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發布時間:2022-08-23 15:51:33

❶ 穿條紋睡衣的男孩的影評

如奧斯卡經典影片《辛德勒名單》、《鋼琴師》、《美麗人生》等等,但透過孩子的視角來展現此類主題還是頭一次。 透過孩子的視角來看世界無疑是獨特的,類似的作品有如《西西里的美麗傳說》。影片中通過一個情竇初開小男孩對女主角的窺視開始,一步步地展現那個時代中人物的悲歡離合,縱然解讀的異常「孩子氣」,但反差之下現實的殘酷才顯得更加驚心動魄。《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》同樣透過一個孩子的眼睛來講述二戰中德國集中營中的情景,以一個孩子的視角來審視那個特殊的年代。那些殺戮和令人難以直視的鮮血,在孩子的眼中被折射的是如此光陸怪離和有趣,但越是如此現實的殘酷就越是讓人心血尤滴! 近些年來反映二戰納粹題材的電影有這樣一種傾向,從單純的反映德國納粹的殘暴與獸性轉而譴責戰爭對人性的傷害。主題也從單純地同情被納粹蹂躪的人們,轉而反映這樣的病態專權對所有善良人民的殘害——對德國人也是如此!在《鋼琴師》結尾,那位救助過主角和很多猶太人的德國軍官蜷縮在盟軍德國戰俘營里,那如寶石般碧藍的眼睛中寫滿了絕望!縱然他保有良知,冒著生命危險救助猶太人,但等待他的結局依然是屍骨無存!而在家中等待他歸來的妻子和三個孩子,最終連他們的父親和丈夫死在那裡都不知道!這,就是戰爭! 正如二戰結束後德國總理在猶太人紀念碑前感天動地的一跪!殊不知他也是受害者!德國人也是受害者! 為戰爭而瘋狂的永遠是沒有人性的禽獸,不論你站在哪一方!在戰爭中受傷的永遠是善良的大眾,不論你屬於哪一方! 當影片中布魯諾在毒氣室中的牽起施穆爾的手的時候,我們就已經意識到和平是多美麗的一個字眼,原本世界就應該如兩個男孩間的友誼那麼簡單。不論是文化差異還是種族隔閡,都如兩個人之間那張鐵絲網一樣千瘡百孔,它阻止不了人們交流的進步。但當戰爭的槍口指向無辜的人們時,不論是怎樣的血統還是多麼被推崇的種族崇拜都比不過那一件條紋睡衣,結果都是鮮血淋漓。它將毫不留情地阻隔人類交流的進步,因為它滅絕的是人性! 呼喚和平,不是說說那麼簡單,而是發自靈魂的吶喊! 盡管有些不切實際的幻想,這部電影依舊是一部感人肺腑的佳作! ——《泰晤士報》 《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》極其沉重的結尾將影片上升到了新的水平。 ——《獨立報》 馬克·赫曼透過孩子的眼睛來詮釋大屠殺事件,直到最終大結局的時候我們才被眼前美麗的悲劇驚呆了。 ——《衛報》 馬克·赫曼非常成功地將約翰·伯恩的原著改編後搬到了大銀幕上,片中強烈的情緒感染了所有人。 ——《天空衛視》 《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》以孩子的視角來批判大屠殺,問題在於現代觀眾理解起這些隱晦的批判會比較困難,因而這種手法是極其容易誤導觀眾的。 ——《斜向》雜志 《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》的主題試圖探尋關於人性的難題,然而卻將影片本身放在了搖擺不定的道德天平上。 ——《未來電影》 非常震撼的一部電影,令我們不得不重新審視那段戰爭的悲劇性。

❷ 誰能例舉一下《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》這部電影里的經典台詞(中文版的) 謝謝~

Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights,before the dark hour of reason grows.

❸ 《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》影評是什麼







❹ 穿條紋睡衣的男孩觀後感










❺ 為什麼說《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》是高分佳片



❻ 穿條紋睡衣的男孩 英文讀後感

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Irish writer John Boyne's fourth novel is the first he has written for children. It's a touching tale of an odd friendship between two boys in horrendous circumstances and a reminder of man's capacity for inhumanity.

Bruno is a nine-year-old boy growing up in Berlin ring World War II. He lives in a five-storey house with servants, his mother and father and 12-year-old sister, Gretel. His father wears a fancy uniform and they have just been visited by a very important personage called the Fury, a pun which alt readers should have no trouble deciphering. As a consequence of this visit, Bruno's father gets a new uniform, his title changes to Commandment and, to Bruno's chagrin, they find themselves moving to a new home at a place called Out-With.

When Bruno gets there he is immediately homesick. He has left his school, his three best friends, his house, his grandparents and the bustling street life of urban Berlin with its cafes, fruit and veg stalls, and Saturday jostle. His new home is smaller, full of soldiers and there is no one to play with. From his bedroom window, however, he notices a town of people dressed in striped pyjamas separated from him by a wire fence. When he asks his father who those people are, he responds that they aren't really people.

Bruno is forbidden to explore but boredom, isolation and sheer curiosity become too much for him. One day, he follows the wire fence cordoning off the area where these people live from his house. He spots a dot in the distance on the other side of the fence and as he gets closer, he sees it's a boy. Excited by the prospect of a friend, Bruno introces himself. The Jewish boy's name is Shmuel. Almost every day, they meet at the same spot and talk. Eventually, for a variety of reasons, Bruno decides to climb under the fence and explore Shmuel's world.

After some initial tonal clunkiness where you can almost detect the author thinking "how do I write a child", the story is an effortless read that puts you directly into Bruno's worldview. It is elegant story-telling with emotional impact and an ending that in true fairytale style is grotesquely clever.

Bruno's friendship with Shmuel is rendered with neat awareness of the paradoxes between children's naive egocentricity, their innate concept of fairness, familial loyalty and obliviousness to the social conventions of discrimination. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is subtitled A Fable and, as in other modern fables such as Antoine de St Exupery's The Little Prince, Boyne uses Bruno to reveal the flaws in an alt world.

For me, as an alt reader, however, the fact that this fable is set in living history - the Holocaust - did, at times, jar. I couldn't help comparing it to the immediacy and complexity of Primo Levi's If This is a Man, or, to stick with children, The Diary of Anne Frank. From a perspective of German complicity in the Holocaust, books such as
Christa Wolf's superb A Model Childhood provide images of what it was like to have had a Nazi childhood, making this tale seem rather implausible.

Given his father's rank, it's highly likely Bruno would have been a brainwashed acolyte of the Hitler Youth. Perhaps fables are best when, like the The Little Prince with its asteroid settings, they are insulated by either time or imagination from actual history.

Still, these are alt quibbles about a children's book and probably unfair because of it, even if there is a sense this novel has ambitions to follow in the steps of The Little Prince (or Harry Potter, for that matter) and become one of those children's novels that alts read.

None of the scruples above should affect the reading pleasure of the book's primary audience. I wanted to test-drive The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas book with a nine-year-old but none could be bribed into reading it within the necessary timeframe for this review. Nevertheless, at the risk of using intuition instead of market research, I envisage children will identify with and be moved by this story, just as I was by books such as Ian Serraillier's The Silver Sword at a similar age.

Be prepared, however. In its allusiveness, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas will provoke questions about the abhorrent conditions in which it is set and you may well find yourself needing to explain the Holocaust.

Irish writer John Boyne's fourth novel is the first he has written for children. It's a touching tale of an odd friendship between two boys in horrendous circumstances and a reminder of man's capacity for inhumanity.

Bruno is a nine-year-old boy growing up in Berlin ring World War II. He lives in a five-storey house with servants, his mother and father and 12-year-old sister, Gretel. His father wears a fancy uniform and they have just been visited by a very important personage called the Fury, a pun which alt readers should have no trouble deciphering. As a consequence of this visit, Bruno's father gets a new uniform, his title changes to Commandment and, to Bruno's chagrin, they find themselves moving to a new home at a place called Out-With.

When Bruno gets there he is immediately homesick. He has left his school, his three best friends, his house, his grandparents and the bustling street life of urban Berlin with its cafes, fruit and veg stalls, and Saturday jostle. His new home is smaller, full of soldiers and there is no one to play with. From his bedroom window, however, he notices a town of people dressed in striped pyjamas separated from him by a wire fence. When he asks his father who those people are, he responds that they aren't really people.

Bruno is forbidden to explore but boredom, isolation and sheer curiosity become too much for him. One day, he follows the wire fence cordoning off the area where these people live from his house. He spots a dot in the distance on the other side of the fence and as he gets closer, he sees it's a boy. Excited by the prospect of a friend, Bruno introces himself. The Jewish boy's name is Shmuel. Almost every day, they meet at the same spot and talk. Eventually, for a variety of reasons, Bruno decides to climb under the fence and explore Shmuel's world.

After some initial tonal clunkiness where you can almost detect the author thinking "how do I write a child", the story is an effortless read that puts you directly into Bruno's worldview. It is elegant story-telling with emotional impact and an ending that in true fairytale style is grotesquely clever.

Bruno's friendship with Shmuel is rendered with neat awareness of the paradoxes between children's naive egocentricity, their innate concept of fairness, familial loyalty and obliviousness to the social conventions of discrimination. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is subtitled A Fable and, as in other modern fables such as Antoine de St Exupery's The Little Prince, Boyne uses Bruno to reveal the flaws in an alt world.

For me, as an alt reader, however, the fact that this fable is set in living history - the Holocaust - did, at times, jar. I couldn't help comparing it to the immediacy and complexity of Primo Levi's If This is a Man, or, to stick with children, The Diary of Anne Frank. From a perspective of German complicity in the Holocaust, books such as
Christa Wolf's superb A Model Childhood provide images of what it was like to have had a Nazi childhood, making this tale seem rather implausible.

Given his father's rank, it's highly likely Bruno would have been a brainwashed acolyte of the Hitler Youth. Perhaps fables are best when, like the The Little Prince with its asteroid settings, they are insulated by either time or imagination from actual history.

Still, these are alt quibbles about a children's book and probably unfair because of it, even if there is a sense this novel has ambitions to follow in the steps of The Little Prince (or Harry Potter, for that matter) and become one of those children's novels that alts read.

None of the scruples above should affect the reading pleasure of the book's primary audience. I wanted to test-drive The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas book with a nine-year-old but none could be bribed into reading it within the necessary timeframe for this review. Nevertheless, at the risk of using intuition instead of market research, I envisage children will identify with and be moved by this story, just as I was by books such as Ian Serraillier's The Silver Sword at a similar age.

Be prepared, however. In its allusiveness, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas will provoke questions about the abhorrent conditions in which it is set and you may well find yourself needing to explain the Holocaust.

❼ 穿條紋睡衣的男孩影評






影片講述二戰期間,八歲的布魯諾是集中營德國司令官的兒子,他與集中營圍欄的另一邊的一個猶太男孩(Jack Scanlon飾)結下了友誼,從而發生了許多令人意料不到的事情。

❽ 《穿條紋睡衣的男孩》深度解析是什麼









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