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發布時間:2022-08-21 14:13:17

❶ 作為電影欄目的主持人應怎樣的開場白(要英文的)

Hello everone,I'm very glad to be the host of this program.I think we all like watching movies,foe example comedies,tragedies,feature films and so on,movies make our life more interesting,and though the movies we can know many things.Today all of us can share our experiences of watching movies.
Do you know the movieXXX(電影的名字)?I think it's really a nice movies,it has very splendid plot(精彩的情節) and I like the people in this movis very much,after watching this movie I learned toXXX(例如愛love,勇敢be brave...).If you'd like to watch this movie,to be sure, you will like it.


❷ 娜扎英文頒獎台詞內容是什麼

內容是:2019 Mnet Asian Music Awards Best Dance Performance Solo 請夏。

據悉是古力娜扎應邀參加了2019MAMA盛典,在當晚的頒獎典禮上,古力娜扎要跟韓國男明星一起頒獎給嘉賓,當時古力娜扎用英文說出:「2019 Mnet Asian Music Awards Best Dance Performance Solo請夏」在她讀完這一串英文時讓現場的觀眾聽了全傻眼,也正因為英語發音受到熱議。





❸ 81奧斯卡頒獎前中英致詞

我只能提供中文的 你要麼?我得自己打
我打好了 但是發不出來

Tilda Swinton :The five of us standing before you,represent the 70 women who be honor to received the Oscars for best supporting women.
Eva Marie Saint:即使只有寥寥幾場的演出,只要劇力迫人,就有機會獲得奧斯卡獎。這就是你所經歷的,維奧拉·戴維斯,在《質疑》中,我們不知看到了你的演技,還有你的護子深情。這讓我們對你的要求更高,維奧拉·戴維斯,祝賀你。
Goldie Hawn:當佩妮洛普·克魯茲在《午夜的巴塞羅那》中出場的那場對白里夾雜了西班牙語和英語,我們沒能完全聽懂對白的意思,卻完全明白她的感受,佩妮洛普,你的角色狂野而又迷人,在你的美貌之下,有一顆喜劇演員的心。恭喜你,佩妮洛普。
Whoopi Goldberg:做修女不容易,我是過來人,首先你的臉蛋永遠不像平時看起來那樣,永遠不能穿褲子,你愛的人永遠在鏡頭之外(手指上帝),但是盡管這樣,艾米·亞當斯,展示了怎麼樣演一名新時代的修女。如何鼓起不可想像的勇氣,躋身一場道德風暴當中,她的演繹使人信服又感人,毫無疑問,必將「勝訴」。祝福你,艾米。
Anjelica Huston:在電影《本傑明巴頓奇事中》,在游歷了世界各地後,布拉德皮特回家找媽媽。其實,想念她的還有觀眾,足以證明她的演繹有多動人。泰吉·漢森,你提醒我們,愛沒有條件,不受時空年齡所限,都是值得珍重的瑰寶。你也一樣,謝謝。祝賀你。
Tilda Swinton :本年的另一位候選人,在《摔跤手》中散發憐憫與真摯,她不但令人想起女性體力上的挑戰,還有母親們的排除萬難,舍己忘我的勇氣,她還赤裸裸的演出,脫衣舞娘可以裸露但不失尊嚴,我們表揚你,瑪瑞莎·托梅。

Alan Arkin:演員中的演員,是指那些不斷提升自己,演技日以精湛,掘棄浮誇,矢志求真的演員,簡單一句話就是,菲利普·西摩爾·霍夫曼。菲利浦在《質疑》飾演神父,這個角色要求時時刻刻質疑真假,幸好菲利普對於真相的執著,教會我們應有的態度,以懷疑精神面對不確定的世界。為此,這一年我們再次獎勵你。
Joel Grey:去年,這個獎項的得主越過沙漠,踏過崎嶇路,務求殺死下一位候選人。喬什·布洛林在夏菲·《米爾克》的時代的精湛表演獲得賞識,體現了一種社會公道。演員向來想演的行高尚的大好人,但是喬什·布洛林演的Dan White這個角色受恐懼和懦弱支配,提醒我們要以理解替代恐懼,將懦弱變成堅強。好小子,你做到了。
Cuba Gooding jr.:到目前為止,他們的每一句話我都贊同。讓我們談談冒險走鋼絲吧,怎麼樣?Robert Downey, Jr.憑借今年的《鐵人》和《熱帶驚雷》里出神入化的演出再度成為最大膽的、最佳現役男演員。一個白人演員。一個白人演員飾演一個澳大利亞黑人,長著一張黑臉,我想說,你瘋了不行?我的意思是說演戲要入戲,著我明白,可是你卻搶黑人的飯碗,我的同胞需要工作啊。夠了,謝謝你。恭喜你獲得提名。並預祝新片好兄弟製作特輯即將開拍。
Kevin Kline:邁克爾·香農是一名優秀的演員,過去10年拍片無數,他在《革命之路》的演繹固然大受矚目,他飾演一個心口如一的人,所有的演員都希望演出角色的精髓,將平凡角色背後的不平凡演繹出來。邁克爾,你做到了,做得好。
Christopher Walken:在光影不斷的一年裡,最讓人難忘的可能就是小丑那張化妝的臉在車輛疾馳時嬉皮笑臉的伸出車外,狂傲在夜風中,陶醉於他在哥譚鎮造成的破環。陰險狡詐,笑裡藏刀。希斯·萊傑在《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》中飾演小丑。製造出陣陣凝雲,讓觀眾想知道,他還能有哪些惡行。憑借本片出神入化的演出,以及其他電影的獨特的演繹方法,希斯萊傑為我們留下了不可磨滅的印象。

Shirley MacLaine:安妮·海瑟薇,我們喜歡你在公主日記中的演出,喜歡你在Prada中的演出,今年,在《蕾切爾的婚禮》中,你大膽的飾演了一個跟毒癮和悲痛搏鬥的女人。你是所有年輕演員的好榜樣,因為你不怕同時表露你的美好和陰暗面。這是你的第一次提名,我認為接下來的會接踵而至,而且我覺得你的聲音很美,繼續唱歌吧,上帝保佑你。
Marion Cotillard:凱特·溫斯萊特,每演一個新角色,你都會像不可能挑戰,你在《朗讀者》中的演出,包括了我們喜歡你的所有氣質,熱情、脆弱和深邃。當你的角色經歷時間,愛情和最悲慘的遭遇,都引起了我們作為觀眾的深刻的共鳴。這是一次令人難忘的演繹,來自最具才華的和最激動人心的女演員之一,謝謝。
Halle Berry:我曾很有幸拍了一部小成本獨立製作的影片,並在這奧斯卡的舞台上得到了世界的認同。慶幸歷史重新上演,發生在了梅麗莎·雷歐身上,你在《冰凍之河》里扮演一個失去一切的女人,不過你有真正的美國精神,仍然希望明天會更好。你的精彩演出令人關注被忽略的人。不過同時證明了梅麗莎·雷歐你的光芒同樣不會被忽略。恭喜你。
Sophia Loren:不知道該怎樣介紹這位候選人,她的名字已經代表了無與倫比的佳績,所以最好就從她的名字說起吧,梅麗爾·斯特里普。在《質疑》中你又創造了一個特別的角色,一個嚴厲的修女,可是你讓我們感覺到她內心的掙扎。在堅守道德信仰的同時,感覺到時代對她左右。你破紀錄的15項提名,不同反響的梅麗爾·斯特里普。
Nicole Kidman:一位年輕的母親在1928年失去獨生子被迫跟調查兒子失蹤的警方一起隱瞞事實。這就是那個時代女性的命運。能演活這角色全靠安吉麗娜·茱莉有時代感的天分。她在《調包嬰兒》懷著悲憤和決心,誓要尋求公正與真相。令我們見到堅毅的母愛。不讓兒子被遺忘,安吉麗娜朱莉,你令人難忘。

Michael Douglas:演繹家喻戶曉的人物的弊端難以計數,所以弗蘭克·蘭格拉在《對話尼克松》中的令人刮目相看。一看之下,跟真人的比較其他的版本皆不值一提,大家都被落魄英雄的內心吸引,到最後仍在奮力操縱公眾對他的看法。弗蘭克,你的演出精彩非凡,我向你致敬,厲害。
Robert De Niro:他是怎麼做到的呢?為什麼這么多年來,西恩·潘都不用扮同性戀?身為明星可能不利於演戲,但是西恩不是這樣,西恩每每陷入角色不可自拔,演活了Sam,Mr.River,Jim Markham,沖浪小子Spicoli,死囚168小時的角色,當然還有夏米·米爾克。西恩私底下同樣不遺餘力,熱心人權,忠薦各國領袖,好言相勸狗仔隊。今晚我們以演技為重,現實中我們以頂天立地為重,這就是我的朋友,西恩·潘。
Adrien Brody:我不是Google迷,不過你要是上Google搜索理查德·詹金斯的履歷,你會發現,他25年來拍了超過60部電影。他演過的角色千變萬化,理查德,你在The Visitor中是主角,你駕馭每一場戲都從容不迫,唯有經驗如此豐富才能這么做,你毫無疑問人人皆知,但是你今晚的成就值得肯定,恭喜。
Anthony Hopkins:布拉德·皮特,家喻戶曉的男主角。他在《本傑明·巴頓奇事》中的戲份一人獨佔2/3。當中我們看到一位偉大的性格演員,入木三分的精彩演出。這個角色使你的演技得到認可。除了精彩的特技外,能夠讓本傑明·巴頓成為有血有肉的人全依賴這位我有幸合作過的傑出的演員,幹得好朋友,出類拔萃的表演。
Ben Kingsley:《摔跤手》中的羅賓遜,重返戰場東山再起,展開新生,我們何以關心一位傷痕累累的拳手?有一個很好的理由,米基·洛克。只有一個坦誠的演員才能演出一個保守挫折而又東山再起的人。歡迎你再戰江湖,歡迎你回來。東山再起的米基·洛克。

❹ 誰能給我一些奧斯卡的頒獎詞和獲獎感言 要英文的就行


And the Oscar goes to Sean Penn.

Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Procers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.

And particularly, as all, as actors know, our director either has the patience, talent and restraint to grant us a voice or they don't, and it goes from the beginning of the meeting, to through the cutting room. And there is no finer hands to be in than Gus Van Sant. And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are, and there are, these last two things. I'm very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists. And this is in great e respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much.

And the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet.

"Ok, that fainting thing Penelope!" (referring to Penelope Cruz Oscar speech earlier)

「I』d be lying if I have not made a version of this speech before, I think I was probably 8 years old and staring into the bathroom mirror. And this (holding up her statuette) would』ve been a shampoo bottle.

「Well, it』s not a shampoo bottle now!

「I feel very fortunate to have made it all the way from there to here.

「And I』d like to thank some of the people along the way who had faith in me, my friends and my family, especially my mum and dad, who are in this room somewhere.

「Dad, whistle or something, 』cause then I』ll know where you are. (He whistles.) Yeah! (Waving to him.) I love you.

「And I also want to thank Hylda Queally, Dallas Smith and the late, much loved, much missed Robert Garlock.

「And from Peter Jackson and Emma Thompson to my very own Sam and Stephen Daldry.

「I』m very lucky to have been given Hanna Schmitz by Bernhard Schlink and David Hare and Stephen and working with you is an experience I will never forget.

「There was no division between the cast and the crew on this film, and that』s what made it so special.

「So, to have been surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided an unbroken chain of support from David Kross to Ralph Fiennes, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin, from hair and makeup to cinematography, from the art department to the ADs, and from New York to Berlin.

「And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am.

「Anthony and Sidney, this is for you. This is for both of you.

「And I want to acknowledge my fellow nominees, these goddesses. I think we all can』t believe we』re in a category with Meryl Streep at all.

「I』m sorry, Meryl, but you have to just suck that up! And, just to the Academy, thank you so much, my God! Thank you!」

【Oscar Awards of Speech奧斯卡頒獎典禮獲獎感言】

Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you! Thank you so much! Oh, my god. I just can』t believe it . Is it real or am I just dream? Please forgive me, I am, I am just so shocked and so thankful. I never expected this award tonight. I』m very grateful to receive this award for 「Best Actress.」 I can』t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. There are so many people I』d like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher Clark Johnson who taught me everything I know. I want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. There are just too many people I should thank and I know I am probably forgetting someone. So again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me, or just listened to me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. This award means a great deal to me. Words can』t express how honored I feel at this moment. I will remember this night for the rest of my life! Thank you very much.

【李安(Ang Lee)】:

I wish I knew how to quit you. First of all, I want to thank two people who don』t even exist. Or I should say, they do exist, because of the imagination of Annie Proulx(注:小說《斷背山》原作者) and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana(注:兩人均為電影改編劇本作者). Their names are Ennis and Jack. And they taught all of us who made 「Brokeback Mountain」 so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself.… 謝謝大家!

點評:作為一位文人導演,李安機智而風趣地引用《斷背山》的經典台詞「I wish I knew how to quit you.(我希望我能知道如何戒掉你。)」表達對奧斯卡獎的重視。他的感言理性中透出對藝術的熱愛。最後一句中文「謝謝大家」充分體現了一位華人導演對母語的尊敬。

【喬治克魯尼 (George Clooney)】:

All right, so I』m not winning director.…We』re the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn』t really popular. …This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theatres. …




❺ 第79屆奧斯卡獎頒獎典禮主持人所說的台詞


2007年02月27日 晶報












































❻ 英語主持詞

Oct 1st and 2nd, I went on errand. I went to national nature protection zone called Wolong, the hometown of Panda, The road situation ring the trip was very bad, therefore, this errand was pretty hard, I didn't take my sony F828 camera cause the time was not enough. As a result, I just grabbed a common DC, the quality of the pics is not very good. Any way, I got the pics of the panda, Wanna show you my national treasure-Panda!

(2)The Most Important Thing in My Life

Some things around us may be small, but often it 『s of great value in our life. So a common thing in our daily life can even own the power to change the orbit of our life.

This is the most important thing that I would keep in mind forever. In my opinion, I did well in math and so did my classmate Jim. We often communicate with each other. Once , our school would hold a mathematics competition and make it a rule that every class only had one representative. The chance was so precious that I didn』t want to miss it. But Jim was also a good competitor to me. So our math teacher give a test between us. The result was that Jim beat me by one point. How disappointed I was then! But , just after a minute, Jim turned back to my teacher and explained that our teacher had made a mistake so that it was I that should be the winner instead of him. Therefore , I finally was chosen to be the representative of our class.

Then I really didn』t know how to express my feeling, but I knew that I would never forget what this thing taught me. It might seem to be a small thing but I really learned a lot from that. It tells me that I should be honest at any time and it is the best policy in our life
· 今日話題: 制服( uniform) Did you have some school uniform when you were at school? How do you feel about it ? Do you have some company uniform now? What is the advantage and disadvantage of the uniform? · 今日話題: 被騙的經歷 Have you ever been cheated? When was that ? For what? How did you feel about it ? What did you learn from it ? · 今日話題: 照相 Do you like taking photos
3 Why don't someone want to be a leader? Why do we need a leader? · 今日話題: Christmas Eve How will you spend Christmas Eve? Will you go to the center of the city to relax? Would you like to spend this kind of festival with a lot of people? · · 今日話題: Christmas Eve How will you spend Christmas Eve? Will you go to the center of the city to relax? Would you like to spend this kind of festival with a lot of people? · 今日話題: Belief What is your belief? When you meet some difficulties, what make you strong? Have you ever doubted your own ability? · 今日話題: An important change in your life What was the important change in your life? When was that? What happend at that time? What is the effect of that change? · 今日話題: Relax How do people around you relax? What are the differences in ways of relaxing between men and women? What are the differences between pressures people have now and that people have 50 yeas ago? What do you think is the importance of relaxing? · 今日話題: On sale Have you bought some procts on sale? Do you like to buy something on sale? How do you think of the quanlity of procts on sale? · 今日話題: 一年的總結 How do you think about your life in this year? How do you think about your work in this year? Did you fulfill all of your plan in this year? What is your plan for next year? · 今日話題: 您最願意聽取誰的建議? Do you often listen to other people's advice? Do you often follow your parents' advice? Do you often ask advice from parents or friends? Can children give parents advice · 今日話題:城鄉差異 What are the differences between the city and village? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Would you like to live in the city or the village? · 今日話題: 免費的使用裝 Have you met someone who tried to recommend some procts to you for free? Did you accept it ? 4 How did you feel anout it ? Do you think it is a good way to promote some procts? · 今日話題:南北差異 Do you notice the differences between the north and the south? What are the differences? What is the reason for the differences? · 今日話題: 電影明星 Who is the movie star that you like most ? How did you know him or her? Which movie that he or she acted do you like best? Do you think the movie star influnces our real life? · 今日話題: Family violence How do you think about family violence? Have you seen someone who suffered from family violence? What is the reason from family violence? · 今日話題:Is make-up important for ladies? Do you think make-up is important for ladies? Do the ladies around you make up ? How are their make-up skill? Do you think they look better after making up ? What kind of ladies are most charming to you· · 今日話題: 自信 Are you very confident? Do you think confidence is very important? How will people become confident? · 今日話題: 承諾 Do you easily make a promise to others? Do you often keep your promise? Is it very important for us to keep our promise? Why? · 今日話題: The advantages and disadvantages of high technology What are the advantages of the high technology? What did the high technology bring to us? What are the disadvantages of the high technology? How should we make use of the high technology? · 今日話題: Piratic procts Have you ever used the piratic procts? Is it very popular? Why is it so popular? Do you think it is good or bad for China? Why? · 今日話題: 您喜歡在什麼樣的公司工作? What kind of company would you like to work for? Do you like your present job? Why do you like to work in this company? 5 What kind of boss would you like to work for? · 今日話題: Good advice is harsh to the ears? Do you agree with this idea that good advice is harsh to the ears? Have you ever receieved any advice from some of your friends which was very useful for you? What was the advice? Why was it useful for you? Do you often give others advice? · 今日話題: 綽號 Did you have any nickname? What does it mean? How did you get this nickname? Did you feel unhappy when someone call you by your nickname? · 今日話題: 生日 Do you remember your parents' birthday? How do you celebrate it ? What is the best gift for parents?· · 今日話題:Are you a persistent person? Are you a persistent person? Do you often make up your mind to do something but always fail? What is the reason for that ? How to solve this problem? · 今日話題: which bank do you like best ? Which bank do you like best ? Why do you like this bank? What is the advantage and disadvantage of the banks in China? How to solve this problem? · 今日話題: What does beauty mean to you ? What does beauty mean to you ? Do you care a lot about your image? Do you think people will benefit from the beautiful image? Is there any disadvantage? · 今日話題: 制服( uniform) Did you have some school uniform when you were at school? How do you feel about it ? Do you have some company uniform now? What is the advantage and disadvantage of the uniform? · 今日話題: 被騙的經歷 Have you ever been cheated? When was that ? For what? How did you feel about it ? What did you learn from it ? · 今日話題: 照相 Do you like taking photos
3 Why don't someone want to be a leader? Why do we need a leader? ·

❼ 第81屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮主持詞 休 傑克曼的開場詞

正如Kate Winslet,女士們先生們
在Tropic Thunder中,Robbert Downey(Jr.),女士們先生們
明年,我打算新拍一部電影叫New Zealand


超喜歡Hugh Jackman!

❽ 第81屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮詞

這次第80屆奧斯卡頒獎晚會的主持人又是Jon Stewart。此人在美國家喻戶曉倒不是因為他曾經主持過奧斯卡頒獎晚會,而是因為他自己的個人脫口秀節目 The Daily Show。這個秀基本上是一個政治諷刺惡搞節目(最後一個版塊是新書作者訪談),Jon詼諧幽默,挖苦諷刺白宮上上下下,惡搞錄像音頻圖像,聘請所謂的 「專家」、「高級研究員」、「資深記者」等進行時政點評(均由節目組工作人員扮演)。這次奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,他依然風趣幽默,惡搞頻現,就讓我們一起來看看開場白里的精彩幽默吧!
Jon: These past three and an half months have been very tough. Town was torn apart by bitter writer strike, but I'm happy to say that the fight is over. So tonight (audience applause),tonight, welcome to the make-up sex.(audience laughs)

首先,幾個月前,美國編劇工會發起了一場前所未有的罷工,導致美國很多電視台的電視劇沒人寫劇本,頒獎晚會也沒人寫主持人台詞(今年的金球獎頒獎晚會因此被迫取消)。好在日前,編劇和電影公司總算達成一致,一場爭斗終於結束,奧斯卡也及時播出。這里的make-up sex原來是指夫妻倆吵架後來和好後往往都喜歡以做愛作為補償(make up),編劇協會和電影公司之間的爭斗現在終於結束了,雙方和好,而現在的奧斯卡就好比make-up sex一樣,所以此時台下觀眾大笑。

Jon: Of course, there's still obviously some collateral damage left over from the strike, emotionally, economically, perhaps worst of all, the cancellation of the legendary Vanity Fair Oscar Party. They said they did it out of quote"respect for the writers". And, oh, you know there's another way you can show respect for the writers. Maybe one day invite some of them to the Vanity Fair Oscar Party! They would've enjoyed it. Don't worry. They won't mingle. Don't worry.

collateral damage 附帶傷害 原指在軍事行動中對平民的生命或財產所造成的非故意的損害。這里是指前一陣子的罷工造成了一些雙方並非願意看到的後果,比如傷害了感情,損害了電視台的生意,經濟上受影響,以及《名利場》雜志每年都要舉辦的奧斯卡宴會。這個盛會會邀請很多影視明星、導演等社會名流,但很少邀請幕後的編劇出席。不過今年也由於罷工事件而被迫取消。Jon說《名利場》的人說之所以取消是為了尊重編劇們。但Jon一針見血地指出「其實你們要尊重人家還有一個辦法——哪一天你可以邀請部分編劇出席你們的盛會!他們會喜歡的。」此外還半開玩笑地說「你們別擔心。這些編劇不會和其他人混得來(mingle)。別擔心」又在拿演員和導演開玩笑(演員導演之所以不邀請編劇是擔心幕後編劇出席這種盛會會搶了自己的風頭)。mingle的這種用法在電影《記憶裂痕》(Paycheck)里出現過,表示to join or take part with others.

Jon: Your work in No Country for Old Men combining brilliantly Hannibal Lecter's murderousness with Dorothy Hamill's wedge cut. it was...(Audience laughs)

這里Jon在說《老無所依》的主演之一 Javier Bardem在劇中塑造的角色Anton Chigurh把漢尼拔式的殘殺無道與Dorothy Hamil的發型完美結合在了一起。Hannibal Lecter指電影《沉默羔羊》里的殺人魔王漢尼拔心理醫生。Dorothy Hamill是70年代美國著名的溜冰運動員,19歲便摘得了1976年奧運會溜冰比賽的金牌。在比賽前,日本造型設計師Yusuke Suga 給Dorothy剪了一種頭型叫做wedge cut,Dorothy在比賽旋轉時濃密的頭發就會向四周散發開來,然後再會到原位。她在奧運會上的出色表現也讓很多女性效仿她的發型,這種wedge發型成為當時流行發型。在《老無所依》中Anton Chigurh就剪了個類似wedge的女性發型。

Jon: Atonement, finally a story that captures the passion and raw sexuality of Yom Kippur.(audience laughs) See where the Jews are in the audience.(Audience laughs)

Atonement是今年獲得提名的電影《贖罪》,改編自著名小說家伊恩·麥克伊萬的同名暢銷作品。以氣勢磅礴的第二次世界大戰的戰火硝煙為廣闊的歷史背景,講述了一段滿含著誤會與淚水的情感故事。而Yom Kippur恰好是猶太人贖罪日,一個非常神聖的日子,在這日人們過往錯誤可以得到糾正,以一個清白之身迎接未來。所以此言一出,Jon馬上就說「觀眾席的猶太人都坐哪哦」(老美很喜歡拿猶太人開玩笑...汗)

Jon: There is a great variety in the nominated films this year. Even Norbit got a nomination, which I think is great. (Audience applause)Too often the Academy ignores movies that aren't good.(Audience laughs)

Norbit是美國著名黑人喜劇演員Eddie Murphy主演的電影,在片中他一人分飾三個角色,這片基本跟他以前的作品差不多路子,一人分演N個角色很吵很鬧的無聊喜劇。不過這部電影這次還是獲得了提名,也算是給奧斯卡提名電影帶來點新鮮感。此時觀眾以為Jon是在誇這部電影好,紛紛鼓掌。結果Jon話鋒一轉說「奧斯卡電影學院經常忽略那些不怎麼好看的電影!」(潛台詞:不好看的電影往往得不到提名,這次Eddie Murphy的Norbit其實不怎麼好看,但還是獲得了提名,也算是件好事)這話一出,觀眾大笑,原來Jon是換來法子在說這部電影不怎麼樣。

Jon: Diablo Cody, what an amazing story!She wrote Juno. Such a great movie! Diablo Cody used to be an exotic dancer, and now she is an Oscar-nominated screenwriter. I hope you enjoy the pay cut.(Audience laughs)

女劇作家Diablo Cody寫了電影Juno的劇本,Jon在稱贊其才華。然後說她以前是跳艷舞的(exotic dancer),如今卻是奧斯卡提名的劇作家。這句讓觀眾以為Jon在感嘆Diablo的成功與付出。結果來了一句讓人佩服的話「你如今錢賺得少了,還滿意吧」暗指寫劇本的編劇賺得錢還不如一個在酒吧跳艷舞的舞女。觀眾此時大笑。

Jon: I don't know if you know this. If you want to find out your stripper name at home,all you have to do is take your pet's name and the street you grow up on. So that makes my stripper name Olympia Ducaucus.(Audience laughs) Hope I'm not stealing it from someone.

stripper就是指跳艷舞脫衣舞的舞者。Jon拋出一個如何得到自己的脫衣舞女的名字的辦法——把你家寵物的名字和你所住街道的名字加在一起就是了。於是乎Jon報出了自己的脫衣舞女的名字 ——Olympia Ducaucus。此名一出觀眾鬨堂大笑。因為Ducaucus是指Dukakis,諧音。而Olympia Dukakis是美國影視劇明星,1987年以電影Moonstruck月色撩人而獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角獎。所以Jon還故意說「希望這名字不是和某人同名」。

Jon: Normally, when you see a black man or a woman President, an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty.

Jon 開始談到了08美國大選。說Obama和希拉里的出現都非常好。一般情況下,你看到黑人或者女總統的出現都是一顆小行星要撞自由女神像的時候。觀眾大笑。 Jon在此暗指電影Deep Impact天地大沖撞里老牌黑人演員Morgan Freeman扮演的總統,Jon在開玩笑說一般看到黑人或女性當總統基本上是小行星要撞地球這種世界末日來臨的時候。

Jon: You have to give Obama credit. He has overcome a great deal, not just he's African American. Barack Hussein Obama is his name. His middle name is the last name of Iraq's former tyrant. His last name rhymes with Osama. That's not easy to overcome. I think we all remember the ill-fated 1944 Presidential campaign of Gadolf Titler. It's such a shame. Titler had so many ideas but just couldn't get past the name. And the mustache.

這段調侃總統候選人名字的可謂惡搞的厲害。說你不得不佩服Obama,不僅僅是因為他是黑人,更因為他的名字。Obama全面叫Barack Hussein Obama 中間的教名竟然是伊拉克前暴政者的姓(Saddam Hussein薩達姆海珊); 而Obama這個姓竟然和Osama押韻(指Osama bin Laden奧薩馬本拉登)。你說說看名字取成這樣還要競選美國總統多不容易啊!因為歷史上有過教訓——1944年一個叫Gadolf Titler的候選人就沒被選上,盡管他有很多很棒的點子,但是沒辦法,這個名字怎麼念都像Adolf Hitler阿道夫希特勒...,還有Gadolf偏偏還長了象希特勒那樣的小鬍子...這樣的人怎麼會讓他當美國總統...哈哈哈哈哈



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