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發布時間:2022-04-15 02:04:38

『壹』 找一些原版的英文電影電影

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『貳』 推薦英文原版電影(要吐字發音清晰,比較經典的)

奇幻人生 相當不錯

『叄』 英語原著和電影的簡介!

『肆』 電影原版和英語版有什麼區別

英語指語言是英語,而不是國語,但內容可能有刪減等 原版是指電影完全是原版,英語且未刪減

『伍』 英語作文電影原著

To compare and contrast the To Kill A Mockingbird film vs. the book. The book is better, but watching the movie also enjoying. There were three differences that stood out, the absence of characters, the different scenes, and an actors to characters comparison. The book to the movie there is a clear difference but the morals are all still the same. The directors made some good changes and some bad ones the movie was good over all any ways.
From the book to the movie there were characters missing some important some not important at all. One character that I felt was missing that is important that wasn抰 there was Aunt Alexandra she was the whole be more like a girl role model for Scout. A character in the book that wasn抰 in the movie was Mr. Do

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The Characters compared to the actors in the movie were good in some cases but bad in others. The same characters were the same heroes and the same characters got killed so the movie still resembled the book. In deleting the scenes they choose the created a different perspective of they story.

To Kill a Mockingbird


Vs. The character Jem is not as I had imagined him I thought he would be more physically fit. The overall moral was the same just not as clear. Rachael was an other character that was omitted from the book, dill was not living with her in the movie instead he live with Mrs. The movies mood differed from the book because it was in black and white. The school scenes were important they give insight on how the school was built. Another scenes that were deleted was the Dolphis Raymond scene were Dill drinks the coke that is supposed to be booze. lphus Raymond it wasn抰 a big deal though because he really didn抰 play a huge role anyways, just shows how people had to find away to not be ridiculed by others for liking bad people. Scout is a bit different that I thought I thought she would be bigger and more mature, in the story she acts really childish.

There were scenes omitted from the book were unnoticed some were missed. The director made the choice to delete these characters for a reason the only one that affected the book was Aunt Alexandra.

『陸』 電影原版中文和英文區別

原版就是英文原聲 且沒有翻譯;中文就是國語配音;英文就是英文原聲,中文字幕。

『柒』 推薦幾本英語原版書 和原版電影






『捌』 經典 英文原版 電影

"達 芬奇的密碼""獨立日"



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