和揶揄。 美國馬里蘭州的約瑟夫·鮑考夫斯基博士認為:「蒙娜麗莎壓根就沒笑,她的面部表情很典型地說明她想掩飾自己沒長門牙。」 法國里昂的腦外科專家讓·雅克·孔代特博士認為蒙娜麗莎剛得過一次中風,請看,她半個臉的肌肉是鬆弛的,臉歪著所以才顯得微笑。 英國醫生肯尼思·基友博士相信蒙娜麗莎懷孕了。他的根據是:她的臉上流露出滿意的表情,皮膚鮮嫩,雙手交叉著放在腹部。性學專家推測:蒙娜麗莎剛剛經歷了性高潮,所以才表現出令世人傾倒的微笑。 還有一種近乎無稽之談的說法:她的表情就像吃了苯氨基亞胺似的,顯得很陶醉,這是吃完巧克力後人體內產生的一種歡愉激素。這種說法很少有人相信,因為當時還沒有巧克力呢。 比利時安特衛普大學 人類學教授辛科爾 肯瑞爾認為蒙娜麗莎有這樣的微笑是因為她把飯吃飽了,因為她嘴角的弧度和她手輕放在自己的腹部上的動作與人類在飽食一頓之後的反應完全相同。 畫中,左邊的地平線比右邊的低,蒙娜麗莎的左側看上去比右側大。歷史上左邊代表女性,體現達·芬奇崇拜女性。其實蒙娜麗莎與達芬奇的自畫像有很多共通之處,埃及傳說中主管男性生殖器的神叫阿蒙(Amon),主管女性生殖器的神叫伊西斯(Isis)——古代文字中曾將其讀做L'ISA,因此Mona Lisa就是暗示AMON L'ISA,即蒙娜麗莎非男非女,是兩性的融合體。 蒙娜麗莎的微笑其實是畫的是 末日審判,我們可以把圖片復制一個然後水平翻轉把圖片邊緣對齊就可以看到審批的大寶座以及天使。 蒙娜麗莎,這是一個永遠探討不完的問題。自問世至今,將近五百年,後人不知做過多少品評和揣測,留下越來越多的迷局。當今,世上有研究《蒙娜麗莎》的專著數百部,而有近百名學者將此畫作為終身課題。時間的推移不會使疑團得到解決,只會隨著研究的深入,將更多的疑惑留給後人。 人們過分地喜愛她。無止境地探討她那難以覺察的、轉瞬即逝然而亘古不變的微笑,那洞察一切而又包容一切的眼神,那端莊沉穩的姿態,高貴而樸素的裝束,以及無懈可擊的完美構圖。人們驚嘆:列奧納多,惟有列奧納多,上帝一樣的智慧,才能採集那麼多美的元素,將眾多美好合為一個完美。於是,美、智慧、永恆,三位一體,極致的搭配,再無超越的可能。就這樣,蒙娜麗莎帶給人們無限美好的遐想,也給人們無限沉重的壓力。人們既願意棲身她的庇蔭,吸取滋潤的營養;又渴望走出她的陰影,呼吸自由的空氣。多少年了,無數醉心繪事的人,都為這一重矛盾所困擾。 這是一個神話,它與達·芬奇無關,完全是後人製造的。神話像雪球,隨著時間的推移不斷滾動,無限膨脹,最終連神話的製造者也被吞沒。如今,蒙娜麗莎坐在盧浮宮一處顯要的位置,隔著厚厚的防彈玻璃,每天以我們熟知的、神秘而永恆的微笑迎候數以萬計的來訪者。這些朝聖般的觀眾心中裝著各式疑問,他們渴望通過這一張溫柔嫻靜的臉龐讀出答案,然而離開時卻將更多的問題帶走。問題是五花八門,許多與蒙娜麗莎並無關系。有人會問:蒙娜麗莎究竟是畫中人的名字,還是微笑的別稱?畫中人究竟是銀行家喬.貢多的妻子,還是伊薩貝爾王妃?此畫確有真人模特,還是憑想像畫成?畫中人物沒有眉毛,這是當年佛羅倫薩的審美時尚,還是像某人所說,其人正在懷孕,是妊娠反應?畫中人是否剛經歷流產的傷痛,所穿衣裳是喪服?蒙娜麗莎那令人迷惑的表情真的是微笑嗎?難道不是面部麻痹症造成?蒙娜麗莎到底是男是女?其原型是否就是達.芬奇本人?問題越問越離奇,距離畫本身越來越遙遠,不僅無助於解讀該畫,反而將人不斷引向迷途。 其實,有些問題已經構成了對《蒙娜麗莎》的褻瀆,只是提問者尚未覺察。蒙娜麗莎是男是女,這還用得著問嗎?任何一個對性別有感知的人都不該對此產生疑問,可是有人偏要提出如此荒唐的問題。有人說蒙娜麗莎給人的感覺是中性的,至少她不會給人產生性的誘惑。試問,難道惟有性感才能構成女性美嗎?如此,一幅肖像畫與一幅色情照片又有多大區別?無疑,蒙娜麗莎是美的,她的美充分體現在人性美上,而不局限於女性特徵;或者說,她的美已經超越了性別阻隔,但這並不等於連性別都分辯不出。對於顯而易見的事實還要發出荒唐的疑問,若不是別有用心也是無聊之極了。面對一幅分明令人愉悅的肖像卻偏要說甚麼面部麻痹症,這簡直令人憤慨。蒙娜麗莎表情是僵化的嗎?瞬間的表情被定格就說成僵化,那真是荒唐透頂。微笑是難以描述的,專注中不自覺的微笑,友善的微笑,欣慰的微笑,或是略帶嘲諷的微笑,那是每個人不同情緒下的感受,但笑意是毫無疑問的。至於有人感到蒙娜麗莎的微笑是常人難以企及的,因而斷定此畫不是以真人為模特,而是完全憑想像畫成,這種論斷也純屬多餘。人們驚嘆達.芬奇卓越的繪畫技巧:畫中人由面部五官到雙手,再到身體的其他部分,包括衣著穿戴,每一處都那麼真實可感,幾乎伸手可及,這是憑空想像無法完成的。倘若沒有真實人物作參照,達.芬奇縱然有天大的才氣也不可能畫得如此生動細膩。有人要問,畫中人的眼神、她的笑意是那麼遙遠和不辯深意,那是其人所獨有的嗎?為什麼今人就摹仿不出?其實這樣的問題很好解答。每一個了解繪畫的人都懂得,肖像畫並不等同於人物原型。一幅好的肖像畫首先要體現作者與表現對象間的互動;畫家將自己的智慧、情感、人生理念、精神渴求等等都融鑄進了畫中人物,這樣觀眾從畫面上讀到的肯定比真實人物要豐富的多。我們了解了達.芬奇的生平,認識了他在諸多領域的非凡造詣之後,上述問題也就迎刃而解。既如此,那麼畫中人究竟是誰的妻子、叫什麼名字就不重要了,她是達·芬奇全部藝術才情的匯聚,也是他理想人格的集中體現。從這個意義上說,她不是任何人的妻子,她是一個超乎常規限定的完美人性。我們可以理解蒙娜麗莎為達.芬奇的精神肖像,但要說是以他本人為模特就顯得太庸俗化了。有人通過電腦技術將達.芬奇的自畫像與蒙娜麗莎作以對照,發現兩者的基本結構驚人地相似,於是斷定該畫是以他本人為模特。其實這是吹毛求疵。相似不等於吻合,當然完全吻合是不可能的,正如畫中人與真實人物也非完全相同;然而不同的人總有相似之處,並且相似性是主要的,差異卻是微小的;更何況每一個畫家描繪他人時總會不自覺地把自己的形象帶進畫面,因為畫家對自己最熟悉;這點想來達.芬奇也不會例外。說到這些,其餘的問題也就無須解釋了。如果我們多讀一些畫,多接觸一些畫家,那麼不著邊際的問題就不會提出來了。 我們現在看到的《蒙娜麗莎》是棕褐色調,略帶些青綠色相,色彩簡潔而沉靜,樸素而凝重。我們以為畫向來如此,其實不然。據達.芬奇同時代人對此畫的描述,當時的畫是色彩鮮艷,調子明快的,什麼時候變成了現在的樣子呢?當年法王得到了《蒙娜麗莎》,為了更好地保護它,在表面塗了過多的光油;歷經數百年光陰,光油變成了暗褐色,像我們目前看到的色彩;畫表面已經開裂,形成了蛛網般的細密紋理。保存狀況不佳,那是令人惋惜的;然而,我們寧願承認當今的《蒙娜麗莎》。單純渾厚的色調與人物沉靜內斂的精神氣質相得益彰;深暗的衣飾、迷濛的背景將人物臉龐及雙手襯托得響亮動人;而均勻的裂紋則給人物增添了神秘氣息,讓我們欣賞她時帶上更多的崇敬與神往。有人想通過現代科技手段除去表面油垢,恢復原先明麗的色彩;只是擔心技術不過關,怕損傷畫面。其實,倘若真的修復了,我們反倒會覺得陌生以至難以接受。 我們首先會被那絕妙的光影效果所折服,層層退暈呈現出豐富的空間以及逼真的質感,無界線的形體轉折及色彩變化,比同時代人領先了幾個世紀。真正讓人驚嘆的還不是技巧,那時隱時現的神秘微笑才令人銷魂。那笑容太淺淡了,離得再近也看不真切;然而,只要你看到畫,無論距離多遠,都能感到微笑的存在。微笑不僅體現在翹起的嘴角,而是遍及臉上每一部分肌膚,甚至畫面的各個角落,以至觀者在欣賞蒙娜麗莎的同時,內心也裝滿了微笑。面對真跡的感受是別處無法取代的,盧浮宮的《蒙娜麗莎》註定會被永久保存。 關於《蒙娜麗莎》還有一個傳說。公元前817年,古埃及有一個叫哈歌布蘇的女祭祀,非常美麗,可以預測未來。她為了給法老祈福並獲得永生,她自願被做成木乃伊,葬在胡夫金字塔的石棺中。2003年,考古隊開啟了她的石棺,可裡面什麼也沒有!他們還發現,墓室牆上的古老文字,是女祭祀給自己留下的預言:她在300年後會復活,然後會有一個來自芬奇鎮的畫家萊昂納多把她的微笑畫下來,難道這正是達·芬奇畫中的蒙娜麗莎?!這種說法很離奇,但願在不久的將來,真相會讓我們釋懷。

❺ 蒙娜麗莎的微笑 英文影評


上映日期:2003年12月19日(義大利上映) 對白:英語
預告片:[1] 時長:117分鍾
分級:澳大利亞:PG 阿根廷:13 西班牙:7 香港:IIA
類型: 劇情 (論壇) 喜劇 (論壇)

主演:朱莉婭·羅伯茨 柯爾斯滕·鄧斯特 朱莉婭·斯泰爾斯 瑪吉·吉倫哈爾
劇情介紹: 1953年,坐落在美國馬薩諸塞州、被譽為"沒有男子的常青藤"的威斯理女子學院,新來了位藝術史老師,名叫凱瑟琳·沃森(朱莉婭·羅伯茨 飾),她是個接受了自由改革思想,美麗成熟的女人。她負責在衛斯理一所著名的女子大學任職,這里的學生們大都有著良好的家庭背景,從小接受過優秀的教育。但學院作風保守,從不重視學生的心理教育。凱瑟琳沒有像其他老師那樣沿襲學校一貫的教學風格,她不僅挑戰學校的一些傳統法規,而且鼓勵學生發掘自己的興趣,並且大膽去實踐她們的想法。最終她以青春率直的作風,豐富的藝術史知識以及風趣熱情的授課風格,贏得了學生們的尊敬和愛戴,被女學生稱為「蒙娜麗莎」。本片多次被影評贊譽為能教化人心,雋永再三的影史佳片。

❻ 關於英語影視欣賞的電影主題比較蒙娜麗莎的微笑和律政俏佳人。

基於最近電影網站被關的關,所剩無幾,就先 推薦個看電影的網站吧: www.haokan5.com 2009年中國賀歲電影排行榜 第一名 赤壁 第二名 梅蘭芳 第三名 海角七號 第四名 葉問 第五名 證人 第六名 硬漢 第七名 非誠勿擾 第八名 桃花運 第九名 女人不壞 第十名 喜羊羊與灰太狼(牛氣沖天

❼ 有關蒙娜麗莎的微笑的英文影評


《蒙娜麗莎》(Mona Lisa)是義大利文藝復興時期畫家列奧納多·達·芬奇創作的油畫,現收藏於法國盧浮宮博物館。該畫作主要表現了女性的典雅和恬靜的典型形象,塑造了資本主義上升時期一位城市有產階級的婦女形象。

Mona Lisa, an oil painting created by Italian Renaissance painter leonardo da vinci, is now in the Louvre Museum in France. This painting mainly shows the typical image of elegance and quietness of women, and portrays the image of an urban bourgeois woman in the rising period of capitalism.



利用微表情理論得出結論:蒙娜麗莎的微笑中,含有83%的高興、9%的厭惡、6%的恐懼、2%的憤怒 。蒙娜麗莎,坐在一把半圓形的木椅上,背後是一道欄桿,隔開了人物和背景,背景有道路、河流、橋、山巒,它們在達·芬奇「無界漸變著色法」的筆法下,和蒙娜麗莎的微笑融為一體,散發著夢幻而神秘的氣息。

❽ 《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》英文簡介

Mona Lisa Smile tells the story of Katherine Ann Watson, a feminist teacher who studied at UCLA graate school and left as a first-year teacher from "Oakland State" University (thought to be a fictionalized University of California, Berkeley), leaves her boyfriend behind in Los Angeles, California in 1953, to teach at Wellesley College, a conservative women's private liberal arts college in Massachusetts, United States.

Watson tries to open her students' minds to their freedom to do whatever they want with their lives. She encourages her students to believe in themselves, to study to become career professionals, and to improve their economic futures. She uses her art teachings as a vehicle to put across her opinion to the young women that her students need not conform to stereotypes of women made by society, or the roles made for them by society, as women born to become housewives and mothers. She feels that women could do more things in life than solely adopt the roles of wives and mothers. In one scene of the movie, she shows her students four newspaper ads, and asks them to question what the future will think of the idea that women are born into the roles of wives and mothers.

Watson's ideas and ways of teaching are contrary to methods deemed acceptable by the school's directors, conservative women who believe firmly that Watson should not use her class to express her points of views or befriend students, and should stick only to teaching art. Watson is warned that she could lose her job if she continues to interact with students as she has been doing.

Undaunted, Watson becomes stronger in her speeches about feminism and the future of women. She is a firm believer that the outlook of women in society needed to be changed if women were to achieve better futures, and that she needs to instill a spirit of change among her students.

Watson chooses to leave after the one year, but, as she is leaving the campus for the last time, her students run after her car, to show their affection and to thank her for her lessons.

❾ 蒙娜麗莎的微笑的英語影評

Running time: 117 mins
Starring: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dominic West, Marcia Gay Harden

Julia Roberts takes on the Robin Williams role in this engaging female variation on Dead Poets Society. Mona Lisa Smile is set in Wellesley, "the most conservative college in the nation" in the 1950's. The privileged students are taught invaluable rules of etiquette and propriety, like how to cross and uncross their legs, as a means to attract a suitable husband. Wellesley openly prepares its pupils not for careers but for lives of domesticity and subservience. Thrust into this staid arena, as Wellesley's new history of art teacher, is the freethinking and liberal Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts).

Written by two men, Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, and directed by Mike Newell, best known for his hilarious depiction of upper class antics in Four Weddings And A Funeral, Mona Lisa Smile takes a pointed stance on the stifling morals and expectations imposed on the country's elite young women in mid-century America.

Inspiring teachers and their impact on their students is a well that has been dipped into many times before in movies like Mr Holland's Opus and Dangerous Minds, but it's the gentrified setting of Dead Poets Society that draws the obvious comparisons here. Newell has assembled a masterful cast, especially to portray the students who range from the bitterly cruel Betty (Kirsten Dunst) to the stubbornly grounded Joan (Julia Stiles) to the promiscuous Giselle (Maggie Gyllenhaal).

Smart but inexperienced, Watson is initially unsettled when faced with a class full of bright and well prepared pupils, but her trepidation proves unfounded when she discovers that away from the security of the syllabus, the girls are less assured. Along with expanding their minds, she encourages them not accept the defined roles that have been mapped out for them. Her "subversive" teaching methods cause her problems with the faculty, but endear her to her students who come to embrace her as a liberating and inspiring figure.

Inevitably in a film involving Roberts, there's a romantic element. As Watson adapts to her new life, she is torn between an old flame (John Slattery), the Wellesley womaniser Dunbar (Dominic West) and her fierce independence. Roberts does a wonderful job of capturing the vivacity and integrity of Watson succeeding, as she did in Erin Brockovich, in being able to transcend her looks and add substance to that smile.


❿ 蒙娜麗莎的微笑代表什麼(用英文回答,有關文藝復興的,7——10句)

蒙娜麗莎的微笑 She is widely seen as proof that good looks can last for ever. But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with the Mona Lisa.
The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum where it is housed.
「The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa was painted in oils has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,」 the museum said. Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the world』s most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current chemical state.
Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile. 「It is very interesting that when you』re not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,」 said Professor Livingstone. 「It』s because direct vision (視覺) is excellent at picking up detail,but less suited to looking at shadows.(但是餘光適合在陰影中觀看) Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.」
However, the actual history of the Mona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to France』s King Francis I in 1519.
In 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre by a former employee, who took it out of the museum hidden under his coat. He said he planned to return it to Italy. The painting was sent back to France two years later.
During World War II, the French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.
Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell.



倪妮跳舞那段是什麼電影 瀏覽:93
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抖音搶到的電影票在哪裡看 瀏覽:414
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老電影哪裡看 瀏覽:15
電影演員毛永明個人簡歷 瀏覽:981
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在街上迷暈美女的電影 瀏覽:484
好的英語電影配音是哪一個 瀏覽:931
好看青春校園日本電影 瀏覽:332