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① 有電影《七宗罪》的英文影評或賞析嗎

提示:《七宗罪》的英文名叫做"Seven",所以你找個英文搜索引擎( www.google.com就可以),輸入關鍵字"movie seven comment"要多少就有多少。下面就有一個: Director David Fincher doesn't want his audience to be comfortable for a moment while watching "Seven." Shaky camera shots, dark sets and a disturbing script that takes its characters to the extremes of emotion all contribute to the film creating a unsettled feeling that stays with you for a couple hours after the credits roll. The film begins with the overused premise of a young cop (Brad Pitt) being teamed for a murder investigation with an veteran on the verge of retirement (Morgan Freeman). The two quickly develop a tense disrespect for each other, Pitt being the cocky smartass type (who is nonetheless optimistic about the future) and Freeman the hardened, pessimist New Yorker who has seen it all. Their investigation of a bizarre murder, in which an obese man is forced to eat himself to death, turns into a hunt for a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins -- gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and wrath -- as his calling card. The second victim, a rich lawyer, is the not-so-subtle tip off -- "greed" is written in blood on his carpet. What gives "Seven" it's unsettling impact is the way the film connects deeply with each character, even the victims who are never seen alive. Freeman, Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow ("Flesh and Bone") as Pitt's wife are all in top form here and the audience comes to know them intimately -- whatever affects them, affects the viewer equally. This is especially true of Pitt, whose character struggles to maintain his optimism in the face of the horrors he sees. The killer is played, by a well-known actor who is not named in the opening credits (the procers want to keep his identity a surprize), with a calm but explosive demeanor conspicuously reminiscent of Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs." Although very little of the violence in "Seven" is on screen, it is by design considerably more disturbing than a horror movie or more mild thrillers like "Misery." The tension is so well played that even though the unsatisfying conclusion becomes obvious a good 15 minutes before the climax, it doesn't diminish at all the churning feeling in the pit of you stomach as you leave the theater. Because of the way it assaults the emotions, seeing "Seven" should not be taken lightly. It's a difficult movie to forget.

② 歐美經典電影 英文賞析



③ 急需關於電影方面的賞析(英文的)

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love; castigates evil and conspiracy; shows respect to the principle of the circle of life; and discloses a philosophy of the whole world.
Simba, a young lion, is going to be the future king. But his vicious uncle, Scar, who is so jealous of him and his father, Mufasa, kills Mufasa and makes Simba leave guiltily. After years Simba has grown up and met his best friend, Nala, again and decides not to escape from his guilt any more.
The message is very positive. Disney makes use of the impression the public has of lions to show that even someone that seems to be really strong can be weak sometimes. No matter what comes , you should face it and deal with it instead of running away.
And I have concluded 3 sentences from the message the movie conveys after watching it for 3 times :the first one is "Blood is thicker than water" ;and the second "A friend in need is a friend indeed" ;third one also the last one "you need to have the spirit of looking back bravely and forward hopefully"
This is one of the best Disney's animations and I'm sure both alt and children will enjoy the story and music and won't get bored even if you watch it for a few times.

④ 經典英文電影賞析的內容簡介


⑤ 急求一篇1000字的英文電影觀後感或者影視賞析


There is so little wrong with this film that I'll get the incidental negatives out of the way first. The introctory moments are somewhat confusing, and it takes about fifteen or twenty minutes to get the characters and situations straight. Madeleine Stowe's British accent is of the "now-you-hear-it, now-you-don't" variety, although her performance pretty much makes up for this inconsistency. Finally, the photography surrounding the waterfall is unconvincing. Other than that, The Last of the Mohicans is virtually flawless.
Cinematography and musical score combine in a breathtaking mosaic. Historical accuracy has been preserved (even if the movie takes liberties with James Fenimore Cooper's story). The battle scenes are easily the best choreographed since Glory -- there's so much going on that one viewing isn't enough to pick up on everything.
From beginning to end, there isn't a weak performance. As the bare-chested central character, a native-raised white man named Hawkeye, Daniel Day-Lewis shines, bringing acting acumen to the role of romantic adventure hero. Madeleine Stowe, Richard Dreyfuss' girlfriend in Stakeout, is equally appealing as Hawkeye's upper-class British love interest. The major characters are fully fleshed-out, and there's more audience empathy for the minor characters here than the protagonists in many other films. As is common in a realistic depiction of a war, very little is absolutely good or evil.
Finally, there's the story, which, while not all that complex, is of epic nature -- big, bold, and gloriously sweeping. It's about the love of Hawkeye, the adopted Mohican, and Cora, the daughter of a British commander stationed in America ring the mid-1700s. War and tragedy swirl around them as they struggle to find their own kind of private solace. Bold and stirring with impeccable proction values, The Last of the Mohicans is a memorable motion picture adventure, and one of the best films of the year.
The classic James Fenimore Cooper's novel is brought to screen is this suspenseful adventure.We're in 1757, Seven years wars, between French and English soldiers,French supported by Hurons and English by Mohawk and settlers and tribes allied to each side.The story is partially based on true events ,it's a historic fiction.The scout,frontiersman Hawkeye(Daniel Day Lewis)raised by Mohicans,and companions,his foster-father Chingachgook(Russell Means)and his son Uncas(Eric Schweig)rescue a small party headed for Fort Henry,constituted by the lovely Cora(Madeleine Stowe), and beautiful Alice(Jodhi May),they're Colonel Munro's(Maurice Reeves)daughters.Fort Henry is defeated by French colonel(Patrick Chereau)and the expedition is attacked by the nasty Magua(Wes Studi) and the Hurons,causing an authentic massacre .The brave Hawkeye save to sisters and along with the Mohicans and an official(Steve Waddington)flee ,being pursued by the revenge-minded Magua.
This is a thrilling film,plenty of graphical violence,blood,love with interracial romance included and breathtaking outdoors.Excellent action sequences with bloody attacks and spectacular and realistic battles.Charismatic performance for all casting.First rate acting for Daniel Day Lewis as a valiant Hawkeye.Madeleine Stowe is wonderful.Special mention to Wes Studi as an appropriately villainous in a powerful performance.Look for secondary actors to Peter Postlethwaite,Dylan Baker,Jared Harris among others.Rousing,memorable score by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman.Colorful cinematography by Dante Spinotti.The film achieved Oscar winner for best sound.The motion picture is marvelously directed by Michael Mann.Another version about this classic story: 1922, mute adaptation by Maurice Tourneur and Clarence Brown with Wallace Beery as Magua; the classic 1936 by George B Seitz with Randolph Scott as Hawkeye ;1985 TV movie by James L Conway with Steve Forrest and Ned Romero. Rating: Terrific film ,better than average and well worth watching.
The Last of the Mohicans is a 1992 historical epic film set in 1757 ring the French and Indian War. It was directed by Michael Mann and based on James Fenimore Cooper's classic novel, although it owes more to George B. Seitz's 1936 film adaptation than the source novel. The main cast includes Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means, Wes Studi, Eric Schweig and Jodhi May.
While the film, like the novel, is more of a historical romance, much care was taken with recreating accurate costumes and props. The film features a Fort William Henry reconstructed based on historical documents. The siege of the fort is a good representation of the siege warfare of the 18th century epitomized by General Montcalm's investment of Fort William Henry and the large scale military actions that marked the latter phase of the French and Indian War. One scene in the Director's Cut features Heyward and a group of British Grenadiers using the classic rank and file advance to decimate a group of French Regulars and enemy natives. This scene fairly accurately portrays how British soldiers would have behaved in the theatre and how effective they were in winning the war.
Col. Munro's real name was George, not Edmund. He also did not die in the massacre but in Albany three months later. He instead fled to the forest with other survivors and showed up at Fort Edward a few days later.
The movie implies that the Huron tribe were responsible for the massacre yet in reality, several tribes were involved. Other tribes included the Abenaki and Penobscot indians. It is also implied that Magua was responsible for initiating the attack, however, no indivial person was responsible.
Montcalm did not encourage the massacre as portrayed and was said to have been disgusted by it, but he did however cause it by not allowing his Indian allies to take the spoils of war from the defeated English. In reality he and several other French officers came out of the fort towards the end of the fighting and tried to stop the massacre. He even paid the ransom demands for some of the captives with his own money.
Although the movie primarily focused on the same characters throughout, the actual attack affected many more. As many as 75 soldiers and camp followers were killed, and between 300-500 were taken captive. Another 300-500 provincials and regulars escaped or found refuge with the French.
姐當初的影評作業,不知道行不行。英文名字是The Last of Mohicans。主要內容你可以網路下,反正寫這個的時候也是下載了資料自己拼的……

⑥ 求三部英文電影賞析 影評 純英文的 謝謝 盡快!!!高分懸賞!!!

1. 亂世佳人:

Set in the Civil War, "Gone with the wind" tells the story of beautiful Scarlett O'Hara.
With each viewing, I grow to love this movie more. The most unforgettable scene is where Scarlett is walking through town where the wounded/dead soldiers are laying and the camera pans out further and further until you see the rebel flag waving and to me it is the defining scene of this film. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects can rival the effects we have today. If you are a fan of classic film, do not miss this one.

2. 阿甘正傳

Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

3. 納尼亞傳奇3黎明踏浪號:

It is time for Lucy and Edmund to have their adventure. Who better to have it with than Prince Caspian. Voyage of The Dawn Treader opens in war time Britain, allowing a slight glimpse into the spirit of the country's youth. The adventure begins in the home setting of the Pevensie's cousin, who is well portrayed as a constantly complaining brat of a kid and adds comedic spice to the tale. With just enough surprises and well done special effects, I found this episode to be a delightful Christmas Day movie.

⑦ 英文影視賞析對於英語學習有哪些積極影響


英語電影有利於讓學習者掌握標準的、口語化的英語的表達。英語電影可以讓英語學習者有身臨其境的感覺,通過課堂上老師進一步的點評和強調,學習者就會很快地習得。通常來說,要表示某件事物很好,我們常用的表達是:「It』s very good.」但是通過觀看很大量的英文電影,我們掌握到他們常用「perfect」來表示做的非常好。這種表達既簡單又明確,從而達到了很好地表情達意的效果。對於英語學習者來說,在聲像並茂的情況下,注意力比較集中,就更容易地記住電影中出現的口語表達,從而使這一學習過程變得生動而高效。

學生在課堂上接受的教 師教授的詞彙和語法知識是不靈活的、是比較呆板的傳統教學法,是強壓在學生的腦子里的,而通過看英文電影了解的詞彙和語法知識則是潛移默化的、深入人心的,我們都知道英文電影中含有大量的句子和詞彙,而我們中的大多數卻經常會在影片中遇到生詞和怪句。觀看英文電影不僅可以幫我們鞏固我們熟悉的詞,還幫我們記住一些怪詞,這就培養了我們的推理能力。但是如何進行推理呢?我們會依據當時的語言環境以及一系列的有機的邏輯推理及主觀判斷才得出與原文相近的意義。如影片《阿甘正傳》中的對白:『Forrest:
I thought I was going back to Vietnam, but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play ping-pong. So I was in the special services, traveling around the country, cheering up those entire wounded veterans and showing how to play ping-pong.』中的「veterans」一詞是生詞,有些同學是這樣猜詞義的;首先結合當時的歷史背景,得知從越南戰爭中歸來的人又是wounded,所以大意應該是傷兵或者是退伍兵。這樣就不僅熟悉了詞彙還會鍛煉我們的推理能力。

學習一種語言, 不僅要掌握一些語法知識, 培養基本的語言技能, 而且更重要的是要了解所學語言的文化背景。在跨文化交際過程中, 語法錯誤不是大問題, 但因文化差異而導致的文化沖突卻是大多數外國人難以容忍的, 往往會引起誤解, 阻礙了交際的順利進行。電影是一面鏡子, 是一個國家和民族的社會文化和生活的最直觀、最生動的反映。它包括了社會生活的方方面面, 反映了最突出的社會問題。電影故事本身和演員每一句台詞的設置都在展現和傳達著各種文化信息, 包括這些國家的生活方式、風俗習慣、價值取向和思維方式等。通過欣賞原版英文電影, 學生可以拓寬視野,更好地了解中西方文化的差異, 加深對英語語言的理解, 從而減少文化沖突。

⑧ 評價《英語電影賞析》這門課程

通過對英文電影的分析與欣賞,讓學生能夠身入其境地了解電影中各種人物的對話,了解各國的風土人情、特有的文化背景、歷史與現狀、科學技術的發展、地理地貌等特點。 本課程藉助現代媒體手段,充分利用各種可能的途徑,獲得各種特點的素材和資料,在課堂上和學生一起分析其中所用語言和其使用的環境,

⑨ 《獅子王》英文賞析



⑩ 英語電影賞析課應該怎麼上可以放些什麼類型的電影呢詳細些




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