① 兩部英語原版電影介紹。
二戰爭結束後,本傑明重返美國。此時的他已然擺脫了兒時老態的模樣,漸漸成長為帥氣且魅力十足的中年人。並且,命中註定般地在紐約與兒時的夢中情人黛茜重逢。而此時黛茜也出落成一位風姿可人、事業成功的漂亮舞者了。兩人經過成熟的交往之後,終於在年齡和外表都完全匹配的情況下一同度過了幸福美好的幾年時光。但是,隨著時間的繼續,本傑明繼續年輕,英俊陽光的他也吸引來另一位迷人姑娘伊麗莎白·阿伯特(蒂爾達·斯溫頓飾)的闖入。就在所有人都苦於歲月帶給他們的衰老之時,本傑明·巴頓卻猶如返老還童一般逆行而上。就像這個經歷了兩次世界大戰洗禮過的世界一樣,愈發地顯現出青春活力。與此同時,巴頓與愛人們的關系也遭遇了種種難以逾越的障礙…… 《盜夢空間》道姆·柯布(萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧 Leonardo DiCaprio 飾)與同事阿瑟(約瑟夫·戈登-萊維特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 飾)和納什(盧卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 飾)在一次針對日本能源大亨齊藤(渡邊謙 飾)的盜夢行動中失敗,反被齊藤利用。齊藤威逼利誘因遭通緝而流亡海外的柯布幫他拆分他競爭對手的公司,採取極端措施在其唯一繼承人羅伯特·費希爾(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 飾)的深層潛意識中種下放棄家族公司、自立門戶的想法。為了重返美國,柯布偷偷求助於岳父邁爾斯(邁克爾·凱恩 Michael Caine 飾),吸收了年輕的夢境設計師艾里阿德妮(艾倫·佩吉 Ellen Page 飾)、夢境演員艾姆斯(湯姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 飾)和葯劑師約瑟夫(迪利普·勞 Dileep Rao 飾)加入行動。在一層層遞進的夢境中,柯布不僅要對付費希爾潛意識的本能反抗,還必須直面已逝妻子梅爾(瑪麗昂·歌迪亞 Marion Cotillard 飾)的處處破壞,實際情況遠比預想危險得多……
② 求兩部英文電影的中英文簡介,要短點的,坐等坐等
Plot Summary:
This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...
功夫熊貓(Kung Fu Panda)
It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.
③ 用簡短的英語介紹兩部英文電影 不要太長,新一點的電影
Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in a large and busy town long ago with his faithful monkey friend Abu.When Princess Jasmine gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city,she sneaks out to the marketplace,where she accidentally meets Aladdin.Under the orders of the evil Jafar (the sultan's advisor),Aladdin is thrown in jail and becomes caught up in Jafar's plot to rule the land with the aid of a mysterious lamp.Legend has it that only a person who is a "diamond in the rough" can retrieve the lamp from the Cave of Wonders.Aladdin might fight that description,but that's not enough to marry the princess,who must (by law) marry a prince.
Two hundred and fifty years in the future,life as we know it is threatened by the arrival of Evil.Only the fifth element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life,as it tries to do every five thousand years.She is helped by ex-soldier,current-cab-driver,Korben Dallas,who is,in turn,helped by Prince/Arsenio clone,Ruby Rhod.Unfortunately,Evil is being assisted by Mr.Zorg,who seeks to profit from the chaos that Evil will bring,and his alien mercenaries.
④ 《Up》和《Rio》分別是哪兩部英文電影
⑤ 求推薦2部英文電影
第一滴血(有好幾部) 驚天魔盜團(挺不錯)
⑥ 求兩部外國電影名字(是講英文的電影,好象是美國的電影,而且這兩年的)
⑦ 介紹兩部好看的英文原聲電影……
1996年 【神犬也瘋狂】(Air Bud)
1998年08月14日【神犬也瘋狂2:金牌接球員】(Air Bud: Golden Receiver)
2001年【神犬也瘋狂3:神犬家族】(Air Bud:World Pup)
2002年【神犬也瘋狂4:第七局獲勝】(Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch)
2003年【神犬也瘋狂5:神犬當家】(Air Bud: Spikes Back)
2006年【神犬也瘋狂6】(Air Buddies)
2008年2月5日【神犬也瘋狂7:雪狗兄弟】(Snow Buddies)
2009年 【神犬也瘋狂7:太空犬】(Space Buddies)